The thick chains with a more realistic and metallic texture broke out of the ground.

Starting from the lower body of the giant hollow, the chains were like a python tying up its prey, forcibly compressing all parts of the giant hollow except the mask!


The giant hollow, which was nearly two stories high, fell to the ground fiercely. This was the opportunity that Haruto had been waiting for for a long time-

"Hadao IV: White Thunder!"

The layers of compressed spiritual pressure in the body splashed a white-blue lightning at the fingertips, and hit the giant hollow's mask without any hindrance.


A violent collision sounded, and the giant hollow's head was hit hard by the impact of lightning and deviated more than 30 degrees.


"Not deep enough."

Haruto narrowed his eyes.

White Thunder did not return in vain. His most proud broken way scratched a dent of more than ten centimeters long and about half a centimeter deep on the giant hollow's mask.

But this level is obviously far from enough to shatter the mask of the giant hollow. It is obvious that when it hits the body, it can directly make a fist-sized hole. It is hard to say whether this giant hollow is too cautious or its mask is too special.

"In this case..."

"White Thunder!"

"White Thunder!"

Haruto simply adopted the prince's tactics. The enhanced version of White Thunder was like a machine gun, madly tilting towards the giant hollow as if it didn't have any spiritual pressure!

In the past, it was because his body was too weak and there was no way. Now, even if Haruto's arms were dyed red, he could still complete the continuous firing of White Thunder without any impact.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The electric light jumping on Haruto's fingertips was this life... No, it was like a sniper bullet. After being bounced off the giant hollow's mask, it collapsed into deep pits on the ground; and the mask that was hit by the white thunder in various Dio angles was like going to Gaza to match a battle-damaged version of the Buff icon, and it was almost impossible to see the original imposing appearance.

The smoke and dust splashed up, under the rendering of the lightning that almost formed a line, was as heavy and shocking as the thundercloud that gave birth to lightning.

"......Is it not enough?"

In less than fifteen seconds, Haruto poured more than thirty enhanced white thunders at the giant hollow.

If it were a death god, even the vice-captain level would be knocked down if he was hit by so many attacks without any defense.

But Haruto felt that the effect of his attack seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. The lightning that hit the giant hollow's face, after accumulating layer by layer, carved a two-centimeter-deep scratch, as if it hit a completely different material and could not go any further.

Haruto raised his finger and his palm stood straight up.

White thunder was the most handy to use, but after all, it was no longer the most powerful ghost in his hand. When he needed to fight a tough battle-


At the moment when Haruto was about to chant the thunder roar cannon.

As the giant hollow opened its mouth actively, the smoke and dust filled with lightning were quickly stained with a shrill red halo.


The change came too suddenly, and Haruto's brain couldn't keep up with the reaction!


A pure red light column like blood rushed straight towards Haruto!




Thick smoke rose from the ground.

Where the light column passed, two irregular semi-arc deep pits stretched out for nearly three hundred meters.


Haruto's left hand holding the sword trembled a little.

If Haruto hadn't subconsciously drawn his sword to slash at the giant hollow's attack at the last moment, he would have been melted into meat paste at this time-the reverse sword slash blessed by the Zanpakurin split the light column that looked like Hyūdō in two.

"But how is it possible!"

"Hyūdō is a move that can only be used by Great Hollows and above, and this guy is just a giant hollow..."


Haruto put his Zanpakutō into the sheath and began to re-condense the spiritual pressure required for the Zanpakurin.

"Whether it's the high-speed movement similar to Hibiki just now, or the mask that is so hard that it's ridiculous... This is too similar to the effect of Steelhide."

"If the spiritual pressure is not high enough, this guy can be called a small Arrancar!"

Haruto couldn't help but start to doubt whether the giant hollow in front of him had traveled from Hueco Mundo to Soul Society by itself because of the black cavity.

If not...

Haruto's back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

This can't be blamed on him for being too timid. If it were any other traveler, they would subconsciously think of Aizen's research on the Arrancar.

At this moment!

The giant hollow seemed to sense Haruto's uneasiness, and the ghost mouth under the mask that had just launched a weakened version of the hollow flash lit up an ominous red light again.

