Debut After Eight Years

142. Professor Wang Divides the Era and the Birth of a Superstar!

mountain city.

When Guo Zhuangzhuang saw Wang Qian's Weibo message, the corner of his mouth twitched.

He glanced at Xiao Dongmei anxiously, a little afraid to tell Xiao Dongmei what Wang Qian said.

Think about it differently.

Guo Zhuangzhuang felt that if he was Xiao Dongmei, he would definitely jump up angrily when he saw this.

Now, even though he is not Xiao Dongmei, as a participant in this matter, he can even be said to be the initiator.

There was also a fire in his heart.

You beat me easily.

Then he said: I was lucky to win, in fact, your strength is stronger!

Isn't this sarcasm?


Guo Zhuangzhuang felt a fire in his heart right now.

If he is Xiao Dongmei, after hearing this, he will definitely be with Wang Qian for the rest of his life.

Xiao Dongmei still stood in front of the table, carefully looking at Wang Qian's cut plums written by herself, looked up at Guo Zhuangzhuang's face, and asked: What? Wang Qian spoke? Read it out and listen.

Guo Zhuangzhuang said cautiously: What he said is not very pleasant, or, I won't read it?

Xiao Dongmei: Oh? It doesn't sound good? Why doesn't it sound good? Read it and let me hear how bad it sounds.

Guo Zhuangzhuang took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart, and then read softly: I have read your collection of winter plums, and I seem to have bought a copy last year. It is a rare masterpiece in contemporary times, with strong humanistic thinking, and profound Unexpectedly, it is my honor to be able to communicate with you today and exchange two works.

Actually, my work is just obtained from heaven by accident. In terms of real talent, I am really far inferior to you. I hope to have the opportunity to ask you in person next time.

Finished reading!

Guo Zhuangzhuang didn't wait for Xiao Dongmei to speak, and immediately scolded: This Wang Qian is really a hypocrite. He said it nicely, he kept raising you and belittling himself. But the fact is that he won you, and he is mocking you. Dong Mei, don't be angry, don't talk to this kind of person in the future, out of sight is out of sight.

Xiao Dongmei laughed when she heard Guo Zhuangzhuang's words: It's not bad.

Guo Zhuangzhuang froze for a moment: Aren't you angry?

Xiao Dongmei continued to look at the Yijianmei in front of her, and said softly: Why should I be angry? Perhaps, what he said was from his heart.

Guo Zhuangzhuang was puzzled: But...

He wanted to say, how is this possible?

Even though he didn't like Wang Qian very much, he couldn't deny that Wang Qian's talent really broke through the sky. He had never seen such a great person in these years.

Xiao Dongmei continued to speak softly: I heard that he graduated from the acting department of Beijing Film Academy, and his family background is very ordinary. He may have read many literary books in peacetime, but it is definitely not as much as I read, not as much as I have accumulated. He has read It is not surprising that my collection of winter plums can be seen from my works. Therefore, in terms of literary background and accumulation of various knowledge, he may really be inferior to me.

Guo Zhuangzhuang's eyes widened, and he was still a little puzzled. Is this really the case?

It sounds plausible.

Then these works of his don't have enough literary background and precipitation, so they can't be written?

Guo Zhuangzhuang asked with a frown.

Xiao Dongmei nodded: That's true. But, how much is enough?

Guo Zhuangzhuang shook his head, expressing that he didn't know!

How much is enough varies from person to person.

Xiao Dongmei: Literary creation is the same as invention and creation. Knowledge only needs to be mastered. Whether it is successful or not, whether the work is good or not depends mainly on inspiration and talent! This is where Wang Qian's advantages lie. Therefore, he said His works are bestowed by the gods, so there is no problem in this way. Isn’t inspiration and talent bestowed by the gods?”

In terms of knowledge accumulation and literary background, he may indeed be inferior to me, and may even be inferior to you. However, in terms of creative inspiration and talent, the two of us combined may not be as good as half of him. Of course, adding you will not have much influence, I The same goes for a person.

Guo Zhuangzhuang looked at Xiao Dongmei speechlessly.

If it is someone else, he may think that the other party is making fun of himself.

