Debut After Eight Years

226. The smile that reveals whereabouts! Don't miss Professor Wang's class! (Pleas

Magic City Railway Station.

Su Jiangsheng, Xiao Dongmei, and two young students stood at an exit.

Su Jiangsheng was wearing a decent black suit, walked back and forth anxiously, glanced into the exit passage from time to time, then looked at the watch on his wrist, and said in a low voice: Not here yet, He Chaohui said her daughter Jiang Yu came back Now that the capital is here, Wang Qian should go back to Shanghai, and I should be able to wait here.

However, it's almost dark now. Are you coming back tomorrow? Or, did we miss it? Wang Qian has already left?

Su Jiangsheng picked up his mobile phone and dialed, and asked, Did you see Professor Wang at that exit?

An affirmative answer came from the phone: Director Su, we haven't seen you.

While staring at the exit, Su Jiangsheng asked earnestly, Are you sure you didn't see it? Or did you miss it?

The other side of the phone said with certainty: Director, don't worry, the three of us are staring at each other without blinking, and we will not let anyone go. Unless Professor Wang is disguised, we can't miss it. We also It’s impossible to stop everyone from watching, right? If Professor Wang deliberately pretended to be, then there’s nothing we can do if we miss it.”

Su Jiangsheng said with a smile: Don't worry, Professor Wang is not that kind of person. He won't promote his itinerary, but he won't deliberately disguise himself, but he should be very low-key, and he might not recognize it if he doesn't look carefully. So, you guys Be serious and pay more attention to those low-key people. Keep your spirits up and don't miss Professor Wang.

The other person replied: Okay, director, don't worry, we won't miss it for credits.

Su Jiangsheng hung up the phone, and made several calls one after another. Every call was made by students who were standing guard at an exit, and there were students standing guard at each exit.

Whoever discovers it will be rewarded with credits.

Simple and rude.

However, every student could not refuse, and they rushed to come.

Not only because of the credits, but also because this is Professor Wang!

No one can refuse the opportunity to meet Professor Wang.

If there was no limit to the number of students in Sujiang, most of the students from the Chinese department would come, so instead of squatting, all the exits would be blocked.

Su Jiangsheng asked again to make sure that everyone was not slack and lazy, and Wang Qian should not be missed. He was slightly relieved, turned around and walked to Xiao Dongmei's side, and said with emotion: I want to invite Professor Wang to our school to give a lecture. I tried my best. But there is no way. I called him but was rejected. He may want to rest, so he will not use this phone for the time being. Dongmei, you also have the contact information of Professor Wang, how about you make a call and ask? ask.

Xiao Dongmei was wearing a long blue dress inside and a slim white coat outside. She was slim and tall, her hair was casually tied behind her head, and a beige scarf hung around her long snow-white neck. There was no trace of makeup on her delicate and quiet face, she was truly plain-faced , but like Youlan Dongmei, most people dare not stand by her side, for fear of desecrating this beauty and temperament.

Hearing Su Jiangsheng's words, Xiao Dongmei said lightly, I won't fight.

Although this is the third time I have asked.

However, it is still the same answer.

Su Jiangsheng shook his head helplessly: I am the director, what kind of power is it?

The two students couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Su Jiangsheng glared at the two of them: What are you laughing at?

The two hurriedly suppressed their smiles and looked at the exit seriously.

Another group of people came out, apparently another train stopped, and many passengers got off.

Among the crowd, two people wearing black trench coats, peaked caps, scarves and masks walked outside with the crowd.

Xiao Dongmei's eyes lit up, and she immediately looked at the taller man among the two, and that man also looked at Xiao Dongmei.

Eyes meet in the air.

A smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Dongmei's always calm face.

In an instant, many passers-by couldn't help looking at Xiao Dongmei, as attractive as plum blossoms blooming in the winter heavy snow.

Seeing Xiao Dongmei's smile, Su Jiangsheng was stunned for a moment, but then he quickly woke up.


Xiao Dongmei has been working at Double Star University for quite some time.

However, it was the first time for Su Jiangsheng to see Xiao Dongmei smiling so brightly.

Normally, it is absolutely rare for Xiao Dongmei to be able to slightly purse her lips and smile.

Now such a smile!

It's the first time I've seen him.


Who can make Xiao Dongmei bloom such a bright smile?

Su Jiangsheng immediately followed Xiao Dongmei's gaze.

Immediately saw those two people!

The whole body is wrapped tightly.

Although it is already winter.

But the winter in Shanghai seems to be not as severe as the cold, right?

Only a pair of eyes are exposed all over the body?

It looks a bit out of place with the people around.