It doesn't care what Haruto is worried about.

Because the energy sphere was pulled into an elliptical shape at super high speed, it couldn't see any pre-movement swing, and it had already approached Haruto!



"Cough cough!"

Haruto's figure was a little embarrassed.

The Zanpakutō that had just been put away had no chance to accumulate Zanpakurin at all, and even the sword and sheath were used as a shield in front of him——

After adding the round gate fan for defense.

It’s not that Haruto didn’t want to use a more advanced binding method, but the attack of the giant hollow came too suddenly, and Haruto only had time to use the round gate fan.

“What just happened…”

“Even the “Hollow Bullet” was used. ”

Distraction during battle is a taboo.

No matter whether the giant void in front of him is related to Aizen or not, Haruto must try his best to eliminate it first; otherwise, he may not be able to wait until the day when Aizen's conspiracy is exposed, and he will have to bury his body today. here.


Haruto pulled off the piece of cloth hanging on his chest.

The impact of the virtual bomb explosion blew his clothes into tatters - this was not a death tyrant outfit, and there was no way to strengthen his defense by injecting spiritual pressure.

at the same time.

Taking advantage of the gap created by the explosion of the virtual bomb, Juxu finally opened the chains that bound his body.

The effect of the chain binding was worthy of its No. 63 Binding Path level, and it successfully suppressed Juxu for nearly half a minute. Although it could not completely block the flow of its spiritual pressure, it could achieve such actual combat performance. Haruto was very satisfied.


The bleeding on his arm had stopped.

Where Qingren couldn't notice, small granulations that were difficult to see with the naked eye were entangled and connected with each other, constantly suturing and repairing the damaged skin and muscles.

"Round three."

Haruto raised his fingers towards Juxu. Such an obvious and contemptuous provocation naturally aroused Juxu's agitation——


Juxu's figure disappeared from Haruto's sight again.

Haruto still couldn't capture the opponent's movements.

But since the only target that can be attacked here is Haruto himself, he can always dodge using the "gamble" method...

At least the first hit can be avoided this way.


Juxu suffered a lot during the frontal attack.

According to the biological inertia of thinking, Haruto would bet on it and attack from the position that was advantageous in the initial fight.


Haruto didn't even look at it, he accelerated forward in front of him!


Juxu's attack fell into the air.

The ground was particularly miserable today, and another deep hole was dug out.


Haruto made the right bet:

He didn't run into Juxu's arms.

And even the immature Shunpo was enough to keep him at a relatively safe distance from Juxu - while pulling away, Haruto turned around in mid-air and faced the position where he was just now. :

"The Thirty Years of Binding Dao·Three Flashes of Mouth"

The triangular fangs of the spirit child rushed towards the giant void that had just appeared!

"call out!"


Even though one of his arms was still stuck in the soil, Juxu disappeared from Haruto's sight again the moment he flashed his mouth three times.

When it appeared again, it was still in the blind spot of Haruto's eyes!


"Why do you remember to eat but not to fight?"

Haruto didn't look back at all, as if he was completely unaware of Juxu's traces.

Only the ghost's chanting sounded clearly in Juxu's ears.

"Sixty Three of the Binding Path"

Juxu had just suffered a loss when he suddenly heard the same Binding Dao chant, and his movements subconsciously slowed down by half a beat.


No matter how careful Juxu was, he would never have thought of where the bound path would fall from this time.

"Bind with chains!"

"call out!!"

Sharp piercing sounds sounded from all directions at the same time.

The chains didn't come from a certain direction, but completely blocked all the positions around Juxu!

They come from...

Hanging star!

Haruto didn't say that the hanging star, which added a lot of daytime atmosphere to tonight, only combined the terato ball with one move, Kidō!


Juxu's roar suddenly stopped.

Although the claws are sharp, the number of ghost paths that can be torn apart is limited after all. The hanging stars that cover the entire open space like a sky cannot be cleared with brute force.

Before it waved its claws for the third time, the densely packed spirit ropes had already tied it from head to tail into a zongzi shape.

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