"It stands to reason that improving physical fitness will indeed enhance recovery, but I have just begun to transform my spiritual pressure..."

"The strengthening speed is too fast."

Haruto frowned and muttered to himself.

His body changes were very different from Kuchiki Sojun's, but the changes on his body were all good, so he didn't get too hung up on the details.

"Although I swallowed it in one gulp out of trust."

"But if there is a chance, I will definitely have to ask Captain Kuchiki or Captain Hikifune in the future."

Haruto was in no hurry to leave.

This opportunity is rare, and he is going to sort out all the existing ghost paths here.

In fact, the competition just now has exposed many situations: from No. 1 to No. 60, all middle and lower-level ghosts, as long as there are relevant records in the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy textbooks, or he has seen them in secret books, they are all. Everything is clear except one.


Compared with the intermediate Kidou who just follows the crowd, Haruto has four single-digit numbers that he particularly prefers:

"One of the Broken Paths·Chong"

"One of the Binding Paths: Block"

"Broken Path 4: White Thunder"

"The Fourth Way of Binding: This Rope"

Simple operation, strong plasticity, low spiritual pressure consumption, and fast release speed - you don't have to worry about the side effects caused by Kidō mistakes, and you can fine-tune it according to specific needs: these four most basic Kidō techniques, in Haruto's hands, are responsible for instantaneous The division of labor includes launching sneak attacks, melee suppression, frontal assault, and long-range blockade.

Of course, the most important feature is that the force level is high enough: all of the above four ghost moves can be released with a single finger.

Moreover, Haruto only exposed these four kinds of ghosts in the academy. Those fancy ghosts he used when fighting Byakuya just now... Except for Byakuya, Haruto will definitely not know how to show it to others. Acknowledge that they are of your own hand.

Even with such strength, Haruto thinks he is only worthy of hanging around in Rukongai.

During this period, the Gotei Thirteen were not as good as before, but they were much stronger than before. There were four captain-level figures of second-class spirit power alone:

Hana Retsu Uno of the 4th Division, Shunsui Kyōraku of the 8th Division, Kiryu Hikifune of the 12th Division, Jushiro Ukitake of the 13th Division.

Coupled with the hidden strength, the deputy team and the third or fourth seats who will be qualified to be captains a hundred years from now...

Haruto has a very clear understanding of his own weakness.

If Kidō is used as the main tactic and full firepower is used, Haruto can escape from the third or fourth seats of the sixth-level spiritual power (special emphasis) - but there is no chance at all when encountering the deputy captain, who has a stronger background. The possibility of opponents in the third or fourth seats, or at the same level who are proficient in special fields, is also reduced to less than 20%.

As for the subsequent chief officers, it depends on the situation:

For example, Mitarai Roku of the fifth division, and Haruto’s teacher Mutsuki Seven – they

The spiritual power level of both is the same as Haruto's, the seventh level, but in a fight, Haruto has a chance of defeating the former, but he will definitely lose if he meets the latter.

Without it.

The instant step you complete your training is so powerful.


"too weak."

Haruto commented on himself.

"Although there is no shortage of training methods such as sword meditation, my Zanpakuto... this shallow strike cannot even be used."

Haruto sat cross-legged on the ground again.

He has never relaxed his training in light attack and slashing techniques, but his Zanpakutō has remained unknown to this day - this is even worse than many students of the same level, who can occasionally hear the slashing skills during meditation. The soul sword's "sword cry".

Haruto's Zanpakutō never responded to him even a little bit.

The Zanpakuto has a soul, and Haruto is also sure that the katana in his hand is definitely not defective or dead, so there is only one possibility left:

He is not compatible with the Zanpakutō's soul.

In other words.

The real owner of the other half of the consciousness bred in this Zanpakuto should be the Rukongai soul that was "fused" by Haruto.

Haruto didn't have a good solution for this situation.

Zanpakuto is the strongest and most iconic of the four abilities of the Shinigami. If it cannot be used, its combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.


Haruto could only hope that his guess was wrong and continue to communicate with him through sword meditation.

"It is difficult for a Zanpakutō to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time."

"Baida and Shunpo..."

"The pill provided by Byakuya can help me a lot, but this is also a long-term project."

Even if he is not good at the training of the above three abilities, Haruto has never stopped training.

"I want a way to quickly improve my combat effectiveness."

"Sure enough..."

"High-level breakthroughs from the 60th onwards."


Volume 1: 011, Chronicles of the Kuchiki Family

Seireitei, Kuchiki family.

As the second-ranked existence among the four major nobles, the Kuchiki family occupies a considerable area within the Seireitei as family land.

Although the house does not look luxurious, the details revealed inside and out are by no means comparable to those of higher-ranking nobles.

Just a few koi carp raised in the courtyard are worth enough to make a lower-level noble empty out all his wealth.

