Death Sutra

Chapter 863: twitch

Shangguanhong did not expect that he would be summoned. He only sent the Dragon King some winter things to him. He thought that the process would be very simple. He had never received such treatment before in Longting. .

He still remembers that he once went to Tongtianguan to try to convince Shangliao to rely on the Queen. It was a shameful defeat. Maybe the right general Shang Liao would tell the Dragon King everything. He thought, the heart could not help but be undecided, I don’t know if it was The queen will be offered.

"I hate everyone in the official house." Shangguanhong thought of a good excuse, and he was able to clear the queen, but the result was not used.

Most of the beautiful furnishings in the tent were moved out, so it was more vacant. The Dragon King stood alone at the table. There seemed to be a long distance from the door to him. Shangguanhong immediately felt the unspeakable majesty. The heart is envious and jealous, and unknowingly squats.

He is already a little used to this movement, so that when he thinks of the scene where Huanuo asked for help many years ago, he felt extremely unreal.

"The slaves...when I meet the Dragon King." Speaking these two words in front of the Dragon King, Shangguan Hong felt very difficult, but he never had such resistance against the Queen.

"Get up."

Shang Guanhong slowly stood up, bent down and bowed, and humbled like an old slave who had entered the palace for many years.

Gu Shenwei looked for a while, from the darling to the slave, from the slave to the king, he has experienced, so there is no sympathy in his heart, he is observing every minor movement of Shangguanhong, especially the walking posture, one person's The skill level is usually displayed at the pace. The stronger the body and the deeper the skill, the less muscles are mobilized when walking, which is difficult to conceal.

Shangguanhong did a good job. Like the well-trained minions, the steps were small and fast. He himself was a bit of martial arts. Gu Shen did not see his skill.

"What is the command of the Dragon King?" Shangguan Hong felt like a man on his back, and his tone became a bit stiff.

"Let me talk about that secret way."

"What secret channel?" Shangguan Hong was amazed and found that the previous guess was all wrong.

"The secret way you told me."

Shangguanhong remembered it. It was still more than a year ago. When he followed the dragon king and was shunned by the sea, he revealed an important secret in order to reveal his loyalty: there was a secret road from the mountain to the peak.

"Ah? Yes, I said it."

"Let's talk about it."

The dragon king has a casual tone. It seems that this is a simple request. Shangguan Hong feels tremendous pressure. Since he accepted the purchase of the slaves as the master, this pressure already exists. Every time he meets, he will become stronger and stronger. It is now the extent to which he is unable to compete.

"Yes... This is the case. Jinpengbao is absolutely empty. There is no water source. It needs to be transported from the bottom of the mountain. However, it is worried that there will be no water available after being under siege. Therefore, a secret road is cut out and the river at the bottom of the mountain is passed. Guaranteed that there is no shortage of water."

"Cut out the secret road?" It is as high as hundreds of feet, and it seems that the water has exceeded the scope of manpower.

"I don't know the specific situation. I just... I heard a few words from Mrs. Meng. Really, Dragon King, I don't have a lie. This secret way must exist. I know this."

Shangguan Hong’s heart was restless. The Dragon King had neither swearing nor swearing, but he was nervous and afraid. He really hoped that the conversation would end soon.

Gu Shenwei looked at it for a while, and Shangguanhong changed a lot. Only when he couldn’t hold his breath, did he show the shadow of the past.


"Yes." Shangguan Hong could not wait to withdraw from the tent, was blown by the north wind outside, and shuddered, only to suddenly notice a layer of fine sweat.

He ran to his tent, and he comforted himself and said that he was still in the dark. The dragon was still in the drums, and his mood gradually calmed down. When he walked into the house, he stopped and found that things were not finished.

Shangguanfei smiled and looked at his half-brother. "How are you? General Manager, this name is right."

In front of the Dragon King, Shangguan Hongshang can barely keep calm, facing Shangguanfei, this person who brought him a lifetime of pain, anger instantly poured out, his body swayed and rushed to the enemy.

Shangguanfei neither hid nor returned his hand. He said, "Hey, Hong’s general martial arts is good."

Shangguan Hong violently stopped, his cheeks flushed, and he said with a grin: "What are you doing?"

"In any case, we are all the same surname. I am coming to see you. Is there anything wrong? I heard that you are favored before the king. I am counting on you to promote me in the future."

There were countless thoughts in Shangguanhong’s mind. In the end, he said: “The knife didn’t kill me. It’s your mistake. Shangguanfei, the shameful shame that you applied to me, I will repay it sooner or later. Before that, enjoy it. Let's go."

Shangguanfei showed a terrified expression and patted his heart. "Hung, you want to scare me, don't you know that I am courageous? There is only one thing for men. You want to 'repay it', it is really difficult. Haha."

Shangguanfei laughed, and for the first time, he found that the influence of the old man also had a good side. At least he was no longer stupid.

