Debut After Eight Years

36. Huang Tao who left sadly, the news of the magic capital.

Wang Qian just stepped off the stage.

He Dongming came over and handed a bottle of water to Wang Qian, and then gave a thumbs up: It's awesome. Quadruple kills... Only a few people can do a good voice in every season, and even only one player has done it in a few years .But each of them has a high ranking in the end, maybe they will be champions.”

Wang Qian took a sip of the water and said with a relaxed smile, So-so, so-so!

He Dongming disliked it: Pretend, you can just pretend. Celebrate in the evening? Director Zhou said just now that he will treat you to dinner tonight. Do you want to go?

Wang Qian looked at Zhou Qinghua, Zhou Qinghua also looked over, smiled politely at him, Wang Qian also smiled back, nodded slightly, and then said to He Dongming: Forget about eating, I'll go back to Shanghai There is still something to do. When is the next recording?

He Dongming thought for a while: Not necessarily! It depends on the effect of the first episode of the program, but half a month at the latest. Afterwards, you will really sing all the original songs you wrote yourself? Why didn't you see that you were in music before? Is this piece so talented?

Wang Qian: Hehe, you didn't see that there are too many, so I will withdraw first?

He Dongming pulled Wang Qian to the side. It was dark here, but he could clearly see the stage and the four instructors. He looked at Huang Tao who was on the stage, and said with a smile: Don't worry, look at the situation. Huang Tao's manager, Last time, I specifically asked Director Zhou and asked him to be transferred behind you to appear on the stage... because they didn't know where they got the news that you were going to sing an original song. Therefore, they don't think about your prospects, so they want to appear on stage behind you. In this way, you have the foreshadowing of failure, so he can advance better.

Wang Qian laughed directly after hearing this: It's a beautiful idea!

He Dongming: That's right, it's a beautiful idea. In this situation, I don't think they regret it. With his strength, singing behind you is courting death.

The music starts.

Both Wang Qian and He Dongming stopped talking and looked at the stage seriously.

Although, He Dongming said that Huang Tao's strength was mediocre.

However, Wang Qian still watched the player seriously.

In the darkness, Wang Qian could see the expectant expressions on the faces of the four mentors.

Because Wang Qian gave them a surprise when he first appeared on the stage.

Naturally, they have more and higher expectations for the players behind.

After all, Zhou Qinghua had promised them at the beginning that the players he was looking for this time were all capable.

Wang Qian has proved this point.

second player.

What will happen?

Huang Tao took the microphone and began to sing.

When you open your voice, you speak faster.

She sang a popular song last year, with the obvious characteristics of a small fresh meat singer.

That is, the soundtrack is very complicated and noisy, and my own singing voice is covered up. There will also be a little rap mixed in occasionally, coupled with some cool singing expressions, which can attract many young and brain-dead fans to scream out of their minds in an instant.

Why, in many singing variety shows, most of the contestants and singers prefer to cover old songs?

And not just because of nostalgia.

The more important reason is that the vast majority of popular songs now have very low and simple requirements for singing skills, which cannot reflect the strength of the contestants and singers.

However, many old songs are very difficult to sing, and it is even more difficult to sing well.

Therefore, among most singing variety shows, old songs are the mainstream.

Unless, among the contestants on the show, there are mainly fresh meat, naturally they would not choose old songs, because their strength cannot sing perfectly, nor can they sing the taste of old songs.

Huang Tao was still very devoted to singing, dancing and dancing, as if he was performing at a concert.


No one responded.

The four instructors frowned slightly.

This was too far from their expectations. No one wanted to turn around, but just listened quietly, wanting to see if there were any surprises behind.

The people in the program team also watched quietly.

No one spoke.

Most of the people in the program group knew that Huang Tao was a young fresh meat singer that the big companies wanted to promote, so no one wanted to offend the big entertainment companies, and they all quietly became the audience, but many people's eyes seemed to be watching a joke.

The thousands of spectators in the auditorium were also very quiet, and most of them were a little more mature, so they were more rational.

If it was some young female audience, they might give Huang Tao applause.

After all, Huang Tao's shape and image are now the standard of Xiao Xianrou, which is in line with the aesthetics of most young fans today. He doesn't need to sing anything, just posing a few handsome moves can cause screams.


It was extremely quiet.

Huang Tao also stopped dancing and didn't respond, and his singing was meaningless. It was almost the end of the song, and none of the four instructors showed any sign of turning around.

A trace of anxiety appeared on Huang Tao's face, and he looked at the assistant's position. The assistant clenched his fist and signaled for him to keep singing!

Even if there is no one to choose.

You can't give up either.

Huang Tao insisted on finishing the song.

The music ends.

The four mentors still didn't choose him, until the end of the last time, the four mentors automatically turned around and looked at Huang Tao with different expressions.

Based on their experience and understanding of the current entertainment industry, they could tell at a glance that Huang Tao might be a newcomer that a certain company was pushing for.

Wang Jingyu commented lightly: The appearance is good, come on!

Cui Wenfeng and Liu Junhua didn't say a word, they just watched calmly.

Qin Han: You are still young, come on!

Huang Tao's face turned red, and he wished he could run away immediately, but he still nodded and bowed: Thank you teacher...

Aji smoothed things over: Thank you teacher for your encouragement to Huang Tao. I believe Huang Tao will continue to improve his strength when he returns.

Huang Tao gritted his teeth: I will. Goodbye, teacher...


Huang Tao left the stage as if fleeing.


Wang Qian and He Dongming watched Huang Tao's performance together, looked at each other, and said nothing.