However, Xiao Dongmei said these words very seriously, obviously there was no joke.

That is.

Compared with Xiao Dongmei and Wang Qian, Guo Zhuangzhuang's literary inspiration and talent can be ignored, almost zero.

The most important thing is that he still can't refute it, and if he refute it, it will be a pale sophistry.

Dongmei, do you want to reply? If it's okay, I want to go first, I want to go back and have a rest.

Guo Zhuangzhuang felt tired.

I just want to let myself go, lie down and sleep.

I also want to stay away from Xiao Dongmei and Wang Qian.

Otherwise, he might die young.

Xiao Dongmei glanced at Guo Zhuangzhuang, and said softly: Just say something for me, let's improve each other.

Guo Zhuangzhuang nodded, and then asked curiously: Why don't you register an account and interact with him? I just saw that many people on the Internet are looking for you, want to communicate with you, and want to meet your real person. With your Talent and beauty, if you operate a little bit on the Internet, your popularity will not lose to Xueman.

He was jealous of Xueman's high popularity, but he couldn't help it.

But Xiao Dongmei has the strength to surpass Xueman's popularity and become a super popular Internet celebrity writer.

Xiao Dongmei said lightly: I want to teach and teach, and I also need to study and write. I don't have extra time and energy to disperse. You can go!

Guo Zhuangzhuang was speechless. What I tried my best to get was what others didn't want.

He quickly used his mobile phone to reply to Wang Qian with a few words on his Weibo: Xiao Dongmei: Make progress with each other!

Then, Guo Zhuangzhuang said to Xiao Dongmei: Then Dongmei, I will take my leave.

Xiao Dongmei nodded, looked at Guo Zhuangzhuang and said, You don't need to see me in the future.

So cruel!

Seriously said extremely hurtful things.

Although Guo Zhuangzhuang himself didn't want to come again, but when Xiao Dongmei said this to his face, he still felt a little sad in his heart, and said with a wry smile: Okay, I didn't think carefully this time, sorry.

After all, he used Xiao Dongmei.

After finishing speaking, Guo Zhuangzhuang looked at Xiao Dongmei with a hint of hope, wanting to see if the other party would keep him or comfort him.

However, all he saw was a pair of water-like, extremely firm and bright eyes, as if he had seen through himself, without any other emotions.

Think too much!

Guo Zhuangzhuang smiled awkwardly, then turned around and walked downstairs quickly.

A tall and strong young man came up from the stairs, passed by Guo Zhuangzhuang, and asked curiously: Brother Zhuangzhuang, are you leaving? Let's go after eating.

Guo Zhuangzhuang smiled wryly: Dongcheng, I still have something to do, next time, see you later!

Xiao Dongcheng nodded, watched Guo Zhuangzhuang go downstairs, and then said to his sister not far away: Sister, it's time to eat!

Xiao Dongmei stood in front of the table, bent down and continued to squirt ink on a piece of white paper, and wrote down Wang Qian's drunken flower Yin and Yijianmei together again.

Xiao Dongcheng walked over quietly, looked at his sister's calligraphy works, there were only two works by Wang Qian on it, and said softly: Sister, I saw the interaction between Guo Zhuangzhuang and Wang Qian on Weibo. Your works are already great It’s just that Wang Qian’s works are really good.”

Xiao Dongcheng was also impressed by Wang Qian's works and told the truth to his sister.

Xiao Dongmei nodded lightly: I know. I'm not sad, I just want to leave something better.

As she spoke, Xiao Dongmei picked up the white paper on which Wang Qian's two works were written, looked at it, and handed it to her younger brother: I'll find someone to help me frame it this afternoon.

Xiao Dongcheng took it over solemnly: Okay! By the way, sister, do you have time in the afternoon? Come have a meal with me.

Xiao Dongmei cast a glance at her younger brother: I don't have time. Don't participate in such a boring blind date arrangement for me with various excuses.

Xiao Dongcheng smiled sheepishly: No, it's just a few friends who get together casually, and you know each other. Well, the main thing is, Mom told me to take you there...

Xiao Dongmei didn't speak, but put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table on the roof one by one, then walked down with her arms in her arms.

