Debut After Eight Years

198. New Era Rock and Roll Peak Showdown, World Ranking Vote! (Ask for votes!)

The Voice of the World China Division has entered the final stage of the finals!

This is definitely a big deal for the operation team of The Voice of the World.

Because, although the ratings in the Huaxia Division are not the highest, there is a small country with a ratings as high as 30%, but the Huaxia Division has the largest number of viewers and the greatest potential value.

When the World Championship starts, the copyright partners of each major region will automatically obtain the regional live broadcast rights of the World Championship, but this part of the income does not belong to the local copyright owner, but belongs to the total income of the World Championship, which will be deposited into the final settlement treasury , and redistribute at the end.

Therefore, with such a high audience in the Huaxia Division, coupled with the extremely prosperous economic development in the Huaxia Region, it will definitely attract a lot of high-priced advertisers. Even if the income is not the first in the top ten competition regions, it will at least be the top three ranks!

Therefore, since the finals of the Huaxia Division, it has been taken very seriously, and it has entered the stage of publicity in the world.

And at the same time.

The competitions in other divisions have also come to an end, some have also entered the finals, some have entered the semi-finals, and all of them have begun the final stage.

The North American Division also entered the final finals.

As many people expected.

The two North American players facing off in the finals of the North American Division are Adam and Eva.

During the semi-finals, both of them showed the strength and talent to absolutely suppress their opponents.

Eva, in particular, sang an original country song during the semi-finals, stunning the entire North American music scene. Not only did she beat her opponent with a huge advantage, but she even entered the top five on the Billboard in just a few days.

And Adam is still taking the cover route, old songs are more attractive to fans and have more mass base.

However, in response to Eva's talent promotion, Adam also made some adaptations of old songs, making many old songs into the most popular song style at the moment, and also sang an old song into the bulletin board In the top ten, he showed his talent and singing ability.

At the same time, both of them have signed contracts with large companies in North America, and the promotional resources behind them are extremely rich. At this moment, a comprehensive publicity offensive has been launched.

The three major regions in Asia have also entered the final stage.

Nakamori Miyuki from the island country has undoubtedly entered the finals, and her opponent Chiha Maju is an independent singer with a strong fan base in the island country. Although she has not been well-known before, she has sung theme songs for many popular anime , sang its classic anime theme song in the semi-finals, causing the fans to scream, and defeated the opponent with an absolute crushing advantage.

Therefore, although Miyuki Nakamori is more famous internationally, she is currently the weaker side in the island country's competition area, and the support rate of Qianyu Zhenzhu is higher.

The Three Kingdoms Division began in the semi-finals, and the international attention has risen rapidly.

Because, the four contestants in the semi-finals of the Three Kingdoms are all descendants of aristocrats who grew up in Europe and the United States. They all received professional music education in Europe and the United States, and they are handsome and beautiful with extraordinary temperament. They also speak authentic American and British English, so The covers of several European and American classic songs have aroused considerable repercussions internationally.

Therefore, the two contestants in the finals of the Three Kingdoms are already well-known internationally at the moment, and with the promotional resources of the company and family behind them, they may even surpass Wang Qian, who has a song on the Billboard No. 10.

On the contrary, the news of the Huaxia Division finals did not cause many waves in the world.

Each competition area is entering the final stage, and its local media spare no effort to promote the local players, so not many people pay attention to the news of other competition areas.

It's the same in the Huaxia Division. Everyone is not in the mood to pay attention to the performance of the players in other divisions. The focus is on the players in their own division.

Baojia Street Band and Ma Rufei exploded overnight this time.

The publicity resources behind Ma Rufei began to exert their strength, and Tengfei also cooperated with the publicity to make Ma Rufei a king-level folk singer who could fight against Chen Xiaowen and Baojia Street.

As for Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan, they dare not think about it yet.

So, right after this episode of The Voice program ended, there were all kinds of news about Ma Rufei on the Internet. It was once on the top of the hot topic on several major social platforms, suppressing the Ruke Baojia Street Band who defeated Ma Rufei and won.

