
The explosion and the sound of instantaneous movement sounded at the same time.

The huge sign on the top of the office building lost a quarter of its original size in an instant - the broken part fell to the ground like a meteor!


The purple-red fireball brushed the edge of the roof and rushed towards the falling garbage.


The scorching flames exploded in the air.

Qingren landed steadily in the middle of the apron, looking at the huge object in front of him without looking away.


"Don't worry."

The red fire cannon just now combined the power of waste flames to strengthen the flame temperature, so that the high-altitude objects could be burned before they fell to the ground.

It's still broad daylight now. Although the blizzard blocked people's willingness to travel, there are still some pedestrians in the city center; if the big thing just now really fell, the number of casualties would probably not be counted on two hands.

"It's so big, I didn't even notice it crawling up from below."

The thing in front of Haruto was a giant centipede with half of its body wrapped around the office building; the pale bone armor covered the dark body, and each limb was the sharpest spear and armor.

In the long lower abdomen of the centipede-shaped giant hollow, you can also see a lot of masks with different expressions of children...

It is quite different from the one covering the hideous head.


The more human-like the hollow is, the stronger it is.

But this principle only applies to the Great Hollow stage - before achieving Killian, the larger the size of the hollow and the more exaggerated the image, the stronger it is; there are even many giant hollows with special abilities, which are no weaker than Killian in uniform.

"But that's all."

In terms of concealment and explosive power, this giant hollow is no weaker than the one Haruto met at the beginning of Rukongai.

Without instant step, the previous attack would be enough to take the lives of 90% of the death gods.


Haruto is also not the same person he was half a year ago——


"Hado 78"

Haruto gently pushed the hilt of his sword, and the invisible sword light transformed by his spiritual pressure flew through the air gracefully and chaotically like a flying bird.


Haruto deliberately reduced the power of the Zanhualun in order to increase the frequency of his sword: from the three slashes that could maintain the strongest power to twenty-one slashes, which just corresponded to the number of division points of the giant hollow's body.


The sword energy bloomed like a flower in the snow.

The giant hollow's hideous body was instantly divided into the standard twenty-two sections.


When the Zanpakutō was sheathed, the seemingly light wind pressure violently surged out from the gap between the closed sheath blade!


The impact of blood and snow had just dispersed, but it was compressed into a less regular icosahedron again because of the stronger storm.

The Zanpakutō was already sheathed.

Facing the product of snow and meat, Haruto slowly extended his index finger.

Haruto didn't know the ability of this giant hollow.

But it has so many masks on its body, and it appears in the form of an arthropod, so it must have a strong regeneration ability; in this case, Haruto will spend more effort to break all its masks at the same time.


Haruto extended his middle finger that was attached to his index finger.

It would be a bit of a waste of effort to kill such a big guy with white thunder alone, so Haruto simply gave it a super double.

He was in a hurry-

"Thunder Roar Cannon!"


The surging lightning intertwined and scattered, and the blue-gold light ball condensed in front of the finger.


The light ball turned into a light column.

The Thunder Roar Cannon shot obliquely towards the sky, crushing everything in its path into ashes.


Haruto and Nanao looked at each other quietly.





Gori's spirit was about to collapse.

"Why is there a giant hollow here!!!"

After assigning their respective tasks, the trio quickly started to act - although Katakura followed Gori's advice, he thought that the first two items were not dangerous, and thought that it would be faster to split up into two groups.


After getting the coordinates given by Gori, Katakura went alone to find a suitable spirit, while Gori acted with Togakushi - with the efficiency of their team, they should be able to complete the first two tasks before night.


The development of things was completely opposite to what Gori expected.

In the final stage of the simple wish-based soul burial of "helping the little girl find her way home", the little girl who was supposed to "become a Buddha" suddenly turned into a giant hollow in the shape of an ape.

The opponent took advantage of the moment when Togakushi had no time to react, and directly hit him with both fists, causing serious injuries.

