Debut After Eight Years

195. Coercing the entire Chinese music scene? The power of one king and two queens for the first tim


Among the top ten on the hot topic list, Wang Qian alone occupies three.

Chen Xiaowen occupies two!

Liu Shengnan, who co-sang with Wang Qian because of love, also took one.

There is also the scene of Wang Jingyu being sung and cried twice by Wang Qian, which also made it into the top ten.

Many fans of the older generation of Wang Jingyu are discussing the topic of Wang Jingyu crying. They were crazy about Wang Jingyu 20 years ago, and now they see Wang Jingyu in her 40s and nearly 50 years ago, and she is still lonely. All alone, they all sighed, and sent blessings to Wang Jingyu one after another, hoping that she would be happy in the rest of her life.

The super high ratings made everyone who appeared on The Voice soar in popularity.

In addition to Wang Jingyu, the other three mentors also had a lot of discussions, but the popularity did not enter the top ten.

at the same time!

The four songs sung by Wang Qian and Chen Xiaowen have also become works that everyone really wants to hear and look forward to.


These four songs.

It will be published on the Qianqianjingting platform.

This made several other music platforms initially feel the horror of being dominated by Qianqian Jingting, the first king and the third queen.

Take off, everyone will work overtime tonight!

Jiang Rong was sitting in front of the computer in her office, her eyes were fixed on Wang Qian's Weibo, and at the same time she was hanging on Qianqianjing, always paying attention to when Wang Qian would upload new songs.

I saw the news that suddenly appeared on Wang Qian's Weibo.

Jiang Rong did not like, repost or leave a message. In fact, she is not a fan of Wang Qian. She can only be regarded as a fan who likes all Wang Qian's works, so basically she rarely interacts with Wang Qian. Following Wang Qian is more about grasping at all times Wang Qian's information so that he can deal with it.

Immediately, Jiang Rong clicked on Qianqian Jingting's page.

Sure enough, a song by Wang Qian appeared on the new song page.

Because of love, Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan.

In the column of singers at the back, the names of Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan appeared.

Jiang Rong took a deep breath, her expression unprecedentedly solemn.

Because, the names of these two people are put together!

Who is Liu Shengnan?

Fans are about to reach 20 million super-star queen singers. Fan stickiness is super high. There are still a large number of fans waiting for five years without releasing a song. In the past, the holder of the record for downloading new songs in the first month is now also on Qianqianjingting. Created more than 10 million download data on the first day of the new song.

Who is Wang Qian?

Needless to say, everyone knows it.

This is a super king-level singer who can support a medium-sized download platform on his own, and has created almost all data records in the field of music downloads!


The two sang this song together.

What effect will it cause?

While Jiang Rong was expecting, she also felt the pressure of fear.

Listening to Qianqian, she has already begun to show her terrifying high-level combat power.

Tengfei is still the largest music download platform!

Because, here has the most first-tier and second-tier and third-tier singers. In the past two months, several new songs have been downloaded over 30 million, and there are more than 20 new songs with over 20 million downloads. The data has increased significantly compared to before!


With the strong support of the platform, the works released by these singers still did not break the download record set by Wang Qian a few months ago.

What about Qianqianjing?

Except for a small number of low-level independent singers, there are only four top fighters, Wang Qian, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, and Ru Ke!

There are no first- and second-tier singers in the middle.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for a platform to survive for a long time without enough backbone active forces.

But the fighting power of the top four made the entire Chinese pop music world feel anticipation and terror.

The reason why all music platforms regard Qianqian Jingting as their enemy is because of these four!

And now.

Among the four, the two who are temporarily ranked the top two have started to cooperate.

Who is the collaboration song against?

Another of the four high-end combat powers, Chen Xiaowen!

Moreover, Chen Xiaowen's performance tonight can also be called the top level in the Chinese music scene.

What kind of chemistry does this create?

Will it attract all three fans?

Will it attract more passers-by?

Is one plus one plus one equal to three, or is one plus one plus one greater than three?

