After packing up the loot, Haruto shouted to the deserted place.

"...Brother Haruto."

On the edge of the deep pit exploded by the Thunder Roar Cannon, Quan Cai, who had just escaped, approached with a complicated look on his face.

"Tell me why."

Haruto said without looking back.

"You shouldn't be someone who would be corrupted by this little wealth."

Haruto didn't care about Inukai's clothes before, because he thought he knew his former little brother fairly well.

"That God of Death..."

Inukai behaved like a big girl.

"I am listening."

Haruto motioned for him to continue.

"...He is willing to teach me the ghost way."


Haruto can understand his approach.

For Inukai, who worships the strong and wants to become stronger, this reason is simply perfect.

If it were Haruto before time travel, if someone said they could teach him how to use magic, he would be willing to pay a sufficient price.

"What did you learn?"


"Is this why you made yourself fat?"


Inukai nodded bitterly.

Even the most basic Tao-breaking technique would be impossible for someone without the Death God talent to use anyway.

The only possibility that Haruto could think of...

Inukai actually has some talent, but it's not at the level where he can enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

Relying on this talent, through the simplest way of accumulating spiritual pressure: eating - ordinary souls have no need to eat - to maintain consumption, so as not to release Kidō by depleting "one's own existence".


"Let me see."

"Okay, okay."

The conversation between Haruto and Inukai ended.

As the chant of No. 1 breaking the path came to an end, the scorched dust mixed with ashes in the pit was scattered in all directions.

"No worse than a first-year student at Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy."

"Thank you, Brother Haruto."

Haruto's compliment brought a sincere smile to Inukai's face.

"By the way..."

Haruto, who had his back to Inukai, turned around and said with a sigh in the corners of his mouth.

"Let me tell you what the real ghost path is like -"

"One of the Broken Paths"

In the past, when he was teaching a young and ignorant Inukai, Haruto would give him an impressive blow like this.



The mixed red and white liquid was sprinkled on the owner who fell to the ground.


Volume 1: 025, empty

Haruto left the battlefield without looking back.

He didn't go looking for the male Death God's Zanpakutō that was blown away. Although the identity of the other party was basically confirmed, he would definitely get a bounty for getting the Zanpakutō back.

But Haruto showed little interest in this matter.

He didn't care. After getting the Zanpakutō, the Gotei Thirteen would find a place to gather them.

After collecting a certain number, they should be sent to the Zero Squadron for Wang Yue to re-forge the Zanpakutō. The materials required for Zanpakuto forging are originally the fusion of the souls of many Shinigami. Re-forging can naturally save a lot of steps. .

None of this is Haruto's business.

The main reason...

For a few small bucks, you have to go back and write several reports, and may even expose your own strength. No matter how you think about it, it is not a cost-effective thing.

And judging from the other party's behavior and the little legacy he left behind, we know that the dead former seventh division captain was most likely a poor man.

If a poor guy with little strength has a high bounty, then he is really a ghost.

The interlude is over.

Now Haruto naturally wants to get back on track and go meet the Kyū who occupies the well - Inukai did lie to him, but if he wants others to believe the lie, the lie must be much less than the truth.

Regarding the information about Kyon, Haruto could tell something was wrong just by walking around the village. Inukai would not dare to deceive Haruto in such an obvious place.


Haruto's figure quickly disappeared.

When he stopped again, he was already less than fifty meters away from the well - on the edge of the overgrown open space and on the broken and decayed wooden fence, many words could still be vaguely seen.

It must be a warning to remind people not to get close.


Haruto pushed open the only gap in the fence, the door surrounded by vines, and fell to the ground after making a climactic declaration of "I can't do it anymore."

Weeds are wet and soft underfoot.

Perhaps there is no soul to compete with them for water. These green vegetation grow more lushly than their counterparts on the edge of the forest.


Haruto was very careful with every step he took. He was very unfamiliar with Hollow's spiritual pressure and could only rely on his five senses to determine the opponent's position.

In fact.