Overnight, the number of Ma Rufei's Weibo fans soared by more than 2 million. There is only a few hundred thousand gaps away from the first-line celebrity. After today, he can pass this threshold and officially become a first-line celebrity singer. He can be regarded as a king-level singer, but the number of works is not enough. After releasing an album and getting good results, he can truly be regarded as a king-level singer.

Driven by the publicity resources of Tengfei and Ma Rufei's brokerage company, Ma Rufei's three campus folk songs have also been hyped to become must-listen campus songs. Many self-media commentators call the trilogy of campus memories. The number of downloads keeps rising, and the highest song has 15 million downloads overnight, and it is possible to reach the achievement of 20 million downloads a day.

Seeing Ma Rufei's achievements, Tengfei was a little relieved.

Jiang Rong came to the office more than an hour early in the morning, looking a little more relaxed than the previous few days.

The company started to reorganize and set up an independent company, and Jiang Rong will go further.

However, the pressure to restructure is high.

The good thing is.

At this time, Ma Rufei came out, which reduced the pressure on Tengfei a lot.

After all, no matter what, Tengfei has launched a popular new-age singer this time. In terms of high-level combat power, there is someone who can slightly confront Qianqian Jingting's one king and three queens.

Now Tengfei also has a super rookie singer with over 20 million downloads on the first day of single release. This kind of super explosive first-day data is no longer unique to Qianqianjingting.

Jiang Rong turned on Qianqian Jingting, and saw three songs by the Baojia Street Band,

This time Qianqian Jingting also gained a lot.

Of the three songs of the Baojiajie Band, the highest one has passed more than 12 million downloads, and the other two songs have also passed tens of millions of downloads. The initial explosion suppressed Ma Rufei, but later the Baojiajie Band and The publicity and promotion resources of Qianqian Jingting platform are far from being comparable to Ma Rufei's agency and Tengfei, so Ma Rufei surpassed them later.

However, the relaxed smile on Jiang Rong's face restrained a little, and then gradually became serious.

Because, she knows.

Ru Ke's Baojia Street band will definitely get over 20 million downloads of the new single on the first day today.

this means.

The potential of Ruke Baojia Street Band has also begun to be fulfilled, and it has entered the 20 million download club in a single day!

The situation of one king and three queens.

About to be fully formed.

Jingle Bell……

The phone rang.

Jiang Rong picked it up and looked at it. It was Mr. Wang, and he connected immediately: Mr. Wang!

Wang Jianqiang quickly said: Have you seen the results of Baojia Street? What do you think?

Jiang Rong nodded and said seriously: I see! Baojiajie's grades are not much worse than Ma Rufei's, and their potential may still be higher than Ma Rufei's. Their bands are all young beauties with good looks, and each has its own characteristics and personality. It is a huge advantage not to lose to those girl groups who rely on their appearance for their livelihood. In addition, they are all talented, and there is no limit to the potential that can be tapped in the future.

If they join a big company and have a top professional team to package and publicize them, their popularity may not lose to Wang Qian.

Wang Jianqiang sighed: Yes, we didn't sign such a band! It's a pity.

Jiang Rong smiled wryly and said, When Ru Ke first emerged, I suggested signing her, and I personally went to find her with a second-tier contract, but unfortunately I didn't meet her. Later, I managed to contact her by phone, but she refused. I found out. I inquired in the circle, and she is an independent singer, and Baojia Street Band is also an independent band. Ru Ke has a great background in the capital, so no agency dares to sign her.

Now, according to my investigation, among the super rookies, only Wang Qian and the Baojia Street Band can kill men and women of all ages.

Jiang Rong said, opened the Weibo page, and then entered Ru Ke's Weibo homepage.

The pupils froze slightly for an instant!


At this moment, it was displayed on the page that the number of followers of Ru Ke's fans exceeded ten million!

That is.


The number of Ru Ke's fans has increased by four to five million, far surpassing Ma Rufei's. Only Wang Qian has achieved this kind of skyrocketing speed.

It has directly crossed the threshold of the first-line coffee position, and it is not far from the super-first-line coffee position.

Jiang Rong quickly searched the Weibo pages of Yang Zixuan, Yan Ru, Xiong Jia, and Zhu Qiqi.

