Haruto glanced directly north of the city.

"They seem to have broken through."



Haruto kicked Kumoi Takashi awake with a kick and a slap in the face, who still hadn't come back to his senses.

"No! Don't kill—"

But it only restored his ability to speak, and he was still not very conscious.

"Open your eyes and see who I am!"

The excitement of Baku and the undisguised murderous intent finally made Kumoi Takashi feel a little normal.

"...Brother Haruto, Haruto?"

Kumoi Takashi never calls Haruto-senpai or teacher, but uses this very cliquey title from the beginning——

Considering the interest of the nobles, it is not incomprehensible.

"I have killed the Quincy here. You should leave immediately and go find Mr. Mutsuki to report the situation."



After giving Ayaka a simple bandage, Haruto rushed up and gave Takashi Kumoi a loud slap in the face.

"I don't know how your father educated you like this."

Half a year's teaching time allowed Haruto to establish a very strong impression among the fifth-year students, otherwise he would not have acted so decisively.

"But Kumoi Takashi in my class is not the coward he is now - as a class monitor, he can't protect his classmates, and as a man, he can't protect women. If you can't even complete this task... .”

"Go back to Xia Dalu's house and be your young master!"

Haruto's words finally woke Kumoi Takahiro to his senses.

"Yes Yes!"

"......hurry up."

Haruto had no choice.

He had to send Ayaka to Yuune immediately, and then he had to rush to rescue other students. He had no time to report to Mutsuki-sensei and the Gotei 13.

Considering the seriousness of the situation, Kumoi Takashi, as a superior noble, is indeed the best choice as a "messenger".

After sending away Kumoi Takashi, Haruto used the fallen crystal as a splint to temporarily fix Ayaka's injuries.

Then a standard princess hug——


"Be serious."

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't make a move at this moment, Haruto would be covering his forehead with a headache.

"It hurts, okay. Otherwise, how can I distract myself?"

"...Then hold on tight."

"If it's too tight, something will go wrong."

"Aihua, is your mental state not quite right?"

Based on Haruto's understanding of Ayaka, she would never have shown such a posture outside in the past.

"Who told you to show up at such a suitable time~"

"Then you have to get it cured quickly, in every sense of the word."

"Is it very far?"

"I don't know whether you want to be far away or close, but we are indeed several cities apart now -"

Haruto looked down at the runes on his wrist.

He did not sense Yongyin's aura. The reason why he knew that the two sisters had broken through the blockade was because of Tianting Kongluo's message:

The blocking barrier cast by the Quincy is only effective against Hell Butterflies and cannot prevent Tentei Kongra's sound transmission.


Yongyin's spiritual pressure is not enough, so it is difficult to exert the true effect of Tentei Kongra, and the coverage range can only cover a city.

If Haruto hadn't used the Tentai Kongra to act as a radio station, he wouldn't have been able to hear the two sisters' transmission.

"Be patient for a while, I'll try to arrive within ten minutes."



Appeared half an hour ago.

"The Hell Butterfly's contact failed?"

Mutsuki Shokaku said with a serious face.


The chief officer of Division 13, who was responsible for the bodyguard work, looked no better than Mutsuki Shokaku with a nervous expression.

"Not just this world."

"Our contact with Captain Haiyan has also been interrupted...Soul Society has not given any response."

The world-traveling gates of the Gotei Thirteenth Division all have dedicated personnel responsible for keeping the keys "Unlocking Ingots"; except for the captains and deputy captains, ordinary officers and team members who want to return to Soul Society from the present world must first follow their division. Make contact in advance and open the gate through Soul Society.


"The Seventh Seat of the Grand Ceremony."

Mutsuki suggested to the chairperson next to him:

"Can you please help take care of these students?"

The people who followed Mutsuki Shokaku through the boundary gate were all the top students in this year's sixth year.

"What do you mean, Mutsuki-sensei?"

Odenta's attitude was very polite. Although Mutsuki Shoukaku was also a seventh-seat official in name, he was very aware of the status gap between the two.

"When I passed through the boundary gate, I vaguely felt something strange."

"The communication interruption of Hell Butterfly is probably not due to natural causes... The students should be in trouble."

Although Mutsuki's words meant that he did not trust the members of the 13th division guarding the city, Odenita did not raise any objection.


Being able to block Soul Society's communications, an opponent of this level is definitely not something that ordinary team members can handle.

"if you can--"

Before Dadian Tai finished speaking, he was interrupted in advance by Mutsuki:

"As long as I can meet you, I will try my best to save you."

"...Sorry to trouble you!"


Without further ado.


Mutsuki immediately opened up his instant speed and rushed towards the nearest city.

As the person in charge of this Soul Burial internship, she holds in her hands the coordinates of all world-traversing gates in the present world, and the obstruction of communication does not delay her from using the elimination method to go through them one by one.


Wait until Mutsuki's figure gradually fades away.

"External force?"

Nodita glanced at the confused expression of the students behind him.

"The organized plan must not be an action from Xu. Mutsuki-kun may have noticed the identity of his opponent..."

"The Quincy."

Among the Gotei 13, the 13th Division has been performing missions in the present world the longest, and it is also the division that has dealt with the Quincy the most.


Based on Captain Ukitake's consistent attitude, the Thirteenth Squadron did not harbor much ill will toward them before Yamamoto Corps Zhang ordered the elimination of the Quincy; otherwise, the Eleventh Division, who was not familiar with the Quincy, would not have been able to do so. The squadron serves as the main force.

As one of the two leaders of Division 13 in this world, Odenita has dealt with many Quincy families.

"The scale of the war has not expanded yet. I hope they will not go too far."

These families lack the top-level combat power of captain level, but the strength of middle and lower-level Quincy is far stronger than that of ordinary Shinigami.

"If it's really so bad that we need a captain to come to this world..."

In Da Dian Tai's heart, he was still hoping that the Quincy wouldn't go too far.

"call out!"


The pale blue streamer cut through the snowflakes in the sky.

"The Fifty-Nine of the Binding Dao——"


Flames rose into the sky along with thick smoke.

Dadiantai put his hands forward, and the hemispheric light curtain received the blow steadily: he is also a veteran high-ranking official. Although his position has not changed for decades, his strength is still guaranteed.


Dadian Tai first quietly turned around, made sure that the frightened students behind him were not in any big trouble, and then turned to the front again with a solemn expression.

"Does it have to be this way, Miralles?"

Da Dian Tai is quite familiar with the visitor. He is not the main combatant among the living Quincy, and his position is actually very close——

Before the descendants of the other party's family were slaughtered by the 11th Squadron.

"You leave now, I won't stop you."

The Quincy named Miralles was a meticulous old man with white hair and beard. This was the most kind advice he could give to his "old friend".

"...You know that's impossible."

"Yes, I know...you are obviously not a hypocrite, so why did you ask the question just now?"


The silent winter wind was three points colder than before.


Miralles pulled out the second sacred destroying arrow, and Odenita also pulled out his Zanpakutō:

"Come and go freely, follow the "mountain breeze""


Volume 1: 063, have you escaped? On your own?

over the city.


The six-stick light prison locked onto the opponent's body accurately, followed closely by the Canghuo Pendant, plus Qingyin's elbow strike that hit his lower abdomen——

The interlocking combos successfully defeated another Quincy in less than ten seconds.

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