After settling things here, Captain Zhao immediately sent someone to arrange the next task.

Glancing at Miss Su, who was crying bitterly on the side, even if she was crying, there was no sound, and at this moment he knew the horror of this city light.

Immediately sent someone to take Miss Su to the hospital for treatment.

It's just that what happened today must have his scientific explanation in his own heart.

It seems that this city light is not a person should be a gang crime, this is a person is really difficult to complete such a large workload.

Just like the Justice League that appeared in the Lighthouse Country some time ago, or the Sun Shrine that appeared in the Sakura Country, those are a group of madmen who are secretly doing unsightly under the guise of justice.

At the same time, the preface of the death trial live broadcast room was uploaded to the Internet and began to go viral, and through this wave of reporters, it directly detonated everyone's emotions.

The whole network is talking about this matter.

"This is simply the reality version of the Grim Reaper has come, who points to who will die undoubtedly, the means of this city light are too strong, our idol."

"This won't be any Internet celebrity group starting to hype again, now this year hype has become the cheapest synonym, maybe just to make a simple propaganda film to educate everyone."

"Dispersed, dispersed, this matter has nothing to do with us."

"If everyone makes a mistake instead of waiting for the punishment of the law, but is judged by individuals, the whole world will not be chaotic, if you yourself make a small mistake, do you want to be punished by the law or will you be judged by the light of the city?"

"Are you joking upstairs, didn't you find out that these two trials of City Light were not sanctioned by law?"

"Anyway, I think they're filming."


All the pressure has fallen on the White City Law Enforcement Bureau, and all the police officers have watched these two videos for half a night, trying to find any loopholes in the videos.

At the same time, the entire lounge was lined up to see where there was monitoring, and it was stolen to the hometown, which was simply a shame to spread out.

Lin Mo, who got off the live broadcast room on the other side, stretched his waist, and completed another trial today.

I didn't know much about the first trial, but now that I am becoming proficient in using the system, I understand more about the real power and horror of this death live trial system.

The system sent a prompt, according to the feedback of netizens watching in the live broadcast room, he received 2000 points this time.

I didn't immediately rush to choose skills, wash and sleep, and have enough energy to talk about everything tomorrow.

Lying on the bed and thinking back to these two trials, the first trial was without suspense or pressure, but I just wished that I didn't torture him fiercely, and let the criminal die so cheaply.

Think of being a little sorry for the two young anti-independence policemen in country A, and sorry for the few passers-by who were hurt by him.

In the second trial, he was also moved as a judge, especially when he saw the scene of the white-haired parents of the judged kneeling on the ground and constantly pleading, presumably a person would be soft hearted at that moment, right?

But when he saw that the families of the victims he hurt were broken and their wives were separated, he understood better, you have your own parents, others also have their own parents, you are a baby in the eyes of your parents, why is it not a baby in the eyes of your parents?

Since mistakes have been made, whoever they make and who they are in whatever capacity must be judged and sanctioned.

Late at night, Lin Mo turned off his mobile phone and lay on the bed, not watching how the Internet discussed this matter, and began to rest.

Early the next morning, it was still a familiar breakfast shop, eating breakfast while looking at the mobile phone to see how netizens discussed what happened last night.

Just as he was watching with relish, a figure appeared at his table.

"Lin Mo, right, please come with us to the Law Enforcement Bureau, we have some things to find out from you."

Hearing this, Lin Mo raised his head and looked at the policewoman in front of him, isn't this the one he saw in the next community yesterday?

Then the brows furrowed, why did they look for themselves, or did they say that what they did was discovered?

Logically speaking, everything is operated in the system, there can be no clues at all, even in front of them, they only need to control the system through their minds to complete the judgment.

"Who should I be, it turned out to be the police lady I saw yesterday, I don't know what the police sister called me?

How can I not remember what mistakes I made? Have you eaten, or do you want to sit down and eat something?

The policewoman in front of her shook her head.

"You really didn't make any mistakes, but in view of your heroic performance yesterday, our Enforcement Bureau is ready to award you a medal.

As soon as you turned around yesterday, you disappeared, so we investigated for a long time to find you.

Lin Mo pouted in his heart, should you think that I am a three-year-old child using such inferior means to deceive?

If you really want to reward, then the first time you see yourself, it should not be a direct reward, but a sentence to bring to the law enforcement bureau to understand some things.

A group of old cunning old fritters, it seems that they are now investigating the matter of City Light, but they don't have any clues, so they can be suspected to investigate, and yesterday I said that City Light would be judged because of my righteous bravery.

As a result, Susan was tried that same night.

In addition, he is not from White City, and in less than a few days after coming here, both of them have been tried, not to mention them, if they are from the Law Enforcement Bureau, they will also be given priority to initiate suspicion.

It is estimated that all the information about himself in the current White City Law Enforcement Bureau has been investigated.

"What should I do, that's it?

I'll finish the buns later, and I'll go with you. After

eating, under the leadership of the Law Enforcement Bureau, Lin Mo got into the police car and rushed to the direction of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Not long after Lin Mo and the others left, everyone in the entire breakfast restaurant began to talk again.

"What happened to that young man just now, why did the people from the Law Enforcement Bureau come and take him away?"

"I don't know, it won't be a criminal, right?"

"When have you ever seen the police catch criminals and wait for people to finish eating?"

"How did I hear them say what they saw Yiyong, this person seems to have seen it somewhere.

Oops, I remembered that he was the same man who subdued the murderer in the neighborhood next door yesterday, and I said why it looked so familiar.

Don't eat melons, people from the Law Enforcement Bureau personally came to invite, this is to award the medal for righteous bravery. "

What will not be lacking at any time is this group of melon-eating people.


White City Hospital.

"My daughter, my bitter daughter."

Su's father and mother Su, after half a night of bumps, quickly rushed to Baicheng under the escort of reporters, and met their daughter in the hospital under the arrangement of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

When he saw his daughter sitting on the side with blank eyes, the second elder could no longer hold his daughter and cried.

Su Shanshan could detect that she was being held by two people, and her two hands were tightly grasped by two calloused hands, which was her parents.

At this moment, I couldn't hold back, and I shed tears, and the family of three hugged each other tightly.

Xiao Shu, an assistant who had also waited in the hospital for a night, exhaled deeply.

Seeing that Sister Shanshan's parents rushed over, and her task was completed, she had an inexplicable sadness in her heart and an indescribable feeling.

After the doctor's diagnosis, Sister Shanshan's eyes, ears and mouth are no different from normal people, but she can't see, hear, or speak, even doctors who have been engaged in the medical industry for many years are surprised one after another, it's really strange.

Perhaps this is the punishment of City Light for Sister Shanshan.

Money and facts are two things in front of anyone, and perhaps the vast majority of people will be blinded to choose money and do not care about facts.

And he almost became the vast majority.

It's just that he feels a little lucky, City Light did not choose to punish himself because he was Sister Shanshan's assistant, it seems that he wants to give himself a chance to rehabilitate.

"City Lights, thank you."

Lin Mo's inner narration.

It's not that you don't want to judge, but your guilt value simply does not meet the standard of judgment, and if you meet the standard of judgment, whoever will meet the sanction.

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