Death Sutra

Chapter 1063: Talker

As soon as he walked into the Tieshan military camp, Fang Wen found that the situation was not right. Although the defense from outside to inside was very strict, there was a chilling air that had nothing to do with foreign enemies. He saw two like The head of the man glared at each other as he passed by, and his right hand reached the weapon at his waist until he walked away.

Fang Wen is guessing that he is probably a step late.

He was invited to an empty tent, and he was left unattended for a long time. He wanted to go out but was stopped by the shackles at the door. Every time he said the same thing, "Come on, the military division will arrive soon."

The "military division" in the other population is actually not himself. Fang Wen feels a bit awkward. He has to stay in the tent and walk back and forth. Try to guess what the Tieshan military division Shi Qingjue is talking about with Jinpengbao. What are the advantages of the Dragon Army? How to think about it is to win the game.

Then his thoughts were a bit confusing. The image of the Queen was always in front of her eyes. She was crying and said that she would rather die as a queen, but she didn't want to be too ugly after she died. I hope the military can help.

In retrospect, Fang Wen believed that he was definitely crazy at the time, and he actually agreed. He also came to the poison from Sun Shenji. He was one of the most important people around the Dragon King. Sun Shenji didn’t even ask him why. I watched the queen look down and then quit the room. When the time was almost up, I was confessed to Xu Yan.

Xu Yanwei said that the Queen’s death is awkward. In fact, it’s still a bit reasonable. I think that the news here is shocking and I’m rushing to accept my heart. He knows very well that there are things that are not right or wrong. I think who is right, the Queen has not much choice, has the Dragon King ever had it?

The queen is dead, he thought, he can completely forget her. The Dragon King sent himself to be a guest, which is a good sign. If you can be forgiven, you can't make a mistake.

But he still couldn't help but think that Long Wang Ming knew that the military division had a sorrow for the Queen, or let him dispose of the Queen. Is there any other purpose behind it?

Fang Wen is a headache, and he is more and more unaware of the Dragon King.

The curtains opened, and they walked into one person, wearing a simple armor, not wearing a helmet, revealing a bald head like a monk, and two conspicuous scars on the lips, like a ridge that had just been turned up, he smiled. The display is fierce, "Let Mr. Fang wait a long time."

Shi Qingjue followed two people behind him, without a word, standing at the door.

Fang Wen swept his thoughts in his head and smiled and said: "I finally met the military division, but I will be lucky."

"What military officer is I in front of Mr. Fang? Please call me a monk, and the brothers of Tieshan are so called."

Fang Wen is clearly hearing that the guards at the door have called it "military division" over and over again, and now he laughs. "Monk? You want to refuse to forget this."

"Well, don't forget this. Even when I rob, I remember four sangha."

This Shi Qingjue is really not simple. Fang Wen simply put away his smile and said: "What promises to Jin Tengbao's lobbyists to Tieshan?"

“Mr. Fang is going to double?”

Fang Wen shook his head seriously. "No, Dragon King can make all promises of Jinpengbao impossible."

Shi Qingjue sighed. "I believe that Dragon King has this ability. This can be difficult. Jinpengbao has a lot of benefits. To be honest, I have a bit of hot eyes with my brothers, and I am reluctant to give up."

"Since you..."

"Please call my monk." Shi Qingjue insisted.

"Since the monk is a military division in Tieshan. The eyes should be long-term, Jinpengbao is in danger of being ruined, and his own promises are unprepared. What can the promises make can be generous? It is nothing more than a mirror in the water. The dragon king has already won the Yuyu city, back By the sea, the left leaning on the Shule country, the right refers to the thousand rides off, the half of the western domain refers to the day, the north echoes the new Khan Wang, and the East has the support of the Central Plains emperor, why does Tieshan do not take advantage of it?"

Shi Qingjue turned and glanced at the two big heads at the door. "Oh, as I said."

Fang Wen is frowning: "What does the monk say?"

Shi Qingjue laughed and said: "Mr. Fang don't misunderstand, I mean, your words are right. Before that, I said the same to the brothers." The two men at the door nodded slightly, saying that the monk did say something similar. "However, I also said something to the brothers."


"Oh, there is no other meaning, but our Tieshan people are born to like to be robbers, joined Jinpengjun, and have had contacts with the Dragon Army. They are not willing to be flustered. This time, the brothers are heavy. It’s a pity that we may be a bit contradictory with the Dragon King in the future.”

Fang Wen is guessing what Shi Qingjue wants to say, thinking that this monk is too big.

Shi Qingjue laughed a few times. "The Dragon King is a successor. Since then, the Dragon Army is an official. Tieshan is a scorpion. Of course, the three thousand brothers in the district will never dare to confront the Dragon King. From then on, they can only hide, and the Dragon King occupies the half of the Western Region. We went to the half to discuss life, and even went further, and the old and the dead did not come and go. Therefore, the long-term benefits are useless for Tieshan, we want the ready-made things, and drag and drop. Haha, Mr. Fang I have something to say, I dare not have half-word concealment."

A leader at the door said loudly: "Yes, what is said, the dragon king wants to be the one-step king, but also..." It was found that the companion's look was wrong, and the leader shut up in time. They had already said good before they came, and the negotiations were handed over to them. Monk, no one else speaks.

