Debut After Eight Years

121. The talent to break through the sky? If you can't beat it, why don't you join

In the big classroom, silence was restored again.

Xu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to Qin Xuerong, blushed with excitement on her baby-fat cute face, and whispered nervously: I was a little nervous just now, so I just said my name, will it affect Professor Wang? Laugh Is this word bad to write?

Xu Wenwen shook his head: Probably not, he called you by name directly, instead of calling someone at random, he may have already thought of what you want to say. Or, he already has almost finished works in mind, so he called you, I hope You say a certain word so that he can write his own work.

Xu Xiaoxiao widened Shui Lingling's eyes: You mean, Professor Wang knows what I'm going to say? He already has a work?

Xu Wenwen didn't take his eyes off Wang Qian's figure, and nodded: I guess, it should be like this.

Xu Xiaoxiao also nodded, looking at Wang Qian wondering what he was thinking.

Qin Xuerong said in a low voice: You Zhejiang University are bullying people, it's a bit too much. Why, why don't you let people write works that you thought about before?

Xu Wenwen blushed a little, and said embarrassedly: That's not what I meant.

Qin Xuerong didn't continue talking, but looked at Wang Qian worriedly.

She was worried, worried that Wang Qian would be embarrassed by this group of people in Zhejiang University, and he would not be able to step down at that time, and if it was spread, the influence would be very bad.

Since ancient times, good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles!

There are definitely more people who are looking forward to your bad luck than those who are looking forward to your good luck.

If Wang Qian lost face here.

There are so many Zhejiang University students here, they will definitely spread the word like crazy.


Qin Xuerong looked around and saw cameras in every corner.

At that time, Zhejiang University will release the live video.

It will definitely affect Wang Qian's positive image.


Wang Qian finished writing the pinyin on the word for laughing, three tones, and wrote a zhe at the back, explaining: I don't need to explain the rhyming knowledge of Cipai, do you?

A voice sounded at the scene: Professor Wang, let's talk...

Now, even if you are a top student in a prestigious school, some may not understand these things.

After all, these are not ancient cultural knowledge commonly used today.

Modern writing does not pay attention to these.

Even, most people may not understand the writing and rhyming requirements of some common cipai.

Wang Qian explained immediately: Three tones, in the rhyme of Ping and Zhe, belong to Ping rhyme. Except for one Ping Yin, all other tonal changes belong to Ping rhyme. We have decided on Ping rhyme, so the ci cards to be selected must also be Choose from the Cipai in the rhyme.

Wang Qian looked back at everyone, and continued: Let's talk about the feelings of love in adolescence. Let's use Die Lianhua... This is very easy to operate. Actually, I also had some thoughts about Die Lianhua before. It’s just a little incomplete, so I’ll tidy it up a bit and show it to everyone.”

Many people's eyes widened.

Jiang Xing said in a low voice: Die Lianhua, Zhe Yun. It seems that he already has a work, so he chose Xu Xiaoxiao. However, even if he already has a work, it is already very good. The song just now Jiang Chengzi is a masterpiece, if Die Lianhua is also a masterpiece, then I won't dare to speak up later!

Although Jiang Xing seemed to be talking to himself, he was also talking to Chen Xiangdong and Cao Wenfang who were two seats away.

If Wang Qian's Butterfly Love Flower is also a good masterpiece of ancient ci.

He stopped standing up and questioning Wang Qian.

Because he dare not!

Because he knew he was not qualified.

Even Guo Zhuangzhuang, who doesn't even want face, didn't stand up and find fault with Wang Qian just now.

Because, he knew that he was not qualified enough!

Now to ask questions.

That would have to be Professor Li, and Cao Wenfang and other higher-level people who stood up.

Chen Xiangdong glanced at Jiang Xing, but didn't speak at the moment, and then looked at Cao Wenfang and Fang Guoshu, feeling a little helpless.

Tang Hepeng whispered to Chen Xiangdong: Old Chen, in fact, we don't have to suppress Professor Wang in order for our academy to win. Think about it, is it a good story for Professor Wang to release a few masterpieces here today? After going out, can it also improve the status of our Zhejiang Department in the field of literature?