Just now, Jiang Rong attended a high-level meeting, and more than a dozen middle and high-level managers were discussing this topic.

Then, everyone draws conclusions!

It may be that one plus one plus one is greater than three.


These songs are really nice, and the discussion is very hot!

The performance of the three of them can really be called the ceiling of the current Chinese pop music scene.

Seeing that there was only one song because of love, Jiang Rong was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, there is only one song for now.

However, she lightly refreshed it.

A number popped up, making her hand holding the mouse tremble.

Because of love, audition 0, download 3808260!

ten seconds!

3.8 million downloads?

Jiang Rong's eyes widened in shock, and her mouth opened slightly, staring at this number for a while, feeling a little dazed.

What is this?

Blinking his eyes, he made sure that his vision was correct.

Fingers trembling.

Refresh it again.

The numbers have changed again.

Because of love, audition 0, download 5268420!

Two seconds passed.

Add another 1.4 million...

Ten seconds.

The total downloads reached more than 5.2 million.

Jiang Rong's eyes widened even wider, round as if special effects had been turned on, and his mind was dazed again.

Jingle Bell……

The landline on the desk rang.

Jiang Rong was so scared that she shivered. The hand holding the mouse instinctively trembled again, and then refreshed again, seeing that hundreds of thousands of downloads had been added.

She quickly grabbed the phone and connected it: Mr. Wang!

On the phone, Mr. Wang's trembling voice came: Are you watching Qianqianjing?

Jiang Rong nodded, and replied with some excitement in her voice: Well, I'm watching! Mr. Wang, it seems that we are going to launch the final plan.

Mr. Wang also said with a heavy tone: That's right, we can't let Qianqian Jingting continue to develop. They are sitting on the top four singers who are at their peak, and they may show their talents in the Chinese pop music scene next. The dominance-level repressive force is unparalleled in attracting fans, even if there is no network traffic access, their speed of attracting fans is no worse than the traffic introduction of large groups.

Jiang Rong agreed with Mr. Wang's words.

The four members of Qianqian Jingting, Wang Qian, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, and the newly-emerged Ru Ke, are indeed at the peak of their careers and even in the rising stage. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are in their prime, and there will be more With varying degrees of improvement, in the next few years or even ten years, the Chinese pop music world may be under the suppression of the four of them.

It is difficult for others to compete with the four of them.

Unless, there is an existence whose singing ability and creative talent can compete with them.


It's hard!

Recently, several major entertainment groups have launched their own talented singers, and invited a large number of songwriters from the old, middle-aged and young generations to concentrate on their creations. However, for the few singles released, the best result is the level of 30 million downloads in a single month. This is still the result of the support of Take-off. If they want to reach the heights of Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan, there is no hope for the time being!

Such a talented singer who is close to perfection is rare.

Therefore, both Jiang Rong and President Wang believe that the new era of the Chinese pop music scene lies on the two platforms of Qianqian Jingting and Tengfei. Assembly point.


Nobody wants to be low end.

Tengfei is used to being the boss and doesn't want to be the second.


Jiang Rong said softly: Mr. Wang, I will go to the group headquarters with you tomorrow.

Mr. Wang said solemnly: Okay, now we have a sense of crisis that we will die and survive.

After Qianqian Jingting appeared, Wang Jianqiang's sense of crisis has always been very strong.

And this time it reached the level of danger between life and death.

Jiang Rong: Okay.

The two hung up the phone.

Jiang Rong clicked the mouse again to refresh.

Because of love, audition 0, download 9608280!

One minute!

9.6 million downloads.

Jiang Rong's hands trembled again.

Do these people have to listen to the songs of Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan?

With such doubts in her heart, Jiang Rong clicked to download the song because of love.

Contributed own download data.

Even though he was an opponent, Jiang Rong really couldn't refuse such a good work.

It's just that I gave a self-comfort in my heart, which is to understand the strength of my competitors!

Click on Because of Love, listening to the duet between Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan, Jiang Rong also had a hint of pleasant surprise in her heart.

