Dear Comrade

Chapter 312

Dear Comrade the Leader Episode 312

The Workers’ Party of Korea enters the wartime system D+15.

The People’s Armed Forces Underground Bunker General Staff Meeting.

“… … The areas currently controlled by the Korean People’s Volunteers in Yanbian are Helong City, Longjing City, Tumen City, Hunchun City, Girego, and half of Yanji City, which has a large proportion of the Korean-Chinese population. it’s decent In particular, it has been reported that the city of Yanji is currently in a state of temporary lull after a push-and-pull street battle between friendly and enemy forces continues.”

At the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces, which is in charge of all military power in North Korea, it was Baek Seung-cheol, the Chief of the General Staff and Vice-Chancellor of the Korean People’s Army, who presided over the exhibition attended by the general secretary.

Two weeks after the shooting in front of the consulate and the start of the war, the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea was already in a state of war.

Fortunately, since the battlefield is not within the territory of the Republic, messages were sent to the general public at the same time saying, ‘Please work with peace of mind’ and ‘Temporarily suspend immigration applications at government offices and introduce an overseas travel review system’. only

Of course, a text message was also sent saying, ‘Until the temporary dispute in the border area is settled, evading military service and spreading rumors will be severely punished.’

“The area where I said the word was originally an area where the economic influence of the Korean people along with the Korean-Chinese was strong, and since about 10 years ago, officials from the General Bureau of Reconnaissance and comrades Lee Seop-gi of the Tumangang River had jointly worked on the project. The uprising occurred immediately, but in terms of area, the area controlled by our republic, or the ‘Yanbian Autonomous Republic,’ is only one-third of the area of Yanbian.”

“It’s a no-brainer. Where is the enemy’s headquarters located?”

However, since it was a war that literally took place in the front yard, the Workers’ Party of Korea, especially the Central Committee, had a very war atmosphere unlike ordinary citizens.

About 2,000 carefully selected elite fighters and military officers were dispatched to Yanbian under the name of ‘The Korean People’s Volunteer Army’. was performing

And, as if reflecting the atmosphere of the battlefield, a little sweat flowed down the side of Baek Seung-cheol’s half-white head who answered Jeong-hwan’s question.

“As a result of the launch of several aerial reconnaissance with satellite photos and smuggled drones taken by satellites including the Republican satellite ‘Baekdu-3’, their headquarters was located in Antu County, about 70 km from Yanji. The majority of the main force, centered on the 67th Special Operations Brigade, 16th Group Army in Shenyang County, is also currently defending this area.”

“In other words, An Tu-hyun is the heart of the enemy… … So when does the General Staff anticipate the next attack?”

“After the war broke out, the Bynom army suffered unexpected heavy losses during the first week of its first street fight, and from various indications, it is certain that the troops sent from here to Yanji will resume their attack after establishing their rear support and line-up. Based on the timing, it is the prediction of the General Staff that at least three days later, the main forces, including the armored, will not be sent to Yanji.”

“… … So, for now, you’ve passed the first hurdle. Now is the time to pay attention to the international community’s point of view, Director Hyun. report it How effective is the psychological warfare I ordered?”

At the call of the general secretary, Hyun Young-sook, head of the propaganda and agitation department, stood up and displayed the details of the prepared ‘operational achievements’ on the screen of the bunker briefing room.

When Jeong Hwan decided to war, he entrusted the Propaganda and Agitation Department and the Central Inspection Committee with an important task using his special skills. was at work

– Modern warfare is a hybrid warfare. In the battlefield, you’re fighting not only with bullets, but also with views and video editing skills in the Internet space. How well it conveys the position of our Republic to the people of the world, and how vicious and tyrant President Boshi Lai is, and how the Chinese Communist Army is a force of evil, can be more profitable than firing 10 missiles.

“Thanks to our comrade’s foresight to provide our revolutionary fighters with cameras in advance, including drones with cameras and action camcorders, as much as weapons, we were able to secure vivid footage of the scene first. From the scene in front of the firing of the consulate on the first day of the war to the sweeping scenes of the Chinese military side, civilians and militia, the propaganda and agitation workers and civilian intelligence fighters are immersed in the video battle to spread the video around the world by editing the video and spreading it around the world. .”

“Civil intelligence fighters?”

“Ah, I don’t know if you know, but these days, they say that I’m a YouTuber. The first results were a bit of a bummer because they were naive (boring), probably because they couldn’t let go of the toughness of the administrative workers (public officials), but the young civilian information fighters did much better than the workers in our propaganda department. Some of them have already been viewed with tens of millions of views.”

“Wow… … !”

At Hyun Young-sook’s report, Jeong-hwan had a subtle expression as to whether he should cry or laugh.

