Debut After Eight Years

125. Another masterpiece? The default is the first person in ancient poetry! Zhejiang University ear

Chen Xiaowen came to the performance venue today to walk around, find out the feeling, and prepare for the live broadcast that will start in a few days.

last weekend.

Wang Qian's shameless song shocked the Chinese music scene and amazed all audiences.

At the same time, it also put a lot of pressure on the latecomers, all the good voice players.

The audience will unconsciously compare the players behind with Wang Qian.

With comparison, someone will inevitably be hurt!

Whose singing can make Wang Qianhe feel ashamed and hurt?

to be honest!

For the time being, in the entire Chinese music scene, one is counted as one, and all the singers of the new generation, it is estimated that no one can do it.

Guo Xiao, whom Wang Qian defeated at the time, had already released a new song on Ascendas for two days, and achieved more than 6 million downloads in two days, ranking third on Ascendas's new song list!

This result is absolutely amazing for the current rock music, and has gained a very good reputation among fans.

This makes a point...

That is, Guo Xiao's strength is very strong.

The new song that Guo Xiao participated in writing is also a rare good song!

Therefore, the song released by Guo Xiao can get such good data.

But the more this is the case, the more it proves how powerful Guo Xiao's opponent, Wang Qian is!

Such pearls and jades are in front.

How much pressure will the contestants who will perform live in the second round be under?

Very big.

In particular, Chen Xiaowen, a talented Yangyin player who is the main player, is facing enormous pressure.

Chen Xiaowen will come every day to experience the venue, rehearse, walk around, and increase her confidence.

However, Chen Xiaowen still had no idea.

It's not that facing the opponents in the same group has no bottom.

But when he thought of Wang Qian, he felt unconfident.

Sun Jing drove over, picked up Chen Xiaowen herself, and whispered to Chen Xiaowen, Have you heard about Wang Qian here?

Chen Xiaowen was drinking water and left the venue with Sun Jing. Hearing this, she was stunned and asked strangely, I've been practicing all afternoon. What's wrong with Wang Qian?

Sun Jing praised: Today Wang Qian went to Zhejiang University to give a lecture.

Chen Xiaowen's head was full of question marks: Zhejiang University, lecture? Him?

Sun Jing: Hehe, isn't it strange? He just went to talk about the literary works he released last time. Zhejiang University invited him to go to the public exchange class! He talked for two hours and published a few more in class, which is very good. His ancient poems have convinced the entire literature department of Zhejiang University.

Right now, it's being talked about on Weibo. The popularity is astonishing. It may overtake you and the voice at night, and become the number one hot topic!

Chen Xiaowen immediately took out her phone and looked at it.

Not for a while!

She saw the four works published by Wang Qian, and after reading them carefully, she felt her body trembling.

He wrote all this?

Chen Xiaowen asked in disbelief: Didn't he just publish a few good works a while ago? How long has it been?

With her vision and appreciation level, it is natural to see at a glance that these works are all excellent works.

This guy!

Wholesale ancient poems like cabbage?

No wonder...

No wonder his music is so good.

No wonder, he was able to create a piece that shocked the Chinese music world with embarrassment!

Such talent.

Who can compare?

Chen Xiaowen found that many people compared herself with Wang Qian, which made her feel ashamed.

Feel ashamed!

Chen Xiaowen clicked on Wang Qian's Weibo that she followed.

Found that Wang Qian's Weibo was suddenly updated?

Talent is born, don't you believe it? Look!

Chen Xiaowen saw that this message was Wang Qian replying to a writer named Ma Zhou.

Ma Zhou, a niche writer she had never heard of!

However, its certification information shows that Ma Zhou graduated from Shuimu University and has won several domestic literary awards.

The status in the literary circle is not low.

Ma Zhou's doubts represent the doubts of many traditional writers in the literary circle towards Wang Qian!

However, most people did not raise this question, after all, this is a guess without any evidence.

Only Ma Zhou raised it publicly.

Chen Xiaowen frowned slightly, worried for Wang Qian.

And at this time.

Wang Qian quickly posted another Weibo message.

Ugly slave.

I don't know how to feel sad when I am young.

Falling in love with floors, falling in love with floors.

In order to give new words to express sorrow.

Now I know all the sorrow.

If you want to talk, you will stop, if you want to talk, you will stop.

But he said it was a cool autumn.

Chen Xiaowen read it gently, feeling her heart tremble slightly!

But it's a cool autumn...