Of course.

Even if he could react, Togakushi would definitely not be the opponent of the giant hollow.

Wu Li naturally did not sit there and wait for death, but when the Red Fire Cannon he fully chanted could not even make a scratch on the giant false face...

Wu Li chose to run for his life very simply.

The difference between the Hollow and the Giant Hollow is huge. If it were the Hollow recorded in the textbook, Wu Li's Red Fire Cannon would definitely be able to seriously injure it with one blow - such a clear "result" made Wu Li instantly realize the gap between the two sides.

The most urgent task now is not to save people, that would only cost his life in vain, the key is to quickly contact Katakura to escape together.

Senior Haruto must have been paying attention to the situation here. As long as he arrives, the situation will improve immediately.

Senior Haruto may not be able to stop the giant hollow for a long time, but he can definitely contact the death god of the 13th squad - whether it is the teacher or the chief officer, or simply a group of people coming to fight, their lives can be guaranteed.

That's enough.


There was not only an explosion behind him, but also a shock wave.

It's not that Gori can't fly in the sky, but the faster giant hollow also has the same ability. They will only die faster if the target is obvious.

"......This beast is so fast!"

The size of the giant hollow is completely inconsistent with his speed.

Gori has increased his speed to the limit, but still can't get rid of the giant hollow chasing him from behind.

I don't know whether to say it's lucky or unfortunate.

The monkey giant hollow is also very interested in the passers-by around him. Even if Gori has tried to escape to a place with fewer people, there are still many ordinary people who suffer from it...Even if the giant hollow slows down the speed of pursuit, Gori still feels very uncomfortable.

In the work of the God of Death, maintaining the stability of the world is very important. Although Gori is not a true God of Death yet, as a teaching that they have been taught to remember since they entered the Maou Spiritual Academy, Gori still quite agrees with it in his heart.


The explosion that was close at hand rolled Gori out in a circle.

Fortunately, he had enough defensive spiritual tools on him. Although they were all inferior products that the nobles looked down upon, they were enough for Gori who was in urgent need of life-saving tools.


Gori stood up from the pile of stones, and his face with half of his glasses broken was covered with dark red dust.

"Dead end..."

Gori looked behind him.

"No, I barely broke a way!"

The wall that was originally blocked was directly blown open by his shell to create a gap that was enough to pass through.


Just as Gori was about to take advantage of the narrow terrain to escape, he saw that at the end of the alley behind him, a giant hollow that looked like a porcupine had already blocked the way.

And in the abyss of the giant hollows with intertwined fangs——


The body of Katakura Asuka was broken into two pieces, and only a little breath remained... He was killed by the giant hollows in one encounter.


"Damn it!!"

Gori forced himself to stay calm.

Both sides were dead ends, and now the only way out for him was——

"Hado 31!"

Gori slapped his palm hard on the ground, and finished chanting the ghost way in the deliberately slowed pace of the giant hollows.

"Red Fire Cannon!"


With burns and a trembling consciousness, Gori quickly rushed to the roof with the reverse thrust of the Red Fire Cannon.



A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the claws thicker than Gori's forearm swept across his back.


Gori rolled and fell to the roof.

Spinal fracture, nerve paralysis, plus heavy bleeding...

Either of them was fatal.


When Wu Li tried to raise his head.

The eagle, ape, and porcupine, three huge creatures that blocked the surrounding vision, were slowly approaching with a ferocious sneer.

At this time, Wu Li also saw clearly:

The ape was holding the half-dead Hu Yin in his hand.

According to this posture, he would most likely be "enjoyed" by the giant eagle-like virtual; as for whether it would be cut into fresh food with its claws, or peck out the internal organs bit by bit with its hook-like beak, he was not sure.

It was the first time that Wu Li felt that knowing too much knowledge was not a good thing; if he could escape, he would definitely spend all his time on cultivation in the future, and never read so many miscellaneous books that could tell him how he would die.

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