Dear Comrade

Chapter 162

Dear Comrade Leader Episode 162

One night four months ago, a fire broke out at an airfield at a location near Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

It was not a large-scale fire, but the fire was extinguished quickly and there were no casualties.

The real problem was that, during the fuss while extinguishing the fire, the whereabouts of many of the top-secret data and floppy diskettes kept under strict surveillance in the security area were obscured.

As only those in the know knew, the aerodrome was a test aerodrome for Lockheed Martin, the developer of the F16, and the engineers at General Electric, which supplies aircraft engines there.

In addition, several Jewish engine engineers who were dissatisfied with their treatment and who were rumored to have frequent contact with outsiders after the fire abruptly quit the company.

The Air Force Bureau of Investigation and the FBI, who found this suspicious, interrogated the retired engineers, but they consistently stated that they had just left the company to do business together.

And it’s said that the only person I met a while ago was a Wall Street banker I met to get a business investment.

Although it was a questionable excuse for anyone to see, the FBI, which came under unknown pressure from above, ultimately concluded that it was a simple fire and had no choice but to stop the investigation there.

* * *

‘Actually, I am not a banker. In other words, a diplomat.’

Asaf Ramon, who works at the Israeli embassy, rationalized his actions by seeing off ex-Lockheed Martin engineers who returned with a smirk in exchange for a bounty for completing their mission.

Even though it was an industrial espionage that he could not take out and do on this American land under the orders of his motherland, and it was also an industrial espionage against a friendly country, he prided himself on not being a spy but a diplomat.

His official position at the Israeli embassy was military officer, in a word, a certified spy.

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Naturally, he had frequent contact with the notorious Israeli spy agency, Mossad, and this operation was also carried out in cooperation with them.

And floppy diskettes and documents containing information that should be said to be the cutting edge of aircraft technology in the United States and the world, the result of that cooperation, were now piled up in his bag.

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No matter how much Israeli ally, Israel, touching the technology of making military aircraft, which is the most essential of American military technology, would be touching the honeycomb, but he was unconcerned.

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No, in fact, anyone other than him would have known just how much Jewish money was sprinkled in Washington DC and how powerful the Israeli lobby was in the United States.

‘I have a feeling that it’s getting a little wierd these days, though.’

Ever since Bush was re-elected, or to be more precise, after negotiations with PLO chief Yasser Arafat collapsed, Israeli politicians have felt the need to ‘diversify’ their diplomatic power.

As the PLO, which was a moderate group in Palestine, lost its power, the struggle of the hardliners represented by Hamas became more and more intensified, and the number of Israeli military and police officers being injured day by day (of course, the number of Palestinians was more than ten times that number) increased. .

Among them, right-wing politicians led by Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the need to invest more in China rather than the United States, which is increasingly militarily distanced from the Middle East and is relatively tolerant of Islam.

Geographically, it is much closer to Israel than the United States, and they are extremely wary of Islamic fundamentalism and ethnic minority independence.

Originally, Israel was a small country with a population of less than 10 million.

Most of the neighboring Middle Eastern countries have a large number of soldiers and are tactically and technologically backward countries, so they have an upper hand in their combined defense capabilities.

In that respect, it was a convincing enough logic to use the remaining Chinese People’s Liberation Army to form a second front for enemy nations in the Middle East and North Africa to ultimately reduce the military burden on Israel.

In that way, the draft system, which requires even women to join the army right away, and the young people’s avoidance of conscription could be alleviated a little.

‘And that might make Israeli women a little less prominent! Whether in the days of Canaan or now, women should watch their children at home. What army? This is why everyone is making a local place.’

Right away, Asaf Ramon himself made a lover without his wife while working for the US embassy.

And as if reflecting the fast-growing Sino-Israeli relationship in recent years, she was a beautiful 20-something Chinese-American female doctor.

The duke, after months of hard work, has just been resolved, so you can spend the night comfortably in her apartment.

Asaph Ramon’s lower abdomen seemed to swell when he thought of her Asian-specific small but solid body and excellent sleeping skills.

‘Because women in mainland and foreign countries can’t use their four legs if they’re white. And speaking of us Jews, wouldn’t it be the best race among whites? It is the United States that rules the whole world, but it is the Jews who rule the United States.’