Su Jiangsheng's mind turned, thinking of the two poems Wang Qian wrote to Xiao Dongmei last time, he made up his mind, and immediately trotted forward and stretched out his hand to the man and said in a low voice, Professor Wang...

The two stopped.

Wang Qian smiled wryly, did not take off his mask, looked at Su Jiangsheng innocently, and said in a low voice, What is Director Su doing here?

Su Jiangsheng's eyes were full of surprise, and he asked with certainty: Is it really Professor Wang?

Wang Qian nodded lightly: Well, I just came from West Lake City, and Director Su is here to pick up people? Then I won't bother you, goodbye...


Wang Qian nodded to Xiao Dongmei who was still standing there looking at her smiling, and then pulled Qin Xuerong to leave.


Su Jiangsheng hurriedly followed Wang Qian's pace, did not step forward to block the way, but followed quickly and said, Professor Wang, Dongmei and I are here to pick you up.

Wang Qian was curious: What is Director Su picking me up for? It's the end of the semester. Both Director Su and Professor Xiao should be very busy, right? I'm also from Shanghai, so I don't need Director Su to pick me up.

Su Jiangsheng didn't know that Wang Qian was just making excuses, so he smiled and said, Professor Wang, stop joking. You should be able to see why I'm here. As far as I know, Professor Wang, you should have a period of rest recently, and then I will go to Los Angeles to participate in the World Championship. I would like to invite Professor Wang to give a lecture at our Double Star University in the next few days. This may be the last chance for this semester.

I hope Professor Wang can agree to my unfeeling request.

Wang Qian sighed: Director Su, I want to take a good rest, and I still have a lot of things to deal with when I return to the Demon City.

Su Jiangsheng immediately said: Professor Wang, we only need two hours of your time. We can discuss and fix the time. You can come when the class is about to start, and you can leave after the class. We will have a special car to pick you up. Absolutely not. How about wasting any extra time of yours?

Professor Wang, you don't know that you are in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and you are already the object that many cultural figures want to communicate with. Many teachers and students of our Double Star like your literary works and musical works very much. Therefore, we would like to invite you to our The school communicates and learns from you.

Su Jiangsheng's posture was very low, and there was some flattery and request in his tone of voice.

Such a low profile!

Such a soft tone.

Wang Qian couldn't even utter the stubborn refusal.


Su Jiangsheng looked at Wang Qian eagerly.

Wang Qian squeezed Qin Xuerong's hand, Qin Xuerong looked at Wang Qian, obediently remained silent, let Wang Qian make his own decisions, she did the logistics work behind Wang Qian, and being a good person next to Wang Qian was enough up.

Unless Wang Qian had the obvious intention of refusing, but he couldn't say it, Qin Xuerong would cooperate to help.

The current situation, obviously not.

The two students also knew that Director Su had found Wang Qian at this moment, so they rushed over in surprise.

The boy said excitedly: Professor Wang, I am your fan. I sincerely hope that you can come to our school to give lectures! Many people in our school like your works very much and would like to hear you talk about your works in class.

Another girl even stuttered with excitement: Professor Wang, I, I, I, I like you very much, uh! I, I, I mean, I am also your fan, and I really like your poems and songs .I hope you can go to our school to give lectures...

Xiao Dongmei came over with small steps, stood behind the two students without speaking, just looked at Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and nodded to Qin Xuerong.

Wang Qian sighed, his heart softened after all, and said: Okay! The time is set for tomorrow. I finish the lecture early, and I can take a good rest with peace of mind.

Su Jiangsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily: Okay, okay, okay! Thank you, Professor Wang, is it tomorrow morning or afternoon?

Wang Qian thought for a while and said, Then it's noon, from twelve to two...

Su Jiangsheng immediately agreed: Okay, no problem. I will prepare the class for you, and I will send a car to pick you up at eleven o'clock.

Wang Qian shook his head: You don't need to pick me up, just go there by yourself, we know the way!

Su Jiangsheng shook his head: That won't work, Professor Wang, you are a distinguished guest of our college, we can't neglect you, tell me your address, and I will ask the school to send a car to pick you up.

Wang Qian didn't refuse at the moment: Okay, that's up to you! The time is set like this, you all go back and rest quickly, we'll go first.

Su Jiangsheng said with a smile: Okay, Professor Wang, you and Xue Rong go back to rest early, and we will see you tomorrow.

Wang Qian nodded and glanced at Xiao Dongmei: Then see you tomorrow!

Xiao Dongmei nodded with a smile, but remained silent.

Qin Xuerong also nodded politely to Su Jiangsheng and Xiao Dongmei, then turned around and left quickly with Wang Qian.

