But when the light beam soaring into the sky lit up, she still couldn't help but worry about Haruto - the exaggerated vision meant the same exaggerated destructive power. According to her uncle's account, this was already a power that could only be displayed at the level of a captain. .

The nearby explosion did not affect the surrounding area.

The breaking light formation absorbs all the power of the sacred destroying arrow into it, making the light that shoots through the sky even more dazzling.

But the next moment——


The brightness that broke through the clouds all converged, and the city seemed to have returned to its original tranquility.


Crean looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Haruto was not burned to ashes by the broken light formation blessed with the sacred destroying arrow. Under him, the layered ice crystals quietly opened like lotus flowers.

As the leaf petals made of solid ice disperse like rain, the hexagonal "lens" hidden deep inside gradually reveals its true form.

"The one who set the trap..."

The two-meter-high lens turned to the front, reflecting Crean's somewhat dull expression.

"You're not the only one!"

Bingya Zhenglan.

While Crean was setting up the Breaking Light Formation, Haruto also quietly prepared the chant of Hyōga Seiran - as a high-level broken path that had only been mastered for a short time, it would take a lot of energy to cast Hyōga Seiran in silent chanting. time.

Fortunately, the other side is really cooperative.

This is the characteristic of the ice and snow ghost path: the ice created by it can not only launch attacks, but is also very useful for defense.

Crean's back-up plan is very secretive, but it can be used to deal with Haruto, a chicken thief player who is already very good at trash talk...

How could it not be discovered!

"Bound Way"

Without any embellishment, the minimalist and quick chanting words sounded.

"Mirror Gate!"

Haruto overlapped his palms and pushed hard in front of him!


The sky is bathed in aurora.

The flames of the broken light formation that were integrated with the sacred destroying arrow, with a brilliant rainbow color, spurted out towards Crean who was very close at hand——


The dazzling light is flowing in the sky like the sun!

Crean, who fired two ultimate moves in a row, had no chance to dodge, and half of his body was burned directly by the flames.


The charred remains fell together with the snowflakes.


The Quincy, who was confident of winning just now, let alone his arrogance, the body that fell to the ground now had no breath at all.



Haruto slowly fell towards the roof.


While he was dispelling the chill that almost penetrated his internal organs, he spoke to Nanao who was about to rush over.

"You stay here to maintain the Mountain Falling Crystal."

"If what this guy says is true, I have to help other teams immediately."


Nanao looked at Haruto's immobile right arm with some concern.

"Don't worry, it's just a little side effect of the double silent chanting, and you will recover soon."

At the same time, two kinds of ghosts with a number of over 80 were prepared, and they were also silently chanted to completely cover up the fluctuations in spiritual pressure. The pressure this brought to the body was absolutely exaggerated.

The symptoms on Haruto's right arm were just superficial.

In fact, his left hand was also weak and weak at the moment, and it was probably difficult to even hold the Zanpakutō.


"This Quincy named Crean is probably the leader of this group. I can deal with the rest of them with just one hand."

However, in order to reassure Nanao, Haruto still told a little lie.


When answering this word, Nanao's mood was extremely complicated.

There was a certain amount of pride and joy, but more of it was self-blame for her inability to perform - based on paper data such as spiritual power level and Kidō level, she was clearly not much weaker than Haruto.

But when it comes to actual combat...

"Then I'll take the first step."

Haruto tried his best to raise his hand and wave twice, then left the scene with a quick step.



The barrier set up by the Quincy relies on absorbing souls from the atmosphere to maintain its existence, and will not disappear with the death of the caster.

Even if Haruto successfully kills Crean, the Hell Butterfly's communication function is still disturbed.


Haruto was running at full speed using Shunpo.

"I have to be faster."

Qingren is eager to save people.

Although other Quincies are not as strong as Crean, the other students who participated in the Soul Burial internship are also not as strong as Haruto.

Even the second-ranked combination, the Yongyin sisters who were drawn from the same team, may not be able to defeat their opponents:

Neither Yongyin nor Qingyin are good at fighting. Nearly half of their energy is spent on the study of Hui Dao——

This is also the reason why the fourth team does not go to the battlefield.