I found that the number of followers of these people has also skyrocketed. Although it is not as exaggerated as Ru Ke, they have also increased the number of fans ranging from one million to two million. The tallest Yang Zixuan has also accumulated more than four million fans. It can be said that It was all a fire overnight.


The few members of the Baojia Street Band were not very active.

It’s just that after uploading the song after the performance yesterday, I notified it on my Weibo, thanked everyone for their support, and it’s gone.

The few people in Baojia Street were terribly low-key, even lower-key than Wang Qian.

Mr. Wang's voice came from Jiang Rong's ears: The company has been reorganized these days, please help more. At the same time, don't stop the excavation work for Chen Xiaowen, Liu Shengnan, and Baojia Street Band. Even if they They were all rejected, so we have to keep in touch, continue to show our sincerity, and try to lure them all over.

This time, Qianqian Jingting and Wang Qian face the suppression and blockade of almost half of the entertainment industry and Internet companies. There will definitely be some pressure. This is our opportunity to poach people.

Jiang Rong: Okay, I will continue to follow up and keep in touch with them at any time. Moreover, I got news that Liu Shengnan left the original management company, paid a liquidated damages, and has become an independent singer.

Mr. Wang: This point has been spread throughout the industry. Now almost all the entertainment companies in the entertainment industry have gathered in Rongcheng, and they want to sign Liu Shengnan. However, after a few days, Liu Shengnan didn't see any of them. I didn't leave the house, and there was no news on Weibo.

Jiang Rong smiled wryly: That's going to be difficult!

She went to dig Liu Shengnan personally last time, and wanted Liu Shengnan to leave Qianqianjing and listen to Tengfei, but she also didn't see anyone. She stayed there for a few days and only chatted with the manager, but the manager couldn't make the decision, and finally left helplessly. .

it's good now!

Brokers are gone.

I didn't see Liu Shengnan, and I didn't even have someone to talk to.

Everyone can only wait there.

Mr. Wang continued: Next, it's time to test us. How is your contact with several major companies?

Although Tengfei has gained something today, Ma Rufei's three songs have achieved extremely explosive results. The highest song is about to set Tengfei's first single-day download record of over 20 million, breaking Qianqianjingting's monopoly on this data.

Available at the same time.

This is also the last big harvest for Tengfei recently.

In terms of good voice, only Wang Qian and the Baojia Street Band are left.

And these two are all listened to by Qianqianjing. It can be predicted that the songs sung by both sides in the finals will create even more terrifying download data in the end, but this has nothing to do with their take-off.

Later, the winners of the two will go to the World Championships, and the attention and anticipation will definitely still be overwhelming, and the released songs will inevitably explode, and it still has nothing to do with their take-off.

Therefore, next, Tengfei will have to face the suppression of Qianqian Jingting's explosive performance.

And Tengfei didn't have super high-profile singers to fight against.

Jiang Rong could only get in touch with a few major entertainment companies, and asked them to prepare a few good songs for their big-name singers to release recently. Tengfei will cooperate with publicity resources to get good results as much as possible, so as to weaken Qianqian Jingting. The impact of the subsequent outbreak.

In the Internet age, attention is the core point!

If Qianqianjingting continues to release high-quality and good songs in the future, and the results are very explosive, and everyone keeps paying close attention to Qianqianjingting, then everyone will maintain the habit of going to Qianqianjingting to find songs to download in the future.

Once a habit is formed, it is very difficult to change it.

Before taking off, it was the habitual first choice of many users.

Now, Qianqianjingting is trying to change this habit.

Tengfei cannot maintain the speed of launching good works during this period to fight against Qianqian Jingting, and let users continue their habits to attract attention.

If Ascendas does not retain user habits, it may really be made bigger and stronger by Qianqianjingting during this period.


Ascendas has just been reorganized, and it will face such a huge pressure.

Jiang Rong thought for a while, and said: The contact is more successful. They are already preparing songs for their singers and releasing them. There are not enough songwriters in the Chinese music scene, and the work schedules of some capable songwriters are full. In the future, the good songs they create will appear on Ascension, and they should be able to compete with Wang Qian and the Baojiajie band.

As long as we pass the time of Haosheng, it will be difficult for them to compete with us. Without Haosheng's huge traffic introduction and strong publicity resources, we can slowly drag them to death.