The ultra-clear version in the recording studio is indeed more sensational than listening on TV, the sound is clearer, and the emotion feels more full and delicate!

After hearing a few words, Jiang Rong had the urge to cry.

Such a song!

How can you not be liked? Make people crazy?

Jiang Rong also had to admit it.

Talented and powerful.

You can really not be afraid of any difficulties and pressures.

Don't care about your machinations.

People directly break it!

Click again to refresh the data.

Because of love, audition 0, download 10598660!

It officially broke ten million, and it took ten seconds for one copy.

So scary.

Jiang Rong smiled wryly, her mental capacity has become much stronger.

Immediately, she opened Liu Shengnan's Weibo.

I found that Liu Shengnan's Weibo message area is also extremely lively, and the popularity is also very amazing.

Today Liu Shengnan is also on the top of the list of hot topics.

Because Liu Shengnan came to the Haosheng stage to be a guest singer for Wang Qian, she didn't keep it a secret, and she didn't inform her fans.

Therefore, Liu Shengnan's fans were extremely surprised and amazed to see her appear on the TV screen today.

Moreover, Liu Shengnan attracted a large number of new fans and fans, and increased the number of followers on Weibo by over one million, only one step away from the 20 million mark!

Earlier, Liu Shengnan's Weibo message area was full of speeches urging to upload quickly because of love.

Now, it has become a lot of comments praising the song.

Obviously, these fans have already downloaded the song.

Plus Wang Qian's own fans.

This song has indeed attracted a large number of fans of the two.

Jiang Rong came to this conclusion.

Then, she clicked on Chen Xiaowen's Weibo.

I want to see if Chen Xiaowen has uploaded the two songs sung on the Huasheng stage today.

One o'clock!

Jiang Rong discovered that Chen Xiaowen's Weibo followers also exceeded 10 million, and reached more than 11 million, which also skyrocketed.

Chen Xiaowen's Weibo message area also started to urge to upload two new songs.


Jiang Rong saw that there were a lot of praises for the song Because of Love in the message area of ​​Chen Xiaowen's Weibo.

Obviously, many of Chen Xiaowen's fans were also attracted by this song, and contributed their wallets to download it.

So, this is the result of one plus one plus one greater than three?

A shuddering fear appeared in Jiang Rong's heart.

This is the three-way attraction created by the collision of the first king and the second queen?

Achieve each other!

improve together!

Everyone benefits from it.

In the future, I will add a Ru Ke Baojia Street Band!

One king fights three queens!

That's okay?

Jiang Rong's complexion was extremely heavy.

And at this time.

She saw Chen Xiaowen posted the latest Weibo message: Sorry, I went home and took a rest first, then sat down and uploaded the studio version of the two songs. Everyone can go to Qianqianjing to download it now, thank you very much Everyone supports me, although I have left the stage of Good Voice, I will still focus on my own music and continue to release my music to everyone.

It was just released, and there are tens of thousands of likes and reposts, and thousands of comments, which are basically supportive and consoling.

Xiaowen, it's okay. You've performed very well. I like both of your songs very much. It's a pity that I met the combination of Professor Wang and Liu Shengnan. No one can beat them in the current Chinese pop music scene. Although you It's an honor to lose!

Support Xiaowen, you can make your own music without a good voice. Xiaowen release more new songs!

Come on, Xiaowen, I like your two songs very much. I personally think they are not inferior to Professor Wang's two songs.

Xiaowen, I've been waiting for a long time to download your song. Professor Wang uploaded it first, because love has broken through tens of millions of downloads.

Xiaowen, if I don't listen to your two new songs, I won't sleep tonight!

Xiaowen, let's fight again with the new album, and defeat Professor Wang and Liu Shengnan, a pair of dogs.


Chen Xiaowen's message area is also extremely harmonious.

Because, Chen Xiaowen doesn't hype, doesn't stand up to people, doesn't sell her appearance, and has always been quietly making her own music.

