"Do not worry."

Haruto quickly comforted him.

As for the Ghost Jade, he actually had no idea. If it weren't for the high transparency of this auction, he would have bid for it himself - even if he lost 20% of the commission according to the rules, it would still be better than losing. It's better to shoot or get it at a low price.

Good thing.

The silence at the scene only lasted for a while.

After a short period of silence, Room No. 17, who had previously provided funds for No. 16 to buy the Zanpakutō, was the first to make a bid:

"Thirty-five gold!"

"Thirty-six gold!"

However, as soon as No. 17 opened his mouth, someone in the room next to Haruto immediately increased the price.

"Thirty-eight gold!"

"Forty-two gold!"

Haruto's anxious heart quickly dropped.

The initial Zanpakutō sold for just over sixty gold. Haruto's expected price for this Kidōdama was actually only about forty-five gold.

Although the craftsmanship requirements are very high, Kidōdama can be repeatedly manufactured after all, and it is not as harsh as the conditions for the liberation of the Zanpakuto.


The bid for the Ghost Jade stopped at fifty gold, and the owner of Room 17 successfully won it.

"Get rich."

Although there was no change in Haruto's expression, the excitement in his heart was still uncontrollable: this was the first time for him, who had always been cash-strapped, to receive such a huge sum of money.


Byakuya, who saw Haruto's psychological activities, curled his lips in disdain.

"It's only three months' pocket money. It's hard to see what you're doing."

"It's more money than you have in your pocket anyway."

Haruto sarcastically replied, not wanting to be outdone.


It didn't take long.

Next to the lower edge of the open window, there were five round dark gold metal trays, which the oiran leaned over and handed them in.

"This is......"

Haruto didn't even look at the snow-white mountains through the window, but picked up the metal on the tray and observed it carefully.

"Jin Daban? But the size is wrong..."

"I don't know."

Byakuya casually snatched the metal from Haruto's hand and explained to him:

"This is soul gold. The gold used to cast Xiaoban has been refined and forged using special techniques and rare materials."

"It is a highly condensed product of the spirit in itself, and is worth ten times the small amount of gold."

"...That's it."

Haruto nodded.

He didn't ask for the soul gold in Byakuya's hand. The buyer and seller would each bear half of the 20% commission from the auction. In other words, when Haruto and the others left, they had to hand over five small gold coins... Byakuya The pocket money in his hand was just enough to pay the expensive "parking fee", and the remaining part was the tour guide fee for his trip——

Whether Byakuya wants it or not is one thing, but whether Haruto wants it or not is another matter.



"The last lot is next."

The host glanced at the booklet on the tray.

After Duan Kong's Kidō Jade was successfully sold, the values ​​of the next three lots were much lower. Two of them failed to sell and one was sold at a low price, which even made some nobles yawn impatiently.

As for the reason why they didn't leave first, maybe it was the last item.

"Number 30!"

"Record No. 91 Breaking the Way: The Secret of the Thousand-Hand Bright Sky Killing Cannon!"

The host picked up the thin booklet.

"The entire article is written in cipher text. It has not been completely deciphered so far, and the authenticity of the content cannot be 100% certain."

"Furthermore, the origin of this item is unknown. It is impossible to learn broken paths with numbers above 90 unless you are at the captain level."

"The starting price is one hundred gold!"


There was only a moment of silence, and then——

"One hundred gold!"

"Two hundred gold!"

Several houses that had no intention of bidding before suddenly started fierce competition.


"what happened?"

Haruto was also shocked by the exaggerated bid, but he quickly noticed something wrong:

Byakuya had mentioned to Haruto that the four nobles had almost a monopoly on how to obtain secret transmissions with numbers over 90.

What Captain Yamamoto and Daogei Daochang have in their hands are pure knowledge rather than secret information.

"I don't know either."

Byakuya shook his head.

"I haven't heard of anyone's secret book being stolen, and if it really escapes from the hands of a big noble, this auction may not have the guts to accept it."


