According to the current progress, it will take about a year to successfully master Shunpo - it seems like a long time, but you must know that many officials have studied Shunpo for decades or hundreds of years without making any progress.

If word of Haruto's speed spread, it would be enough to shock many people's jaws.

Shunpo is like this, let alone fighting in vain.

There are very few Shinigami in Soul Society who are truly proficient in white fighting and rely on it as their main means of combat. In addition to training their bodies and reaction speed, Haruto has no regard for ordinary white fighting secrets, and he It seems that the things you are interested in are not so easy to obtain at present... and even for a long time in the future:

Instant coax, double bones, thousand-mile reach to the sky palm.

The secrets of the Shifengin family, Yamamoto Shigekuni's white fighting moves, and the enhanced level A of Captain Ichibei of the Zero Squadron...

Even reaching the captain level is hard to hope for.


Haruto casually picked up two strands of hair and used them as a rope. He carefully tied the Kidōdama to the shallow sword. After taking the Tenzhu Pill, Haruto's hair became the first thing to be strengthened. Although the location and toughness are not as good as cut-off strings, they are still much better than ordinary rope and hemp.

"very good."

Haruto looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. The person he was before time travel would not have dared to make such an arrogant and extravagant move.

"The Zanpakutō isn't used much, so it can barely be considered safe."

"Bang Dong."

Haruto first opened the paper closet door, and then stamped hard on the tatami under his feet.

After confirming that there were no traps or ambushes, he yanked the rope tied to the bedroll and took out all the bedding and pillows he had brought with him.

"This fourth floor is more spacious than the previous second floor. It is indeed a VIP private room. It is not much better than the crappy VIP room in my previous life."

"that is......"

Haruto looked around the empty room, feeling suddenly filled with a sense of disappointment that was hard to conceal.

"Store Manager Yiyuan's ideological consciousness is still not high enough."

"Two Kidōdama, one is hush money, and the other is an angel wheel... The fake girl turned into a bug and ran away. Can't you give me another patch at night?"

"...Ten dollars is money."

Haruto sighed with regret.

In the dark night, a lot of sleepiness was driven away by the lights on the street, and it was far from time to go to bed now. The room was not small, but it was not suitable for practicing Kidō here. All Haruto could do was rest his head on his Zanpaku. I just fell asleep with my sword and undressed.

Back when he was at the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy, Haruto would have definitely gone to the martial arts arena alone to practice some cutting and fighting skills, and then go to the bathhouse to take a good shower - after all, sweating is the best way to help you sleep.

And in a place like Flower Street, once the burning thoughts are aroused, it will be difficult to dispel them without a hearty exercise before going to bed.


Haruto put his hands behind his head and slowly closed his eyes while staring at the ceiling.

"It's such a long night..."

"Only the sword keeps you company."


Volume 1: 019, cliché, but enjoyable to hear and see


Haruto opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling...

All right.

Traveling through time is not something that happens casually.

The bustling night in Yoshiwara District passed without any danger. The store manager Ichihara did not send anyone to disturb Haruto; and the fourth floor, which has a very good sound insulation effect, did not hear any noise from the adjacent side or below. The sound of babbling.


Haruto straightened his waist and abdomen, yawned loudly, and sat up from the tatami.

"I slept okay."

Rubbing the dried water from the corners of his eyes and patting his cheeks twice, Haruto quickly came to his senses - Yoshiwara Rukongai, located in East 45th Ward, is definitely affluent compared to its surroundings, but it is not so luxurious. Clean water is used to wash your face and brush your teeth.

To know.

A dozen or so districts away, any well may be the life dependence of dozens or hundreds of people...

And the source of the fighting.

"Although it's not comparable to the dormitory of Mao Spiritual Arts Academy, it still brings back the feeling of being in Rukongai."

Haruto packed up very quickly. He put on clothes, folded quilts, and put away bedding. The whole process was so smooth that it didn't even take two minutes in total.


If it weren't for the fact that none of the ghost paths he mastered were related to the flowing water system, Haruto might have had to spend twice as much time paying attention to personal hygiene.

"Dong dong dong."

Since arriving at the room on the fourth floor last night, it was the first time that there were such clear footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.

as well as--

"Please come in."

Before someone knocked on the door, Haruto, who noticed the other person, had already spoken in advance.


The familiar sound of the sliding door opening and closing, the familiar figures and faces.

The girl who turned into insects last night was carrying today's breakfast on a square wooden tray.

"...Just leave it like that."

This time it must be a real person.

