Dear Comrade

Chapter 340

Dear Comrade the Leader, Episode 340

After that, the Jeong-eun family moved to Tokyo, and after distributing donations to the school authorities, they laundered their personal information under the name of ‘Kaneyama’, and entered a private middle school where privacy is relatively guaranteed.

However, the situation did not change much for Kim Jong-un as an individual.

In addition, private middle schools, which are thoroughly secured by the power of money, were somewhat safe from attacks by outsiders and reporters, but even there (as in any school in the world), curious gazes among classmates who are insiders, although not malicious, so more Even the baptism of painful questions could not be stopped.

– Kaneyama-kun. Why does Kaneyama-kun use his Japanese name even though he’s not Japanese? When are you going back to your home country?

-Why is Kitajosen a dictatorship unlike Nippon? And why does Kaneyama-kun Nara hate Nippon so much? What did Nippon do so badly?

At first it was possible to pretend to be Japanese to some extent, but there was no way that kind of secret would be kept forever.

One day, one of my parents saw a Korean-speaking driver escorting Kim Jong-un from school.

It was a good excuse for Ijime among adolescent middle school students to find out that a ‘non-Japanese’ was admitted under the pseudonym Kaneyama instead of his own name from the beginning in a private junior high school, a small society with strong exclusivity.

Rumors shared between parents soon spread to their children and to Jung-eun’s classmates, and invisible bullying and subtle bullying began.

Jung Eun-eun had to be alone all the time, even during breaks after class, from lunch to school.

If I had left him alone, it would have been lonely and not painful, but on the school trip, no one wanted to team up with him, and during the physical education class, only Jeong Eun was aiming for the ball to fly.

This continued, and finally, when she was in her second year of middle school, Jung-eun made the last attempt when her age group, who was in a similar situation, was pushed into a dead end.

refused to go to school.

– Jung Eun-ah, Omani, listen to me. Once you go to school and explain step by step to your comrades… … .

– I hate to hear it! I don’t even want to hear his Korean language anymore! At school, all your friends are making fun of you about when you’re going to be assassinated by your uncle! what’s this! Why the hell wasn’t I born Japanese? Or would you rather let them go back to Joseon!!!

One morning, Jeong-eun, who cried so much to her mother Ko Yong-hee, who was trying to comfort her somehow, went up to her room as it was and was buried in a world where no one bothered or rejected her, a world of 2D (which she was interested in from the beginning) and cyberspace. It didn’t come out for a few days.

All the bad habits that exist now, community addiction, keyboard warrior, writing malicious comments, pressing the refresh button all night long in response to a rebuttal to his own malicious comment and commenting again and again, etc. were all formed during this time.

And, unfortunately, Kim Jong-un’s mother, Ko Yong-hui, also did not have the courage and resourcefulness to solve such a problem abroad, or was not a mother tough enough to force her son out of the room.

It was not a problem that could be resolved by visiting a child psychologist or complaining to the officials of the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, given the situation.

By the time Ko Yong-hee was about to give up her plan to live as quietly as possible, and complain to Jeong-hwan of the Republic for permission to move to Europe or the United States, fortunately, she came up with a solution to save her son from Ijime. could

It was the resources and money that they had without lacking thanks to the grace of their uncle and dear general secretary.

-uh? Kaneyama-kun. Isn’t that a new Air Jordan basketball shoe this time? It’s a limited edition, so I couldn’t get it at my house… … .

– I have several of these at home. envious?

– Me, really?

-Yeah, if you’re in the same group as me on this school trip, I’ll give you this.

In a children’s society that is becoming as materialistic as adults, money is definitely a quick and easy way to increase ‘friends’.

Of course, a lot of money was spent throughout school days, but in the first place, the North Korean embassy in Japan, which monitors and manages their mothers and children, and in North Korea, her home country, Ko Yong-hee, did not hesitate to increase the amount of the ‘children’s pension’ when she explained the situation.

Jeong-eun and Jeong-cheol’s uncle, the solemn general secretary, and, after all, Jung-hwan, who is the cause of all these things, gave him a bottle and gave him medicine. It was thanks to

In any case, Jeong-eun overcame this problem and graduated from high school without any apparent problem, entered a university in Tokyo, and even made a girlfriend.

However, as in the past and now, relationships made only with money do not have a very long shelf life.

– Yuriko-chan. Why are you dating that guy named Kaneyama? Isn’t he an otaku-like guy with a big voice, unruly, unnecessarily strong fighting spirit, and always talking about basketball, games, and anime? I wonder if he’s really Japanese.

-huh. I’m bored too But if not, how can a freshman like me ride a Porsche like the hostesses in Ginza? You should consider yourself fortunate to be able to reduce the amount of money you can make to Oji-san (oじさん: uncles) and make it into one small stick. Next time I’m going to ask you to buy a Birkin bag and then a Tiffany’s.

-Wow~~ It’s the worst, you~~

The conversation of ‘Girlfriend’, which he accidentally overheard, made him face the harsh reality that Jung-eun did not want to see before, and that he had been trying to ignore.

That he was still a foreigner in this Japan, whether he was in middle school or now.

And even in his hometown of Kitajosen, until his uncle, Jeonghwan, dies, he is never welcomed, and that everyone is reluctant.

“… … Do I really have to go out of the room, no, out of Japan? Did you promise to go to the savage Kitajo Line, where you doubted whether the subway or sewer maintenance was working for nothing? If you say you won’t go even now… … .”

Jung-eun, who returned to her dark room after a long or short recollection, was already regretting the promise she had made to her mother a while ago.

