Debut After Eight Years

200. What stories did Professor Yang Yin and his students have to tell? I also have some unique idea

Because it was an appointment in advance.

So, Zhou Qinghua went out from Wang Qian's place, and immediately took people to go to Ruke's side by car.

The apartment where Ru Ke lives is actually not far from the villa area where Wang Qian lives, and it is also a high-end residential area with a view not far from the West Lake.

Entering this duplex apartment, the area is no less than that of some ordinary small villas.

No wonder it can accommodate so many people.

Zhou Qinghua turned on the camera and started recording material from the moment he entered the door.

Several people in Ru Ke had already put on more formal attire, gathered in the living room and waited.

Director Zhou, sit down, shall we start now?

Ru Ke stretched out his hand to invite, and immediately got to the point.

Starting from the good voice of this season, Zhou Qinghua got used to the contestants' unique personalities, and also got used to the attitude of several contestants who didn't take their mentors and program crew seriously.

Talented and powerful.

Indeed, there should be some privileges.

Straightforward, not polite!

Zhou Qinghua was also rude, and immediately sat down with two reporters: Okay, shall we start then?

Ru Ke nodded, indicating yes.

The camera is focused on several people.

The reporter immediately said: Several beauties, can you introduce yourself first?

Ru Ke nodded: I am Ru Ke!

Yang Zixuan: Yang Zixuan.

Xiong Jia: Xiong Jia.

Yan Ru: My name is Yan Ru.

Zhu Qiqi: I'm Zhu Qiqi!

The reporter looked at these five talented music students who all graduated from Central Music, and felt a little moved.

Talented, capable, and so pretty, and they are not stereotyped Internet celebrity faces, but each has its own characteristics, and its temperament is also different. Except for Zhu Qiqi who seems mature, the other four have some girlishness. For audiences who like good looks, it is simply fatally attractive.

It's no wonder that the popularity can continue to increase explosively!

The reporter glanced at the notebook prepared in advance, and then asked, Ru Ke, does the name of your Baojia Street band have any meaning?

Ru Ke: There is no special meaning, that is, we all graduated from Yangyin, and we often wandered on Baojia Street, so we took the name of Baojia Street 99, 99 represents the limit, we want to be the best Well, don’t embarrass our school.”

The reporter smiled: Then you have already done it. Ru Ke, in the group of Mr. Liu Junhua, you have always performed very well and sang relatively old songs. It was not until the group finals that you started to form Baojia Street band, appearing on stage as a rock band, why is that?

Ru Ke didn't hide anything, and said directly: Because, I was performing in the same period as Professor Wang Qianwang that day, and I was greatly touched by his performance, which awakened my love for rock and roll in my heart. I wrote a lot of inspiration, so I wanted to try and make the music I wanted to make, so I called Yan Ru and the others to come and reorganize the band with me.

Fortunately, the sisters did not forget, and they all came to help me. I am very grateful to them. Especially Zhu Qiqi. Zhu Qiqi already has a husband and a child, so she temporarily put down her family and came to help me. She helped me , for us, endured a lot.

Some tears appeared in Zhu Qiqi's eyes, but she concealed them with a smile on her face.

Zhou Qinghua immediately pointed the camera at Zhu Qiqi.

The reporter also asked Zhu Qiqi: Zhu Qiqi, you are the only one in the team who got married and had a family. How did you manage to put aside your family and come out to join Ru Ke's band?

After all, Zhu Qiqi couldn't help the tears streaming down her cheeks, and said with a smile: It's because of regret. Back then, the band we formed at school had a chance to debut. We all had a dream of rock and roll at that time. The happiest time in my life. It’s a pity that I gave up at that time because the captain Ruke had something to do with his family. This is a regret in each of us. We have been in touch for the past few years, and it’s a pity to talk about it. So, when Captain Ru Ke called us, we all came.

I told my husband before. When I decided to join the band, my husband and baby were very supportive. I am very grateful to him and baby for their support.

Several people listened seriously.

The reporter also started to change the subject. One tear-jerking topic is enough. He looked at Yan Ru and asked, Yan Ru, how do you feel about joining the band?

