Debut After Eight Years

219. Stunning and shocking? Just for fun! (Please subscribe!)

All the people present stared at the stage without blinking.

Especially all those who make music in the circle, they all prick up their ears and listen carefully to every detail.

The opening prelude arrangement, in their opinion, is almost at the ceiling level of the Chinese music scene.

Enough for them to study hard, maybe they can improve themselves?

And in fact.

The arrangement of this song is another world in Wang Qian's memory, and it is also one of the top Chinese music circles.

When Jay Chou released the song, many people didn't think so!

But after more than ten years, everyone went back to listen to it, only to find that after more than ten years, no one has surpassed...

The pinnacle of the Chinese music scene was left more than ten years ago!

Wang Qian thought of this song immediately after listening to these five word titles.

Chinese medicine, music, literature and history, dancing, rap!

Isn't it this song?

Compendium of Materia Medica!

However, there is no such book as Compendium of Materia Medica in this world, so it cannot be called by this name.

Wang Qian used the great work of traditional Chinese medicine in this world and named it Nine Herbs Compendium!

In fact, there is no need for more than a dozen people to accompany it.

However, in order to perfectly show the music in his memory, Wang Qian called a few more people.

After a very catchy prelude.

Wang Qian took the microphone off the shelf, held it in his hand, and walked two steps on the stage with his feet, relaxed and free of any nervousness.

All eyes were on him.

Even the dozen or so accompanists behind him are no exception!

Everyone is looking forward to his performance.

Because, even their accompanists don't know what he can sing.

It was the first time for all of them to experience this kind of live performance without a joint rehearsal in advance!

Even Zhao Wei and He Fulin, who are extremely experienced, experienced such a difficult and hasty performance for the first time.

So, everyone is extremely focused and doesn't want to make mistakes on their own.

At the same time, he also paid attention to Wang Qian, looking forward to what Wang Qian would sing!

With a relaxed smile on the corner of Wang Qian's mouth, his steps became more and more relaxed, as if he was taking a leisurely walk on the street, and then he picked up the microphone and sang out suddenly.

If Hua Tuo is alive.

Chongyang was healed.

Foreigners come to learn Chinese characters.

Stimulate my national consciousness.

Nyxony, cassia.

Cocklebur, and lotus seeds.

Huang Yaozi, bitter beans.

Chuan Toosendan, I want face.

My way.

Rewrite a piece of history!

Nothing else.

Follow me and read a few words.

Yam, angelica, wolfberry...


Yam, angelica, wolfberry...


Watch me grab a handful of Chinese medicine.

Submit to a stick of pride.


Wang Qian opened his mouth.

The lyrics were as quick as spitting beans, making everyone on the scene unable to react for a while.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Including a dozen people playing behind him.

Ru Ke, Jiang Yu, Chen Xiaowen, Xu Xiaoxiao and others almost made mistakes in their hands, so they hurriedly stabilized their emotions and hands so that the accompaniment did not really make mistakes.

However, everyone's heart was extremely shocked.

This is……


Wang Qian, actually sang a rap song?

Since his debut, Wang Qian has shocked the entire Chinese music scene with his connotative and talented music, attracting a large number of fans.

Whether it is released rock music or pop songs, or piano music, etc., each capital is relatively traditional.

Therefore, many people think that Wang Qian may not like rap, which is more European and American hip-hop music!


Wang Qian, now, suddenly sang a rap song?

Seeing Wang Qian's relaxed rhythm, and the extremely rhythmic lyrics, as well as the meaning in the lyrics, everyone was shocked by the impact!

Murong Yue and Yang Zixuan were the most excited. Listening to Wang Qian's rap with a strong sense of rhythm, they became more involved in the music. They even took a few steps back and forth in front of the instrument, and swayed their bodies twice, very enjoy.

The four mentors were also a little dumbfounded at the moment!

Especially Wang Jingyu and Cui Wenfeng.

Wang Jingyu said the keyword of traditional Chinese medicine, but she regretted it after she finished speaking, because this word is too difficult to reflect in the song.

But now, Wang Qian said directly that the theme was traditional Chinese medicine, and it was a rap song...

Among the quick rap lyrics, Chinese medicine nouns appeared one by one.