This is not the portrayal of her heart now.

So sad!


Xue Zhenguo put down the phone and said regretfully to Xueman: Professor Huang Jun from Beiying called, but Wang Qian really refused!

Xueman nodded: As I expected, he has been so busy recently, how could he have time to come here. Zhejiang University was able to invite him because of the favorable location! Wang Qian happened to be in West Lake City and couldn't leave. Time went by, and none of us expected that he would leave a few masterpieces in the classroom of Zhejiang University.

Xue Zhenguo was a little unconvinced and regretted: This time Zhejiang University took advantage of it! Although Zhejiang University lost face in class, Liu Shengnan only came up with the couplet after the class was over. They deliberately made things difficult and did not embarrass Wang Qian, Wang Qian Qian's talent makes Lao Cao, Lao Fang and the others have to obey.

However, these best works were made in the classrooms of Zhejiang University, and everyone will remember this event in the future. Zhejiang University will also get its name from it! Especially the Zhejiang Department, it may use this to elevate their status.

The competition between Beijing University, Mizuki University, and Zhejiang University has never stopped!

Whether it is in the field of literary academics or immediate academic fields.

Zhejiang University is one of the core areas of southern literature.

Beijing University and Mizuki are two representatives of northern literature.

Therefore, the three dislike each other, and open and secret struggles emerge in endlessly.

this time.

Zhejiang University invited Wang Qian to give lectures. Wang Qian published so many excellent works at once in the Zhejiang University class. If they spread, it will definitely raise the reputation of the Zhejiang Department. It will definitely be a good story in the literary world, and maybe it will be famous in history in the future.

At the same time, Mizuki and Beijing will be suppressed a bit.

Xue Man asked: Did Wang Qian say anything about the future? We can continue to invite him when he has time.

Xue Zhenguo: Professor Huang said that Wang Qian did not refuse future invitations. However, he said that he would wait until the Voice International Competition is over. I guess, even if he agrees, it may be the next semester.

Xueman's eyes lit up.

In the next semester, her doctoral dissertation is almost ready for the most critical part, and it is time to ask Wang Qian about the history of the Three Kingdoms and make final preparations: You can also come next semester.

Xue Zhenguo nodded: Well, it's okay to come next semester. That's right, the time between Zhejiang University and Zhejiang University is a bit long!

Xueman said with a smile: Dad, you don't want Wang Qian to come to Beijing University to publish a few excellent ancient poems, so as to overwhelm Zhejiang University? You were also attracted by Wang Qian's lectures. Deviated?

Many people watched Wang Qian's lecture video, and they were fooled into thinking that creating ancient poetry works is very simple, thinking that they can do it too!

The result is that everyone is useless!

Xue Zhenguo: It doesn't matter, it's okay if you don't write works. With the works he publishes now, he may win a lot of literary awards at the end of the year. When he comes again, his status in the circle will be different.

Xueman shook her head!

She is a young man of the new era.

Don't care much about those awards.

she felt.

Even Wang Qian already has so many good works.

Need an award to prove anything?

Didn't you see that there are fewer voices refuting Tang Hepeng now?

Those well-known and prestigious figures in the literary world are silent, and those who are still refuting and clamoring are those who are not well-known and deliberately looking for a sense of presence.

It seems that the title of the first person of ancient poetry in China is about to fall on Wang Qian's head!


Just come up with a few ancient poems that can be compared with Wang Qian's works...


Everyone can't produce such a work.

At this time.

Xueman saw the latest news posted on Wang Qian's Weibo, and was a little pleasantly surprised: Wang Qian sent a message!

Click to open it!

Xueman was a little disappointed: He replied to Ma Zhou? That Ma Zhou from Mizuki? This guy has no real skills, and he will find faults everywhere all day long to find a sense of existence.

Xue Zhenguo also shook his head: Little Ma...

He didn't say much.

Because, as an insider, he knew that Ma Zhou's talent was very average, and he was able to win the award only because of someone pushing him!

Otherwise, Ma Zhou is just a very ordinary writer, he may not be able to make a living by writing, and needs to work!

However, such things are common!

Therefore, Xue Zhenguo couldn't speak clearly, but just shook his head.

next moment!

Xueman suddenly exclaimed: Ah... Wang Qian posted another work, ancient words, Ci Pai, ugly slave!

Xue Zhenguo was startled, and hurriedly leaned his head over to take a closer look: Ugly slave? This ci card is too out of the ordinary. There are very few works left by ancient literati. Now there may not be many people who know this ci card...