Along both sides of the pond, the refreshing wind through the forest rustled the green bamboos; in the corridor made of white jade, two figures, an old man and a young man, were walking leisurely under the arch, without making any sound. A little bit of unnecessary noise.

Kuchiki Ginrei, the captain of the 6th division, and his eldest son and deputy captain Kuchiki Sojun.

"Cang Chun."

Kuchiki Ginling didn't look back, and asked the kind-hearted "young man" behind him as he walked. Although he had already married a wife and had children, Kuchiki's pure appearance actually looked like that of a young man in his early twenties.


Kuchiki Sojun immediately took a step forward. Seeing this, Kuchiki Ginling continued to ask:

"How has Xianghe been doing lately?"


Kuchiki Sojun was stunned for a moment and then continued:

"Same as usual."

Kuchiki Xianghe is the son-in-law of the Kuchiki family.

The wedding of the members of the four major nobles requires the approval of the "Golden Seal Nobles Council" before it can be carried out - this ordinary name still has a higher status in Soul Society than the "Nobles Council"; it should be noted that even the famous Central Four The sixteenth chamber is also the administrative and judicial body that takes orders from the noble meeting.

Being able to pass the Golden Seal Nobility Council and join the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Kyoukawa's level of genius as a Shinigami is definitely among the top in Soul Society.

"Then do you think...Xianghe has a tendency to compete for the head of the family?"

Kuchiki Ginrei's wording was inclination rather than intention, which already sent out enough signals.

"How can it be!"

Kuchiki Sojun immediately retorted.

"Xianghe is not that ambitious."

"Is it......"

Kuchiki Ginling replied noncommittally.

"Cangchun, you need to be more careful lately."

"Don't get involved in the affairs of the Hueco Mundo Expedition. The expedition does not lack a deputy captain like you. Without Yamamoto's approval or your own request, the list will never fall on you."

Hueco Mundo Expedition.

Whenever there are too frequent virtual activities in Soul Society, Seireitei will specially send such a team of Shinigami to Hueco Mundo to clear them up; not only for the stability of Soul Society, but also to maintain the balance of the three realms.

"Yes, father."

Kuchiki Sojun immediately nodded in agreement, and then asked his father:

"What happened over there at Xianghe?"

Kuchiki Ginling protected Kuchiki Sojun very well, but the latter did not lack the political sense necessary for a great noble, not to mention his father made the matter so clear.

"Someone within the family is spreading 'rumors' about him."

Kuchiki Ginling replied.

Although his son did not mention the basis for Kuchiki Hibiki's judgment, Kuchiki Ginling still decisively chose to believe directly: the leader of the Kuchiki family knew very well what level his heir was.

"Aiming at Xianghe?"

Kuchiki Sojun asked.

"It's more likely to be aimed at you... As your future right-hand man, Xianghe has already affected the interests of many people in the family when he entered our house."

Kuchiki Ginrei explained for his son.

"Although initially, it was so that you could have more reliable subordinates in the future. It doesn't require Xianghe to have a high level of political consciousness."

Kuchiki Sojun's health improved recently, and no announcement was made to the outside world except for Ginling, Sojun and Byakuya - Kuchiki Ginling was not planning to tell his grandson at first, but Kuchiki Sojun did not tell his son. Nothing was concealed.

The existence of Xianghe was originally recruited to help Cang Chun "stop the sword"...the kind who can play a role no matter life or death.

"But he acted too immature."

As a god of death, Kuchiki Kyoukawa was an undoubted genius, but in the aristocratic circle where undercurrents were surging, his brains were not enough.

"if it is possible......"

"Just a few words, don't be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives."

"Yes, father."

A simple conversation between the two in the corridor unknowingly determined the life and death of many people inside and outside the family.

The refreshing wind through the forest stopped.

"Where's Byakuya?"

Kuchiki Ginrei looked towards the open door of the dojo. That area was where Byakuya spent the most time - whether practicing swordsmanship in the open space by the pond or practicing ghosts in the area full of barriers and defensive ghost paths. road.

"Went to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy."

Kuchiki Sojun was quite clear about his son's movements.

"This kid...has recently changed his gender?"

Although Kuchiki Ginrei also intervened in his grandson's education, most of the details were left to the father, Kuchiki Sojun.

"Not really."

Speaking of his son, Kuchiki Sojun's face was even more smiling than before.

"He went to play with his friends."

Until he came to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy to study, training was not an interesting thing for Byakuya.


When talking about these two words, Kuchiki Ginrei's voice became extremely serious: for people of their class, that is something that is very unattainable.

"That student who came to my home last time?"


Kuchiki Sojun nodded.

"If you dare to try out a real sword, you can barely be considered a malleable talent."

What had just happened at the Zhenang Spiritual Arts Academy had obviously reached the ears of Kuchiki Ginling.

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