He didn’t care at all about the latest aircraft technical data in his bag.

Within this embassy, it is legally Israeli territory, and he carries the bag wherever he goes, and even if the US authorities demanded that the bag be opened, he was invincible with an Israeli diplomat ID.

Being born as a Jew, both publicly and privately, was a blessing from Yahweh.

So it’s only natural to do anything for the country, he thought.

* * *

‘Actually, I’m not an American doctor. Even though I have a US medical license.’

American name Rachel Leung, real name Leung Chunyan (梁春燕) thought so as she looked down at Asaf Ramon, the Israeli Defense Secretary, who was sleeping peacefully with a happy expression on her face.

I had a lot of energy in bed a while ago, and there’s a mild tranquilizer that she mixed in coffee, so I’m sure I fell asleep very deeply.

And by the time he wakes up, the documents in his bag and the data on the floppy diskette will be copied and passed into her hands, or more precisely, into the hands of her owner, the Chinese intelligence agency, the National Security Agency.

‘Israel is a country chosen by God, and it has been a real hardship for me to listen to people say, ‘Do you know how many Jews are among the Nobel Prize winners? But it’s over now!’

The sleeping Asaf didn’t know and didn’t care, but Leung Chunyan was actually a half-student student, so to speak, working in the US under the exchange talent program of US and Chinese university hospitals.

And like many Chinese students around the world, she was also a spy under the orders of the Ministry of National Security, whose purpose was, of course, to steal advanced technologies from countries around the world, including the United States.

Until a few years ago, as China was an adversary, Israel was able to seize key US technologies with relative ease, but it was also intended to hold Israel accountable if espionage was discovered.

It’s a disgrace to the Chinese Communist Party, but it’s still the small country Israel, not the big China, that the US leaders and policy makers are more afraid of.

And the wrath of Israel, not the United States, was more than enough for China to handle.

For several geopolitical reasons and population numbers, Israel will have to forge a friendly relationship with China for the time being, and unless China crosses the line severely first, it will just tolerate anything.

Of course, these complex international dynamics were not of much interest to Leung Chun-yen, who was drowning in trouble while watching Asaf, who is now sleeping and snoring.

‘How long do I have to go from the party to where I am supposed to go and sleep with a man who grows up? Will there ever come a day when all this will be over and I will start a family with the one I truly love in my hometown?’

Of course, Leung Chun-yan did not accept the proposal of the Party and the Ministry of National Security with his bare mouth.

I had a foreboding that I would have to do this from the moment the party offered the opportunity to be selected as a U.S. state scholarship student as a condition.

Most of the 1.3 billion Chinese people have not yet been able to go outside their province of residence, but just getting an overseas study permit and an opportunity to study with people’s taxes is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In China, an individual’s existence is nothing in front of the party and the state.

Even after returning to China, a person like her was constantly monitored by the Ministry of National Security, and her privacy was also monitored.

If you are a foreigner who is at risk of being in a relationship with your immediate relationship or marriage partner, or if you have stayed abroad for a long time, you are out.

‘If it’s a foreigner, now it’s a specification from my side. After all, you have to meet with sandals.’

(Although it has become an uncomfortable name in China) After Comrade Deng Xiaoping opened up, the prejudice that Chinese women could not use their feet for white men due to the influence of foreign culture, especially American culture, was true to a large extent. I was tired of dating white people.

Eighty percent of white men who approach Asian women in the United States have experienced firsthand over the years that they see themselves as submissive overnight partners, rather than as serious romantics or at least one human being.

Of course, she did not approach it with pure purpose, so she got something to gain, but it was Leung Chun-yan’s small wish that, at least, she wanted to be married to someone from her motherland who could really open her heart.

And, fortunately, she found such a person in the United States not long ago.

He was a younger Chinese man who was born in China to such an extent that even the Ministry of National Security could not say anything, and came to the United States with a thoroughly Chinese identity.

On a day like this, Lung Chun-yen, wanting to see him even more, left the sleeping Jew alone and called the lover he had met in another country.