Xueman read it in a low voice.

Young people don't know what it's like to be sad.

Love the upper floor, love the upper floor.

Forcibly expressing sorrow for new words.

Now I know all the sorrow.

If you want to talk, you will stop, if you want to talk, you will stop.

But it's been a cool autumn!

Read it over.

Xueman's eyes widened again: He, he is proving his talent to Ma Zhou? Posted this work? He, did he really do this on purpose?

Can talent really be so recklessly squandered like this?

Xueman was shocked!


After reading this poem, she knew it was also a masterpiece!

It is short and concise, with profound meaning, and it is catchy to read.

After Xue Zhenguo finished reading, he said in a very firm tone: Our Beijing University must invite Wang Qian once, and we must invite Wang Qian before Mizuki.


Wang Qian posted the little poem he just wrote to Jiang Yu and Murong Yue on Weibo!

Almost within a second.

There are tens of thousands of likes and reposts.

In less than a minute, there were almost 100,000 likes and reposts, and tens of thousands of comments!

It can be seen that Wang Qian's popularity and attention at the moment!

A large number of fans, as well as passers-by, are always paying attention to his Weibo, wanting to see what he said and sent in the first place, and to see if he will release new works.


Only this news can get such a high data in an instant.

Wang Qian did not disappoint everyone.

Is this a natural talent? I love it!

Is this the talent of Professor Wang? Slip away.

Ma Zhou has never heard of that, and you are here to question Professor Wang? Show your work first and then talk!

Still questioning whether Professor Wang's works were written by himself? Then you tell me, whose work did the professor copy? Why don't you say that the ancient books that have not been discovered are given by aliens?

Ma Zhou can't find a reason. He deliberately gave such a ridiculous reason to expose his IQ?

Support Professor Wang.

But it's been a cool autumn, and I feel so melancholy.

Another ancient poem? Don't say anything, I'll kneel down and read...


Wang Qian continued typing and said to everyone: This ugly slave was written when I was chatting with Jiang Jiang and Xiaoyue when I came back just now. I will share it with you here. In fact, writing is very simple. You just need to read more books and accumulate more. Thinking about the experiences and ideas in daily life, you may have some insights, and the inspiration will come naturally.”

I am very happy to see that many friends from Zhejiang University are very satisfied with my lectures. This exchange class is the first time for me to give lectures in front of so many people. To be honest, I was under a lot of pressure at the time. Fortunately, I finally let everyone I'm satisfied, it's not messed up.

The works published in class are basically inspired by me before, and I sorted out the scattered words and sentences in class. Therefore, it is not purely on-site creation. Let me tell you here. Please don’t deify me. Creating this kind of thing seems accidental, but it is actually inevitable. When you accumulate and think enough, you will naturally want to write something. In fact, this is creation.”

One of my elders asked me that some schools want to explain my work in class. I will reply to all teachers and professors who have this idea.

As long as it is used for teaching and public welfare, you don't need my consent, and you can use it as you like.

However, if it is used for commercial activities, then please follow the normal procedure.

That's it! Thank you to all the friends who like my work, and thank you to all the friends who support me.

Click to send!

After sending it out, it immediately got a lot of reposts, likes and comments.

At the same time, because of Wang Qian's speech and interaction, his popularity also increased rapidly, and he quickly reached the top.

Without any promotional resources behind it.

Relying on his own strength, he reached the top of the list!

It surpassed Good Voice and Chen Xiaowen, who spent a lot of publicity resources.

It even exceeds the massive publicity resources of several National Day movies.

All of these parties expressed their frustration at this!

It feels like a disaster.

You didn't sing, you didn't post a song, you didn't perform live on the show, and you didn't have the resources to use a good voice.

Posted a few literary works!

Also reached the top and surpassed them?

The propagandists behind these parties all feel a sense of powerlessness.

Nothing to do, no way to start!

Rhythmic black Wang Qian?

How black?

All members of Zhejiang University praised it.

Most of the literary world highly praised these works, and even acquiesced to Wang Qian's status as the number one person in the field of ancient poetry.

Award-winning writers like Ma Zhou, who forcibly followed the rhythm to find a sense of existence and questioned it, quickly disappeared after Wang Qian refuted.

People in their entertainment industry, how can they be hacked? Who is qualified to go black?


They can only let Wang Qian now occupy a huge amount of traffic.