After all, with Haruto and Naa Ichihara's future partnership, they will definitely not tease themselves with illusions and insects again.


After witnessing the insect swarm with his own eyes, it was really hard for Haruto to be interested in girls...even though his brother woke up energetically early with Haruto.


After a non-nutritious conversation, as the sliding door was closed again, the morning food was already placed on the table:

Seaweed and tofu soup, natto, rice, diced daikon, a little green vegetables, and small sausages fried to look like octopus.

A very standard Japanese breakfast, refined, balanced and poor.


"I'm gonna start now."

Haruto, who has been in Soul Society for some years, has finally developed some habits unconsciously; and after spending five minutes to wipe out all the breakfast, Haruto planned to ask the store manager Ichihara Please resign.



In front of the ornate and huge sliding paper door on the fifth floor, Haruto was blocked by the strong man he saw yesterday with a gentle tone.


The male nodded.

"The store manager went to District 41 to handle important matters and specifically asked me not to neglect our distinguished guests. If you don't mind-"

"never mind."

Haruto shook his head and rejected Ichihara Naa's kindness.

The other party even explained where he was going so clearly. He obviously didn't mean to deal with Haruto. After all, he was the unexpected factor.

"We'll see you again in the future."

Regardless of whether he saw Ichihara Naa or not, Haruto had already shown enough courtesy that there was no need to stay here any longer.

Along the stairs from where he came, Qingren bid farewell to this wealthy place of fireworks without even a hint of nostalgia.


Yoshiwara Street has a different feel during the day.

Those flower street shops that are bustling with entertainment at night turn into something else under the sun - whether it's breakfast, fresh food, tailoring or snacks, all kinds of serious shops make this land full of busy life breath.

If it weren't for the staff busy inside and outside these stores, they would all be young ladies who still have the breath of night in them.

Haruto will definitely wonder if he was under a genjutsu last night.


Haruto observed the shops on both sides of the street with great interest. Just when he was interested in going in and shopping, the familiar spiritual pressure that was slowly approaching forced him to give up the idea.

He glanced behind him out of the corner of his eye.

Although I didn't see the familiar Death King costume, the spiritual pressure of an official Death God was still very obvious in this Rukongai filled with ordinary people.


The Gotei 13 Team has quite strict requirements in this regard. Shinigami must wear Death Overlord uniforms when performing tasks and are not allowed to wear personal clothing.

Of course, if you have a high enough status in the team, no one above you will take a closer look if you change your appearance.

As for Xing Jun and the Ghost Daoists...

Their attire when performing missions is even stricter than that of the Gotei 13. Those who can show their faces are captains and deputy captains - there is a special introduction in the textbook of Mao Spiritual Arts Academy. It is not that the "author" is trying to save trouble by not wearing faces. for the sake of.

"This place is far enough away from the Seireitei. There is a high probability that this is a Shinigami on vacation, but why is he targeting me?"

There were no bystanders in the fight with Ichihara Naa last night, and there were no rules at the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy that did not allow students to hide their strength.


Haruto's pace became faster and faster.

His figure quickly moved away from the three most prosperous streets in the central area and walked toward the more remote east side of Rukongai.

In a dark corner where the surrounding buildings are extremely dilapidated and cramped, and even the sunlight cannot fully fall——

"Chasing this far..."

Deep in the dead end filled with graffiti and garbage, Haruto turned his head and spoke to the guys who showed up.

"You must have something very important to discuss with me?"


Two Shinigami, two civilians... No, the clothes on the latter two are obviously not things that the Rukongai residents can afford, but they don't look expensive enough to be recognized at a glance. Level of luxury.

He doesn't even have the low-key and restrained personality that Haruto has seen a lot of recently.

Lower nobles——

Haruto made a judgment on the identity of the two people instantly.

"Class one every five years, Haruto?"

A somewhat gloomy voice came from the mouth of the young noble man standing at the far side.

"I am."

"What do the seniors have to say?"

The other party will mention the class, and it must be the students of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

Although Soul Society respects the strong, but in the Zhen'ang Spiritual Arts Academy, which has a strong student atmosphere, the phenomenon of seniority is more prominent than strength - the person who dares to call Haruto that way is naturally not a junior, so it can only be this class. A recent graduate.

And the way the other party gritted his teeth...

The sixth-grade students who had a quarrel with Haruto in the past were already beaten to the point of losing their temper by him in secret.

A few of them were even directly eliminated from the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.


The only ones whose emotions are so obvious are those weaklings who were affected by their performance in the martial arts arena.

"You are so humble when you talk to seniors. Isn't that enough for us to educate you?"

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