Yan Ru smiled: Let's be happy, this is our original dream, now we continue to move forward, very happy. Especially, there are many strong players on the stage of The Voice this year. They put pressure on us and gave us Motivation, let us do better!

The reporter continued to ask: Which player do you think gives you the most pressure and motivation?

Yan Ru said with certainty: Of course it is Wang Qian, Professor Wang. His music not only gave us pressure and motivation, but also gave us some inspiration. When we discussed music inspiration in private, we all talked about it. Professor Wang's music style and philosophy, Professor Wang is a musical treasure!

The reporter nodded and looked at Yang Zixuan: Zixuan, what is your biggest feeling when you participate in The Voice this time?

Yang Zixuan smiled sweetly: I am also very happy. I am a fan of Professor Wang. I am very happy to be able to perform on the same stage with Professor Wang. This time, we can reach the finals and have a one-on-one with Professor Wang The performance was a success. We didn't think about winning or losing. We just wanted to perform our best form and unique music when facing Professor Wang. It was enough to get the approval of Professor Wang and others gone.

Yang Zixuan has always regarded herself as a fan of Wang Qian, and she also mentioned this on Weibo.

She doesn't shy away from it.

Therefore, everyone is not surprised.

The reporter smiled and nodded, looking at Xiong Jia: Xiong Jia, how about you? What do you expect from this finals?

Xiong Jia seemed relatively calm, and after thinking for a while, he said: I just hope that we can perform in the best state, and we hope that Professor Wang can also surprise us. Moreover, we have also prepared works for everyone that we will create together.

The reporter asked curiously: Are you creating together?

Xiong Jia nodded: Well, our creation is to see who has ideas and inspirations, and then say it, and we will perfect it together. However, most of it is our team leader Ru Ke who proposes an inspiration idea, and we then collide with inspiration and perfect it together. Of the three works we performed with Ma Rufei yesterday, two were created by Captain Ru Ke before, and the other was created by us recently, we all like it very much!

Zhou Qinghua was slightly amazed in his heart.

If this material is released, I don't know how many fans it will attract to the members of the Baojia Street Band!

There are simply too many desirable qualities.


There is no big company behind the Baojiajie band to spend publicity resources, and they also insist on the line of being an independent band.

Otherwise, Zhou Qinghua believes that their popularity will rise faster, and they will really have a chance to reach Wang Qian's current height in the future!

The reporter looked at Ru Ke again: Captain Ru Ke, have you paid attention to players from other competition regions in the world?

Ru Ke: Some attention, but not much attention.

Reporter: Then who are the players who impressed you the most?

Ru Ke thought for a while: Adam and Eva from North America, Elizabeth from England, Sophie from France, and Miyuki Nakamori from the island country, Qian Yu Zhenzhu! They are all very strong, and they all have a very strong personal style.

Reporter: Do you think you can surpass them if you enter the World Championship?

Ru Ke blinked, then smiled and said: I haven't thought about it yet, I just want to prepare for the match against Professor Wang in the China Finals. As for the World Championship, let's talk about it after the game is over. We are not sure about surpassing Professor Wang. Professor this level.

Yang Zixuan said: Actually, we have created an English rock song together in the past few days. We should be able to sing it to everyone at the weekend performance. This is our attempt...

The reporter immediately asked: Is it an attempt to prepare for the World Championship?

Ru Ke smiled wryly: Not really, we haven't thought about the World Championship yet. It's because Professor Wang's Thephoenix was very popular in the world last time, and North America got the tenth place on the Billboard weekly list, so we also I want to try the taste of English rock.

Reporter: Then we look forward to it even more. Now, what do you want to say to your opponent, Professor Wang?

Ru Ke thought for a while and said, Professor Wang, I look forward to your performance.

Yang Zixuan: Professor Wang, can I ask you for an autograph?

Yan Ru: Professor Wang, remember to go to Yangyin for class...

Xiong Jia: Professor Wang, when will Haidilao's branch open?

Zhu Qiqi: Professor Wang, when will your poetry collection be released?

All right!

The five people did have their own characteristics, and the questions Wang Qian wanted to ask were different.

It can be seen that they have different concerns about Wang Qian.

The three of Zhou Qinghua couldn't help laughing.

The interview ended successfully.