Not to mention anything else, this Jiang Chengzi and the poem just now are enough to shake the literary world!

Chen Xiangdong's eyes lit up, his brows furrowed and he began to think.

Cao Wenfang said lightly: Let's see!


Wang Qian continued to write, and said in a low voice: We must talk about youth and love. Then, let's start with spring!


A line of text appears.

The flowers have faded and the red and green apricots are small!

Wang Qian said softly: We don't have to talk about spring directly, but to reflect it with some of the most obvious symbols in spring. At the same time, don't forget the rhyme!

Following Wang Qian's explanation.

Everyone, whether it is the many experts, professors and school leaders in the front row, or the students of all grades in the back, can clearly understand it.

The apricot blossoms have just fallen, and the apricots are still young.

It represents spring, and it seems to be late spring, so the meaning is not very good. Maybe this work will express tragedy, and it also fits the tragic ending of most people's crush!

And the small characters at the end do rhyme with the word laugh.

clap clap clap...

Applause rang out.

Then, quiet again.

Wang Qian continued to write, saying: With flowers and fruits, there must also be animals. What is there in spring? What animal did the ancients like to write about in spring most? Swallows!

A line of text appears again.

When the swallows, green water around people.

Wang Qian clicked on the rounded characters: Remember the rhyme.

This time, there was no applause.

Because everyone hasn't reacted yet.


It seems that Wang Qian wrote it very simply.

However, when they thought about it carefully, they found that it was not easy.

Wang Qian continued again: There are flowers and animals, so what else is there? Willows! Many literati in ancient times loved willows very much.


Chalk across.

Another line of text appears.

There are few willows blowing on the branches.

Draw a circle on the Shaozi to indicate rhyme.

Wang Qian: There are flowers, there are animals, there are willows, what else? Grass! To describe the spring scenery, you must write about green grass. But... everyone, don't forget the theme of our poem. Yes, it is secret love, secret love, basically Everything ends in tragedy, and that's what I wrote!

Chalk writes each word stroke by stroke.

There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world!

On the cursive characters, a circle was drawn again.



In the auditorium, which had been quiet for a while, there was an instant noise.

the occurrence of this word.

At this moment, the psychological defense of many, many young people was defeated.

Immediately, break the defense!

Many emotional young boys and girls in the back row couldn't help but feel the urge to cry.

There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world.

Most of the secret loves are tragedies, either the confession is rejected, or it ends without a problem. Very few are together, but it may end in the tragedy of breaking up in the end!

There is sadness in my heart!

At this moment……

Come on.

There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world.

How moved?

Xu Xiaoxiao immediately covered her mouth, afraid that she couldn't help crying, there was a stream of crystal tears in her eyes, she stared at Wang Qian without blinking, she didn't dare to blink, she was afraid that if she blinked, she would drip down.

Both Xu Wenwen and Qin Xuerong were also shocked by this sentence, so they didn't notice Xu Xiaoxiao's emotion.

Xu Wenwen's voice was a little trembling, and he said softly: With this sentence, it is enough to be passed down through the ages. In ancient times, this is definitely a famous sentence through the ages. How did he write it?

Qin Xuerong said softly: It was just written right under your noses!


Liu Shengnan who was not far away was also very shaken in his heart, feeling his heart beat a lot faster, and said to the people around him: This sentence is written from the bottom of my heart.

The few people next to him also nodded in agreement, and everyone was touched by this sentence.


Jiang Xing also said with a little excitement: Today, we may really witness history. Many years later, we will still be mentioned because of today.

Tang Hepeng nodded in agreement: Yes, we have witnessed a grand event in the Chinese literary world, and today may also be a highlight moment for our Zhejiang University.

Cao Wenfang and the others didn't speak, they just stared at the blackboard, looking at each word.

Lu Chunhu's eyes brightened, and he exclaimed: Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I could meet such a brilliant genius. This trip is worthwhile.

clap clap...


Even more enthusiastic than before.

Many young students behind applauded with all their might.

Wang Qian smiled and said softly to everyone: Actually, if you think about it more, you may be able to write it.