How could she not be shocked?

Wang Jingyu's eyes widened, and she just wanted to, can you still play like this?


She could see that Wang Qian seemed to be playing.

Playing music in various ways, others are dumbfounded and convinced.

Cui Wenfeng because Wang Qian once again jumped from rock to rap, so it was extremely shocking!

the most important is.

Still playing great!

There is no way to calm down.

Many audience members in the audience are also in a state of incomparable silence!

In particular, many insiders are the most confused.

They had many expectations and ideas for Wang Qian, but they never thought that Wang Qian would respond in such a way!

Wu Han looked at Zhao Hu not far away.

Zhao Hu also looked at Wu Han!

The two tacitly agreed!

They were both the authors of the question, so they looked at each other and smiled wryly.

When they were still thinking about how Wang Qian would rap, they rapped directly instead of simply interjecting a few lines or mentioning it in the lyrics!

Let's rap!

I can play better than you...

What can Zhao Hu do?

At this moment, Zhao Hu only wanted to kneel down and worship Wang Qian on the stage.

He is really convinced!

This song, Wang Qian opened his mouth.

He knew that this was an old world.

He can't compare!

However, Wu Han still has a glimmer of hope.

What about dancing?

How to reflect?

Or should Wang Qian do the dance by himself?

Wu Han stared at Wang Qian.

And at this moment.

Wang Qian slowed down a little and began to sing the chorus.

Stepping on very rhythmic steps, as if dancing, holding a microphone and singing his own song at the same time.

I have a leisurely expression, let's dance around.

The movement is easy and comfortable, you can't learn it.

Neon signs, adjust the state.

In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up.

I have a leisurely expression, let's dance around.

Using calligraphy to write dynasties, the internal power will spread.

Show the block letters with pride and give a punch to the dialogue.

Lie down at the end and see who is the best.

After Wu Han listened to this passage, he also felt genuine admiration in his heart!

Is there really such a musical genius?

He didn't even dare to think about it.

If he could have such a talent, he wouldn't bother to sell his face to harvest brainless fans, and just concentrate on making music, which would be enough to attract everyone to become his fans.

In just a few months, from a newcomer to 40 million fans, Wu Han was shocked and admired. He can only say that he has strength, talent, and can do whatever he wants!

He can't compare.

The chorus is over!

Wang Qian also threw himself into it, walked among the accompaniment team behind him, twisted his body slightly, came to Ru Ke, and stretched out his hand to Ru Ke.

Ru laughed, showing an extremely amazing level of musical instruments.

I saw that Ru Ke also stretched out his hand, put it in Wang Qian's hand, and followed Wang Qian's rhythm and turned around gently.

However, at the same time, Ru Ke's other hand continued to play on the instrument without any disturbance at all. The strength of this instrument made all the people who know how to do it widen their eyes.

Ru Ke felt that at this moment, she was so excited that she wanted to laugh out loud.


Wang Qian immediately let go of Ru Ke's hand and came to Liu Shengnan's side.

Liu Shengnan pursed his lips and smiled, shook his head, not wanting to cooperate!

But Wang Qian didn't leave.

Liu Shengnan had nothing to do, he gave Wang Qian a blank look, as if acting coquettishly, and then cooperated with Wang Qian, taking advantage of the interval between his musical instruments, stretched out his hand and was led by Wang Qian for a circle, and then quickly returned to the position of his musical instrument , his cheeks flushed, he immediately lowered his head, focused on the music, and didn't dare to look up.

this moment!

Everyone in the audience woke up.


It was the screams that shook the sky.


It's so handsome...

Ah...Professor Wang...I love you...'s so cool...

Professor Wang, you are so awesome...

Ah ah ah ah ah…………

Screams, admiration, and even the sound of confession were mixed together.

Many voices still emanated from the audience in the infield circle.

Many young celebrities screamed frantically and wanted to interact with Wang Qian and others on the stage. At the same time, they also wanted to attract the camera and gain a wave of enthusiasm!

However, more reasons, they were really attracted by Wang Qian's amazing singing voice.

Compared with Wang Qian's previous singing, it is a deeper rock.

Many young people, especially young stars and artists, actually prefer the rap songs that Wang Qian is singing now. The style is relaxed and dynamic, which is nice and attractive.