Even so, for Kim Jong-un, leaving his room in the Setagaya home, which had been a safe haven for 15 years, was the greatest adventure in the world, as much as a person who had never been out of town in his life decided to go around the world.

To tell the truth, after being betrayed as painfully as she loved her when she was a college student, Jeong-eun dropped out of school and stayed in her room for a long time.

I was betrayed, the world was scary and I hated humans.

And in the virtual world inside the monitor, he could do anything and was not hurt by anything.

When I wake up at 11 in the morning, I first check the most recommended posts on my favorite Internet community bulletin boards, I eat breakfast and lunch in an instant, and in the afternoon I eat the dinner brought by my mother Ko Yong-hee in the room, and then I go back to 4 a.m. I take the anime I’ve loved since I was a kid every quarter, watch it until it’s dry and worn out, and then go to bed at dawn.

A brilliant hikikomori, social misfit, who never leaves the room except for the occasional commute to Akihabara to buy anime supplies such as figures, has been a summary of Jung Eun’s daily life for the past 15 years or so.

Like other unemployed unemployed, when their parents retire, they are semi-forced to come out into society to earn money to live on, but in the case of Jung-eun, the affluent life guaranteed by the republic has become poison.

Being confined to a room without moving and living a life that changed day and night, the weight I gained quickly was a bonus.

In addition, as if proving the psychological myth that people project their inner inferiority complex onto others, Jung Eun in the Internet space was more of a ‘patriotic average Japanese’ than anyone else.

Internet patriots who criticize the left-wing media, the opposition, foreign workers, the Korean Wave, young women, entertainers, Chinese Japanese, Korean Japanese and, above all, everything from North Korea.

That was his current state.

-Jung Eun-ah, please don’t you want to open the door and talk to Omani? Aren’t both Jeongcheol and Jeongnami-hyung worried?

– I hate to hear it! It’s not because of Omani and my uncle that I’m like this!

Of course, Ko Yong-hee, who was watching the whole process from the side, tried to change Jung-eun several times, and at least spared no effort to get her out of the room.

Kim Jong-un was well aware of the mother’s worries and suffering, and he himself was not injustice and angry at himself at the moment, pretending to be a patriot on the Internet, but if a person can change his situation so easily in the first place, It wouldn’t have come to this point.

So, even after his uncle Jeong-hwan retired two years ago and the restrictions on entry into the hometowns of the Kim family, including Jeong-eun, were lifted, unlike his mother Ko Yong-hee and other siblings, Jung Eun-eun is saddened to return home despite her mother’s tearful persuasion. did.

As soon as her mother received the slogan from the embassy that ‘you are free to enter and exit the republic,’ she shed tears at the blessing of the general secretary and went to her hometown republic several times to persuade him, but Jung Eun remained unmoved.

I don’t have much memory of missing my hometown when I was 4 years old, and even if that scary uncle has retired, the servants who have served under him for 30 years will still be awake, and I’m worried that it might be some kind of trap (I’ve never been there, but anyway) I don’t even want to go to an inconvenient place like the backward-moving folk road (on the Internet) or the Kitajo Line with backward infrastructure… … .

… … And above all else, it’s too scary to go out of the doorstep of a true ‘rock-one on earth’ where you can have anything you want and there’s no hard work or hurt.

But this case was a little different.

Kim Jong-un really raised from the depths of his heart the feelings and courage he thought he had been missing from him for a long time.

Read at

No, to be precise, it was more intense anger towards something than courage.

He had a grudge that had to be resolved by going to North Korea at least once in addition to evacuating from the corona virus and leaving Japan.

“That, yes… … I’m going to open it anyway because of Corona… … Because you can think of it as going on an escape trip. … … And above all else, I have debts that I must pay. As soon as we get what we want, we can go straight to the airport and catch a flight to Nippon.”

On that day, as he recalled that moment, Jung-eun’s clouded eyes, buried in her flesh, burned with anger and resentment.

Blood was still standing in my eyes at the tantrums rising in my chest, and a thousand fires rose from my stomach.

Sometimes anger overcomes fear, so Jeong-eun decided to put it all aside, stop planning to play a new video game at her home in Tokyo, and go to her hometown, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

For now, only the sky knows who the target of the intense anger that pulled his heavy body out of the room is, but in any case, after all these circumstances, it was decided that Kim Jong-un will return home for the first time in 30 years in his life.

It was the first outing in 10 years in terms of moving to places other than home and Akihabara.

* * *

“Jung Eun-ah, aren’t you really surprised? Is this really bloody? Are you very different from when you were young? At first, even this Omani was so surprised that he thought he was going backwards.”

“Well… … Yeah, well, that’s not bad enough for a city. Compared to Tokyo, it’s a little, very little, but… … .”

About three weeks later, he arrived at Yonggang International Airport in Pyongyang, and after completing a positive corona virus test and tedious quarantine procedure, Kim Jong-un, who was driving downtown Pyongyang in the car sent by the party, looked out the window and was amazed.

A very different look from Pyongyang, the old and gloomy city they knew in their childhood memories, unfolded before their eyes.

Kim Jong-un, who knew about Pyongyang in his heart (only through the Internet), did not think that he would have developed to this extent, so he looked around, trying not to show his surprise.

“yes? no… … In that lane over there, why do drivers put their hands down and just sit blankly? Are you drinking and driving in broad daylight? www oioi, this is why Jo Senjing Mindo… … .”

“The autonomous driving lane is the test driving lane.”

“… … .”

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