The Podao with a serial number of more than seventy is not weak at all.

Although the destructive power is not as high as Zanhualun, when unleashed by Uji, it is so powerful that even the vice-captain has to retreat.

But compared to being stabbed to the core by a flash flower, this Silver Maple Red Cannon would at least not kill Tsunayashiro Mamoru - Uji was very aware of the latter's Zanpakutō abilities, and the wind created by Yanagi field, which can reduce the lethality of the fire system to the greatest extent.

Although Tsunayashiro Mamoru couldn't see behind him, he could still react from the front.


The flames instantly swallowed up the two figures.

Byakuya didn't know Tsunayashiro Mamoru's Zanpakutō abilities. Faced with the influence of No. 70's broken path, he had to give priority to dodge——

This is Uji's goal.


It is also Haruto’s target.

That's right.

Besieging the weak is indeed a feasible tactic, but killing the strong first is also something Haruto considers.

Shunpo's voice sounded.

Haruto, who was holding the hilt of the sword tightly, was already in front of Uji.

The ability of a musket-shaped Zanpakuto must be closely related to long-range shooting, so the gap between the opponent's reloading is the best opportunity to attack.

Infinite reloads?

That's something only a tile-level Dakyu can do - being able to continuously release the seventy-numbered Zanpakutō will never stop at the vice-captain level.

"Seventy-Eight of the Broken Path"

The golden sword light cut through the night sky.

"Zhan Hualun!"


Haruto aimed at Uji's right arm holding the gun.


The Zhanhua Wheel fell into the air.

The moment Kidō approached, Uji opened the distance between the two with a single shunpo... This was due to the gap between the spiritual pressure and shunpo.


"Scatter, Senbonzakura."


The sound of the Zanpakutō being released suddenly reached Uji's ears. Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately prepared to continue using Shunpo to dodge.


However, Haruto's right hand, which was not holding the sword, had already pointed at Uji's location in advance.

"The Fourth Path of Binding"

The net of spiritual children hidden in the night sky suddenly appeared - the various powerful moves just now concealed the fluctuations of spiritual pressure in this single-digit number binding path. What Haruto is chanting now is just the condensed forty-nine. The final section of the rope:

"This rope!"

"call out!"

This rope, like Bai Lei, is the single-digit ghost path that Haruto was most familiar with before he mastered the advanced broken path.

Incorporating abilities like Qu Guang into it couldn't be easier.


The dragnet tightly bound Uji's body.

The difference in spiritual pressure between the two was not small, and the time that the rope restrained the other was not even enough for Haruto to complete another high-level broken path chant.

But this is not a solo fight. Haruto only needs to let Senbonzakura, who has already approached Uji, hit steadily.


A cherry-colored storm surrounded Uji's body.

Uji's Mangekyou is not suitable for such a battle, but the attempt to pull out the second Zanpakutō from his waist...

It was easily blocked by the tight rope.


Although the blood spray is small, when the number of such wounds is measured in thousands... it is undoubtedly a lethal amount.


Uji's body fell toward the ground.


Byakuya used instant step to reach Haruto's side.

The flames created by the kaleidoscope have not been completely extinguished, but the scattered petals of Senbonzakura have once again formed a silver-white blade on the Zanpakutō.

"I'll leave the rest to you."


Haruto replied without looking back.

The battle was resolved neatly, but such an outcome depended on the conspiracy that the two men had discussed while they were still buried underground.

Byakuya consumes a lot of physical energy and spiritual pressure: Kuchan does not have the ability to escape from a large-scale attack. The Byakuya who just attacked Tsunayashiro Mamoru was actually the second of the four maples of the secret step: Shunkage.

It is the ability to use spiritual pressure to create the illusion of a clone - this trick itself is not difficult, but on this basis, making the clone use flash flowers is a very advanced skill... With Byakuya's ability, he wants to If you use it, it will put a heavy burden on your body.

If not.

It's not like Byakuya took back Senbonzakura with just one move after the first solution.

That's why Qingren agreed so simply.


Wait until the flames completely dissipate.


The second round of fighting did not start as expected.

"I am willing to use all my wealth in exchange for a chance to survive, and never return to Tsunayashiro's family again."

Seeing Uji's body on the ground, Tsunayashiro Mamoru, who instantly understood the situation, put down his Zanpakutō very simply.

"What if we need an insider from the Tsunayashiro family?"

Haruto was not brought into the rhythm of the other person's conversation.

"...Uji had a dispute with the god of death at the auction, and both died together."

Tsunayashiro Mamoru's reaction was very quick.

If he returns to Tsunayashiro's family, Uji's death must be explained clearly - Uji, who was born in Tsunayashiro's main family, although his own strength is stronger than that of another Shinigami, does not exceed the scope of fifth-level spiritual power.

This explanation makes sense.

"What if we need a squire?"

"......I don't feel a sense of belonging to this family. Joining the Kuchiki family is no different from joining the Tsunayashiro family."

In order to survive, Tsunayashiro Mamoru was even willing to give up his most important surname.

"Very good."

Haruto nodded.

"But what if we don't need anything?"


Before Tsunayashiro Mamoru could react, Haruto continued to explain with a smile:

"Are you stupid? Everything here was originally our spoils of war."

"Besides, I like what you said just now..."

"Die together or something."


Tsunayashiro Mamoru didn't expect that the other party's murderous intent was so strong.

If it were him, he would have to trick the other party first and dig out enough information-the great nobles are not short of wealth, and correspondingly, any unknown information is precious.

Although he is a member of the branch family, he has at least joined the competition for the seat of the head of the family.

How could he...


Tsunayashiro Mamoru decisively stepped on the instant step and left, but unfortunately he couldn't even take half a step--

"Lock and bind!"

The chains that broke the surface of the ground had already tied his legs tightly.

"You took a big step."

"But when we were talking..."

In the first half of the sentence, Haruto was still a long way away from Tsunayashiro Mamoru.

"You are not the only one doing little tricks."

In the second half of the sentence, Haruto had already come to him with a sword in his right hand, which was rare.

"Hado 78"

"Take off--"



The reverberation of the release words was still echoing in the forest, but Tsunayashiro Mamoru's body had been split in two by the Kidō blade.



Blood vibrated, and the sword was sheathed.

Although he used the power of Kidō, this was really Haruto's first time to kill an opponent with a Zanpakutō.



"Although the harvest is indeed huge."

Haruto looked at the spoils gathered by the dancing earth.

"But it seems to have nothing to do with the auction?"


"Just tell me if it has anything to do with the auction."

Byakuya, who was choked, quickly regained his argumentative nature.

"You didn't plan to fight like this from the beginning?"

"How is that possible! Do I look like someone who would put my friends in danger!"


Haruto gave up arguing with Byakuya.

Although the battle didn't last long, there was such a big commotion in the forest, and the 13th Gotei Shinigami patrolling Rukongai should be arriving soon.

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