"He went to Mr. Ye Da's place?"


Although he is a retainer of the Shihoin family, Nozomi Ohmaeda still has the responsibility of leading the second division's deputy captain, so he cannot always be with the family head.

His inspection work tonight was directly ordered by the captain. He did not know the situation at Sifengyuan's house for the time being.

But no matter what.

Such an easy lie...Xizhijin believed that the kid in front of him didn't have the courage to lie to him.

"Then what are you doing here in Nishi Rukongai dressed like this?"

Haruto's explanation did not completely dispel Xizhijin's doubts.

"...I actually took a detour to North Rukongai."

"North Rukongai..."

"Oh~ You can do it, kid!"

Xizhijin nodded as if he suddenly understood.

"Actually, there is no need to go around so far. Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy is not strict about this aspect... Oh, it will be great when Kichiyo can be so enlightened."

Nozhijin seemed to have misunderstood something, but since the situation was favorable to him, Haruto didn't explain any more.


"Wearing this outfit to go to Flower Street may seem a bit wasteful, but you are still a young man after all, so this is understandable."

Judging from Xizhijin's expression, he seemed to be recalling the glorious days.


Haruto looked embarrassed.

"It's getting late, so I won't delay your good deeds."

"...Thank you very much, senior."


Volume 1: 054, PrPr

"Almost forgot."

Haruto was about to turn around and leave.

He heard the sound that was coming from in front of him in the first half second, and sounded from directly behind him in the second half of the second - Haruto was obviously focusing all his attention on Nozomi, but he still failed to catch the other party's movements.


Wait until Haruto turns around.


In Xizhijin's hand, there was already a piece of cloth half the size of a palm.

"This is?"

As Xizhijin rubbed the cloth, it turned into black ash as if burned by flames, and the light blue runes flickered in the void.


Nozomi Ohmaeda flicked away the dirt from his fingertips with disdain.

"After all, it is a specialized team modeled on stealth maneuvers. The marking method cannot be discovered by outsiders."

Although he was not much taller than Haruto, Nozhijin at this time gave Haruto a great sense of oppression, as if there was a mountain in front of him.

"Haruto boy..."

"After killing the dead soldiers of the Fushimi family, remember to clean up before going out."


Haruto hasn't stopped slapping his toes since he left the house, but he didn't feel at all when he was marked - the thing that Nozhijin destroyed just now was obviously torn from his clothes. .

"...Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

And the fact that the other party mentioned this shows how well they have known about his actions for a long time... I can only say that fortunately the two sides are not enemies.

"Okay, you can really leave this time."


Haruto nodded silently, and after making sure that Nozhijin would not scare him again——




Nozomi Ohmaeda crossed his arms and leaned sideways on his Zanpakutō.

"Master Ye Da's vision is still as sharp as ever."


"It's usually not wrong to follow the Kuchiki family to see people."

At the beginning, Nozhishin really didn't recognize Haruto. He just sensed an aura that was very similar to a certain type of heaven-sent weapon he had come into contact with, and he was moving along the edge of the Seireitei at an extremely fast speed.

As the person in charge of the Nishi Rukongai case, Nozomi Nozomi will naturally not let go of such a suspicious target... Even if he is one of his own, he has to come up and say hello, right?

After a brief exchange - whether it was the "Black Dragon Wave" scabbard hitting the lower abdomen, or the "Thunder Slash" hand knife hitting the back of the head, they are all non-fatal moves that quickly make the target lose combat effectiveness - Nozhijin He roughly determined Haruto's identity: the imitation of the God-given weaponry was extremely effective to the outside world, but it still couldn't hide from the eyes of his own family.

His subsequent statements were nothing more than a test.

"It's a little slow."

"But to be left with a mark of this level means that at least one 'leader' was killed by this kid."

There are slight differences in the marks that Xizhijin erases. In addition to being useful for tracking, it can also help one's own people distinguish the opponent's combat effectiveness.

"No matter how much you mess with the fish..."

"That was also a fifth-level spiritual power deputy captain, and he was killed by a student who had been studying for a few years. It was too low-priced."

At this moment, Xizhijin suddenly touched something hard from his sleeve.


Those were five golden small coins, the maximum number that could be held in one hand.

"Good boy!"

"That moment just now?"

When he helped Qingren tear off the strip of cloth, Qingren was not idle - Jin Xiaoban, who injected his spiritual pressure, was both a warning and a reward for Xizhijin.

"...withdraw my preamble."

Xizhijin calmly wiped away the spiritual pressure on Jin Xiaopan.

“I’m not fast on my feet, but my hand speed is pretty good.”

at this time.


Two covert mobile team members in total darkness teleported behind Xizhijin.

"Lord Maeda!"

They are not from the second division, but members of the covert mobile second division "Police Team", so they do not call Ohmaeda the deputy captain.

After all, Nozomi came here under the order of Captain Yamamoto. If he didn't bring some members of his family, it would be bad to be said to be derelict in his duties.

"What's up?"

Xizhijin asked without looking back.

"We felt the signs of fighting here, and then..."

Before the members of the police team finished speaking, they were interrupted in advance by Xizhijin.

"Didn't I say that no one was allowed to come near me without any order?"

Xizhijin turned his head back.

"Yes, but-"


Blood splattered, and the body of the person who spoke was separated from his body in an instant.

"O...O Maeda-sama!?"


Xizhijin scolded him mercilessly.

"You can't even tell if it's one of your own, so you can apply to go to the supervision team yourself. The police team doesn't have trash like you!"

"Yes Yes!"


After his men retreated, Xizhijin looked at the ruins in front of him and said to himself.

"Did you find it by following the mark..."


Xizhijin scratched his head hard first, and after finding that his hair was messed up, he quickly took out a bronze mirror and a wooden comb to straighten it out.

"If I had known it would be such a troublesome thing, I would have done my second job. Intelligence work and business in my hometown are just that..."

"Why am I trying to make a show of myself!"


North Rukongai.

"It's exciting."

Haruto stopped for a moment and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"The mid-term version of Soul Society..."

"Are all the vice-captains of the Gotei 13 team monsters?"

This is a bit of a generalization, but Haruto is right about one thing:

At this stage, among the Gotei 13, many vice-captains and even third or fourth-seaters have the strength to reach the captain level.


There are also a small number of deputy captains of divisions who are not even as good as the chief officers a hundred years from now.


"Forget it, this is not something I should consider now."

Haruto found a street corner and changed out of the black clothes.

"Just find a place to rest quickly."

Nozhijin's aim was not without purpose. He was right about one thing: Haruto had always liked coming to Rukongai in the North District.

Compared with the more expensive (higher quality) East District, the Southern District has rich themes (various patterns) and a wide range of races (special statement, the races here include not only non-Oriental ancestry due to its proximity to the West End Bureau, but also various races). West End with less... furry elements).

The biggest feature of North District Flower Street is its high cost performance.

Simply called cheap.

In nature, you can know the taste by eating the marrow.

Before the time travel, the fifth girl was best at writing and writing on the keyboard, but after the time travel, the fifth girl's main job was to wield swords and guns.


Haruto, who is very tight on money and money, has rarely had the opportunity to go to Kita Ward to help poor girls after entering school. The only few times he went to the rich brother for reimbursement - most of the girls here applied for jobs from the remote Rukongai. The temporary workers who came here, for the nobles, focus on being "vegetarian" after eating too many meat dishes, but for Haruto, they focus on being clean and hygienic.

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