"Zhan Hualun"

Since it was a hidden identity operation, Haruto would naturally not call out the name of the move openly, especially since it was the ghost way that he was good at.

This move just now.

It was created by combining Haruto's physical fitness far beyond what he once was, with the Iaizan Jutsu and No. 78 Podō.

In order to awaken his Zanpakutō, Haruto has been running to Nanao's house frequently in the past six months; before Ise took out all the ink he had, he finally had the now fully formed Zanka wheel:

Without carrying a weapon, the Zhanhua Wheel can still be released through the arm.

And if you hold a Zanpakutō, you can cut out up to seven Kidō blades in an instant - it is said that the peak of Mr. Ise is five swords and thirteen blades. Although Haruto doesn't know whether it is true or not, he believes that he is close to reaching this state. It won't take long.

And because the spiritual pressure is completely contained within the Zanpakuto, the original golden color of the Zanhua Lun has become invisible and has no trace.

This makes attacks more difficult to judge.



However, in the blink of an eye, his subordinates were killed by the opponent with one strike, and even with Heizang's psychological quality, his brain almost stopped.

"No, the Zanpakuto's ability..."

Temptation is not death.

Although these subordinates do not live long, after all, their physical fitness far exceeds that of the same level of death gods, and their spiritual level is not afraid of death.

In the case of coordinated operations, even the real vice-captain can stop them for a long time. If they encounter someone who does not know their details, they may be able to seize the opportunity to attack them in one fell swoop.

Now...it's all gone in the blink of an eye.

This is completely different from Heizang's idea!

good news:

The opponent has items that cover his aura, but he can't hide himself when he attacks...the strength of his exposed spiritual pressure is not as strong as his own.

bad news:

This opponent's Zanpakutō is too strong. If the two were at the same level, Heizou would never go head-to-head.

"Your Mightiness."

At any other time, Heizang would never act recklessly.

"I admit that you are strong."

But he had just been questioned by his master earlier. If the current task could not be completed smoothly, the outcome would never be any better than that of his predecessor Hanzo.


Heizou drew his Zanpakutō.

"I have never seen such sword skills in my life."

The covert force's direct attack showed that he was ready to fight to the death.

"But if you are not given a chance to draw your sword, how should you respond?"

The moment Heizang drew his sword, the two of them had already entered into a confrontation.

"Four Seasons of the True Garden·Colorful Flowers!"

And at the same time as the liberation slogan sounded——



The fire that couldn't be extinguished by the rain scattered in all directions.

The sharp edge of the Zanpakuto was forcibly suppressed by the three-thorned iron hairpin in the shape of "Ten Hands" before it left the scabbard.


If Haruto's Shunpo was three points faster than the man in black just now, then the speed Heizou showed just now was three points faster than Haruto's!

"Not a little strong."

The iron hairpin and the Zanpakutō were trembling, both of them fighting for control of the weapons.

"But based on this, don't even think about drawing out your Zanpakutō."


Haruto's elbow attack was blocked by Heizou.

Both of them were holding swords with one hand, so their free arms would naturally not be idle.


Three slender and sharp kunai protruded from Heizang's fingers.

"My Zanpakutō is broken into pieces and can re-seal the Zanpakutō it touches back to its pre-liberation state."

"Even a strong man of the same level can seal it for a few minutes... Your sword has been trying to be used again for half an hour."

Heizang's arm pressed down with a wrong force, which exposed Haruto's frontal opening - in terms of white fighting skills, Haruto was definitely not Heizang's opponent.


The poisoned kunai pierced Haruto's heart.


Previous volume: 050, kill everything with one blow


Haruto's body exploded.

The water mist containing lightning instantly enveloped Heizang's body.


The intense paralysis left him unable to move.

Heizang's Zanpakutō is in various shapes, and its abilities only take effect when it touches the Zanpakutō.

In other words.

The Zanpakuto he just clamped was definitely genuine.