Xiao Dongcheng sighed helplessly, and followed his sister downstairs.


And at this moment.

What Wang Qian posted on Weibo also aroused widespread discussion.

Most people think so.

Wang Qian is too modest.

As the name suggests, Professor Wang is really too humble. He can write such ancient poems as masterpieces handed down from generation to generation, but he is still so humble, and he still admires his opponents so much. Admiration, admiration!

Professor Wang graduated from Beijing Film Academy, and Xiao Dongmei graduated from Peking University with a Ph.D. There seems to be a big gap between the two sides in terms of education and knowledge accumulation. However, Professor Wang's talent is unparalleled. I think there is nothing wrong with what Professor Wang said. He She is inferior to Xiao Dongmei in terms of knowledge accumulation and accumulation, but her talent is better!

Professor Wang is pretending?

Guo Zhuangzhuang helped Xiao Dongmei respond. Xiao Dongmei said that he and Professor Wang made progress together. I feel that the words of these two people are so profound. Could it be that I have graduated from Shenzhen University and can't understand their words?

Drunk flowers and shades, cut plums! Professor Wang's two graceful poems are simply amazing, and have refreshed my understanding of contemporary literature. Only then did I know that writing ancient poems is as good as the ancients.

Professor Wang, why are you so humble?

Professor Wang, it's almost time to see that your song has broken the record.

Everyone has been paying attention to the interaction between Professor Wang and Xiao Dongmei. Have you forgotten that the new song Dadi released by Professor Wang has already exceeded 20 million downloads?

I just noticed the situation of Professor Wang's new song. It has exceeded 20 million downloads? It's just noon, and it has exceeded 20 million downloads in half a day. This data is unprecedented.

Once upon a time, it was difficult for many singers to get 20 million downloads in a month. Now, Professor Wang did it in half a day. The most important thing is that Professor Wang did it on a brand new small platform, not taking off Such a big platform with explosive traffic.”

Hahaha, Professor Wang is awesome...


After many people recovered from the interaction between Wang Qian and Xiao Dongmei.

I just noticed that Wang Qian's new song, Dadi, unknowingly obtained 20 million download data when many people didn't notice.

And now, it's just time for lunch.

Only half a day!

Breakthrough 20 million downloads.

It is indeed an unprecedented achievement in the Chinese pop music scene.

Today, Wang Qian's new song is the protagonist.

Everyone was involuntarily distracted by Wang Qian's ancient poems.

However, the three ancient poems released by Wang Qian today are indeed worthy of everyone's attention.

However, now everyone is once again attracted by Dadi's new song.

Many people have expressed their opinions on this extremely shocking event.

A self-media: I agree with what someone said before. Professor Wang is an epoch-making singer. The Chinese music scene can start from the appearance of Professor Wang to divide the old and new eras. The emergence of Qianqian Jingting and its strong survival are also important to Breaking the substantive monopoly of Tengfei platform has absolutely positive meaning, which is a good thing for all musicians.


A music critic: This piece of land is Professor Wang's consistent high-level good song. Moreover, it is a very rare folk music rock style with Chinese characteristics. It is very attractive, majestic, and far-reaching. I got it in half a day. The 20 million downloads also prove the high level of this song and how much everyone likes it, it can be said that it is both applauded and called.


Xueman said bluntly: Now all singers should thank Professor Wang. After Professor Wang left Ascendas and founded Qianqian Jingting, the attitude of Ascendas and several other platforms towards singers has obviously changed. As far as I know, Most of the powerful singers in the circle got new contracts that were more generous than before. Moreover, in order to chase the signature singers, Tengfei even spared no expense, offering sky-high contracts for Liu Shengnan and Chen Xiaowen, just to let them and Qianqian Listen to the insulation and stay on the take-off platform.

Unfortunately, Chen Xiaowen rejected Tengfei's contract and still insisted on staying in Qianqian Jingting. Liu Shengnan has not agreed to Tengfei's super contract at present. It is still unclear which platform the new song will be released in the future. Tengfei feels that it is from Professor Wang. Under the pressure of Qianqian Jingting, they have recently begun to give strong support to high-quality newcomers and new songs. Many high-quality independent singers and high-quality newcomers, especially newcomers and new songs from Good Voice, are all beneficiaries. The rate has increased dramatically, and the numbers are all very good.”