They are afraid that if they stay any longer, they will be recognized by others. If it is not good to cause some disturbance here, then it is not good.

After all, Wang Qian's current popularity and attention is the highest in the history of the Chinese entertainment industry. If it is exposed here, I am afraid that many people will gather quickly.

It's just that neither Wang Qian nor Qin Xuerong wanted to see it.

Although the two of them never took off their masks and hats, what if people passing by heard them?


After Wang Qian and Su Jiangsheng reached an agreement, they quickly said goodbye and left.

Go home and rest first.

I have class again tomorrow...

Really busy life!

Hasty farewell.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong left the station and boarded the car of Xu Zhongfei who had been waiting for a long time.

Xu Zhongfei looked at Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong with a smile, and said while driving: Mr. Wang, Mr. Qin, no one has noticed you?

Wang Qian took off his hat, mask, scarf and coat, and sighed, Others probably didn't notice it, but those who wanted to hide didn't. I knew I wouldn't take this exit.

Qin Xuerong said softly: It's a pity that I didn't escape, Lao Xu, please come and pick us up.

Xu Zhongfei: Boss Qin, you are welcome. You are my boss. It is my honor to pick you up. By the way, there are dozens of capital institutions at home and abroad who want to meet you. Do you want to meet some time soon?

Wang Qian rested on the chair and said softly, No see!

Xu Zhongfei asked softly: Mr. Wang, we really don't want to raise money after listening to Qianqian? Don't you want to listen to their quotation?

Wang Qian said with a smile: We are not short of money for the time being, what are we doing for financing? The money from the bank has already come down, and if we don't get a bank loan in the future, we will consider financing.

Xu Zhongfei was stunned for a moment, and then said: Only by raising funds can we have the basis for listing!

Wang Qian: In a short period of time, I haven't thought about going public, so I don't need financing. If I'm short of money, I will find a way, Lao Xu, just manage the company well. Don't worry, the company will definitely go public in the future. I promise to give Management's option will also be honored.

Xu Zhongfei blushed a little, and then explained: Mr. Wang, the valuation and financing of capital will greatly improve your net worth. There is no harm in seeing each other. I heard the news. The valuation they gave this time The value is much higher than last time, and it should break through more than 10 billion, and the holding group behind Tengfei has already made a new offer of 12 billion!

Alibaba's price has reached 10 billion, and the two capitals in North America have also reached about 10 billion. If you are willing to talk, there is still room for this price to rise...

Speaking of which, Xu Zhongfei became excited.

Because this is also his achievement.

Although, in fact, Qianqian Jingting can achieve the current results, he has contributed the least amount of effort, and has hardly done anything, just manage the company's daily life.

No suggestions, no commercial operations, no traffic attraction!

All the traffic was attracted by Wang Qian, Ru Ke, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen and other singers.

It is enough for Xu Zhongfei to operate the company step by step, which is not difficult for him.

However, Xu Zhongfei is also very proud. His status in the industry has risen a lot because of this, and he can be regarded as a big boss!

After all, he manages a unicorn company valued at tens of billions.

There is even greater potential for development in the future!

In the entire domestic Internet industry, he is already considered a moderate figure. Wherever he goes, everyone will respectfully call him Mr. Xu for a lifetime.

If the valuation of capital is higher.

Then his status and real power influence will be even greater.

But Wang Qian shook his head and said: No, these are all empty and meaningless. Now, the company's revenue is our money, and the capital's money is not our money. Old Xu, have you forgotten your dream?

Excited Xu Zhongfei was stunned for a moment, then calmed down and said, Of course I haven't forgotten!

Wang Qian said directly: Well, after the Chinese New Year, you spend 30 million from Qianqianjingting's account to establish a new game company under the company, and I will give you the opportunity to make games. Take out the plan and show it to me, and I agree, and the project can start.”

Xu Zhongfei stared at Wang Qian in the rearview mirror with wide eyes: President Wang, is what you said true?

Wang Qian nodded: Of course it is true. I always keep my promise. I promised you from the beginning. If the company has enough funds, I will invest in games for you. Of course I will fulfill my promise.

Xu Zhongfei laughed and said, Okay, Mr. Wang, Mr. Qin, look at me. I'll think about a game plan when I go back tonight. I have a lot of ideas about this, and I've written them down over the years...

Qin Xuerong smiled lightly, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

She felt that Xu Zhongfei's game investment might be in vain.


She didn't say anything to stop it.

Wang Qian's decision.

She doesn't question it.

Especially when there are subordinates, she will only show support, so as to establish Wang Qian's prestige.

This is what a woman behind a man should do.