Even if Shinigami are from the same squad and often fight side by side, it is difficult to detect and distinguish the ownership of spiritual pressure without fierce fighting.

The reason why Haruto's perception is so sharp is because he will inevitably activate the only intermediate ghost path that he can call proficient in after entering an unfamiliar area:

"The Fifty-eight of the Binding Dao: Slapping the Toes to Chase the Birds"

The Toe-Slapping Bird Chasing Bird is a special type of Dao Binding with the ability to sense and track. When practiced to the extreme, it can even lock on multiple targets at the same time at ultra-long distances.

Haruto did not develop the toe-chasing sparrow to such an exaggerated level, but he focused on refining the part about perception: even unfamiliar spiritual pressure and aura will have nowhere to hide as soon as it enters his range of perception. .

The range of action is a circle with a radius of fifty meters, and the maximum duration is two hours - this is the key to Haruto being able to detect his opponent in advance.


When faced with a void, it is difficult for Slap Toe Chaser to be effective:

Haruto had only seen an ordinary Hollow with all his spiritual pressure suppressed in his fifth-grade teaching class; because the Hollow's special characteristics were very prominent, Haruto could not rely on "recording" to kill him like he faced the God of Death. Identify them by their commonalities.

Moreover, the time at that time was too tight, and all of Xu's spiritual pressure was suppressed in the body. Haruto had not yet mastered the toe-slapping sparrow to the extent it is now.


Haruto's invincible perception finally met its match.

"Aren't you going to come out?"

The Xu that Inukai said was extremely murderous at night did not attack immediately as the intelligence said.

"Not there?"

Haruto carefully held the handle of the knife, and the spiritual pressure of the condensed Zhanhua Lun flowed back and forth in it.


"I can vaguely feel a completely different aura from the God of Death and Zheng."

The light in the other palm is surging, and it is constantly weaving the ghost's trap.

"it is at......"

"At least it was hanging around a while ago."

Intuition derived from biological instinct is not enough to be a reliable basis most of the time, but Haruto, who rarely relies on intuition to do things, is still willing to believe in this instinct every time he feels this way.

"It's been a long time since I've seen the intruding soul, so do you want to play some tricks?"

The warning signs have been in place for a long time.

A virtual being cannot stay in one place for a long time without eating. No matter how high its IQ is, it cannot suppress its eating nature for a long time.

Since it has developed a special sense of territory, instead of wandering around like ordinary voids, there is a high probability that it will not leave its territory too far.


"This guy can sense danger from me, so he's still peeking around at this moment and didn't come forward directly?"


"That's all."

"Since you are unwilling to show up—"

Haruto chose to take the initiative to step into this trap even though he knew that the well was occupied by Xu. Of course, he would not wait any longer.


Haruto took out the "virtual bait" that he got from Onizuka - the name of this thing was something he heard from Kyogani on the land; it is said that it was the Eleven who was responsible for the attack during the battle to destroy the Quincy in reality. Squadron, the loot obtained from the dead Quincy.

Haruto exerted a little force, and the white pills were crushed into powder and dissipated in the air.



The current owner who occupied this place did not keep Haruto waiting for long.

Fierce and chaotic——

The unusually powerful spiritual pressure, with an unprecedented sense of oppression, suddenly appeared less than twenty meters away from Haruto, as if teleporting.

"Very strong..."

The void is right in front of you.

But its figure was extremely blurry, and only a looming mask could barely be seen in the dark night.

"No wonder that guy didn't even fight. This is simply not an opponent that the lower-ranking officers can handle... No, the upper-ranking officers may not be able to do it either. At least in terms of spiritual pressure, the deputy captain must be sent. is the best choice.”

There is no such thing as spiritual power.

However, if compared from a level perspective, the power displayed by this guy is probably at the level of a sixth-level spiritual power.

There is only a limit to who is stronger than yourself.

Or to put it another way...

"Just right."

Being able to have an opponent of the same level to practice with is a rare thing for Haruto, whose strength has been growing recently.

Haruto prefers evenly matched battles to a brutal one.

"The timing is so coincidental, so don't blame me for being rude!"

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