The red tide on Shangguanhong’s face slowly receded. “How is your mother? I heard that the one-step king took her to the foot of the mountain and lived freely. Finally, there is only one man’s, but Mrs. Meng will not feel... ..."

Shangguanfei was poked to the painful place. He grabbed the collar of Shangguanhong and raised his fist high. "You are not allowed to mention my mother. Believe it or not, I will kill you with a punch. When I cut your life, the Dragon King didn't care. Now He will not be taken to heart when he kills you."

Shangguan Hong looked at the other side coldly, and his will was firmer than ever. This was something he could not do in any case. He reached out and blocked the angry arm and turned to sip on the ground. "I am waiting for you." ”

Shangguanfei seems to be scared, and his anger is slightly reduced. He bypassed Shangguanhong and walked to the door. He threw a sentence before the account was posted. "Don't forget, your mother is still living in the stone fort."

Shangguanhong didn't care. The mother was a weak and incompetent woman. She went to bed with the one-step king, but she didn't dare to speak loudly. She didn't bring any benefits to her own son. If she was a child, she knew that she was the illegitimate son of the king's lord... He keeps secrets, but his heart is completely different. He is no longer the timid Honggongzi. The twins naturally dare not regard him as a slave. Zhang Hao does not regard him as a tool that has been used or lost.

After a moment of satisfaction, the floating is a greater loss and hatred, Shangguan Hong pre-feeling bad, but he can not control his body, pounced on the ground and violently twitching, especially the arms, as if thrown The live fish on the shore kept slamming up and down.

Shang Guanhong bites his teeth and restores his control of his right hand. He takes out a small wooden box from his arms and pours only one pill left into his mouth.

The hand trembled and the pill fell to the ground. Shangguanhong almost rushed over, opened his mouth and swallowed the pill, and did not care about the broken hair biting on the felt.

The convulsions gradually stopped, Shangguan Hongping was lying on the ground, knowing that he had to ask for antidote.

What is the feeling of freedom? There is no clue in his heart.

Shangguanfei did not see the wolf-in-law of his half-brother, but ran directly to see the dragon king. "It is him, he can't be wrong, his eyes are exactly the same, and his strength is much bigger, and he is the same as Shangguan Hong." ""

"This is strange. He did not show any specificity when he was in Long Ting." Gu Shenwei also saw the change of Shangguanhong, but he could not understand why.

"Well, it is quite strange. The qualifications of the above Guanhong, even if they are trained to die, will not reach the current level. They will be able to pick it up with him. The Shangguan Hongwugong has improved, but the surname has not changed, and the greed is afraid of death. Don't hold your breath, just torture it a little and make sure everything is said."

Disappointing Shangguanfei is that Dragon King is not optimistic about this plan, shaking his head and saying: "Can you follow him?"

"Of course." Shangguanfei is afraid of taking risks, but he is not afraid of Shangguanhong. Even if the other martial arts are equal to himself, he is not afraid. "Shangguanhong’s work in Jinpengbao was all white, and I was away from the dog that night. Only a few steps away, he never found out."

"Take him, don't show up, no matter what happens, come back and tell me."

"Yes." Shangguanfei feels that this mission will not be dangerous.

"There is one thing, go back and ask Mrs. Meng."

"Dragon King please."

"Well, I said I want to know what is going on in the Shibao secret."

Shangguanfei looked awkward and apparently had never heard of the secret road. "Dragon King will not listen to the nonsense of Guan Hong? The kid dared to make up for his lie."

"Let Ms. Meng come to judge the true and false."

"Yes." Shangguan Fei retired, but his heart was not very good. If there is a secret way, the mother leaked to Shangguanhong, but concealed from himself, but it was not a small blow.

Shang Guanhong is a full-fledged enemy. Gu Shen is more interested in knowing who is controlling him.

He ordered people to call in the beginning of the South Screen and Tieling.

Tie Linglong was in front, and the first Nanping was followed by the Dragon King. They were separated by five or six steps, and they seemed to be strangers.

"There is a task for you..."

"I don't want to perform tasks with him." Tie Lingling immediately objected, only her, indifferent to the majesty of the growth of the Dragon King.

"Well, I know, but this is my order." Gu Shen is deeply troubled, and she does not know how to persuade the girl who is surnamed, only to increase her tone.

Tie Ling’s words and stops, although no longer opposed, turned his head to express resistance.

"Go to Xu Xiaoyi, he will tell you an address, monitor it, don't go in under any circumstances."

"Dragon King suspects that there is a trap?" Tie Lingling did not hold back curiosity.

"It's very likely, so don't be fooled, see what, come back and tell me."

"Do not worry, Dragon King, I will not let you down."

Tie Linglong showed excessive enthusiasm, which made Gu Shen more headache.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued).

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