Although YouTube access is still blocked in the Republic, video platform sites that play a similar role have appeared in the early days of the country that started the IT revolution early, and I have heard at first glance that such things as ‘BJ Kkotjebi’ and ‘Channel Cheonlima’ are coming out. That the ‘civil intelligence warriors’ would be mobilized for such a task was something he had never expected.

It was time to get used to the butterfly effect, which always transcends human imagination after going through several inflection points in history, but this butterfly effect surprised him every time he saw it.

– For the independence revolution of the Korean people, a YouTube warrior who threw away computer-directed play broadcasts and raised a red flag for information warrior activities, called ‘Great Learning Center’… … It’s a country I made, but it’s a really cool world.

Thinking that it would have been fine if it had been confirmed that ordinary people were responding to the war in their own way without fear, Jeonghwan turned his head to Kim Yong-geon this time.

“Prime Minister Kim, how is the Geneva side doing?”

“Once a fortnight has passed since the start of the war, President Condoleezza Rice has pledged to mediate between the parties involved, including the heads of the DPRK and China, and Prime Minister Lee Seop-ki of the Yanbian Autonomous Republic. As promised by President Rice, our allies in the Pacific intelligence community, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France are all on our side, so once the ceasefire negotiations and the process of changing the borders by referendum begin, the Republic will be very advantageous.”

“The problem is China. They will not acknowledge the existence of the Yanbian Republic.”

“… … That’s the problem. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rejected the ceasefire negotiations that presuppose secession and independence for even a part of its territory, saying it is not worth discussing. To put it bluntly, even maintaining neutrality, rather than opposition, is not without good deeds from the republic’s point of view.”

“… … So what do you think should be done?”

Jeonghwan asked the executives that way, but even as he asked, he could not deny that he already knew the answer.

And, starting with Baek Seung-cheol, the conclusions of the executives who spoke with one voice were also as expected by Jeong-Hwan.

“First, you must secure victory in battle. Shouldn’t it be possible for the Chinese side to come to the negotiating table by convincing the Chinese side that they should tie the knot by peaceful means, even if they incur losses before they become more disadvantaged?”

“That’s it too.”

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No country in the world is willing to negotiate an armistice with a winning situation.

In particular, a country like China, who firmly believes that the continuity of the regime depends on preventing segregation and independence from segregation, will not allow the border change even if it kills half of Yanbian’s residents.

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No matter how hard you try to recruit pro-Korean militia to the front line and mobilize YouTubers to create pro-republic opinion, in the end, war can only be won by dividing military superiority.

The question is how to win the battle… … Still, Baek Seung-cheol opened up about the problem.

“comrade. The fighters of our People’s Volunteer Army who are struggling in Yanji right now are doing amazingly well, but preemptively attacking their garrison is tactical suicide. In a situation where neither a modest tank nor air support was available, mobilizing fresh infantry and untrained militia to attack Antu-hyeon, which was already fortified with armored forces… … .”

“It will be smashed. The problem is that deploying chasers (attackers) into Yanbian has a political problem rather than a tactical one. The other side still mobilizes only ground troops, but if this side first sent in pursuit and bombed Yanbian, where civilians were mixed, the public opinion supporting the republic in the international community would be shattered in an instant. Because we’re going to be bad guys.”

“… … That’s right. There is such a thing as reciprocity in war. Especially before these restrictions.”

“Besides, our republic is the most disadvantaged as it escalates into a full-scale all-out war. Even with the highest level of censorship already in place, stock prices are plummeting, and anxiety among the people is spreading like a plague due to the hoarding of daily necessities. Of course, it’s the same for China… … There’s a lot more tolerable than us. I hate to admit it, but it’s a much bigger country than our republic.”

The words of Kim Yong-geon and Hyun Young-sook’s moans cast a shadow on Jung-hwan’s expression as well as the executives.

The two old maxims that war is an extension of political action, and that small countries do not fight big ones have never been so realistic.

First, if you take out the sword of air power, you will be defeated in politics, but even if you sit still, you will be defeated in the military aspect, and you will get on a one-way train to ruin.

When there was a heavy silence in the bunker all at once, the executives looked at each other, and then Baek Seung-cheol, who was carrying a gun, hesitated and opened his mouth.

But Junghwan raised his hand and stopped him first, as if he had already guessed what he was trying to say.

“Comrade General Secretary. What our General Staff said last time… … .”

“No, as I said before, I’m not going to take that advice. hundredth order. I wouldn’t hide in a bunker. You won’t even take a private train and command from the Daeseongsan underground command post! Every day, as I do now, I will guard the government building here in Pyongyang, show my face to the citizens of Pyongyang and the people of the Republic, and alleviate their anxiety.”

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