And we can intuitively feel that it is easier to find good songs that make people's ears shine, and the probability of new songs on the new song list is higher. It is no longer dominated by traffic singers from large companies, and There are pure independent singers and purely capable newcomers and new songs!

This indicates that the Chinese music scene is about to usher in an era in which a hundred flowers bloom.

And it is Wang Qian, Professor Wang, who created this era.

I hope that all the newcomers who enjoy applause in this era, as well as us who listen to good songs, will have a heart of gratitude to Professor Wang.

Xueman's speech quickly became popular.


What Xueman said was the real truth.

Recently, the Chinese music scene has changed too fast, so whether it is singers, musicians, etc., or users who listen to songs, the feelings are very obvious.

Many independent singers and talented newcomers who are not good at hype have received much better promotion resources than before, and powerful independent singers have also received better contracts from more brokerage companies than before.

They all know the reason behind it.

It's Wang Qian!

Pressure from Wang Qian.

And the successful experience from Wang Qian.

Forced several major platforms such as Tengfei and entertainment companies to make changes.

An independent singer who just signed a contract with a big company and got a good contract liked and reposted Xueman's words, and publicly said: Yes, I am indeed grateful to Professor Wang. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be so fast. In my early days, I didn’t achieve results so quickly. I have always taken Professor Wang as my goal and learning object, learning from his calm and low-key focus on works, learning from his style of not hyping traffic and not establishing so-called personality, and learning from his use in development The spirit of an innovative age.

I am preparing my new album with peace of mind. I hope that when Professor Wang releases the album, I will have the honor to create and witness a new era of Chinese music with Professor Wang.


Liu Shengnan also liked Xueman and forwarded it, saying: Many people put this responsibility on my shoulders before, but I really can't afford it. Seeing that Professor Wang has really stirred up this stagnant pool of water now. , I am very happy. This is the Chinese music scene I want, and this is the opponents I want.

I just hope that there will be more and more opponents worthy of my attention in the future. Let's create a new era of Chinese music together.


Guo Xiao, who was eliminated by Wang Qian last time, also reposted and liked Xueman's words, and said publicly: If you support Xueman, the appearance of Professor Wang has indeed changed the current situation of the Chinese music scene. I am also a half beneficiary. I am currently working on a new album, and the resources I enjoy are unimaginable before. I hope that the new album will be released before Professor Wang and Sister Shengnan. I am a half-newcomer, so I only hope that the new album can get better results , I don’t want to meet the two big guys head-on.”

What Guo Xiao said was the truth.

He recently started to produce a new album. The company discovered his strength and potential talent, as well as the recent rock trend brought about by Wang Qian, so he spent a lot of resources on producing a new album for him, and invited gold medal producers and creators in the industry and Working together with him is simply the treatment of a first-line top coffee-level singer!

Guo Xiao knew that without Wang Qian.

He will never get such resource treatment.

At most, it is barely enough to get the resources of a third-tier cafe, and let him try to produce a few new rock songs to test the market reaction.

Now, he just wants to be successful, to enjoy such rich resources, the first album must not be missed, otherwise he will say goodbye to the entertainment industry in the future!

Therefore, he told the truth from the heart, and wanted to avoid Wang Qian and Liu Shengnan's new album in the future.


And Yang Yilong, who had just been eliminated by Wang Qian, also publicly said: Although I was eliminated by Professor Wang, I was convinced that I lost. Several seniors who worked with me also praised Professor Wang very much. I can also be regarded as one who appeared because of Professor Wang The beneficiaries have recently started discussing the production of a new album, which is also mainly rock style, and will meet you as soon as possible.”


Lin Bing, a contestant of The Voice, said: It is my pride to be able to perform on the same stage with Professor Wang.


Another ace player Chen Xiaowen who was expecting a good voice did not speak and kept silent.

Because, Chen Xiaowen has returned to Yangyin at this moment, and is consulting the top students and professors of Yangyin's various instrument departments, etc., and wants to add more elements to her next music creation.


