Dear Comrade

Chapter 260

Dear Comrade the Leader, Episode 260

“… … !!!!!”

In an instant, the atmosphere hardened and a tense tension circulated throughout the VIP seats.

While pretending not to be all the leaders of other countries, he was listening to the conversation between Vice President Rice, Bo Bo Shi Lai, and Xi Jinping.

At first glance, it may seem like a diplomatic message that the head of state usually gives to the leaders of other countries at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, but even the same words have different meanings depending on the place, time, and person.

Condoleezza Rice, who has been critical of China, raises the issue of human rights and coexistence with other religions in such a public place can be interpreted in many different ways.

Of course, the confident smiles on the faces of the parties, Xi Jinping and Bo Shi Lai, disappeared as if washed away.

“… … Thanks for the advice, Vice President Rice. We, China, already respect human rights sufficiently.”

“I know. However, China is a country that shares borders with many countries, and the recent armed response of the Chinese military in Afghanistan is… … All I can say is that there are aspects that are difficult to agree with as the administration of the United States of America.”

“Vice President Condoleezza Rice, they are terrorists! Aren’t they international criminals who attack Shanghai, poison the people by distributing opium to China, and form anti-state groups to overthrow our regime? This issue is a bit unpleasant to mention here! The opening ceremony will start soon, so why not stop talking about this unproductive thing and take a seat?”

“Looks like I said something wrong. I will respect your opinion.”

When Bo Bo Si-rai seemed to be seriously angry, Condoleezza Rice meekly bowed her head and returned to her seat.

With him, the tense atmosphere was released, and the attention in the hall that had been focused on them was again dispersed, but the foreign leaders, who saw the conflict between the self-proclaimed G2 heads, lowered their voices and began to murmur about the scene they had just seen.

“… … Apparently, President McCain is uneasy. After all, the current situation is not as much of a potential source of insecurity as it has been in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and even North Africa, such as the possibility that China may fall into the hands of China.

“The US Federal Reserve is already seriously considering small-scale quantitative easing. Our Treasury officials say Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs are already selling or reassessing real estate derivatives… … It’s going to happen once in the United States soon, but it’s very difficult for the president of the United States to be re-elected. I’m so glad there’s no re-election in Korea, won… … Isn’t it? General Secretary?”

Jeonghwan turned around to see South Korean President Roh Yun-hyeon standing there with his attendants, who had just been watching the war between Rice and Boshi-rai with interest.

Some North Korean officials frowned as if they were uncomfortable with Noh Yun-hyeon’s remarks that seemed to be checks and not checks, but Jung-hwan seemed to be okay, but responded boldly.

“Well, I have won all the elections since taking office as general secretary, so I don’t know the sense of crisis. Well, if you ask me to teach you how to maintain the support of the people, I can take special time to pass it on to President Roh.”

“ha ha ha… … There were a lot of mistakes in the beginning of this. General Secretary. My name is Noh Yoon-hyun, I’ll see you soon.”

“It is nice to meet you as well. President Noh. This is Kim Jeong-hwan, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.”

There was a light check between the 17th president of the Republic of Korea, who has lived his life as a democracy fighter and an outsider progressive politician, and the North Korean dictator, who has been in office for 20 years, but it was soon ended with Noh Yun-hyeon’s wild smile.

After greeting each other, the leaders of the two Koreas shook hands and soon sat next to each other and began to watch the opening ceremony performance, which now begins with the delegations of each country (ordered according to the stroke order of the simplified Chinese characters).

The opening ceremony performance began with a single phrase in the Analects, as if emphasizing that it was the hometown of Confucius, a symbol of the country’s soft power and the headquarters of Confucianism.

[Yubung Resources Distributing Impossible Failure]

“… … ‘How is it not nice to see a friend from afar?’. It’s ironic that the words of Confucius, who destroyed the tomb with their own hands during the Cultural Revolution, are revived in the present day.”

“Well, if you look at the Olympics cynically, isn’t it the biggest venue for national propaganda? But these days, I am a little worried because it seems that we are going back to the time of Moon Hyuk. In particular, my republic, which is closer to China than President Roh’s south Korea, is likely to face the grenade of that change, so I can’t help but worry already.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. In particular, I would advise you to look carefully to see who is going to give the opening speech. In fact, my number one priority is to check it in person, so I flew to Beijing without defending Pyongyang in the midst of this. For reference, the third priority was to meet President Roh Yun-hyun in person.”

“… … So, do you know what the second place is?”

“Didn’t you see us together before? Even if I don’t explain it, you will already know.”

At Junghwan’s strange words, Noh Yunhyeon tilted his head and suddenly turned into an expression that seemed to know something.

However, Junghwan was still concentrating on the grand opening performance with a serious expression.

The opening ceremony, which was planned with the theme of showing the civilization and history of mainland China in chronological order, was huge and sophisticated enough to make the audience open their mouths.