Thank you for your cooperation, Ru Ke, then we won't bother you to rest and rehearse, and look forward to your weekend performance.

Zhou Qinghua left immediately.

The five of Ru Ke got up and sent Zhou Qinghua and the others out.


Back to the production base.

Zhou Qinghua immediately handed over the two interview materials to the propaganda department, so that they don't need to edit them, but upload them directly, and make a publicity plan!

In the era of mobile Internet, time is money, so soldiers are precious and fast.

Less than five minutes.

The two promotional videos were released on the official Weibo of Good Voice.

At the same time, official accounts on several other popular social platforms also released interview videos one after another.

About the promotion of the finals.

Official full start!

Because Wang Qian and Ru Ke's attitude and atmosphere are very friendly.

Therefore, the program group listened to the opinions of both parties, did not create an atmosphere of confrontation between the two parties, and did not incite fans and audiences to confront each other.

Instead, the title of sympathy between geniuses was played!

Regarding this topic, Airborne topped the list of hot topics on major social platforms.

There are speakers everywhere who are involved in the discussion of this topic.

Seeing Professor Wang's interview, I love it! It's really good.

Professor Wang gives me the feeling that he is a real artist. With Professor Wang here, the talent show of Good Voice is on the top.

The Bow Street Band got me so obsessed.

Baojiajie Band almost represents the pinnacle of Chinese rock bands. All five of them are high-achieving students in the central music class. They are all amazingly talented and harmonious with each other. The creative inspiration is at its peak, and it is a duel with Ma Rufei. I really like the three songs I sang at the time.”

Professor Wang holds the title of professor in Yangyin, and several members of the Baojia Street band graduated from Yangyin. Is this a duel between students and teachers?

So, this is a civil war between Yangyin teachers and students? Yangyin is so terrifying?

Shocked, the future Chinese music scene may be dominated by Yangyin. Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, and Baojia Street are all from Yangyin. Professor Wang is also a professor of Yangyin, which accounts for most of the current Chinese music scene!

Although Professor Wang is still the professor of Moyin and Zheyin, the students of Moyin and Zheyin haven't performed too well.

By the way, when will Professor Wang come to Yangyin for class?

By the way, when will Professor Wang release the collection of poems?

By the way, when will Professor Wang sign for me?

Netizens began to report the problems of several people in Baojia Street.


Liu Shengnan really hasn't left his house recently.

She didn't really want to see those squatting people outside, and she didn't answer any strange calls.

She doesn't even want to see outsiders!

There is only one figure in my mind.

She has been in the musical instrument room where she is for a week, and she is in it every day except when she comes out to eat, and her mind is full of pictures of the cooperation with Wang Qian.

At the same time, inspirations appeared in her mind, and she kept writing them down!

And every note, every word contains her longing for Wang Qian.

It's time to eat again.

Liu Shengnan took out his mobile phone and looked at Wang Qian's Weibo as usual, but found that there was still no news.

However, she saw the video below on Haosheng official Weibo, and immediately clicked to watch it.

Seeing Wang Qian's shadow in the picture, a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help laughing while eating.

The mother gave Liu Shengnan a disgusted look, and didn't say anything, just continued to eat.

Liu Shengnan thought for a while, opened WeChat on his mobile phone, there were only a few profile pictures, including Wang Qian, clicked on Wang Qian, and sent a message: I want to go to see you and Ru Ke's performance live.

Hold the phone and wait for a while.


The message replied: Yes, I will tell Director Zhou.

Liu Shengnan laughed, and immediately typed: Don't bother you, I will figure out a solution myself.

Wang Qian: No, I'll make arrangements for you. What time of the week do you come? Xuerong and I will pick you up.

Liu Shengnan: Friday!

Wang Qian: No problem, come and stay with us.

Liu Shengnan did not refuse: Thank you.

Wang Qian: No need.

put down the phone.

Liu Shengnan picked up his rice bowl and ate the food in big gulps, and couldn't wait to go to the musical instrument room, wanting to write down the inspiration in his heart at the moment.

It is a kind of excitement and a little timidity, the anticipation of meeting the person you want in your heart.


Magic City, Double Star University.