Most importantly, make them jump!

Among the young celebrities and entertainers, how many don't go to nightclubs?


Even, the mainstream form of entertainment for most young celebrities is going to nightclubs.

Then you will like all kinds of dynamic electronic music, and you will be able to dance more or less...


This kind of pop music is their favorite.

Therefore, many celebrities who scream and shout are also feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

Several young traffic florets blushed as they screamed, and one of them yelled out his confession to Wang Qian.

Xueman also stood up and screamed loudly, really wanted to write something on Weibo at this moment, but she couldn't bear to leave her eyes from the figures on the stage, so she stopped updating Weibo news in real time, and devoted herself to the live performance Among them, follow everyone to shout and scream!

After Wang Qian, Liu Shengnan, and Ru Ke interacted for a while, they smiled at the white eyes of the two, took the microphone, and quickly sang the rap lyrics again.

What kind of pill can be refined, what kind of pill can be kneaded.

Antler slices should not be too thin.

The master's technique cannot be copied like this.

Guiling jelly, Yunnan Baiyao.

There is also Cordyceps sinensis.

My own music, my own medicine.

The portion is just right.

Listen to me that Chinese medicine is bitter.

Plagiarism should be more painful.

Quickly read the Nine Grass Compendium.

Read more rare books.

Chansu, Dilong, have crossed the rivers and lakes.

The hard work of these ancestors.

We must not lose.

It's this light.

It's this light, let's sing together...

It's the light, it's the light, hey...

Let me make a recipe.

Treatment of your internal wounds.

A folk remedy that has taken root for thousands of years.

There is a power that others don't know...

A fast and powerful singing!

Many people on the scene who understood the lyrics were amazed and shocked!


This word is really firing at the ethos of many young artists in the Chinese music scene.

the last two years.

In the Chinese music scene and online music, plagiarism is emerging in an endless stream.

What's more, it's not plagiarism, but plagiarizing other people's songs with confidence. I wrote some lyrics and released them as original songs. After being found out, I made all kinds of sophistry. , There are very few who can make substantive compensation.

In Wang Qian's lyrics, he directly criticized this phenomenon.

The most important thing is.

There were several young traffic singers on the scene who were once involved in the vortex of plagiarism. Although they later gave up their status as singers and focused on variety shows, this is also one of its stains.

This made the faces of the traffic singers turn red, and they sat down instead of standing up, their complexions not very good-looking.


Those who really paid attention to this performance and Wang Qian's lyrics were shocked.

Especially the author of the question, Ru Ke.


The key word Ru Ke said was music.

Many people can see that this is Ru Ke releasing water.

The word music can be expressed in any way, because the song itself is music!


Wang Qian disdained to fish in troubled waters.

It is directly reflected in the lyrics, and directly criticizes the current status of Chinese music.

No one is afraid of offending.

Ru Ke was a little excited, looking at Wang Qian's back with both eyes, wishing he could go forward and give Wang Qian a hug.

However, in the end, there was still a sliver of rationality that stopped her impulse.




It's getting hotter.

Wang Qian danced simple dance steps with his feet again, slowed down his speech and sang the chorus again.

I have a leisurely expression, let's dance around.

The movement is easy and comfortable, you can't learn it.

Neon signs, adjust the state.

In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up.

I have a leisurely expression, let's dance around.

Using calligraphy to write dynasties, the internal power will spread.

Show the block letters with pride and give a punch to the dialogue.

Lie down at the end and see who is the best.


The atmosphere at the scene became even hotter.

Many traffic stars in the first and second rows followed Wang Qian's rhythm, stood up and twisted a few steps in place, looking extremely devoted and unrestrained.

It did attract a few shots.


Wang Qian came to Murong Yue who was the most active, and continued to sing: Squat, squat little zombie, squat little zombie...

Murong Yue froze for a moment, then looked at Wang Qian's eyes, and laughed, then followed Wang Qian's lyrics, squatted on the spot, and then jumped on the spot.

Wang Qian smiled and waved Murong Yue high five.


Wang Qian came in front of Jiang Yu and sang: Squat again, little zombie squat, light the lights in the dark alley...