Mr. Wang was very satisfied with this plan, and said with a smile: Okay, you can write out this plan in detail, and we will study it in a meeting in a few days.

Tengfei, after all, has a big family and a big business, backed by giants, and joined forces with several major entertainment groups to suppress Wang Qian!

After Wang Qian left the high-exposure stage of Good Voice, what else is there?

Almost nothing!

Only myself.

It is true that take-off can be slow and grind Wang Qian to death with the power of capital.

Jiang Rong smiled and said, Okay, Mr. Wang.

hang up the phone.

Jiang Rong's smile became brighter.

She clicked on Wang Qian's Weibo.

The number of Wang Qian's Weibo followers has reached 32 million, which has increased by more than one million in a week, and the momentum of new fans has not declined at all.

It seems that 30 million international superstars are far from the limit for him.

And the last message on Wang Qian's Weibo was posted last night, giving high praise and appreciation to Baojiajie Band and Ma Rufei's performance.

I watched the performance of Ru Ke Band and Ma Rufei tonight. It was very exciting. It can be said that it is the pinnacle performance of the Chinese music scene. It is no worse than the performance of Xiaowen and me. It is a pity that Ma Rufei left the stage with regret. Ma Rufei discusses folk songs, we can only wait later.

The rock of the Baojiajie band allowed me to see the amazing side of women's thinking about rock and roll, and also let me see the explosive power of half the sky. I feel the pressure now.

I'll see you on stage in a week. I won't talk about winning or losing. I just want to try my best to show everyone what I want to express.

After a night of fermenting, this Weibo message has been forwarded and liked more than three million times, and has hundreds of thousands of comments, making it one of the most popular news.

After watching it for a while, Jiang Rong knew that this was the start of The Voice program group's effort at all costs.

Now, Ma Rufei's enthusiasm began to fade.

There are promotional topics of Wang Qian and Ruke Baojia Street Band everywhere.

Ru Ke and the Baojia Street Band became the hottest topics, followed by Wang Qian.

Many comments discussing the strength of the two parties and the style of the song have become popular comments.

And Xueman's comments were among the top ten topics on the hot list.

Xueman called this the pinnacle showdown of rock and roll in the new era.

To be honest, as far as rock music is concerned, I prefer the rock music of Ruke Baojia Street. Because Ruke's music has more female thinking cores, which makes me feel more substituting as a woman. Wang The professor's rock is also shocking, but it doesn't have more impact on me than Ruke Bao's Street Band.

Last night, after listening to the three songs by the Baojia Street Band, I had the urge to play rock and roll, and I had many thoughts in my heart. Ruke represents a kind of arrogance and self-confidence in my heart. I want to be Ru But people like that, living that kind of life, wantonly release their talents and ideas, sway their personality at will, be unrestrained, don't care about the world's vision, don't care about the opinions of relatives and friends, just live the life they want.

Unfortunately, there is only one Ru Ke. Who is the most similar to Ru Ke? I think it is Liu Shengnan, both of whom have the same personality and talent. They don't care about other people's opinions and only live the life they want! But, Liu Shengnan It has always been like this. But Ru has only recently started to release herself. Most of the other people, like me, are bound by the world, living a very ordinary life, and not being able to live the way they want.

So, I say that Ruke's Baojia Street Band represents a state of life I yearn for.

And Wang Qian, Professor Wang. It represents a perfect image in my heart.

Professor Wang is not only successful in the field of music, he is already a master in the fields of calligraphy and poetry. Even in the field of music, Professor Wang is not only recognized in rock music, folk songs, piano, etc. have been widely recognized.”

In addition, Professor Wang is full of personal charm, humility, elegance, self-confidence, calmness, etc. There are countless advantages.

So, Professor Wang almost satisfies all my beautiful thoughts.

I can't find any flaws in Professor Wang.

Now, these two people are about to face off on the final stage.

One is the person I want to be, and the other is the person I yearn for.

Whoever they win, I can accept.

Even now, I don't care about their winning or losing. I just want to see the music and thinking they showed in the final.

It's also a musical celebration for all the other fans.