Therefore, she attracts very few young fans, most of whom like her works and are relatively rational.

Jiang Rong knew that this kind of atmosphere started to become popular from Wang Qian.

The new generation of powerful singers and actors who debuted in the past one or two months almost all behave in this way, and they are divided into two eras from the small fresh meat singers who were professionally hyped for their appearance and personality.

Jiang Rong likes this kind of music scene very much, and also appreciates Wang Qian, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke and other singers who focus on their own music.

Unfortunately, none of these four belonged to her.

Turned on Qianqianjingting again, and found two songs by Chen Xiaowen.

The moon is not yet full, trial listening 0, download 2804860.

Shichahai, audition 0, download 2860668!

It only took a minute to upload.

Both have reached nearly 3 million downloads. Although it is not as scary as Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan's chorus of nearly 10 million downloads a minute because of love, it definitely surpasses Chen Xiaowen's previous best score.

Moreover, the new download data is still very fast!

Jiang Rong refreshed it again, and it was over three million.

With the intention of solving crimes and investigating.

Jiang Rong opened Wang Qian's Weibo, and found that under Wang Qian's Weibo, there are also a large number of fans who support Chen Xiaowen's two new songs, saying that they have downloaded Chen Xiaowen's new song.

Opening Liu Shengnan's Weibo again, Jiang Rong discovered that many of Liu Shengnan's fans had also downloaded Chen Xiaowen's two songs and expressed their liking in the comment area.

it is as expected……

The first linkage between the first king and the second queen.

The effect is so terrifying.

The three gathered almost the sum of the fans of the three, and attracted a large number of passers-by who became new fans and downloaded every song together.

This is the result of one plus one plus one greater than three.

This time, not only the popularity of the three of them has increased a lot.

How many new users will Qianqianjingting attract?

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang again.

Jiang Rong knew that it was Mr. Wang who called, and it should be about the data of Chen Xiaowen's new song, so she immediately picked it up and said, Mr. Wang, Chen Xiaowen's new song has been uploaded.

Mr. Wang said solemnly: Well, I'm also watching. Although Chen Xiaowen lost, she is actually a big winner! We want to surpass them, it is very difficult. Public opinion suppresses and blockades, and traffic interface blockade, all lost to good works!

Jiang Rong also smiled bitterly and nodded: Yes, we have worked hard to suppress the blockade, but we still lost to good works.

Talented and powerful.

Be fearless!

Do whatever you want to suppress the blockade!

No traffic entry!

They continue to attract a large number of users with one good song after another, which is no worse than the traffic portal of a giant like you.

Mr. Wang said a little decadently: Go to rest early!

Jiang Rong: Okay, Mr. Wang.

hang up the phone!

Jiang Rong took a deep breath, and then let it out in a long breath, so that she could relax a bit, and let out all the pressure and shock.


When she refreshed the list of Qianqianjingting's new songs again, the pressure and shock did not decrease at all, on the contrary, it became even more terrifying.

Because of love, audition 0, download 13668082.

The moon is not yet full, trial listening 0, download 6850688.

Shichahai, audition 0, download 6789062.

This is two minutes of data for three songs.

as peers.

How else can you stay calm and calm?

Jiang Rong shook her head slightly, and downloaded the two songs by Chen Xiaowen, then turned off the computer, played music on the mobile phone, put on the bluetooth headset, took the bag, left the company and went home after get off work.

Out of sight, out of sight, listen to music and relax.


The members of the Baojia Street Band immediately downloaded the three songs uploaded by Wang Qian and Chen Xiaowen.

While playing, I looked at the data!

Yang Zixuan stared and screamed again and again: It's too scary, three to four million in ten seconds? Tens of millions of downloads in one minute? Our song is only over 20 million now, Professor Wang can surpass us in a few minutes gone.

Yan Ru said in shock: Chen Xiaowen's data is so high? With this posture, it will exceed 10 million downloads in one night, and 20 million downloads in a single day. Is this to catch up with Liu Shengnan?