The applause stopped.

Many pairs of eyes rolled.

Is it okay to have hands?

Just have a brain again?

Is it a waste once you learn it?


Wang Qian continued: Okay, these are all descriptions of spring, and at the same time express emotions with fragrant grasses. Then, the next step is to write stories.

The chalk slid across again.

There were more than 2,000 people in the audience, each of them stared intently at every word written by Wang Qian.

The swing inside the wall is outside the wall.

On the words of Dao, it is emphasized again.

There are people outside the wall, and the beautiful people inside the wall laugh.

The word laugh appeared and was marked!

The laughter gradually faded away.

The quiet word emphasizes on marking.

Passionate is always annoyed by ruthless!

Annoyed word, be emphatically marked!

Wang Qian put down the chalk and turned to face everyone.

have witnessed.

There are only pairs of shocking eyes.

the first word.

Each of them has a sense of engagement.

Therefore, I felt the deepest shock in my heart.


Everyone guessed that Wang Qian definitely did not create completely on the spot.

Instead, Wang Qian took the opportunity to write the work that Wang Qian had thought of in advance.


Most people still feel the shock.

Because, this was clearly written under their noses.

A sound of chanting appeared.

Gradually, come together.

We read it together.

The flowers are faded, red and green apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches, and there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world.

The swing inside the wall is outside the wall. There are people walking outside the wall, and the beautiful woman inside the wall laughs. The laughter gradually fades away, and the sentimental is always annoyed by the ruthless.


clap clap clap...


Crazy applause that could not be suppressed rang out.

Many young students behind couldn't help standing up and clapping wildly to express their excitement.

They couldn't help talking to each other in low voices, expressing their restlessness.

It's a great word.

Die Lianhua, I don't even know the rules of Cipai, but I want to cry after reading this poem. There is no grass in the end of the world. Love is always annoyed by ruthlessness. It's so well written.

Professor Wang is amazing. He wrote this work right under our noses? It doesn't feel any worse than those ancient masterpieces in textbooks.

The last song Jiang Cheng Zi was also very good, and this song Die Lian Hua is also a masterpiece. Professor Wang's literary talent is beyond heaven!

Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I cried when I saw that sentence. I figured it out after crying. I don't like me. There are other weaangaa waiting for me.

I just want to ask, will Professor Wang take classes in our school? I want to take his class every day, and I want to take his postgraduate and doctoral exams!


Xu Wenwen, Xu Xiaoxiao, Qin Xuerong, Liu Shengnan and others all stood up and gave Wang Qian the warmest applause.

Seeing Wang Qian get so much affirmation.

Qin Xuerong was also agitated, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

And Xu Xiaoxiao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, staring at Wang Qian with shining eyes.

Only the oldest audience in the first two rows did not stand up and applaud.

The applause lasted for nearly half a minute before it ended.

Wang Qian just stood beside the podium so calmly, with a smile on his mouth, soft and confident eyes, an air of scholarly and talented self-confidence almost overflowing, standing there, as if it was a poem with profound meaning.

The applause stopped.

Wang Qian smiled and said: Okay! Today's class, I think this is the end, it's getting late, everyone needs to rest, how about it?

It was extremely quiet.

Most people don't want it to end like this.


This class was really good and shocked them!

It's full of dry goods filled with amazing talents.

They all wanted to continue listening to Wang Qian.

As for Chen Xiangdong and the others in front, they hoped to delay for a while to see if anyone could match the couplet.

If it doesn't match, let Wang Qian leave like this.

Then they are really ashamed!

In addition, Wang Qian left three masterpieces of ancient poetry here.

By the time……

Wang Qian really stepped on the face of Zhejiang University and shocked the entire Chinese literary world.

Chen Xiangdong called out in a low voice: Old Tang!

Tang Hepeng pretended not to hear.

Chen Xiangdong was speechless and looked at Jiang Xing.

Jiang Xing shook his head helplessly.

He just said that he is no longer qualified to speak.

Therefore, he will not stand up and speak.

Cao Wenfang?