This performance, which started with 2,008 ancient drums symbolizing the year the Beijing Olympics was held, produced four major inventions of China, namely gunpowder, compass, printing, and paper, and then became a great expedition of the Silk Road and Purification. It changed to a demonstration team of 2,008 people demonstrating the martial art of Tai Chi.

And as soon as the floor of the stadium opens and a huge globe model rises to the center, not only the general audience but also the heads of state in the VIP seats, who would have been blown away at such an event, could not take their eyes off the stage, thanks to which Junghwan and Noh Yunhyeon share No one heard the conversation.

In fact, the moment when the two of them really paid attention to the performance of the opening ceremony was not the scale of the performance or the historical pride of China, but a different part. It was the moment when the traditional arts representing 56 ethnic groups treated as ‘Chinese’ were performed.

To be precise, it was the moment when the Korean-Chinese, who wore traditional hanbok and wore Janggu, came out from among those minorities.

“They are Yanbian Dance Troupes. I feel very uncomfortable with this, but I am telling you that it is only the two of you with the general secretary, but to most Chinese people, our Korean Peninsula and the Korean people, like the Korean-Chinese performing there, seem like a subcategory of the new Great Chinese Empire that they are recovering. Will you?”

“Hopefully it will. And I am still working hard to make that wish a reality. Although the expansionist desire has been put a little stymied by some formidable bad news in recent years, it is unlikely that you will ever give up on that ambition. Judging from what I’ve encountered, I don’t know if the bad news would have fueled such ambition even more.”

At Jeonghwan’s calm but cold words, Noh Yunhyeon let out a light sigh involuntarily.

He was usually a fighter-type politician who hates to be frustrated or weak, but when he indirectly reveals before his eyes the idea of a huge empire with a population of 1.4 billion standing right next to them and swallowing them up at any time, it makes my eyes tingle. couldn’t help but

At the same time, however, he was curious as to whether the North Korean leader, who had been known to have good relations with China, was sending such direct hints to him, so Roh decided to hit his own fastball.

“… … As for the bad news, suspicions are slowly rising that minority groups such as Uyghurs and Tibetans might rise up or split between provinces and return to the days of the North Yang warlords. Right now, al Qaeda and the US, internally, drug problems and the recent collapse of the real estate market… … What do you think about the collapse of China? Do you see any potential?”

“Can I be honest with you? In fact, that too is mostly hopeful.”

“… … What do you mean?”

“It’s a deliberate underestimation, a mixture of half-and-half fear and anxiety about China, which, to be precise, is impossible in at least 30 years. Of course, the self-proclaim that China is now a G2 equivalent to the US is an overestimation of the Chinese, but that doesn’t mean they should go in the opposite direction either. If it hadn’t been for bad things like the war in Afghanistan since the early 2000s, I would have been convinced that it would be impossible forever.”

“… … !!!”

At Jeonghwan’s calm but confident words, Noh Yunhyeon’s eyes widened.

It was fortunate that all eyes around them were focused on the opening ceremony performance, so it was fortunate that no one could see and hear their secret talk.

“The fact that minority groups in China will rise up and divide in the near future is a story that is ignorant of the Chinese Communist Party’s ability to control, or precisely, the desire close to the obsession of the Han Chinese for stability and a unified and powerful homeland. Maybe it’s because the Communist Party doesn’t have a choice, rather than because it has a choice?”

“But obviously the Communist Party has a lot of feuds inside, doesn’t it? General Secretary Kim may know better than I do, but from what I know right now, there is a difference between President Bo Ji-lai and Secretary Xi Jinping… … .”

“Of course, the current Chinese ruling party, the Communist Party, has undergone numerous internal and external tests before Afghanistan, and is clearly showing a serious level of corruption, incompetence, and the peak of political strife. There is no alternative force that can guarantee peace and stability.”

“But obviously the Chinese people want democracy… … .”

“It is unfortunate for President Roh and the idealists who want democracy in China, but a democratic system is not an essential element for the continuity of the regime. What most people want is not tomorrow’s freedom, but today’s bountiful meal. I’m talking about the fact that it’s just the two of you with the president, don’t you know if you look at the case of our republic right now?”

“uh… … Well… … Yes.”

When Junghwan smiled and spoke to Noh Yunhyeon, he was taken aback for a moment and looked away, not knowing what to say.

Junghwan, who had been muttering to himself, ‘Hey, I’m feeling a little better now’, turned his attention back to the opening ceremony venue, which was approaching its climax.

“The Communist Party of China is clearly a tyrannical and totalitarian dictatorship, but it is still a group with the ability to look out for the people and perform minimal internal self-cleaning for it. In addition, al Qaeda and the insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan are also a problematic group. Islamic extremism. At first, it may win some sympathy from the anti-Chinese forces and the West, but sooner or later, it will wither to death.”