Fang Wen nodded. "Since this is said, I want to know what price Jinpeng Fort has to offer to buy a one-step king?"

The two leaders at the door grin and smiled. Obviously, this was regarded as a small victory. Shi Qingjue did not change his color. "The gold is 100,000 yuan, the silver is 500,000 yuan, and there are horses, armor, and cloth. Within ten days. Ready, piled up in the thousand rides, wait for us to take, and allow Tieshan to leave the Western Region freely, not blocked by the 100,000 iron ride."

Fang Wen has been nodding slightly, and heard the last sentence suddenly changed. "100,000 iron rides? Where is the 100,000 iron ride of Jinpengbao?"

"Mr. Fang doesn't know?" Shi Qingjue showed a trace of surprise. "Jinpengbao borrowed 100,000 cavalry from the Beiting people, and it is not far from Qianqianguan."

"It turned out to be Luo Luo." Fang Wen is laughing, to cover up the previous gaffe, while flying in his mind, thinking about the solution.

The Dragon King’s division was shocked and slow, and the laughter was not finished. It seems that the 100,000 cavalry is not worth mentioning. Shi Qingjue’s three people look at each other and are unclear. “Why, does Mr. Fang think that Luo Luo’s cavalry is not a real North Cavalry?”

"It is the North Court cavalry, but also the defeated soldier. Last year's Qianqiguan war, some people must remember it?"

Shi Qingjue shrugged. "I believe that the Dragon King will once again win a big victory, but I have already said that Tieshan will leave the Dragon King's site, as long as he can get the gold and silver piled up in the thousand rides, the next war will win. If you fail, Tieshan does not care and does not care."

Fang Wen shook his head again and again. "You are fooled."

"Be fooled?"

Fang Wen continued to shake his head. "Even if Jinpeng Fort borrows 100,000 cavalry, it does have a lot of things. Even if there is a pile of gold and silver in Qianqianguan, after ten days, it is not the Dragon Army or the North Court. It must have won thousands of rides. At that time, Tieshan is the shackles of the shackles, the fish in the net, and the benefits can not be taken."

"You said Tieshan is awkward?" A leader at the door was angry. When he reached out, he would pull out the knife. Shi Qingjue reached out and stopped, saying: "Tieshan is willing to take this risk, unless the Dragon King can give a bigger price, then it will save trouble. It is."

"If I want to deceive Tieshan, I can double the gold and silver now, the number is nothing, and I don't waste anything, but I really negotiated. The Dragon King and Tieshan have deep roots and don't want to turn their faces into enemies in the future. So, I suggest that it is better to call the lobbyist of Jinpengbao, let me prove his lies, prove that Jinpengbao can't get so much gold and silver, then let's talk about it again, how?"

Shi Qingjue looked at the two leaders again. "The three parties talked about it and put everything on the table. This is a good idea, but it is too late now. Mr. Fang is a guest. Jinpengbao is also a guest. It is better to be good. Rest, talk again tomorrow morning."

Fang Wen can only agree, after Shi Qingjue left, he began to think about the situation at hand.

Luo Luo should have competed with Shulitu in the north for the position of King of Khan. He sent a hundred thousand cavalry to the Western Region without a sound. This is definitely a plan that Zhang Hao had already arranged. It is no wonder that the single-handed king has to flee alone. He wants Seek protection from the people of the North Court.

Why can Jinpengbao sin against the Central Plains at this festival? Fang Wen is a little bit of thinking and understands. When Zhang Wei was borrowing troops, he was not actually trying to protect the one-step king. He wanted to play a movie: the city of Saitama City had just been elected, and the North Court was a big force. If it wins, it is a single step. Wang, you can persuade the North Court cavalry, from the Central Plains to come to more interests, in case the victory is the Dragon King, 100,000 cavalry will immediately force the Dragon Army to ensure that the Yuyu City is still under the rule of Jinpeng Fort.

"Insidious." Fang Wen is self-speaking, but in his heart can not help but admire Zhang Wei.

Unfortunately, Zhang Hao had a bad luck. Not only did he greet the worst match, but the one-step king also fell into the hands of a band of robbers, disrupting his plan. The 100,000 cavalry could only be used to rescue the owner.

This gave the Dragon King a little breathing space. The Shulitu in the north and the Central Plains army in the east, as long as one can arrive in time, Luo Luo’s 100,000 cavalry would have to flee.

Fang Wen is a comparison of several forces in his mind. He is so anxious that he really wants to return to the army immediately and meet face-to-face with the Dragon King.

The task at hand has not yet been completed. In the face of the two heads, Shi Qingjue clearly has nothing to say, and Fang Wen also has a few good hands that are not shown.

Fang Wen is walking to the door and squinting, and he is still there, without the meaning of slack, but he is quite sure that Shi Qingjue will find an opportunity to meet with him alone tonight.

Fang Wen is patiently waiting. Suddenly understands that he still prefers the life of the counselor. The emotion of the queen is only a moment of obsession. At this moment, the queen's face can no longer excite any emotion.

He hopes that one day he will be able to make it clear to the Dragon King.

On the evening of the fourth day, Fang Wen still did not welcome Shi Qingjue. He began to doubt whether his judgment was accurate. At this time, a group of assassins touched the camp, and one of them went straight to the tent of the Dragon Army lobbyist.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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