Jiang Yu's cheeks were so red, she didn't even want to appear on camera, let alone dance on such an occasion.

Therefore, she didn't want to pay attention to Wang Qian, but she looked at the eyes of several people around her looking at her, and Wang Qian's encouraging and expectant expression. She didn't want to see Wang Qian's disappointed eyes for her at the moment, so she summoned up the courage to learn the same way as before. Murong Yue's movements, squatted down and jumped again, then buried her head down, not daring to raise her head again.

The screams at the scene were more sharp and enthusiastic.

Among the dozen or so people on the stage, except for Wang Qian, Zhao Wei and He Fulin, the others are all absolutely beautiful beauties, and all of them are also talented and beautiful.

Now interacting with Wang Qian in this way shows another side of them. How can those fans who like to look at their appearance not be excited?

Ah... so handsome, beautiful!

Hahahaha...beautiful, Jiang Yu is too stiff...

Professor Wang, come again...

Professor Wang, don't stop...




Wang Qian did not stop, he came to Yang Zixuan, and sang: Squat again, little zombie squat, go into the carrot pit...

Yang Zixuan and Murong Yue were similar, very active and relaxed, so they cooperated very well and directly came to a zombie squat and zombie jump, very happy and devoted.

No one ran away!

After Yang Zixuan, there are Xiong Jia, Yan Ru, and Zhu Qiqi.

Both Zhao Wei and He Fulin couldn't escape, so they stiffly jumped into Zombie Squat and Zombie Jump.

When it was Xu Xiaoxiao's turn, Xu Xiaoxiao was so excited and nervous that he almost fell down. Wang Qian hurriedly put his arms around Xu Xiaoxiao's waist to keep her from falling on the stage.

Xu Xiaoxiao flushed even more excitedly, and almost fainted because of her shortness of breath. She hugged Wang Qian tightly with both hands, then quickly let go, returned to her position, and buried her head, not daring to look up!

It's so embarrassing...


She wants to do it again...

Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, and Chen Xiaowen didn't escape Wang Qian's clutches, but they all jumped in cooperation. Although stiff and rigid, they looked very seductive.

Squat again, little zombie squatting, chanting a spell...

Wang Qian was very enthusiastic when he saw the scene. Many audience members couldn't help but interact with him in place. They danced the zombie squat along with his lyrics, and they also learned to dance together.

There are more audiences dancing together in the audience.

Many young stars and entertainers in the front row even came together for a zombie jump!

Many people couldn't help laughing!

This scene was broadcasted by several live broadcasts. It is conceivable that after the show is over, these celebrities and entertainers in the circle who participated will definitely hype it wildly together, and everyone will gather the heat together.

Squat, little zombie squat, little zombie squat...

Squat again, the little zombie squats, light up the lights in the dark alley.

Squat again, the little zombie squats, digging into the carrot pit.

Squat again, little zombie squatting, chanting a spell...

In Wang Qian's not so clear rap lyrics, at least thousands of people in the audience danced together a few times, with uneven movements.


Laughter came and went.

All are engaged and enjoying.

Both Yu Jingruo and Li Qingyao couldn't help but stood up and jumped along, then quickly sat down, both of them seemed very excited.

However, they also looked at those people on the stage with envy and envy.

How great would it be if they could go on stage to cooperate with Wang Qian, stand beside him and interact with him?

However, Wang Jianqiang and Jiang Rong seemed out of place with many audiences who stood up and danced and interacted with each other.

Both of them sat quietly in their seats without any movement, but both of them enjoyed Wang Qian's rap songs very much!

It seemed crazy to see so many people around.

Jiang Rong said softly: Mr. Wang, I'm afraid this song is more popular than the six songs Wang Qian and Ru Ke sang before... In the past few days, it is estimated that no big-name singer would dare to release a song to go with Qian Qianjing It's hard to hear.

Wang Jianqiang nodded, agreeing with this conclusion!

This kind of music is the most popular type of pop songs among young people today.

But, at the same time, it surpasses its counterparts in the popular music market...

Plus tonight's super popularity and ratings.

It is basically certain that once this song is uploaded on Qianqianjingting, the data will explode beyond imagination, and maybe a series of record-breaking data will be obtained.