Everyone's attention was quickly diverted to the music itself and Wang Qian's breaking record.

Qianqian Jingting, Tengfei, Qiqi and other major music platforms are also topics of discussion.

Many people did not expect that they would discuss Qianqian Jingting and Tengfei together.

These two, neither before nor now, do not exist in the same magnitude.


Now the two are indeed qualified to be discussed together.

Because, Tengfei and other platforms have indeed made changes due to the pressure of Qianqianjingting, which shows that Qianqianjingting really poses a threat to them!

Most of the songs that Qianqianjing listens to are above the standard. I heard from the circle of independent singers that the Qianqianjingting platform has a review threshold for each song, and works that are not of low quality will not be put on the shelves!

Yes, Qianqian Jingting's review is very strict. A buddy of mine is just playing music. I have released a few songs on Tengfei before, and the results are not bad, with a maximum of more than 30,000 downloads. Come to Qianqian Listen to it and try it out, but I sent two new songs, none of which passed the review.

As long as Qianqianjing listens to the songs that are on the list, they are basically good. When I am looking for songs, I go to Qianqianjing to listen to them and scan the charts. I have downloaded more than a dozen songs, and I can still listen to them.

Independent singers want to go to Qianqianjingting to release songs, because Qianqianjingting still has many users and few works. It has more than 20 million paying users, but the number of singers has not yet reached 100, and there are only two works in the library. There are more than a hundred songs, and most of the works released on Qianqianjingting have done well. Except for Chen Xiaowen and Professor Wang, the highest number of works has more than 5 million monthly downloads, and the lowest has more than 200,000 downloads .”

Tengfei has now started to consciously recommend some songs with good reputation, so the production rate of good songs has also increased.

Tengfei is under pressure, of course it has begun to change, and the attitude towards singers is also much more friendly...

Thank you, Professor Wang, and Qianqian Jingting, for allowing us to hear more good works.


Wang Qian answered Xu Zhongfei's call, smiled apologetically at Xu Xiaoxiao and Xu Wenwen, and went upstairs to answer the phone.

On the phone, Xu Zhongfei's tone was a little excited: Professor Wang, today our platform has more than 5 million new registered users, and the payment rate is as high as more than 90%. It is still increasing, and the total registered users have exceeded 30 million. , paying users will soon reach 30 million. I predict that your new song may exceed 30 million downloads by night.

Wang Qian was also a little surprised: So many new users added today?

Recently, Wang Qian hasn't released a song for a while, so the growth rate of new users of Qianqianjingting is extremely slow. In the past month, it has only added a few million new users, which is not as much as the increase in half a day today.

Xu Zhongfei: Yes, just today. We collected the reasons, which are related to your new songs and ancient poems. Professor Wang, you are really good. Our company relies on you to attract traffic.

Xu Zhongfei sincerely praised him, but he was also a little ashamed.

Rely on one person to attract 30 million registered paying users.

This was unimaginable before.

Wang Qian did it.

In addition, there are now hundreds of independent singers with good strength on the platform, and the response of the released works is not bad.

Xu Zhongfei is now really confident about the future of the Qianqian Jingting platform.

There is an urge to do something big.

However, he also felt a little ashamed that he hadn't been of much help.

It's not a joke that several major entertainment groups joined forces to suppress and block them. He wanted to use some contacts in the industry to attract traffic to the platform, but they couldn't help them, and couldn't shake the pressure of those companies.

Moreover, Qianqian Jingting is not worthy of the other party's pressure from several major entertainment groups to help.

Wang Qian said with a smile: It doesn't all depend on me, your efforts are also very important.

Xu Zhongfei: Our efforts can only stabilize the situation. It is thanks to you, Mr. Wang, to expand the territory. By the way, Mr. Wang, someone from Tengfei contacted me yesterday.

Wang Qian was surprised and said, The person from Tengfei contacted you?

Xu Zhongfei's tone became serious: Yes, the Tengfei people contacted me. They wanted to contact you personally, but they couldn't, so they contacted me. Let me take the message for them. They want to sit down with you and have a good talk. He wanted to buy our Qianqian Jingting platform, and he also said that the bottom of one billion is guaranteed, and if you sell it with sincerity, the price can go up by 20%!