Especially for rock fans, this is the pinnacle of Chinese rock in the new era.

Everyone, don't miss it.


Xueman's speech received millions of retweets and likes in just over two hours, and the number of comments exceeded 200,000. Many people participated in the discussion intensely!

Because, Xueman's words also hit the nail on the head, the analysis was extremely profound, and it also touched the hearts of many people.

Even Jiang Rong couldn't help but like and retweet it after watching it. She felt touched and wrote a sentence: Xueman said it so well, it seems to have spoken from my heart.

Wang Qian is her competitor, but she doesn't hate her at all, she still has a trace of admiration and love deep in her heart!

Just like Xueman said.

Wang Qian also satisfied many of Jiang Rong's yearning for beauty.

And the Bow Street Band!

Jiang Rong also liked it very much.

Love every song by Bow Street Band.

On the stage yesterday, she downloaded the three songs of the Baojia Street Band for the first time, and went back to listen to them many times before falling asleep.

every song.

Everything she likes.

Among them are women's thinking about life.

Therefore, Jiang Rong had a sense of substitution after hearing it.

This is Jiang Rong's opinion. Ru Ke's Baojia Street is the same as Wang Qian's, where both men and women are killed!

No one can escape its allure.

Jiang Rong smiled. Although she was a competitor, she wanted to defeat Wang Qian and Qianqianjingting. She was deeply worried about the finals of The Voice, because both Wang Qian and Baojiajie were singers of Qianqianjingting.

But at the same time, she is also looking forward to the upcoming performances of Wang Qian and Baojia Street.

Same as Xueman said.

This is a grand festival of Chinese music.


Xueman's comments became popular, and there was naturally a good voice official behind it to fuel the flames.

However, many people agree with its statement is also one of the main reasons.

The finals of a talent show can be turned into a music festival that can represent the peak level of the Chinese music scene.

This year, The Voice has truly achieved unprecedented success, with a high level, surpassing the singer finals of the previous season.

It is also the unimaginable pinnacle achievement of a music variety show.

Wang Qian woke up very early today, and saw Xueman's comment, so he gave a like and forwarded it.

I agree with Xueman's words in my heart.

Rock and roll itself is the publicity of personality and the venting of one's inner thinking.

Therefore, Ru Ke is indeed very representative and liked by many women, which is very normal.

Even Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue admired the Ruke Baojia Street Band very much.

At the same time, Wang Qian also liked several campus ballads by Ma Rufei very much.

These are all good songs that he could not hear in the traffic era of another world.

Buzz buzz!

The phone vibrated.

Wang Qian picked it up.

It was Zhou Qinghua calling.


Zhou Qinghua's voice came from the phone: Wang Qian, did you disturb your rest?

Wang Qian: No, just woke up, director Zhou has something to do so early?

Zhou Qinghua: Have you watched the contestant ranking vote launched on the International Voice platform?

Wang Qian was slightly surprised: No, what ranking?

During this period of time, Wang Qian did not pay attention to the situation of The Voice International.

After The Phoenix, Wang Qian's appeal to foreign audiences was almost gone, and the popularity disappeared. The following performance videos didn't have many hits or comments, so there was nothing to pay attention to.

Zhou Qinghua explained: Isn't this the stage of the finals for all major competition areas? The Voice International will give an overall voting ranking to the contestants who have entered the finals in each major competition area. Ranking, to temporarily determine the ranking of the top ten divisions.

At the final World Championship, the contestants' duels will be arranged according to the rankings of the top ten divisions. The top five division players will draw lots, and their opponents will be drawn from the bottom five players.

So, the current ranking determines who your opponent will be at that time.

Wang Qian asked with a smile: Who is the opponent and what is the difference?

Zhou Qinghua on the phone was silent for a while.

This word.

He didn't know how to pick it up.

I don't know whether to praise Wang Qian's self-confidence, or to say something else?

Wang Qian continued: No matter who you are, you always have to face it.

Zhou Qinghua said helplessly, But what if you meet a strong opponent? Do you have confidence in the North American champion?

Wang Qian asked, Who? Adam?