Byakuya stared at the secret message in the host's hand with a serious expression.

"This thing shouldn't be fake."

Writing ghost passages numbered 90 or above in cipher text is a way for great nobles to protect their secrets.

And you can roughly judge the authenticity by looking at the thickness of the secrets: for high-level ghosts on the 70th and 80th, the secrets are usually a thick pile, but after the 90th, the books recording the secrets become very thick. Thin and light.

"Really we don't have any money either."

"......you're right."

No matter whose family's secret information was leaked, it was none of their business.

Dare to participate in the competition for this thing, at least it means that there is a captain-level master standing behind them, otherwise even if you get the Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Tai Cannon, you will not be able to learn it; to have such a method, you must be powerful no matter what. Superior noble.

After a period of intense enthusiasm, the secret of the Thousand-Hand Bright Sky Taipao was snatched away by the buyer in Room 1 for a high price of two thousand two hundred gold——

The one that sells Zanpakutō.

"The auction ends here."

The host put his palms together.

"Thank you for visiting us. It's getting late. If you have a long journey, you may rest in our store for a night."

"All services are free."

"If you have something else to do, just leave from the direction you came from after your room number is read. There will be a five-minute gap in between."


The host and the oiran bowed in the direction of nothingness.

"Today's auction ends here."


"What do we say?"

Bai Ya asked Haruto. He didn't look very happy, probably because the auction was different from what Bai Ya imagined——

The key is that he didn't bring enough money... If he didn't have money to participate in the auction, then of course he couldn't enjoy it.

"He must have left. Doesn't your house have a curfew?"

Haruto had already stood up and put the Zanpakuto next to him back on his waist.

"It's past the time. I didn't expect it to take so long."

Bai Ya said a little angrily.

"Why don't we just stay overnight in the dormitory?"

"I'm not used to it."

"...Is it a problem."

It was obviously a big house that Byakuya was able to use, but he himself rarely stayed overnight in the dormitory. It was more of a place to rest after exercise.

Byakuya took a shower and changed clothes quite frequently, two to three times a day was a common occurrence. He was definitely a germaphobe to a certain level.

Thirty rooms.

According to the five-minute interval order, it would take more than two hours just to leave.

However, considering their own safety, most people can still wait for this time... If not, they can stay overnight in the store.


Although Haruto put away his Zanpakutō and could not practice Tozen, it did not prevent him from practicing Kidō.

If the scabbard had not obscured the edge, the small room they were in at this moment would definitely be like the moving head lights in the karaoke bar, constantly changing beautiful beams of light -

Even when he was out, it did not prevent Haruto from practicing Zanpakutō.

Although he had boasted before, Haruto certainly couldn't learn Bingya Zhenglan, which even Kuchiki Ginling and his son couldn't learn.

Haruto had a lot of high-level ghost arts, but he could only show off a few of them.

If he wasn't in the room, the thunder roar cannon in his right hand would never stop.

Waiting is very torturous.

When Byakuya's impatient shaking of his legs was comparable to the speed of his hands, it was finally their turn - Byakuya was different from Haruto. Whether he was exercising or practicing, he needed a relatively quiet environment.

"Let's go."

The two looked at each other quietly.

Then they left the store as quickly as possible, and as soon as they went out, they walked towards the forest that divided the different districts of Rukongai.

"Don't take the main road?"

"Let's not talk about scaring people for now, it's not safe to step on the roof. Who knows what kind of player the owner of the house is? It's easy to be misunderstood."

The two talked a little loudly, as if they were afraid that the wind would block their voices.


"It's hard to sense people in too many places. It's much clearer in the forest."

The shadows of the trees were left behind, and the whispers of the two were soon swallowed up by the night.


"If we don't go through the forest, how dare the other party catch up?"

The first few districts of Rukongai are well protected. After the 60th district, the areas between districts are almost all wasteland.


Although the wasteland lacks cover, it is also a good place to kill and rob because it is spacious and rarely visited...

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