"These are not things that students should know. When they join the Gotei 13, they will naturally understand more."

The Soul Society glorified the legitimacy of the Shinigami's behavior, but did not describe the Quincy as a heinous existence.

This may be the change of Yamamoto Shigekuni... and kindness.

"Do you hope that the new generation of Shinigami will be full of hatred for the Quincy who are already in a weak position?"

Haruto said to the Quincy calmly.

"Shinigami, is this your leisure?"

The expression of the Quincy did not change much, but the words just now obviously aroused his anger.


Haruto shook his head and said:

"I just think that you are too fake."

"If you are so capable, why don't you go to the Shinigami of the Gotei 13 to settle accounts?"

Haruto glanced at Nanao and others who were protected by Akira Toyama not far away.

"If I remember correctly, it is the job of the 3rd and 11th Divisions to deal with you... and this is also the Quincy's own fault. If you hadn't been too extreme recently, Captain-General Yamamoto would not have wanted to deal with you at all."

The Soul Society sent an expeditionary force to Hueco Mundo, and the large number of Hollows that appeared in various places in Rukongai were fundamentally related to the actions of the Quincy.

The shortage of personnel in the Gotei 13 is also related to the large number of personnel from the 11th Division being withdrawn to deal with the Quincy.

"Too extreme?"

Haruto's description made the Quincy in front of him a little bit unable to hold back.

"Death God."

The expression when he said these two words was gritting his teeth.

"You told me too extreme?"

"Killing all the men, women, old and young in the Quincy's family without leaving any alive, is this what you call too extreme!?"

Even though his voice was extremely low, the Quincy's voice sounded hoarse.

"I express my condolences for your experience."

"But transferring the pain you have endured to innocent people in this way is contrary to the path of the Quincy, isn't it?"

In order to kill the God of Death without bloodshed, the other party used a virtual bait to put half of the city in crisis-

Such behavior can be called hysterical.

You know, the Quincy is a hero who protects mankind... This is an indispensable sense of self-identity in their lives.

"You are right."

At this point, the Quincy's emotions suddenly stabilized.

"The nobility of the Quincy has nothing to do with me. Now I am just a pathetic avenger."


Then, the suppressed emotions suddenly broke out!

"Don't be hypocritical here!"

The Quincy rolled up the cuffs of his pure white coat, and the silver cross badge flashed a glittering light.

"As you said, my target of revenge is the official Shinigami."

"The vice-captain of the 11th Division is the only one who has not appeared in my intelligence, but all the actions against the Quincy were planned by him-"

"It is impossible for him to be unknown among the Shinigami to be able to kill the Hollows just now... How long will you pretend!"

The Quincy's move caught Haruto off guard.


"You recognized the wrong person."

After a short silence, Haruto could only tell the truth to the Quincy who lived in his cognition.


Of course, the other party would definitely not believe it.

"I am Haruto from the sixth grade and first class of the Shinigami Academy. Since you have a channel to obtain information from the Shinigami, you may have heard of my name."

Haruto also knew that the explanation was of little use.

Maybe when killing other Shinigami, this guy also used the same excuse...to find legitimacy for his brutal behavior.


The Quincy did not say whether he believed it or not, but revealed a new piece of information to Haruto:

"The magic circle covering this place is called the Star Cross Barrier."

"It can block the communication ability of the Hell Butterfly in your hands. This is the result of our research after killing more than 30 Shinigami."


Haruto noticed the other party's choice of words.


"Although the size of the arrangement is slightly smaller than mine, all of them can reproduce this ability."

The Quincy was at ease at this time.

"Since you said you are a student, then at this time... how does it feel to wait for your friends to be slaughtered?"

The other party is a Quincy with a formal inheritance.

Although the standard for distinguishing the spiritual pressure of the Quincy is very different from that of the Shinigami and the Hollow, the general strength can still be judged-

The other party is at least a vice-captain level.

The Quincy who is slightly weaker than this guy is basically the third to fifth seat of the Gotei 13...the spiritual power level is about sixth to seventh level.

The problem is.

The Shin'o Academy of Spiritual Arts does not teach Quincy-related experience. When the opponent's details are unknown and the information is unilaterally transparent, the battle of the Shinigami will become particularly difficult.

"...You are trying to provoke me."

The empty grip on the handle of the Zanpakutō turned into a real grip.


The Quincy replied nonchalantly.

"But this will only arouse my murderous intent... As a Shinigami, I was somewhat apologetic."

The spiritual pressure began to flow in the Zanpakutō.


The Quincy replied disdainfully.

At the same time, he also raised his right arm high at Haruto, and dark blue spirit particles flowed from the silver

It poured out from the cross and instantly transformed into a long bow.

"Being able to kill so many Hollows is indeed worthy of praise, but how much spiritual pressure did you consume for this?"

He glanced at the streets that were ravaged by spiritual pressure and wind and snow.

"And the child next to me, she seems to be very afraid of fighting... Are you sure you can

Protect them while fighting me? "

Haruto's narrowed eyes opened slightly.

"......You can try."

"Ha, hahahaha!"

The Quincy let out an unpleasant laugh, but his eyes closely followed Haruto's movements without relaxing at all.

"grim Reaper!"

"You really don't look like a gangster from Squad 11!"

The Quincy recalled the night he was away from home.

Although he had never witnessed the scene, he restored what happened that night bit by bit with blood and tears: a child with great talent but who had not yet begun to grow, and an old father who had been on the battlefield for a long time - if the former had not been abducted and became a How could the hostages, those shinigami, who were inferior to pigs or dogs, be able to wipe out a Quincy family so easily.

"My name is Creon Pascal!"

The Quincy took his own life.

“If you want to blame it, blame it——”

"You must have been born in the wrong camp!"


The arrow of light quickly extended with the action of opening the bow.

"Holy Mie Ya!"

The silver-green stream of light was heading straight towards Haruto!


Holy destruction arrow.

The Quincy's basic ability is equivalent to a Zanpakutō in the hand of a Shinigami.

But the foundation does not mean weak. Just like the Shinigami's Zanpakutō Shikai, the Quincy can add different forms and attributes to the sacred destroying arrow - take Uryū Ishida as an example, his "Rain of Light" is the ultimate An extremely pure version of the sacred destroying arrow.

The Quincy named Crean in front of him, the sacred destroying arrow he used... Since the opponent's spiritual pressure is at the vice-captain level, this move cannot be just an ordinary bow and arrow!

"Seventy-Eight of the Broken Path"

Haruto drew his sword.

All the spiritual pressure poured into it was combined into a simple blow——

"Zhan Hualun!"


The sharp spiritual pressure pierced the air and hit the arrow of light that was rushing towards him.


Accompanied by the spirit particles flying all over the sky like flying stones, the shooting path of the sacred destroying arrow was instantly rewritten.

"call out--"

The silver-green arrow of light drove forward into the snow pit that Juxu walked through. After piercing the asphalt, rocks and cold solid soil, it continued to move deeper into the depths as if it would never stop.


Only a wisp of green smoke was left floating in the air.


"Is the ability enhanced penetration?"

Haruto secretly thought in his heart.

Although his actual combat power has reached the edge of the deputy captain, he is still lacking in spiritual pressure concentration. Facing an opponent whose spiritual pressure is stronger than his own and who is proficient in this method, he will inevitably show a slight decline——

If Haruto had used Zhan Hualun to confront him head-on, he might have been stabbed to the core by the sacred destroying arrow at this moment.


Haruto had no intention of confronting him head-on, and the Zhanhualun just now was just to test the power of the sacred destroying arrow.

Now it seems......

Haruto closed his eyes.


Before the other party can react.

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