Cao Wenfang also remained silent. She had already gotten up to speak just now, and now she seemed aggressive and deliberately targeted, and this work was almost impeccable. What else could she say? Shameless?

Therefore, Cao Wenfang also remained silent.

At this time.

Fang Guoshu raised his hand.

Chen Xiangdong was startled, and then he didn't speak.

Everyone looked at Fang Guoshu.

Fang Guoshu represents a different meaning.

This is the vice chairman of the Writers Association, and his qualifications are very old. He published a few books in the early years. Although the response was mediocre, he also won a literary award at that time. He is one of the oldest literary authors present.

Wang Qian looked at Fang Guoshu and stretched out his hand gently: Chairman Fang, tell me.

Fang Guoshu stood up and said with a smile: Professor Wang, the works you left today have opened my eyes to the old man. Even in the most prosperous period of hundreds of thousands of years of ancient culture, I think these works of yours will not be weaker than The masterpieces of those ancient writers.

This evaluation!

Very high.

There were some exclamations at the scene.

Guo Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Xing and other Mesozoic writers were the most shocked.

Because Fang Guoshu has never publicly praised those writers who have gone out of Zhejiang University and have achieved some achievements, and at most privately encouraged them!

Fang Guoshu hardly praised anyone!

Because, in the eyes of their older generation of literati.

The current Mesozoic and younger generation of literati have nothing worthy of their praise.

I don't have any skills, but everyone is full of fame and fortune, and their thoughts are all spent on fame and fortune, and their works are very ordinary.

Now, Fang Guoshu publicly gave such a high evaluation to Wang Qian.

How not to shock everyone who knows him?


They thought carefully about each of Wang Qian's works.

Not counting the accumulation of time background.

For these few works alone, Wang Qian is indeed not inferior to those excellent works of the thousand-year-old writers.

Given time.

These works of Wang Qian may also be called the masterpieces of the ages by the people behind, and may also be included in the textbooks by the people behind, becoming the knowledge that every student must learn!


It is not too much for Fang Guoshu to give such an evaluation now.

Wang Qian was also a little surprised, and then said with a smile: Chairman Fang, you have won the award. I got a sudden inspiration, which is nothing to brag about. I am still young, and I have not accumulated enough knowledge and experience. I still have a long way to go. I don't know. , Chairman Fang, what advice do you have?

Fang Guoshu looked at Wang Qian: Professor Wang, your Butterfly Love Flower just now opened my eyes. I never thought that there would be such a talented person who can play with words at will and arrange such excellent works as he likes. However, I I still have more ideas. I want to see Professor Wang write another piece of work, and I want to say a rhyme myself, I wonder if it is possible?

After finishing speaking, the corners of Fang Guoshu's eyes twitched, and his face turned reddish.


This is also an obvious embarrassment for Wang Qian.

Deliberately trying to embarrass Wang Qian.

The scene became even quieter.

Everyone looked at Fang Guoshu and Wang Qian.

Qin Xuerong frowned, stared at Fang Guoshu's back with disdain, and said coldly: Xu Wenwen, isn't your school too unfriendly? Even if you come to kneel down again in the future, we won't come.

Xu Xiaoxiao also said displeasedly: Sister, it's not good for you to do this!

Xu Wenwen's face was hot and he didn't speak.

Because she couldn't argue.

Now, it is true that Zhejiang University is bullying people by occupying the home court.

Liu Shengnan in front also shook his head, saying that this was not what she wanted to see.

Not far away, Guo Zhuangzhuang had an obvious smile on his face.

Although, Wang Qian has proved that his talent is impeccable.

However, I could see Wang Qian deflated once.

Guo Zhuangzhuang and many other people who are interested in Zhejiang University are happy to meet.

And on the podium.

Wang Qian still maintained a refined smile, and said to Fang Guoshu: Chairman Fang, tell me!

Many people stared wide-eyed!

He accepted?

Just now, many people were wondering whether Wang Qian would refuse such an unreasonable request.

This kind of relatively unreasonable request, if it is rejected, no one will say anything even if it spreads.