They only hope that this wave of enthusiasm for Wang Qian will pass quickly.


Wang Qian took a shower and went downstairs to have dinner with Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue.

After all, Qin Xuerong's heart softened, and he made a plate of twice-cooked pork for Murong Yue, but deliberately made the meat leaner, not as Murong Yue wanted.

Neither Murong Yue nor Jiang Yu cared about it.

They studied this piece by Wang Qian together just now.

Then, they discovered that Wang Qian had published this work on Weibo.

Then, writers and critics from all walks of life made a detailed analysis of this work!

The conclusions are all the same!

It is the same as Wang Qian's previously published works.

This is an excellent ancient poetry work!

The meaning expressed is the word that appears the most!


It's worrying to read.

While eating, Murong Yue said, Wang Qian, you are so good at ancient poetry. Have you ever thought about adding these cultural elements to your music?

Jiang Yu's eyes lit up and he looked at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian nodded lightly: I was thinking about it. When Liu Shengnan was talking to me, she also said that she was also thinking about this aspect of creation.

Murong Yue said pleasantly: Then you two are going to confront each other?

Liu Shengnan is the Mesozoic singer with the best reputation and sales figures in the past. He debuted for more than ten years and has countless fans.

Wang Qian is the new generation singer with the best reputation and the best sales figures!

Both of them are capable and creative singers.

This kind of duel.

It is a pleasure to meet anyone who is a little interested in music.

As long as you think about it, you know that this may be a collision that will change the Chinese music scene.

Jiang Yu said in a low voice: You have published quite a few literary works. Have you thought about sorting them out? After a while, if you can accumulate a little more, you can publish a collection of works.

To be honest, Jiang Yu wanted to buy a collection of Wang Qian's poems.

Because she likes every literary work of Wang Qian very much.

However, Wang Qian has no portfolio.

Therefore, she could only transcribe and sort it out in her own notebook.

This is also the distress of many literature lovers who like Wang Qian's works.

Even, it is more troublesome to collect and needs to be searched on the Internet.

Qin Xuerong said: There are still few works now, so don't worry. Otherwise, I will find Xu Zhongfei and ask them to create a personal website for you to publish your literary works. In this way, everyone who wants to read your works can go to your personal website. How about a website? No more searching around on the web.

Qin Xuerong immediately proposed excitedly.

Wang Qian: Will this increase the company's burden?

Qin Xuerong shook her head: It's just a personal website, it won't add much burden, and the development and maintenance are also very convenient and simple. Besides, the company is here to serve you, and they will do whatever you need.

Wang Qian thought for a while, and agreed casually: That's good!

Qin Xuerong: Then I'll tell Xu Zhongfei later and ask him to arrange someone to fix the website as soon as possible. It should be online in a day or two. What's the name?

Wang Qian: Let's call it Qianqian Anthology.

Thousands of anthologies?


Qin Xuerong wrote it down.

I ate.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue cleaned up the dishes.

Qin Xuerong went to call Xu Zhongfei.

Wang Qian went upstairs to rest. As soon as he sat down, he received a call from Peng Donghu!

I'm really worried...

He knew why Peng Donghu was here.

Got the call.

Peng Donghu said with a hearty smile: Professor Wang, congratulations on the successful completion of your open class at Zhejiang University. I watched the video of the whole process of your lecture without missing a second, which opened my eyes. It was the first time I saw someone I can overwhelm all of them at Zhejiang University... Hahaha, you are talented, but you can do whatever you want!

Wang Qian: Director Peng is over the award, it's a coincidence, a fluke!

This is the truth of Wang Qian.

Up to now, Wang Qian still feels lucky.

If the teachers and students of Zhejiang University lowered their standards and asked questions one by one with college textbooks, Wang Qian would surrender.

Peng Donghu said quickly: Then let me be straightforward, Professor Wang. Do you have time recently? I would like to invite you to give a lecture at Zheyin, and also talk about these few pieces of yours. How about it?

Peng Donghu has inquired about it.

Wang Qian is still three weeks away from the next live broadcast of The Voice, nearly a month away!

At this time, if you don't hurry up and get the moon first, what are you waiting for?

Zhejiang University has gained both fame and fortune this time, and it has also become famous in the Chinese literary world along with Wang Qian!

Although Wang Qian lost a little face.

However, compared with the fame gained, it is nothing.


No one felt that Zhejiang University's loss to Wang Qian was a shameful thing!


It's Zheyin's turn to make a move.

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