This guy doesn't hide everything.

But since he can use Bingya Zhenglan in actual combat, it means that he has begun training for the next Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Killing Cannon——

Byakuya doesn't believe that Haruto is really still consolidating Hyouga Seiran.

"Although Xianghe mentioned it, I hope you can help transform Bingya Zhenglan to make it easier to master."

"But with his pride, it's just words."

People in the Kuchiki family have always been very proud, regardless of whether they were born in the family or had a son-in-law from outside.

"Instead of spending your time on this, you definitely want to master more new Kidō... I have never seen a guy who likes Kidō as much as you do."


Transforming the ghost path is laborious and laborious.

For a Shinigami who has already mastered the ghost path, reducing the difficulty of understanding it is actually a thankless task - this requires the caster to make a choice between leaving a name in history and spending time improving personal strength. .

According to the past customs in the Soul Society, this work will mostly be handed over to the ghost priests, teachers from Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy, and older second-tier Shinigami.


Haruto nodded and confirmed Byakuya's guess.

Ghost Road.

If it were a fantasy worldview, it would be serious magic.

For Haruto, a time traveler, magic has always been a mysterious and interesting thing; in the past few years of being exposed to ghosts, Haruto has never felt bored.

"I don't know what other 'high-level' ghost ways are like, but for this move, the Thousand-Handed Jiaotian Taipao, I feel that I have the ability to break it down and learn it... The simplified version of the Jiaotian Taipao, We were hit head-on half a year ago.”

It’s okay if Byakuya didn’t ask.

Now that this matter has been mentioned, Haruto will naturally not hide anything.

"...Has it been successful?"

Byakuya tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart.

The Kuchiki family did not record the secret of the Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Shooting Cannon, but as a ghost family, they also had a deep understanding of this technique.

The dead Uji was able to simplify and release it, relying on the ability of the Zanpakutō. He wanted to split it through normal channels——

The difficulty is no less than transforming the ghost path.

"With this, tonight should be about right...if it works as well as you say it does."

Haruto tossed the small package containing the Lingyu Pill in his hand.

" long did it take you to 'split' it?"

The more he comes into contact with Haruto, the more Byakuya doubts whether his genius title is fake.

"As you can see."

Haruto flicked the middle finger of his left hand against the ground, and ice crystals hidden in the darkness flew out like arrows, quickly leaving a long and narrow hole on the ground.

"In addition to the daily training, the advancement of Zhan Hualun, the learning of Bingya Zhenglan, and the rest is the splitting of Thousand Hands Bright Sky Tai Cannon."

"One-sixth of half a year..."

"About a month?"


Byakuya hesitated for a moment and then suggested:

"Let's try going to the underground martial arts arena?"

He really wanted to see what it was like to be able to unleash a high-level breakthrough without reaching the captain level without using any external force.

This completely broke all the family's records since ancient times.

"Tomorrow is the soul burial internship. The dean and teachers should be meeting on the ground at this time. Are you sure you won't be exposed?"


The defense standards of the underground martial arts arena are built according to captain-level battles, but that is mainly against external attacks, and it is not that there will be no movement after being stopped.

"Go to the South Thirteenth District. There is a relatively secret family training ground there."

Spanning nine districts.

No matter it sounds or is actually the case, this distance is definitely not close, but for today's Haruto and Byakuya, it is just a matter of ten minutes of teleportation.


Haruto nodded.

Since Byakuya came to his door to show off, of course such a good Haruto would not refuse.

As for the possibility of not succeeding...

That’s why the Kuchiki family’s pills are too bad!




Haruto fiddled with the sign on the door.

The material is just common wood around, but the level of carving is indeed quite high.

"How come your property is everywhere in Soul Society?"

Follow Byakuya's footsteps.

Haruto came to a manor hidden in a remote forest.

The Kuchiki family's mansion in Seireitei occupies a small area, but once this three-acre land is used, the Kuchiki family's properties can be found everywhere within the first eighty districts from east to west, north to south.



Byakuya pushed open the rusty courtyard door.

"Can you rest assured that no one is watching?"

Haruto asked Byakuya who was walking in front.

"People in Rukongai will not step into the forest casually."

Byakuya explained without looking back.

"The probability of encountering a Hollow in the forest is much higher than inside Rukongai... There are still patrols by the Gotei 13 over there."

This is what Haruto is ignorant of.

After all, the Rukongai where he was "born" was too far back, and there was no clear dividing line between the village and the forest, so there was no question of where Kyon would appear.

"I see."

Haruto nodded.

Those who have the courage to appear in the forest are basically people with good eyesight, at least they can recognize the family crest of the Kuchiki family.

"This is fine."

After passing through the long courtyard, there is an open space covered with weeds behind the courtyard.

"It's very simple."

Haruto carefully sensed the surroundings and found that it was not his illusion just now: there was no barrier or anything like that here.

"Semi-permanent ghost barrier is quite expensive to make."

Bai Ya explained.

"The sound insulation here..."

"It depends on these big trees?"

Haruto interrupted halfway.


Towering trees.

They naturally have the effect of filtering sound and light.

In addition, the relatively remote location here is enough even if the test subject is a high-level broken way.

"How did you know this place?"

Haruto looked around the circle, and did not capture any other spiritual pressure by slapping toes and chasing sparrows.

"...I was pulled here by the cat demon before, and played hide-and-seek with her and Yushiro."

Bai Ya would definitely not be allowed to run so far away, but it would be different with Shifengyuan Yoruichi involved; but from Bai Ya's tone, it is clear that it must be a past that he cannot bear to look back on.

It is a kind of NTR that an outsider has to bring his own house here.

"My condolences."

Haruto patted Bai Ya's shoulder.


Bai Ya found a better angle to stand, so that he could take care of all directions around Haruto-after all, it was his initiative. During the time when Haruto mastered the Thousand Hands Jiao Tian Tai Cannon, he must act as a temporary guard.


"Okay...wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you need to go home and report first?"

Haruto pointed to the bound box on his waist.

"No, with such a big commotion, my home will definitely be watched."

Bai Ya shook his head.

"If I wasn't worried about getting you involved, I would have stayed at the Maou Spiritual Academy tonight."

This kid didn't say that before, but now he's acting cute.

"It's really hard for you to live in such a shabby dormitory... So, where were you going?"

"The Shihouin family."


Bai Ya's confident expression really shocked Haruto.

"You're such a good neighbor."

Haruto walked towards the center of the open space, and the small package containing the Reiyu Pill in his hand had been taken off.

"Just swallow it raw like the Tenru Pill?"


"That's easy."


Haruto tilted his neck and swallowed the pill into his stomach with a roll of his throat.

Since half a year ago, Haruto, who had plenty of money, has almost gained experience in taking medicine. This Reiyu Pill is just a little special to him:

Although the price he bought it for almost doubled, he really bought a lot of good things in the 12th Division with the help of his relationship with Omaeda Kamichiraku.

Haruto originally wanted to use this line to establish a relationship with Captain Hikifune Kiryu, but unfortunately he has not succeeded until now.

That being said.

As a disposable consumable, the price of the medicine sold by the 12th Division is not very exaggerated, at least compared to the extremely popular spiritual tools. The Gotei 13, every day a large number of Shinigami block the door of the 12th Division to buy spiritual tools.

If it weren't for the vice-captain, Sarupei Hiyori, who has a bad temper and enough fighting power to calm the situation, the 12th Division would probably have a hard time even leaving the door.

That's right.

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