Although Huang Tao's strength was mediocre, his performance was decent.

However, Wang Qian could see that Huang Tao's talent in music was also average, and he might be at the peak of his strength now.

If you want to improve later, there is nothing you can improve.

However, it is speculated based on the experience of Wang Qian's two generations.

Huang Tao's debut is almost certain to succeed!

Small fresh meat is the mainstream of the market now.

Nothing, just posing is enough.

Now there are quite a few young people in the circle like this, singing is no different from ordinary people, dancing can only pose, it all depends on post-editing, it is still very popular!

I'm leaving!

Wang Qian has no interest in watching the players in the back. He has always believed that he only needs to be himself and show his strength.

After telling He Dongming, he was about to leave.

After leaving Shanghai for a few days, although he is used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, he is still a little worried about the situation of the two Haidilao companies.

He Dongming patted Wang Qian on the shoulder: Go, I will let you know next time we record.

Wang Qian nodded, turned around and walked towards the exit.

He Dongming caught up with him and said in a low voice: By the way, you need to contact Teacher Cui Wenfeng more, it will be very helpful to learn more experience!

It was only then that Wang Qian remembered that there was still this problem, and quickly said: I understand, you give me his phone number.

He Dongming turned around and went to Zhou Qinghua to ask for Cui Wenfeng's phone number and gave it to Wang Qian, who then left.

left the recording site.

Wang Qian also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had successfully taken the first step.

Get in the car and go straight to the train station.

He took out his phone and looked at it, the screen was full of Qin Xuerong's news.

The other people who contacted him didn't send messages often, they only contacted him when they had something to do, and most of them called him directly, such as Tang Feifei and his parents and so on.

Only Qin Xuerong did not stop receiving news every day.

Wang Qian clicked and looked.

Glorious Xue'er: Did the recording of the program go well? I believe you will be a blockbuster. There are many things in the company today, and I don't have time to chat with you. I have to meet an important client tomorrow.

Glorious Xueer: By the way, Jiang Jiang sent a message yesterday. She said that when she contacted your song at home, her mother listened to it and learned that it was your etude. She wanted to meet you! Aunt He is from Yangyin Piano professor, Jiang Jiang has been studying piano with her aunt since she was a child.

Glorious Xue'er: Will you come back after the recording of the show? I cook delicious food now, and Xiaoyue finishes eating every time.

Glorious Xueer: Do you need money? Haidilao's business is booming now, and it's full every day. Many people in Shanghai want to eat, but unfortunately there is no place. I think now is the time for you to expand. If you lack money to expand , I can lend it to you first.

Glorious Xue'er: My sister is coming to Shanghai in two days, and I'm a little afraid of her.


Just like small talk.

Although Wang Qian only responded to a few messages every day, Qin Xuerong still kept talking to Wang Qian, sentence by sentence...

Wang Qian also gradually got used to it. Looking at these messages every day, it was as if he had witnessed Qin Xuerong's daily life and mood.

It's an amazing feeling.

As an old scumbag in his previous life, he had never experienced it.

However, he noticed two more important pieces of information.

First, Jiang Yu's mother, Aunt He, is the professor of Yangyin. She heard Jiang Yu play his tenth etude and wanted to meet him.

Second, Qin Xuerong wants to lend him money to expand Haidilao!

Wang Qian replied: I'm going back to Shanghai today. If Auntie He wants to see me, she can come to Shanghai. I don't have time to go to the capital. I can't ask for your money. I know the development of Haidilao well.

Seconds back.

Glorious Xueer: Are you really coming back? I'll pick you up at the station right away. Jiang Jiang said that she has already set off with her mother. Now is the golden age of Haidilao's expansion, so don't worry about me. It’s your money, you can calculate the interest for me, just follow the bank loan.”

Wang Qian also replied in seconds: Don't talk about borrowing money, and I'm angry.

Glorious Xue'er: I'm wronged, I'm afraid. Well, I'll treat you to dinner tonight. What do you want to eat?

Wang Qian: Let me treat you, just go to Tang Feifei's shop and have something to eat.

Glorious Xueer: Hee hee, okay, I'll call Fei Fei to reserve a seat.

Wang Qian was in a good mood, and chatted with Qin Xuerong for a while along the way.


magic capital.

In an office building.

Qin Xuerong quickly packed up her things and walked out of the office, holding the phone and typing non-stop, her eyes were reluctant to leave the phone screen, her face was full of happy smiles, every time she saw a reply message, she couldn't help but chuckle softly.

Mr. Qin, where are you going? You said that you will call everyone for a meeting later...

The assistant sitting at the door of the office came up and said.

Qin Xuerong was taken aback for a moment, recalling that he had arranged to call the company's backbone for a meeting at night.

At first, she definitely would not give up the chance to pick up Wang Qian at the station, let alone the chance to have dinner alone with Wang Qian, and immediately said: Cancel the meeting.

The assistant immediately asked, Then what are the arrangements for tomorrow?


Qin Xuerong was helpless again.

Because, tomorrow I have to meet an important client.

Tonight's meeting is to discuss tomorrow's client.

Now, no meetings to discuss.

What plan will you use to get the client tomorrow?

Qin Xuerong thought for a while: It's okay, I'll talk about it when I come tomorrow morning.

After speaking, Qin Xuerong hurriedly left.

She was afraid that she would be late and would not be able to meet Wang Qian at the station.

After all, West Lake City is too close to Shanghai.

After walking out of the building, seeing that Wang Qian didn't reply for a while, Qin Xuerong picked up the phone and called Jiang Yu.

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