Jiang Xing praised: Regardless of the final result, Professor Wang's bearing, confidence, and talent are among the tallest people I have ever met.

Chen Xiangdong blushed a little.

Tang Hepeng shook his head and didn't speak, but frowned thinking about something.

Fang Guoshu stared at Wang Qian, and said, That's good. If Professor Wang accepts, then use your name. How about using the butterfly love flower that Professor Wang made just now for the Ci Pai?

This is a proposition composition!

Many students from Zhejiang University couldn't stand it anymore.

Is Chairman Fang deliberately embarrassing Professor Wang?

Chairman Fang may not be able to stand it any longer. We need to suppress Professor Wang's spirit.

To be reasonable, Professor Wang really made a big splash today. Besides, our school was really suppressed by him. Seeing that the couplet is still hanging there, I thought about it for more than half an hour and couldn't figure it out, so I gave up.

If I were Professor Wang, I would stop playing, and I won't be angry with you!

It's a bit of a bully.

Chairman Fang targeted Professor Wang like this, which means they didn't match that couplet!


Some students couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, Wang Qian's performance today seems to them to be flawless.

Whether it's the temperament of the dress, the performance of the lectures, or the display of talents, everyone present can't say a word, even better than all the professors of the Department of Literature they have seen on the campus of Zhejiang University.

Therefore, almost all young students have a good impression of Wang Qian.

Although, Fang Guoshu did this for the sake of the school's face!

However, they were still uncomfortable and sympathized with Wang Qian in their hearts.

Both eyes looked at Wang Qian on the podium, thinking, what would Wang Qian do!


Fang Guoshu heard some discussions later, and added: Alternatively, Professor Wang, you can choose your own ci cards to play.

Wang Qian looked calm, Fang Guoshu smiled, and said: No need. Since Chairman Fang has made a request, as today's lecturer, I must try my best to satisfy it. You, Die Lianhua!

With that said, Wang Qian turned around and wrote you, Ping Yun, Die Lian Hua, etc. on the blackboard.

Fang Guoshu had already sat down.

Cao Wenfang next to him said in a low voice, Old Fang, this is a bit too much.

Fang Guoshu sighed: If I don't put down my old face and stand up and say a few words, then no one can stop him. Have you figured out the couplet yet?

Cao Wenfang shook her head!

Fang Guoshu: I didn't think of it either.

Cao Wenfang frowned: But, seeing how confident he is, maybe he can really do it?

Fang Guoshu smiled wryly: If this is all right, then what if we lose the face of Zhejiang University to him, so what? I don't think anyone will say that it is a shame for Zhejiang University to lose face in front of him, right?

When Cao Wenfang, Jiang Xing, Chen Xiangdong, and Tang Hepeng heard this, their eyes lit up!


It's hard to stop Wang Qian's words.

It can be said that Wang Qian's talent is going to break through the sky.

Such a genius.

It's not embarrassing for Zhejiang University to lose face on him, right?

Can't say, will it be rewarded by it?

Fang Guoshu said to Chen Xiangdong again: Xiao Chen, think about it, what if a talented person like Professor Wang stays in our school? Not only will there be no negative impact, but today's incident will completely become a good story. The reputation of our school It will go up a level again.”

Chen Xiangdong's eyes lit up instantly!


Chen Xiangdong clenched his fists, as if he had discovered a new direction.

One, he hadn't thought about it before.

Thinking about it now, it is the direction of the optimal solution.

Can't beat you!

Is it okay if I join you?

Then everyone is a winner.

There are no losers!

Jiang Xing frowned: What if he didn't do it? Or, the writing is average?

Chen Xiangdong: Then it's a tie, and there's no need to keep him, we can see the situation later!

After all, Wang Qian is still too young, and he was born in the entertainment industry.

Chen Xiangdong still has many worries.

If given a choice.

He still wanted to wait and see.

It doesn't matter if you invite Wang Qian to give an exchange class.

After all, Wang Qian has many excellent works in front of him, and his fame and talent are enough.

However, I really want to keep Wang Qian at the school and give him a job!

That meaning is different.

Several people looked at Wang Qian with different thoughts!

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