Zhou Qinghua: I don't know yet, but it's either Adam or Eva. There is a high probability that it will be Adam. His voice has always been the highest, and his strength is really strong. Do you have the confidence to face Adam? If we can rank If you are in the top five, then you only have to face the bottom five players, and the probability of surviving the first round is higher.

Zhou Qinghua didn't dare to think about how far the champion of the Huaxia division could go in the international arena. He just wanted to pass the first round first.

Although he has confidence in Wang Qian, the players from other regions in the international competition are really too strong.

To some extent, the ranking represents the hard power of the players.

Therefore, it is best to face the weaker players at the bottom of the ranking in the early stage, the probability of promotion is greater, and if you can go one more round, the final ranking will be higher.

Wang Qian said with a smile: I'm not sure yet. Because I have to face Ru Ke first. Ru Ke's performance yesterday was a classic. I dare not say that I will win. Let's talk about it after passing this test.

Zhou Qinghua: Okay, but personally I still hope that you can represent the Huaxia District in the competition, so do your best. On behalf of the program group, I will apply for more resources from the international operation group to give you more votes.

Wang Qian: I also help Ru Ke to promote internationally. They are more representative of China's rock and roll spirit.

Wang Qian knew from his family affairs that he was not a pure rock singer, and he was just a porter.

He's just an actor, and he's playing a rock singer right now.

Therefore, Ru Ke's Baojiajie band is a truly talented rock band, and it can better represent the spirit of the new era of Chinese rock.

He wanted the world to know about Ruke's Baojia Street.

Zhou Qinghua thought for a while and said, Okay, I will arrange it. Next week's game will be left to you.

Wang Qian: Okay, thank you Director Zhou.

Zhou Qinghua: You don't need to thank me, I won't talk about it. I'll contact Ru Ke to chat.

Wang Qian: Okay, see you again, Director Zhou.

Zhou Qinghua: Goodbye!

Put down the phone.

Curiously, Wang Qian opened the official page of The Voice International.

I saw that on its homepage, there was indeed a voting ranking page.

The avatars of the remaining contestants who have entered the final competition area all appear on the top, with voting options next to them, and detailed information below. Click on it to enter a page with detailed introduction information about this contestant, as well as the votes since participating in Good Voice. , All the performance videos on the Haosheng stage, so that everyone can get to know this contestant and understand his singing ability and style.

Wang Qian and Ru Ke are on it.

Wang Qian's profile picture is a screenshot from when he sang Shameless, very cool and handsome.

It was the first time for Ru Ke to appear on stage with the Baojia Street Band. The screenshots of the song I Hate were full of pictures, and he was very cool and handsome.

The rest of the Baojiajie Band did not appear on the profile picture. After all, on the stage of Good Voice, Ru Ke is the player, and the other band members are just her accompaniment.

However, Wang Qian and Ru Ke are relatively late.

The top two are Adam and Eva from North America!

Adam is crazy and cool, and Eva is sexy and pure.

This position is not the current ranking order.

Because the voting hasn't started yet.

Voting will not officially start until all competition areas have entered the finals.

Therefore, voting has not yet started, and there is no ranking yet.

Adam and Eva are automatically ranked first and second, which means that the official is optimistic about it, and it is very popular and concerned in the world, and it is also a hint from the official, or it is behind Adam and Eva. The results of the company's public relations.

The Huaxia division represented by Wang Qian and Ru Ke is in the same position.

After a little look, players from other divisions.

North America's Adam vs. Eva.

Elizabeth of England against Lawrence.

Sophie of France vs. Lyon.

Nakamori Miyuki from the island country vs Chiba Shinju

Huaxia's Wang Qian confronts Ru Ke.

Ah San's Kuces confronts Illya.


Click on Adam's profile!

Below is a latest interview video, from the official interview of The Voice.

Wang Qian clicked and looked.

In the video, this Adam was asked about the finals again.

Adam: Of course I will win the final world championship, there is no doubt about it!

Reporter: What about the Chinese player who broke your click record last time?

Adam: Who? Huaxia player, I haven't paid attention to it...

Wang Qian laughed!

Haven't paid attention again?


Qin Xuerong's voice came: Wang Qian, go downstairs for dinner, my sister is here.

Xuehong is here?

Wang Qian was taken aback.

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