"What's the meaning?"

"it means--"

Haruto's index finger caught the sword, and after drawing an elegant arc in mid-air, it landed firmly in Haruto's hand.


Instant step, ringing turn, flying sickle kick.

Haruto, who was riding on the triple acceleration ability, rushed towards Xianghe with a knife.


Facing Haruto, who had almost only left an afterimage on his retinas, Xianghe was somewhat grateful that the ability he had taken away was Qingquan; although the Zanpakutō affected by Muramasa's swastika did not lack the powerful and weird rule system, But those knives are also extremely difficult to use.

The effect of clear spring...

Best for the battlefield in front of you!


Xianghe ran straight into Haruto, who was charging towards him.

——Relying on the flow of the clear spring to accelerate, Xianghe's pace is not even half slower than Qingren!



In the sound of gold and iron clashing, even the space was shattered.



Kuchiki Xianghe could hardly believe his eyes.

As the familiar silver blade flew diagonally towards the sky, Muramasa——

broken? ?


Two figures passed each other.

The biggest threat to the Seireitei, Kuchiki Hikawa's Zanpakuto Muramasa, was thus broken into two pieces that could never be repaired; the "corpse" at the tip of the sword was lying extremely quietly on the cold calyx. .


That gloomy and cold white figure could no longer appear beside Kuchiki Xianghe.

"My other side is quite interested in Muramasa."



The derived ability after the swastika is to select any one of the plundering abilities from all the Zanpakutō that have been materialized by him; as long as the swastika continues, the plundering ability can be replaced at any time, and the maintenance time is almost continuous.

The weakness is that after the swastika is lifted, the abilities will be returned, and in the same swastika, the abilities that have been plundered cannot be plundered a second time.

——If this can be called a weakness.

Even strong is not enough to describe Muramasa. His swastika is completely bug-level.

This is what Kuchiki Xianghe hides...

The scary thing about Muramasa.


Why does Haruto know so clearly?


On the other side of the blade, which is slightly thicker than Qingquan, the blood red near the tip is gradually fading——

It happens to be one of the nine pictures.

This is the ability of Haruto's second Zanpakutō "Higan": it seals the soul of the person it strikes along with its abilities.

The Zanpakutō is an extension of the Shinigami's soul.

Muramasa, who was struck by Higan, was sealed in Higan together with Swastika at the moment when the blades collided.

Without the support of Swastika, Muramasa would naturally be unable to maintain Qingquan's ability; the flowing power that returned to Qingquan's sword was naturally blessed by Haruto on the other side, and instantly cut Muramasa's blade into two pieces.


Although the other shore has the seal strength of the rule system, its ability still has an upper limit: all nine purgatory diagrams are dim, that is, after capturing the power of nine souls, it can no longer function as a seal.


Whether or not the opponent's soul will be sealed does not depend on Haruto, but whether Higan (Purgatory) is interested in it; this is why Haruto did not use Higan at the beginning of the battle.


"it's over."

Haruto turned around and looked at Kuchiki Hibiki.

driven to distraction?

No, these are not enough to describe the man in front of me.

He lost his lover, his world view was shattered, and in the end, even the only Zanpakuto he could rely on was broken in the battle: the failure came too quickly, and he still doesn't even understand what happened just now.

No one knows what is left in the world of Kuchiki Xianghe... Maybe there is relief from all this?

Poor, pity, sad.


Haruto must do this.

Regardless of whether Kuchiki Kyouga is allowed to escape or he is allowed to return to the Kuchiki family, the order of the Soul Society will collapse from then on.

This was definitely going to happen sooner or later, but now...

not the right time yet.


The blood vibrates and the sword is received.

"Ninety-nine of the Binding Path"

Finishing things.

The Kuchiki family couldn't do it, and other nobles didn't dare to do it.

As for the Gotei 13... let alone the ability to avoid exposure, the main reason is not to let Captain Yamamoto worry about it.

"stop tension"

Black cloth strips wrapped around Xianghe, who had lost his sense of resistance.

"Bai Lian Bol"

The bright silver iron pieces further sealed all the gaps.

"Swastika Taifeng!"

at last--

The cube carved with golden swastikas completely enclosed the rotten wood Xianghe River.

"the wicked."

Chant and form seals.

"Ninety-nine of the Broken Paths"

The majestic and magnificent ice flowers were attracted by the brilliance of Shengli, and gradually turned into four majestic ice dragons.

Toward the coffin made by the Taifeng Emperor—

"I'll do it."

"The four dragons are destroyed!"



"Miss Naia?"

In the center of the messy ruins.


"Thanks a lot."

Haruto handed the fainted Byakuya to Ichihara Naa.

Fainting was nothing, but his state was obviously a sign of over-squeezing both energy and physical strength: it was the first time that the swastika faced an enemy in such a high-intensity battle, which clearly exceeded Byakuya's upper limit.

"......What are you looking at?"

Haruto saw a different look in the eyes of Ichihara Naa, who was married to Byakuya.

"That knife just now was very cool."

Ichihara Naa smiled sweetly with an unknown meaning.

Before the fight started on Haruto's side, he had already asked Ichihara Naa to lead a secret mobile team to seal off the surrounding area; others may not be able to see clearly, but this person's ability... apart from fighting Excellent in all aspects.

"You're not mocking me, are you?"

"Have you heard all this?"


Haruto’s Higan Ito looks very cool.

In fact, during the fight, he had no idea at all: If Higan was not interested in Muramasa, he would have to regenerate at full speed and run away towards the "lighthouse" of the first team without looking back.

Asking the commander-in-chief to take action will inevitably leave a trail of criticism (mainly because it will damage his character), but when that happens, Haruto has no choice.

Look at it this way...

Haruto touched the pure white rope on the handle of Qingquan's knife.

It's a pity that I didn't use the swastika solution, but Qingquan is still reliable in a fight...even if her power almost cut off her own head.

Haruto is still a little far away from fully mastering the other side.

"Go to Kuchiki's house to check on the situation. Yoruichi should be there right now."

"Aren't you coming together?"

Muramasa was broken.

After his swastika failed, all the actual Zanpakutos have returned to their original state. Everyone in the Kuchiki family must have realized this; as a "benefactor", Haruto should go to the Kuchiki family at this time. , only in this way can the benefits be maximized——

No matter for him personally or for the Sifengyuan family.


Haruto didn't want to do this.


Seeing that Haruto didn't respond, Ichihara Naa said in surprise:

"In the eyes of everyone in Seireitei, you are a murderous master."

"Who would have thought..."

"It turned out to be just a young boy."

Although the words were very sharp, the tone of Naia Ichihara's speech was full of gentleness.

"Is that a compliment?"

"It's a rare occasion, let's call it that."

Ichihara Naa responded to Haruto's teasing with a smile.

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