Heizang soon realized what was happening as the collision of the sword and sheath was heard.

"There is actually a Shinigami who would discard his Zanpakutō in battle!?"

This decisiveness has reached an abnormal level.


The sighing voice passed through the rain curtain and reached Pingzang's ears very clearly.

"Broken Path No. 67·Thunder Powder"

Even the higher-numbered Zhanhua Lun has been played by Haruto in various tricks. There is no reason why the thunder dispersion is still a simple escape illusion:

By combining the Thunderbolt and the Sky Ball in the Thunderbolt, the opponent can be controlled both tactilely and visually while the illusion is shattered.

Fighting at night.

The flash effect of the celestial sphere is too strong.

Haruto was worried about causing unnecessary trouble, so he only combined the thunderbolt with the paralysis effect into the thunder powder.

Unprepared, being hit head-on by the 67th Hado, even an opponent with stronger spiritual pressure than himself will be paralyzed for a few seconds.

During this time——

"I would like to rely on my Zanpakutō to fight."

Haruto stepped on the instant step and came to the roof.

His right arm stretched forward, his left palm against his shoulder, and the overflowing spiritual pressure even dispersed the rain.

Haruto, the 70th-numbered Kidō, only needs one hand to release it, so it seems that there is no need to say more about the destructive power of the Kidō that needs to be performed with two arms like a beginner of Kidō.

"What a pity..."

"That's all I know about Kidō."

The opponent has the hard power of the fifth-level spiritual power, and his instant step skills are even stronger than his own.

If it weren't for the Zanpakutō's Shikai ability, it would be useless to him, and this battle would only be more tormenting.

The outcome is still uncertain, not to mention killing the opponent... Of course, Haruto is still very confident if he retreats.


Haruto must take advantage of the opacity of the intelligence and use the strongest moves to quickly defeat the opponent.

To achieve this, neither the Thunder Roar Cannon nor the Slashing Wheel can do it - severely injuring the opponent can only gain an advantage, but the opponent can still run away, and this is the noble area, and if something goes wrong, he will be involved.


In summary.

After half a year of hard practice, the ice and snow ghost way, which finally got a glimpse of the trick, is the best choice for Haruto.

The drizzle turned into chaotic ice crystals.

The sudden cold air made the already immobile Heizo's whole body tense.

"Ice Fang Zhenglan!"

Rainy day.

Naturally, it is more suitable for the ice and snow system.

The cold silver-blue ice waterfall rushed out along Haruto's palm like a tsunami that swept everything!




The Mikazuki family turned into a castle of ice and snow.

The barrier that Heizo had prepared when he came to prevent Munemori from escaping actually helped Haruto a lot. Otherwise, with the big noise of Bingya Zhenglan, it would have attracted the 6th, 7th or 10th squads.


Haruto jumped and landed lightly on the ice-covered ground.

Not far in front of him was Heizo, whose body was blocked by layers of ice. This secret force leader was not directly frozen to death by Bingya Zhenglan. Judging from the charred and rolled flesh on his face, he should have used the fire-type ghost art to neutralize part of the lethality of the ice waterfall at the last moment of Bingya Zhenglan's attack.

After all, this person's spiritual pressure is one level higher than Haruto's, and it is not a miracle to be able to do this.

Of course.

Heizo only had time to protect his head.

The release of ghost art by the god of death must go through the spiritual pressure outlet of the hand, but the body in a paralyzed state is not controlled at all.

The fire-type ghost technique used by Heizo was more like a "fire escape" triggered by props: it was not the biting lighter of Asuma in the next studio, but the technique used by Kurosaki Isshin in the present world against Kyopaku.


Haruto stepped on his feet, and the Zanpakutō used as bait returned to his hand.


"Ice Fang Seiran."

Heizo's body had been frozen to death, but his head, covered with a thin layer of frost, still had the last bit of thinking and speaking ability.

"You, you are..."

Looking at the figure whose face was covered by the hat and was still approaching.

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