Xiao Dongmei wrote the two poems about plums in the study when she got up in the morning, and copied them according to the two poems about plums mounted on the wall.

This is the three-point charm that she gradually mastered after writing hundreds of times.

Only when writing these two works, can I write the three-point charm of Wang Qian's thin gold calligraphy.

This is the unique verve and temperament of master-level calligraphy.

It is very rare for Xiao Dongmei to be able to write a three-point charm by copying.

There was the sound of light footsteps.

Xiao Dongcheng walked in, rubbed the ink on his sister lightly, and said in a low voice: Sister, I have a friend who works in the program group of The Voice. I asked him to help me get a seat for the weekend finals of The Voice. Let's go take a look together?

Xiao Dongmei looked at her handwriting, glanced at her younger brother, and said, What do you want to do?

Xiao Dongcheng smiled, and said: I don't do anything, I just want to take you to see the performance of Professor Wang and the Ruke Baojia Street Band. This is definitely the most anticipated event in the Chinese music scene this year. You can't miss it. .I entrusted a lot of connections to get the seat, let's go together.

Xiao Dongmei said flatly: Well, it's time, remind me.

Xiao Dongcheng: No problem!

Xiao Dongcheng continued to polish the ink.

However, Xiao Dongmei said lightly: It's none of your business, go out.

Xiao Dongcheng's movement of grinding ink froze, feeling the malice from his sister, he immediately agreed, turned and walked out.

He looked up and saw his brother walking away.

A happy smile gradually appeared on Xiao Dongmei's face, just like the melting ice and snow on the snowy mountains in the distance, filled with warmth and bright expectations.

It seems that spring is here and the flowers are in full bloom.

And she is the winter plum blooming alone before Baihua.


Liu Lihua would come to the apartment every day for the past two days to accompany Li Qingyao.

Yaoyao, we can't lose our jobs, can we?

Liu Lihua said earnestly: You have rested for so long. If you are in a bad mood recently, you can continue to rest for a few days, but the time should not be too long. At the end of the month at most, you will start working, and the end of the year is coming. We can't relax. We are working for you, trying to make an appearance at the New Year's Eve party of one of the three major TV stations.

Sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Li Qingyao took a paintbrush and lightly drew the Huangpu River outside on the drawing board, and said softly, I see.

Liu Lihua sighed, and said, The Voice finals are about to begin, and I asked someone to get a front row seat for the live show, will you go?

Li Qingyao stopped holding the paintbrush instantly, looked up at Liu Lihua: Really?

Liu Lihua: Of course it is true. There is only one seat. This time, Good Voice held the finals in the largest stadium in West Lake City as in previous years, but the number of spectators was limited. It was not as full as before. 10,000 tickets were given, 5,000 were sold externally, and the remaining 5,000 were only processed internally, and most of them were given to insiders.”

I asked for two for you, but I didn't go because I have something to do recently.

Li Qingyao nodded, her face looked better, she smiled and said, Okay, I will go then.

Liu Lihua: Well, after the show, you're about to start working, okay?

Li Qingyao thought for a while, and agreed: Okay, but I have to choose the job myself!

Liu Lihua: Okay, this time Jinhuang Entertainment left two frontline workers and joined Sun Jing's company, which caused a lot of losses for the company and a lot of resources that were originally assigned to them were also emptied. I won two good ones for you. resources, a big-budget movie, and a front-line advertising contract, these two cannot be turned away.”

Li Qingyao was in a very good mood when she thought of going to see Wang Qian's performance live, so she agreed casually, Okay.


Wang Qian and Qin Xuehong did not dare to interact and play for too long.

Because, both of them were worried that Qin Xuerong and the others would come back quickly.

Therefore, in a short period of time, I am very devoted and very hard.

More than half an hour.

Qin Xuehong was exhausted and exhausted.

With every movement, she exhausted all her strength, as if she wanted to vent all her thoughts about Wang Qian recently, as if she wanted to make up for what she couldn't get during this period of time.

Wang Qian cleaned up, carried the limp Xuehong back to the room to rest, and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the excitement now!


I saw that the official voice of Good Voice has started to spread the publicity, and released the interview video of him and the Baojiajie band.

After watching the interview with Ru Ke, Wang Qian was about to say something when he received a message from Liu Shengnan.