If it weren't for the Yongin sisters who learned a lot of combat-type ghost ways from Haruto, Haruto would be even more anxious than he is now: the one he needs to find first is the Yongin sisters.

after all.

In this world where the Fourth Division has not entered the scene, there are only a few who can save people.


Haruto glanced at his drooped arms.

"Sixth-level spiritual power is still a bit lacking."

In his current state, it would take at least half a quarter of an hour to barely recover.

"Otherwise, with my current physical fitness, I should be able to withstand two attacks from over eighty-year-old ghosts at the same time."

The spiritual pressure must match the body to fully exert combat power.

Haruto's spiritual pressure is far higher than that of his peers, but the concentration is still at the level of the sixth-level spiritual power.

The improvement of spiritual pressure depends on talent, not just hard work. Even if Haruto is also a genius in this regard, it is a foolish dream to want to upgrade to the first level in less than half a year.

Let's talk about the ghost way.

Whether it is the mirror door or the ice tooth scorpion, since both have not been included in the number broken way, it means that their use has great restrictions.

Whether in terms of spirit or body.

If it is the number broken way, even if it is the thousand-handed Jiao Tiantai Cannon that should be used by the captain level, Haruto can withstand it steadily; although he has not tried it yet, even if he releases two Jiao Tiantai Cannons at the same time, there will not be such obvious side effects.


On the battlefield just now, this is already a safe choice.

The thousand-handed Jiao Tiantai Cannon is indeed powerful, but considering its extremely long chanting time, I guess Klein will never give him such a chance.

Not to mention, Haruto has to worry about accidental injuries.

If he chooses pure defense, it is definitely better to use Duankong, but it is precisely because Duankong's defense is too absolute that Haruto can hardly switch from defense to offense immediately after surviving two waves of attacks... Trash talk time is a necessary means to strike the opponent's will. Although Haruto is very comfortable, he is actually very anxious to save people.

Using Bingya Zhenglan can achieve Haruto's goal in the fastest time:

The ice crystals generated by Bingya Zhenglan can accelerate the creation of mirror gates; at the same time, as an elemental physical hybrid attack ghost, it can also help determine the strength of the broken mang formation, and based on this, perform a mirror gate that is enough to rebound the sacred destruction arrow.

The battle did not last long, but Haruto thought he had done his best.


Haruto's speed was getting faster and faster.

The scenery of the city was quickly left behind him.

Haruto did not have a map in his hand. The only thing he could use to determine the direction was the silver cross he had just picked up from Klein's body.

As the only trophy of this battle, when Haruto picked it up, he could soon vaguely feel the existence of several other barriers.

The barrier's effect of blocking breath and communication is obviously only effective for Hollows and Hell Butterflies, otherwise, the communication between Quincy will also be affected.

What Haruto can do now...

Save as many as he can!



The red and white sticky stuff flew everywhere.

The headless body with scars and torture fell to the ground.


The sick and slender fingers inserted into another head like a steel needle, and the white of the eyes rolled up further explained the torture the deceased had suffered before his death.

"Little brat over there."

The man wearing the same Quincy windbreaker as Klein licked his red lips hard.

"Didn't you scream loudly before?"


The Quincy raised his chin high and said to Yun Jingxiao who was slumped on the ground and motionless.

There were only two people left in this soul burial team.

Apart from the lifeless eyes of Kumoi Takashi, the only one still alive was Kurumaya Ayaka, who barely stood up with the help of her scabbard.

Ayaka's partner in the lottery: Sunai Nezumi - the ninth generation younger brother of the lower noble Munechika - was ripped out of his heart as soon as they met; the other two fifth-year students were tortured until just now and were finally freed.


The only answer he got was silence.

Kumoi Takashi was already scared out of his wits.

If not, with the seventh-level spiritual power, he would have no problem dealing with the Quincy in front of him until the arrival of reinforcements.

"Useless thing, can't you even provide this little fun?"

The Quincy spread his hands in boredom.

Originally, he thought that Kumoi Takashi could let him have a little fun, but who would have thought that he was so scared just by witnessing his classmate being cut into human sticks... It's a pity that the intelligence also said that this was the offspring of a high-ranking noble in the Soul Society.

"In that case, let's start from this side... Girl, are you interested in dancing with me?"

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