As soon as Tengfei became independent, he encountered such a heavy blow from his opponent!

Both of them felt very heavy, but they couldn't think of a solution for a while.

And now!

The song is over.

Wang Qian stood in the middle of the stage with a microphone in his hand, looking at everyone in the audience.

Behind, Ru Ke, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Yan Ru, Xiong Jia, Zhu Qiqi, Xu Xiaoxiao, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and others stood neatly behind Wang Qian.

Wang Qian is like a general.

And Ru Ke and others behind him are just like Wang Qian's soldiers.

Neat and serious.

Everyone at the scene gave wild applause and shouts.

clap clap clap...

Among the applause, the shouts became clearer and more unified.



Sing one more time...

Sing one more time...


Sing one more time...

From the very beginning, the sound rose and fell, and within a few seconds, it became extremely unified and clear, sweeping the audience.

Everyone felt that listening to it once was not enough.

It will take a few more times to enjoy it.

Wu Han, Zhao Hu, Zhou Tao and others all shouted the same voice.


Wang Qian still stood quietly on the stage and looked at everyone. If he didn't respond, he didn't agree to everyone's request!

No matter how hot the applause is, no matter how loud the shouts are.

He was indifferent.

This gesture made many people even more obsessed and crazy.

Ru Ke, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue and the others looked at Wang Qian's back at a close distance. They were all admirable and even a little fascinated by that powerful and unrestrained aura.

Zhou Qinghua waited under the stage for more than ten seconds, but Wang Qian didn't show any sign of it.

Although he really wants Wang Qian to sing again, so that the show can sing for a few more minutes, and more audiences and advertising fees can be harvested.


He didn't dare to ask Wang Qian forcibly, and he didn't have a channel to talk directly with Wang Qian. He could only say to the host at the moment: Good luck, come on stage and control the field. Professor Wang probably doesn't want to sing anymore, let's finish it.

Then, Zhou Qinghua asked He Dongming again: Dongming, how are the ratings?

He Dongming's excited voice came from the walkie-talkie: I'm sorry, I was so focused on listening to Wang Qian's singing that I forgot about my work all of a sudden. The ratings passed 22 o'clock just over a minute ago, and now it's 22.58. If Wang Qian can do it again Sing once, and you might have a chance to break through 23 points! However, if he doesn’t want to sing, then don’t force it. This guy has a bullish temper, so don’t force him to do things he doesn’t want to do, he will get angry.”

He Dongming knew Wang Qian very well.

Everyone was excited when they heard the ratings data, but there were not many surprises.


It seems that it is easy to do it?

None of them seemed to do anything.

It is enough to do logistics work for players such as Wang Qian and Ru Ke.

Everything on the stage is handed over to the players and instructors!


The ratings work wonders.

Look back now.

They have a dreamlike feeling that is so unreal.

Their work is actually a little easier than last year and the good voices of the past few years, but this is how they created a miracle of ratings.


Doesn't seem to have much to do with them?

It seems that they are all created by the players on the stage...

There is no change or innovation in the program itself, just a new batch of contestants and mentors.

Then, the ratings exploded, surpassing the Spring Festival Gala!

Several variety shows of the same period in the past few months were forced to stop broadcasting. The ratings of other variety shows and even TV dramas were very unsatisfactory!

Everyone pays attention to Good Voice.

Who should I ask for reason?

Zhou Qinghua knew very well that next year, without Wang Qian, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen, Ma Rufei and other talented players, it would be impossible to create such a miracle ratings again.

A pair of eyes looked towards the stage.

The applause became even more enthusiastic.

The host Daji also walked quickly to the stage, and when he came to Wang Qian, he squatted once like the zombie just now, and said loudly: I couldn't help dancing in the background just now, this song is really good! It's so contagious... No wonder everyone wants to listen to it again. However, please calm down a little bit. Professor Wang performed four times tonight and even created this song on the spot. He must be very tired, so please understand. Professor Wang probably wants to go back and rest.

The shouting stopped for a moment.

The applause also gradually eased down.

The host Daji asked Wang Qian at this time: Professor Wang, what is the name of this song?

Wang Qian said softly: It's called Jiucao Gangmu!

Daji asked curiously: Is this song really composed in such a short period of time just now?

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