He naturally agreed to Liu Shengnan's request.

He regards Liu Shengnan as a true bosom friend.

In terms of music and art, it is a rare friend who can really communicate with him.

Moreover, Liu Shengnan has some unique musical thinking that Wang Qian does not have.

Therefore, he still has some admiration for Liu Shengnan.

Agreed to Liu Shengnan.

Wang Qian immediately sent a message to Zhou Qinghua: Director Zhou, a friend of mine is coming to watch my performance, please reserve a seat in the front row for me.

Zhou Qinghua immediately agreed: No problem!

All the tickets for the backcourt are sold to the outside world.

The infield and midfield are basically reserved for inviting people in the circle, and for people with backgrounds who want to watch the show live.

Thousands of sheets are simply not enough.

However, after discussing with the TV station, the producer deliberately did so.

In order to create a phenomenon of scarce resources and attract more topics, create a tall and powerful style in the circle!

Paving the way for the next season of The Voice.

If Zhou Qinghua hadn't reserved some good seats in the front row on purpose, all of them might be full by now.

It was affirmed by Zhou Qinghua.

Wang Qian said on Weibo: I was amazed by Ru Ke's performance last night. I was very touched by the core thinking unique to women. I was thinking about these three songs today. Share this part of inspiration with Baojia Street, and share it with everyone.”

In fact, it was Wang Qian who listened to some of Ru Ke's songs and saw the interviews with Ru Ke and others, and suddenly had some thoughts in his heart!

It must be vented to be smooth and the thoughts to be smooth.

So, with that said.

And Ru Ke also replied quickly, obviously she is also paying attention to Weibo news now: I look forward to Professor Wang's performance, and it is something that our sisters are very happy to give Professor Wang some inspiration.

Wang Qian also interacted with Ru Ke: Looking forward to the English rock you will create together.

Band members participate in the creation together, which is the model used by several of the most successful bands in the peak rock era before. This can ensure a steady stream of inspiration as much as possible, and can also brainstorm and provide more styles of music inspiration. The music is also more representative of the band's style and more attractive to fans!

It's a pity that this kind of creative mode is difficult to last, and also because everyone joins in the creation, it is easier to breed conflicts, which makes the band more likely to fall apart.

In addition, professional creative teams gradually emerged to replace that model.

This is also one of the reasons why the pinnacle of rock and roll has gradually declined.

Wang Qian appreciates the harmonious coexistence creative mode of the Ruke Baojia Street Band.

Historically, many famous bands have been destroyed by internal conflicts.

It is a pity.

Wang Qian hopes that Baojiajie will not encounter such a thing.


time flies.

In the past few days, Wang Qian brought Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Zhao Wei, and He Fulin to rehearse every day.

Sisters Qin Xuehong and Qin Xuerong occasionally watched Wang Qian's rehearsals and performances together, and occasionally went around West Lake City, or went shopping.

In the next few days, Qin Xuehong did not go out, stayed at home to write, and when she was with Wang Qian, she found that she had more inspirations.

Wang Qian didn't publish any more news, so he appeared extremely low-key and mysterious.

The same is true for the Ruke Baojia Street Band. The five of them also concentrate on rehearsing, colliding with sparks of inspiration together, not paying attention to external affairs.

However, the official propaganda of Good Voice is getting bigger and bigger!

Every day, the top topics on several major social platforms are the names of Wang Qian and the Baojiajie Band.


Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV also opened a commentary program for this year's The Voice, and invited several well-known commentators to comment on the amazing contestants of this year's The Voice in the program, commenting on their music, and also commenting on their music. Give expectations for their future development.

And this kind of program actually got a very high ratings, hardly losing to those popular TV dramas and variety shows.

It made other TV stations jealous.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV immediately made persistent efforts and made all the performances of Wang Qian and Baojiajie Band starting from joining the good voice into a special feature, which was broadcast on the TV station and got very good ratings.

Now, other TV stations are not just jealous, but can't help but act.

Several TV stations went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations one after another, contacted Brother Station and the copyright owner, and wanted to buy the broadcast rights of this good voice...

With such high enthusiasm and high expectations.

The weekend is here.

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