Xiong Jia: Tonight, Professor Wang, Liu Shengnan, and Chen Xiaowen met each other, and they all attracted fans of the three. Therefore, the download data of the three songs exploded. In fact, they gathered the fans of the three. The download data, coupled with attracting many passers-by, has even greater potential for subsequent improvement. It is estimated that Professor Wang will set a new record again.

Ru Ke stared at the phone screen, and said softly: Although Chen Xiaowen lost to Professor Wang, her popularity has been completely stabilized, and the climate has become a reality. Next, let's see how far she can do in her next new works.

Zhu Qiqi asked, What about us?

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Zhu Qiqi's question, and then looked at Ru Ke.

After all, Ru Ke is the backbone of this team.

Ru Ke smiled wryly and said, We have to wait until the good voice is over. Anyway, let's sing a good song first, and we shouldn't lose to Chen Xiaowen.

Everyone is determined!

Although I said it, I don't care about winning or losing, I just want to sing.

However, who can be willing to be inferior to others?

Professor Wang?

I dare not compare.

Then compare with Chen Xiaowen.

Five seniors can't lose to one junior.


Wang Qian was soaking in the bathtub.

Seeing the background data that I listened to thousands of times, I was also a little shocked.

Even if he has created many miraculous single download data before.

However, this time, he was still shocked by the support of the fans.

In just over a minute, it has broken through tens of millions of downloads!

What is this?

Wang Qian himself, the client, couldn't help but torture his soul in his heart.

How did this work?

Is everyone so eager to hear my song?

I am planning to thank everyone on Weibo.

Wang Qian saw that Chen Xiaowen also released a new song.

Within a minute or two, he also got four to five million downloads, which far exceeded Chen Xiaowen's relatively stable download results.


It's not just the download data of Wang Qian's works that has risen sharply.

Chen Xiaowen, who performed with him on the same stage, also improved greatly.

Perhaps it's because the ratings of today's program are too high?

Wang Qian asked himself in his heart.

Afterwards, he said on Weibo: Thank you for your support. I didn't expect that so many friends would download me and Liu Shengnan's works. Thank you! Another song When you are old, I will try it as soon as possible. The high-definition version was recorded and uploaded. Xiaowen’s new song has also been uploaded, please support me, these two songs are really good.”

By the way, Wang Qian helped Chen Xiaowen run a wave of advertisements.

The comments below were also instant blasts.

Professor Wang, why did you abduct my Sheng Nan?

Professor Wang, you and Liu Shengnan's singing is really amazing. After listening to the ultra-clear version in the recording studio, my ears really feel like I'm pregnant. It's several grades better than those on Tengfei.

I can still hear the ultra-clear version clearly, but it doesn't have the feeling of the duet between Professor Wang and Liu Shengnan in the live version.

Professor Wang and Shengnan's chorus is so good, it's the ceiling of the Chinese music scene. Xiaowen's new song has also been downloaded, and it's also a very good work!

Professor Wang, who do you want to be your next opponent? Ru Ke, or Ma Rufei? Neither player has a high sense of presence.

Professor Wang, I must upload it tomorrow when you are old. I want to hear it so much. It is the most touching to listen to because of love.

Professor Wang……


In an instant, tens of thousands of messages popped up densely, and it was even more lively than before.

Not only because of the high popularity now, but also one of the reasons why Wang Qian's fans skyrocketed again.

Wang Qian's popularity has reached a bottleneck, and the improvement of fans has been very slow some time ago.

But this time, the fan growth rate has increased significantly again.

When Wang Qian just left the show, he saw that the number of fans had passed the 30 million mark, and it was still increasing at a high speed.

By the time he returned home, the number of fans had reached more than 32 million before it stopped. In just over an hour, the number of fans skyrocketed to about 3 million.

This was not too surprising when everyone was shocked when he debuted a month or two ago.

Because it is not uncommon in the entertainment industry to become popular overnight.

For example, if a third-tier star becomes popular on the Spring Festival Gala, he can gain millions of fans within an hour or two.