The car drove towards Wang Qian's residence, but did not return to Qin Xuerong's villa.

Because the devil is Wang Qian's home, so naturally he has to go back to Wang Qian's home, and Qin Xuerong also acquiesced.


Su Jiangsheng and Xiao Dongmei were also sitting on the bus back to Shuangxing University at the moment.

Su Jiangsheng was holding the phone and talking excitedly: Yes, Professor Wang has agreed. The lecture will start at 12:00 noon tomorrow and will continue until 2:00. I will send a car to pick him up at 11:00. Well, I have already called Call, the school's largest auditorium has been reserved for us.

Let's ask him to postpone the lecture for half a day, and give him another class in the afternoon, and the school will give him some compensation.

Okay, the school's official Weibo account can publish this news. With Professor Wang's popularity now, it will also have a great publicity effect on our school.

Put down the phone.

There was still some joy in Su Jiangsheng's eyes.

In the past few years, Double Star University has been distanced by Shuimu, Beijing University, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang University in terms of academics and popularity.

Su Jiangsheng felt that he was not qualified to think about the whole school, but as the director of the Chinese Department, being able to pull the Chinese Department up is no small feat.

With Wang Qian's literary attainments and the level of all his published works, he is absolutely qualified to give lectures at Double Star.

If the lecture effect is very good!

If everyone agrees...

It is not impossible to directly invite Wang Qian to teach at Double Star and give him a professor title.


All in terms of talent and strength.

Magic can become one of China's international metropolises. With such rapid development, most people still pay attention to their real skills. If they have real skills and contributions, it will be easy to settle down.

For talent!

Give it the utmost respect.

The Double Star Chinese Department still has a long way to go if it wants to catch up with Zhejiang University and the top schools in Shuimu, Beijing.

Attracting more young talents is the most important step!

Xiao Dongmei was invited to teach.

Invite Wang Qian to give lectures.

They are all the hard work of Su Jiangsheng.

Su Jiangsheng looked at Xiao Dongmei who was sitting in the back seat, saw Xiao Dongmei was reading a book quietly, and said softly: Professor Xiao, how did you recognize Professor Wang at a glance just now?

If it wasn't for Xiao Dongmei's eyes and that unusually bright smile just now.

Su Jiangsheng really couldn't find Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong, so he really missed it.

In that short period of time, he might not have the chance to invite Wang Qian to give lectures at Double Star.

After all, this semester is coming to an end, who knows what will happen in the next semester?

What if Jingcheng University and Shuimu University invited first?

There are also competitors such as Moyin, Zheyin, and Yangyin.

Not to mention, Wang Qian still has a lot of things to do, such as making music and being busy with company affairs...

At that time, Double Star may not have a chance.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to strike early, Su Jiangsheng cannot miss it.

If it wasn't for Xiao Dongmei today, I would have missed it.

Although Xiao Dongmei didn't say anything, that look and smile were enough.

Su Jiangsheng looked at Xiao Dongmei curiously.

Xiao Dongmei didn't leave the book in her hand, and said softly: Because, I remember his spirit! A person can hide his face, but he can't hide his spirit. I can see his spirit at a glance. It belongs to Professor Wang's own temperament, so I know that he is Wang Qian.

Su Jiangsheng gave Xiao Dongmei a thumbs up: Excellent, Dongmei, is this the legendary art of hope?

Xiao Dongmei smiled lightly and continued to look at the book in her hand.

Su Jiangsheng didn't ask any more questions. He knew that Xiao Dongmei had such a temperament, and he also admired him very much. Only with such a temperament can he focus on academics and his own field, so that he can achieve something in the future and bring results and benefits to the school. honor.

Buzz buzz!

Su Jiangsheng's phone rang. He picked it up and saw He Chaohui's name. He didn't want to answer it, but he knew he couldn't avoid it, so he picked it up and connected it: Director He...

He Chaohui's voice came from the phone: Director Su, you invited Professor Wang to give lectures in your Double Star Chinese Department? He agreed?

Su Jiangsheng: Well, I met him just now, and he personally agreed. Tomorrow at twelve noon...

He Chaohui: I see, I saw the information released by your school. I just came to you to make sure, reserve five seats for me, the first five rows are fine!

five positions?

Or the top five?

too much...

Su Jiangsheng wanted to refuse, but he was a little guilty, because he was chatting with He Chaohui about his daughter Jiang Yu's itinerary, so that he could intercept Wang Qian. Although the other party didn't seem to notice, he was still a little guilty, so he couldn't refuse, so he hesitated , and agreed: Okay, I will give you director He a face, five seats, I will say hello and leave them for you. However, please don't be late, if you are late, the seats can only be given to other people in need.

