Nanao's words silenced everyone.

Don't forget, Nanao is also a sixth-level spiritual power like Haruto, and is also a genius in ghost ways.

Even though she is still a student, she has already found the path she wants to take - unlike Haruto's strategy of jumping to the intermediate level, Nanao is ready to give up the advanced ghost way and choose to build her own ghost way system based on the intermediate level ghost way.

after all.

There is a big difference between Nanao and Haruto. At least she does not need to train her Zanpakutō abilities, she only needs to concentrate on studying ghost ways.

"A very good idea."

After the initial surprise.

Haruto smiled and rubbed Nanao's head to relieve her nervousness:

This was the first time for Nanao to express her attitude so clearly, so she was a little worried that Haruto would be angry.

"We don't have to follow the same path. This will make it easier for us to verify each other and find out each other's shortcomings."


"You can go further than me on the road of creating your own ghost path."

Haruto praised heartily.


As soon as Haruto looked at Ayaka, the latter grabbed Nanao's shoulders... Based on the height difference between the two parties, this action was more like a hug than a hug.

"Of course I'm accompanying Xiao Nanao!"

Ayaka's idea is also very simple.

No matter whether it is the return path or the advanced ghost path, she has no corresponding talent. On the contrary, she is the best at the intermediate ghost path.

You can tell by looking at Haruto and Byakuya that they must be preparing to continue to study advanced ghost ways. Even if she gets involved, she won't understand.

Then just hug Nanao’s thigh:

Haruto also said that there is no problem with Nanao's path... Following the good, or listening to the advice of the strong, has always been the way for the Kurutani family to survive.

"All right."

After confirming that Nanao had no objection, Haruto looked at the people who had finished forming groups in twos and declared very simply:

"Since everyone has their own goals."


"The meeting is over!"


Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, underground martial arts arena.

"Sneaked in so easily?"

Haruto glanced outside the firmly closed door.

"I can accept its durability, but the Kidou with hidden properties...the curved light attached to the wall is very powerful."

Although the dean's office is not a confidential place, the flow of people around it is still quite large. It would be okay if it was during the holidays. School has officially started, and it is really not easy to come in so openly.

"That's not true."

Byakuya put aside his backpack containing water and sweat towels.

"Except for the defense against ghosts, other parts have long been in disrepair and have been broken down. When I came in last year, my family specially sent people to strengthen it."

"...What a waste."

Haruto touched Jin Xiaoban in his pocket and said.

Thanks to Yongyin, the newly made clothes finally have usable pockets... By the way, Haruto still picked up this gold medal from the martial arts field.

Byakuya can only study at Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy for two years at most.

Adding ghost effects to items is much more troublesome than simply releasing ghosts. Such a short period of use requires re-enchantment. The nobles act lavishly.


Byakuya ignored Haruto's complaints.

After putting down all the things, he jumped on the spot twice with great dexterity... almost hitting the ceiling.

"What's the plan?"

Haruto didn't have anything to prepare here. If he got dirty, he could just take a shower.

"You don't plan to learn Zhan Hualun, right?"


Mr. Ise did not prohibit Haruto Shozawa Hanawarin Gaiden.

Unfortunately, Byakuya's Zanpakuto is not suitable for this move, and commanding Senbonzakura's blade requires the use of arm assistance. Even the future advanced version of Zanhuarin will be useless to Byakuya.

"Then pour the mountain crystal."

"That move you used in the fight just now?"

Haruto nodded.


"The original Mountain Crystal is a waste of spiritual pressure, and its original use is not for close defense, but to establish a medical defense barrier."

"The improved version... to be honest, it was the replacement used before Duan Kong could break the chant."

"But you haven't learned how to break the sky yet. Getting familiar with it should help you master it."


Ghost paths like Duan Kong are basically compulsory courses for Byakuya.

Kuchiki Ginrei's training for Byakuya was a step-by-step approach to continuous growth, but after seeing Haruto's sudden progress, Byakuya couldn't hold back... He felt the speed at which he was getting stronger. It can be faster.