However, Wang Qian has already entered the super giant coffee position, and the number of fans is still increasing at such a high speed. Up to now, he has been able to skyrocket more than 3 million fans in an hour.

This is a miracle!

In just a few months.

From a hot pot restaurant owner with hundreds of fans, to an international superstar-level singer with over 30 million fans.

This is also an unbelievable miracle in an era when many little fresh meats can grow from rookies to first-line stars in half a year!

Wang Qian glanced at the number of his fans for a while, and was just a little surprised in his heart, so he didn't care.

The number of fans doesn't mean anything to him.

The habits and experiences of his previous life still affect him.

In that era of data fraud, the number of followers is tens of millions or hundreds of millions, but if you post a post with more than 100,000 likes and thousands of comments, it is a big hit. It can be seen how big those tens of millions of fans are. moisture.

Therefore, when he was the director and producer, Wang Qian would only use Weibo fans as a not-so-objective reference.

In today's world, the number of fans has an objective value, because the data cannot be swiped or faked, so each number of fans corresponds to a person who pays attention, so more fans will be so active.

After Wang Qian sent the message, he stopped interacting with fans and fans. He saw that many people in the circle were vying to interact with him.

Primary school brother Liu Jifeng was still the most active, sending dozens of messages in a row for more than an hour.

Liu Jifeng: Senior and Liu Shengnan's singing is really amazing, I cried, it felt like singing went into my soul.

Liu Jifeng: Chen Xiaowen's performance was also amazing, but it's a pity that she was still a little short. Come on, seniors, I will definitely be able to advance.

Liu Jifeng: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Liu Jifeng: When you are old, I feel numb all over.

Liu Jifeng: Sister Jingyu is crying again, but sister is not crying.


Liu Jifeng: Wait and wait for Qianqianjing to download the new songs of seniors and Xiaowen, today is the Spring Festival for fans!


Looking at Liu Jifeng's series of interactive messages with himself.

Wang Qian couldn't pretend to be indifferent anymore, so he immediately replied a message.

Thank you, junior, for your support, and you will do your best too!

Liu Jifeng replied almost instantly: Hahaha, the senior replied to me? Thank you for the encouragement, senior, I will! I have been concentrating on studying Director Zhao's script for the past few days.

Director Zhao's sci-fi blockbuster script?

Wang Qian said that he couldn't afford to offend him.

And Zhao Lei is also asking for interaction: Brother Wang, I really can't tell that you are from the acting department. The two songs tonight are so good that you eliminated the talented player of Yang Yin. I cried a few tears at my age.

Wang Qian did not reply to Zhao Lei.

The superstar Liu Yongde of the Southern Entertainment Group who I met last time also spoke and interacted: Professor Wang is singing and creating with his heart, which is why it is so touching. Seeing Jing Yu crying, I couldn't help crying.

Wang Qian thought for a while.

Suddenly thought of a gossip.

It seems that Liu Yongde pursued Wang Jingyu when he was young, but was ruthlessly rejected.

It seems that Liu Yongde probably still misses Wang Jingyu in his heart now, that's why he shed tears along with him!

After all, for men, what they can't get is the best.

Even if, Liu Yongde's current wife is a young and beautiful female celebrity who is much younger than him, just over thirty.

But he may still think that his wife is not as good as Wang Jingyu in his heart.

As an old scumbag in his previous life, Wang Qian had a thorough understanding of the minds of men in the entertainment industry.

Of course, Wang Qian feels that Wang Jingyu's appearance is indeed not inferior to the young female stars in the circle, and there are few who can compare in terms of temperament and strength.

Type and reply to Liu Yongde.

Old Liu, don't cry, you will cry in the future!


Liu Yongde did not reply.

Wang Qian continued to watch, seeing Sophie and other Internet celebrities vying to interact with him, he also skipped it.

I saw Li Qingyao's message: If time could be repeated, what would you do?

Wang Qian squinted his eyes and recalled a little bit before he noticed the WeChat message Li Qingyao sent him.