“This is so… … I feel sorry for the Chinese people. Even in the Sichuan earthquake a few months ago, it was said that the CCP’s central officials were covering up the death toll from the start. Doesn’t that mean that the CCP will never be destroyed, according to the general secretary’s words?”

“… … However, this is a story under the premise that the CCP’s collective leadership system does not degenerate into a one-man dictatorship. In that case, it would be a terrifying storm across Asia, but it might be worth the risk.”

“… … Yeah? What did you just say?”

When Jeonghwan shook his head as if he was self-helping, it was forbidden to make a quick decision.

However, Junghwan’s eyes were already focused on the person who came up to the podium to give the opening remarks after the performance of the opening ceremony was over.

“It is literally. Isn’t there a saying that power always corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts?”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. Then, the one-party leadership system of the Chinese Communist Party that General Secretary Kim sees could collapse at any time… … .”

“… … Damn, I was wrong. Could it be that Xi Jinping has won the battle for internal responsibility? I don’t understand, this.”


At Jeonghwan, who only speaks incomprehensible words, Noh Yunhyeon tilted his head over and over again and opened his eyes wide when he saw the side of the podium where Junghwan had his eyes fixed.

Xi Jinping, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was on his way up to the podium, drawing the attention of 80,000 spectators, to give the opening remarks announcing the opening of the 2008 Olympic Games.

On Xi Jinping’s face, a look drenched in a sense of triumph faded from the wrinkled expression he had from his recent conversation with Vice President Condoleezza Rice.

But Jeonghwan clicked his tongue when he saw that triumphant figure.

“Tsuk, I was sure that President Bo Shilai would give the opening speech… … He holds the military power and has strong showmanship, so there is no way to miss the greatest camera opportunity to make a mark on all these people. I don’t understand it, but I lost my bet with my wife, so this doesn’t make sense for the general secretary.”

“Oh, is your spouse here? This was just the beginning of the story for us… … .”

“I’ll just go. It is now time to enter the squad, and we have to go back to Pyongyang right after we have a schedule to encourage our Republic players.”

“… … Aren’t you going to watch the game?”

“In this chaotic situation in the country, what would you use it for, since the Chinese people show off their strength for a long time? Anyway, just by meeting President Roh Yun-hyeon and checking with my own eyes who was giving the opening speech just before, I achieved all of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places I came here. In any case, it was a pleasure to be able to develop friendships with each other. President Noh.”

Jeonghwan, who left such a brief farewell, got up and left the VIP seat like the wind with the North Korean attendants without Noh Yunhyeon saying anything.

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Noh Yun-hyeon, who was left behind, sat there for a while, contemplating the conversation he had just had with Jeong-hwan, despite the South Korean aides telling him that he should go now.

After the opening speech, the entrance of the delegation began, and until the moment when the South and North Korean delegations entered side by side, Noh Yun-hyun sat there and immersed himself in his thoughts.

* * *

As he said to Noh Yun-hyeon, Jung-hwan returned to Pyongyang just one day after the opening ceremony of the all-time Beijing Olympics, which will be talked about by the population.

After encouraging the Republic of Korea delegation to participate in the Olympics, and stopping by the Pyongyang Embassy in Beijing to meet some people, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in an inconspicuous manner, Jung Hwan, who returned home, had to say hello to Jung Hwan, even considering diplomatic relations. It was said that it was not, but Junghwan dismissed it in one word.

-Comrades, if you listen to the news from the US side, you will understand why I came back to Pyongyang in such a hurry.

And soon after, when Lehman Brothers, one of the four largest investment banks in the United States, applied for a bailout to Congress, party executives felt the seriousness of the situation and started running around to prepare for the coming wave.

The earthquake that started in Sichuan Province shook the crust of Wall Street in New York and started to crack.

-At least, it was a relief that the Fed stepped up early because the collapse of the Chinese real estate market served as an early warning signal, but it is relatively soft.

-Comrade, if you mean soft-spoken American language that means ‘soft’, then… … If this is soft, how much did you expect… … .

– Let’s just say it was a lot rougher than this. However, the problem is the upcoming US presidential election, and even if the epicenter of the first period in office was not the US, the key is whether McCain can pass the theory of responsibility for this crisis.

And soon after, North Korea also entered the stance of the Emergency Response Committee.

Members of the Party Central Committee, economic bureaucrats, and Peony Holdings executives started working overtime without promises, meetings, and naps in the company building, and dozens of posts were posted every minute on the Union Stock Gallery saying, ‘Is the water hot in the Taedong River?’.

At a time when global uncertainty and liquidity were spreading due to distrust of the government system and the capitalist market economy itself, shocking news was delivered to the secretary’s office, who was all focused on news from the United States.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China, was impeached within the party for all the chaos including the recent real estate crisis.

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