He Chaohui: Don't worry, I won't be late. I will rush there overnight.

Su Jiangsheng: Alright, be careful on the road.

The phone has been hung up there.

Su Jiangsheng smiled bitterly, knowing that He Chaohui must have known about his behavior, but he didn't make it clear, so he asked for five positions.

Otherwise, with He Chaohui's character and the unfamiliar relationship with him, it would be impossible to ask for five front row seats.

buzz buzz...

The phone came to mind again.

Su Jiangsheng took a look, is he an acquaintance again?

Director Su, can you reserve two seats for me in Professor Wang's class tomorrow? It doesn't matter in the back row, as long as there is a seat!


It took a few seconds to hang up the phone.

Su Jiangsheng's phone rang again!

Director Su, my old Liu, in Wang Qian's class tomorrow, leave two seats for me, try to be at the front.


Old Su, give me three seats in Wang Qian's class tomorrow...

Old Su, Wang Qian is going to give a lecture in the Chinese Department of your school tomorrow? Reserve two places for me, two will do.

Old Su...

along the way!

When Su Jiangsheng returned to school, he had already answered more than a dozen calls!

Without exception.

They all asked him to reserve a seat for Wang Qian's lecture tomorrow.

In this class, except for the teachers and students of Double Star's own school, people from other schools can only get a place with the school's permission if they want to come in, otherwise they won't be able to get in.

And there are many teachers and students in the Chinese Department of Double Star School itself, plus teachers and students from other departments who come to attend classes, etc., there are very few places left for people from other schools.

If you don't have a lot of face, you can't get these positions!

Therefore, Su Jiangsheng received so many calls, but he didn't agree to all of them. He only agreed to about half of them. Others did not have enough face, so they declined with various excuses.

back to school.

Xiao Dongmei got out of the car and went back to her apartment. A smile appeared on her face as she walked on the road.

Because, thinking of being able to attend Wang Qian's class tomorrow, she felt really happy from the bottom of her heart!

Magic City, it seems that you have come to the right place.

You can often see him here.




Jiang Yu and Murong Yue had just gotten off the plane and hadn't walked out of the airport yet.

He Chaohui's phone call came: Jiang Yu, have you got off the plane?

Jiang Yu was pleasantly surprised: Well, Xiaoyue and I just got off the plane, Mom, are you here to pick me up?

Director He has always been very busy, when will Jiang Yu take over?

Therefore, Jiang Yu was very pleasantly surprised, thinking that his mother came to pick him up at the airport in person.


Director He said on the phone: I'm about to arrive at the airport, but I'm not here to pick you up. I've booked a plane to go to Shanghai right away, and I'll go to Shanghai overnight.

Jiang Yu was disappointed, and asked with a frown, Why are you in such a hurry to go to Shanghai?

Director He: You and Xiaoyue don't know?

Jiang Yu looked at Murong Yue, who also looked blank.

what do you know?

Jiang Yu: We don't know, what's the matter?

Director He: Wang Qian agreed to the invitation of the Chinese Department of Double Star University, and will go to Double Star University to give a lecture at noon tomorrow. Although it is a Chinese Department class, I also plan to go to the scene to listen. Don't you know? I thought you knew!

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue looked at each other.

They really don't know.

if known.

They may not come back.

Jiang Yu: We don't know! Are you sure it's true?

Director He: I'm sure, I just called Su Jiangsheng to confirm, and Double Star officials also sent a message to announce it. It must be true, otherwise, what am I doing in such a hurry. Now that you know, do you want to go? Or should you give Can Wang Qian make a phone call to make sure?

Jiang Yu's eyes were moved, but he looked at Murong Yue.

The two made an appointment to go home and rest together, and they also made an appointment where to go for a walk in the past few days...


Murong Yue nodded: Go, Wang Qian's class, you still can't miss it.

Jiang Yu immediately said to his mother: Then let's go too!

Although, the two of them and Wang Qian can be said to have been together day and night for a long time.

However, the more this is the case, the more they admire Wang Qian's talent, but in daily life, Wang Qian's performance is relatively restrained and low-key.

Therefore, they look forward to Wang Qian's performance in class even more and don't want to miss it.

Apart from Qin Xuerong, they may be the people who know Wang Qian best.

Director He: I knew it, so I asked for seats for you. But you haven't booked your flight tickets. You can book it yourself now. There are still vacancies on this flight.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue looked at their dragging salutes and were speechless!

The salute has not been broken yet.

I'm about to board the plane again...

And this moment.

Double Star announced the news that Wang Qian will have a class in the Chinese Department of Double Star at noon tomorrow.

The entire network was shaken.

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