Immediately opened WeChat and clicked on Li Qingyao's message!

A series of cries: I regret...

With a piercing cry.

Wang Qian fell silent, holding his phone and thinking for a while.

Or decide to do nothing!

Do not reply to messages.


Regret it?

Then go ahead and regret it.

Wang Qian never thought about going to Li Qingyao again.

Can't say it will be entangled again.

Now that he was going back and forth between Xuerong Xuehong and sisters, he felt a little tired.

Not to mention……

At the scene of the show, the figure who came to watch his performance wearing slippers.

Wang Qian felt a little guilty towards Yu Jingruo.

time to eat……

Qin Xuerong's crisp voice came from downstairs.

Wang Qian put away his thoughts, casually finished the bath, put on simple home pajamas and went downstairs.

Qin Xuerong made some side dishes and put them on the dining table.

Murong Yue and Jiang Yu were sensible enough to help together.

Only Liu Shengnan, who was a guest, sat there quietly waiting to eat.

I saw Wang Qian go downstairs.

Liu Shengnan greeted and said with a smile: Congratulations, you are going to break the record again.

Wang Qian sat down with a bum: Thank you, with your popularity bonus, breaking the record is certain. This is the two of us together. I will greet the company, and I will share half of the download income of this song with you. .”

Liu Shengnan held the snacks and shook his head while eating: Forget it, I'll just sing for you. I didn't participate in anything else, so I don't want to share it.

Wang Qian said affirmatively: That won't work. If you pay, you will get something. Moreover, there are indeed a lot of download data brought by you, so you should get something. Although we are all musicians, the money Things must be clearly distinguished, don’t be unclear, it will be difficult to be a human being in the future.”

Liu Shengnan looked at Wang Qian with a smile, and no longer refused: Okay, then I can collect a share, but it will be 10%. This matter will stop here, and I won't want any more. If you want to talk, I will now Just pack your bags and go home.”

Wang Qian smiled: Okay, then 10%.

Soon, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue brought the food.

Everyone chatted relaxedly while eating.

The main thing is to talk about the data of Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan's song, and the prospect of the next opponent!

Everyone hopes that Ru may lead the Baojiajie Band to the finals and meet Wang Qian!

Ma Rufei...

Really low presence.

Of course, this is relative to Wang Qian, Chen Xiaowen, and Ru Ke.

Ru Ke’s Baojiajie band, the last performance was extremely explosive, and it was a blockbuster. It was more impressive than Ma Rufei. Many people hope to continue to see Ru Ke perform, especially hope that Ru may have a show with Wang Qian Rock and roll.

As members of the band, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue also hope to have a positive head-to-head with Ru Ke's band on stage!

As for Liu Shengnan, he simply hopes that Ru Ke, who has been silent for several years, can prove himself on a bigger and better stage, and also hopes to hear Ru Ke's music!


Ru Ke's voice was even louder.

After dinner.

Everyone went back to rest.

When Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong returned to the room, Qin Xuerong took the initiative.

An interaction lasted for nearly an hour.

It didn't end until Qin Xuerong had no strength at all.

Wang Qian found that this girl has become extremely restless now, as if she wants to squeeze herself dry every time...


hug and sleep.

get up in the morning.

Wang Qian gently put down Qin Xuerong in his arms, put on his pajamas, went to lie down on the sofa and turned on his cell phone, fearing that he would wake up the girl, maybe he would start his morning exercise again.

Although, Wang Qian thought that he would still not be defeated by Qin Xuerong, who was addicted to food.


Wang Qian still wanted to take a break.

Turn on the phone.

After ignoring a lot of startup prompts, I checked Weibo first.

Among the top ten hot topics, Wang Qian still occupies the top three positions.

Chen Xiaowen occupies the fourth and fifth positions...


This night, both of them set a new high in song download data.

Many people participated in the discussion.

Wang Qian immediately boarded Qianqianjing and listened to the backstage to have a look.

A long string of numbers is clearly displayed there.

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