Mainly because Duan Kong was originally on Byakuya's evolutionary path.

If it were another functional binding path or an offensive breaking path, even if Haruto had completely mastered it, Byakuya would not easily get involved.

"As for me..."

"Although I have discussed it with the cat demon, the secret of Sifeng must not be passed on casually, and your Shunpo has not fully understood it."

"You can't learn even if you want to."

"Whenever Shunpo is completely completed, I will ask the cat demon for you."

The cat demon in Byakuya's mouth is no one else except Shifouin Yoruichi.

Being able to master two instant steps so quickly, it must not be taught by the Kuchiki family. I'm afraid that Byakuya spent the entire holiday at the Shihouin family receiving Yoruichi's "torture".


Haruto can understand Byakuya's difficulties.

Although at the beginning, Byakuya also brought Utsukane to study with him, but at that time, wasn't it certain that both of them could not learn it?

The situation is naturally different now.

Moreover, Byakuya always keeps his word. Although the time is uncertain, it also provides Haruto with an opportunity to contact the Shihouin family in the future.

"Then the only thing left is the six-stick light prison."

The platinum halo lit up as Byakuya raised his fingertips.

"You said before that you first learned the lock bar lock because you didn't have a good control of the sense of space. Is there any improvement after being promoted to the sixth level of spiritual power?"

Bai Ya asked curiously.

Although Haruto has only been practicing the lock bar lock for half a month, according to Haruto's description of his battle with the giant hollow, he can already use the lock bar lock very skillfully.

Or so.

The ghost arts with a number of more than 60 are no longer difficult for Haruto.

"Rather than saying that the improvement of spiritual power has brought about changes, it is better to say that after the physical fitness has improved, the sense of space has naturally recovered a lot."

"That's good."

Bai Ya also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he said it casually, the pride of being a noble made it difficult for Bai Ya to get used to the word "freeloader" that Haruto often said.

Every time I feel that Haruto may suffer a loss...

I have the illusion that he has become Haruto's younger brother.

"Do you want to learn?"

"Need I say that?"

The six-rod light prison is almost the most advanced binding art that the Kuchiki family is good at, and its reputation is comparable to Bai Lei and Cang Huo Zhui.

There was no way to master it before, but now that there is a chance to learn the secret of the six-rod light prison, Haruto will definitely not be polite.

"Okay, then let's start..."

"I almost forgot!"

Before Bai Ya finished speaking, he suddenly hammered his palm hard.

"Why are you so startled."

Haruto couldn't help but roll his eyes at Bai Ya.

"The auction has been settled."

Bai Ya, who was in high spirits, ignored Haruto's "sad" expression.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Hearing Byakuya's words, Haruto also became very interested.

He was not like Byakuya, whose family was supervised by someone, so he did this thing openly and honestly, and it had nothing to do with stealing.

"Tonight, Rukongai in the North Second District."

"So soon?"

Haruto was a little scared by Byakuya's efficiency.

"It's better to hurry up!"

"But why is the location not inside the Soul Society?"

"Rukoundai...isn't this more exciting?"

As for the safety issues that Haruto was worried about, Byakuya acted as if he didn't care at all.

"Aren't you afraid of losing both your money and your people?"

"Don't I have you?"

Seeing that Byakuya was a little too confident, Haruto couldn't help but give him a shot of prevention:

"Rukoundai is not like Seireitei. There are far more things separated by a wall than you can imagine; although they have come into contact with many nobles, not everyone has heard of your name, the eldest son of the Kuchiki family."

"Besides, it's a place where people don't see much."

Haruto has never been to the auction, but when it comes to gangs and Rukongai, Haruto's experience is far better than Byakuya, who is still a novice.

"I can only say..."

"Although the vice-captain is not weak, there are not a few captains who died in Rukongai over the years in Soul Society."

After saying so much, Byakuya didn't refute, which means he really listened.


"Don't worry!"

"I have a lot of good things on me. If something like this really most I will go home and be lectured by my grandfather."

Byakuya's attitude is still the same as before.

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