He also told me that if I brokered the deal, he would give me a bonus, and he also promised Tengfei's internal executive position. If I can still get you to sign with Southern Entertainment, give me at least 10 million bonus, and Tengfei one Vice President position.

Southern Entertainment, take off.

Sure enough, rich and powerful!

The Voice only gave 10 million bonuses to the champion of the world championship. The difficulty was regarded as hell by Chinese musicians, and it was almost impossible to accomplish.

As for Xu Zhongfei, he only needed to get Wang Qian to sell Qianqian Jingting to Ascendas, and then sign a contract with Southern Entertainment, and he would be able to get nearly 10 million yuan and the position of vice president of Ascendas.

What a promise!


Difficult to say, easy to say.

Because everything depends on Wang Qian's personal wishes and ideas.

However, Xu Zhongfei knew that this matter was almost impossible.

Because, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for Wang Qian to agree.


Wang Qian may not pay that much attention.

After hearing Xu Zhongfei's words, Wang Qian was also surprised by the wealth and wealth of Southern Entertainment Group, he laughed and said, Is Mr. Xu moved?

Xu Zhongfei said with a smile: Professor Wang, don't make fun of me. You know, I can't leave Qianqian Jingting. I'm still waiting for Mr. Wang to grow stronger in the future and support me in making games. I went to Tengfei, Going to Southern Entertainment, it is basically impossible to realize my ideal. It is impossible for them to let me do the game business.”

Xu Zhongfei didn't say the hypocritical truth, but directly said the most realistic reason!

He also has ideals.

Here in Wang Qian, there is an opportunity to realize the ideal.

To take off, it is absolutely impossible to have the opportunity to realize his ideal of making games.

Xu Zhongfei changed his tone and said: Besides, if you are so easily persuaded, Professor Wang, it's not my turn to earn the money. I think they have already contacted you, and you must have rejected them. Professor Wang, you must not You will be shaken by money, otherwise, you will lose your original intention.”

Wang Qian smiled again: You're right. We must not forget our original intention. Our platform only makes music that everyone likes. If they contact you again, you can call me back directly. I can't sell Qianqian Jingting. It is also impossible to sign a contract with Southern Entertainment, let them stop worrying about it, there is no result...

Xu Zhongfei smiled and said, Okay, I'll call them back.

Chatted a few more words.

Wang Qian hung up the phone.

Southern entertainment?

take off?

There was a halo in Wang Qian's eyes.

Clean up your mood.

Wang Qian went downstairs and saw four beauties huddling together.

Xu Xiaoxiao and Xu Wenwen are writing calligraphy, using Wang Qian's thin gold body to write two works just released by Wang Qian, Zuihuayin and Yijianmei.

Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue were all very envious of their calligraphy and their temperament, and clamored to learn calligraphy too.

Wang Qian watched from a distance, then sat on the sofa without disturbing them.

Open Qianqian Anthology, and uploaded the September 9th Chongyang homesickness, drunken flowers, and a cut plum.

Then, Wang Qian said on Weibo: September 9, Chongyang homesickness, drunken flowers, Yijianmei has uploaded thousands of essays, friends who like it can download it.

Just said it.

Wang Qian could see on the backstage that these three works immediately got tens of thousands of download data.

And at the same time.

He also noticed.

The number of followers on his Weibo has also risen sharply today.

Just now, it broke through the 20 million mark...

He himself just smiled lightly.


This is definitely a big event that shakes the entire entertainment industry!

It has been several years since there has been a superstar with more than 20 million followers.

Several major groups in the entertainment circle, and several music platforms were violently shaken internally because of this.

A superstar.

A superstar who has grown from a pure rookie to a superstar with 20 million fans in just two or three months after his debut.

A powerful faction that breaks the download record of a new song in a single month!

A super powerful faction who composes all songs by himself!

the most important is.

This is a superstar who hasn't signed any agency yet.

This is simply a super golden mountain that fell from the sky.


It was quietly shining golden light there.

everyone who sees.

I want to go up and take a bite.

Most of the entertainment industry.

They all took action.

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