“Wandering (娘), it’s me. I have some free time tomorrow. Why don’t we eat something together in my apartment? I’ve had a hard time finding the ingredients for your hometown, Jilin Province. miss you.”

* * *

‘Actually, I’m not Chinese. Hukou (户口: family register) is like that, though.’

Ryu Myeong-guk, a first-class informant of the General Bureau of External Reconnaissance of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, who did his lover’s duty by answering Leung Chun-yan’s phone call in the middle of the night, thought so and hung up the phone.

He was a Korean-Chinese born in Yanbian Autonomous Region, Jilin Province, and grew up learning Korean and Chinese at the same time from a young age.

In fact, such a case is not very rare. The Korean-Chinese in Yanbian Autonomous Region lived between China and Joseon according to their circumstances and at the right time, and recently, as China was subjected to economic sanctions, many Korean-Chinese were found working in North Korea, which achieved economic growth due to the momentum of ascending to heaven. entered the country in search of

Ryu Myeong-guk’s parents were one of them, and the Korean-Chinese who made money in Joseon and returned to Yanbian opened a store in the area with the capital and lived their lives as maintenance of the region.

As a result, the economic sphere of Jilin Province, which was originally a particularly poor region in China, began to be strongly influenced by the Korean-Chinese, and the North Korean government actively supported it.

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Nominally, he built a school in Yanbian, saying that it would be a bridge between Korea and China, and gave them qualifications for admission to Kim University. , that was the purpose.

Ryu Myeong-guk was only in his early twenties right now, but since high school, he was the target of the North Korean Foreign Reconnaissance General Bureau’s Potential Agent Training Program and came to study in the United States.

It was thanks to the fact that she was well assimilated into Chinese society, including her rapid brain rotation and language, and that she noticed the handsome appearance of women who died while chewing.

‘I wasn’t particularly patriotic either… … .’

In general, while living in China, there were those who thought that the Korean people were the best, so when their daughter-in-law brought a man of Han Chinese, there were those who said that it is better to become a large nation between the large country and the small country, but Ryu Myeong-guk It wasn’t either.

The reason he decided to work for the General Bureau of Foreign Reconnaissance in Korea and not China was simply because the Joseon side paid better.

‘They say that if they open their mouths, they’re stingy about spending money.’

What China and Joseon had in common was that high-ranking people outwardly put their emphasis on ideology and patriotism, but in reality, money is the best.

As long as they had money, they could pretend to be anywhere, regardless of whether they were Korean, Han, or Jepo.

The high-ranking person at the General Bureau of Reconnaissance in North Korea who gives him money seems to give him more information on the diskette that Leung Chun-yan will bring than money.

In any case, that fact didn’t matter to Ryu Myeong-guk, he could only study in the US with other people’s money, and it was important that ‘the country’ properly puts a price on his ‘patriotism’.

If you go to Leung Chun-yan’s apartment tomorrow, he will persuade her to sleep.

And when she slept deeply, completely unattended, she sent a mail to the North Korean embassy in the United States, doing the same thing she did to the Israelis, and that was it.

Ryu Myeong-guk thought he was lucky to be born in a country where he was rewarded for his work.

* * *

“… … So, to summarize, this is it. Israel stole from America, China stole from Israel, and this North Korea stole from China again?”


At the end of the long explanation, Jeonghwan nodded his head as if it was insignificant at Antonov’s summary, who had a shocked expression on his face the whole time he listened.

Seeing this, Antonov stuck out his tongue as if tired of it.

“What… … It’s a glamorous world.”

“Originally, international diplomacy is such a law, Comrade Antonov. In any case, would it be possible to solve the technical problem you raised with this data?”

After explaining the background, Antonov confidently nodded to Jeonghwan, who asked as if this was really important.

“Sure. With such detailed data, even the level of technology here would be sufficient to reverse engineer it. With KGB comrades and us who have often dissected American technology, maybe we can make something even better. Please look forward to it, Comrade General Secretary.”

“Good luck. If there are any obstacles in the future, let me know. Comrade Antonov’s job is a task that depends on the self-reliance of this ship’s technology, so let’s get rid of it as soon as possible.”

“Thank you for listening. If our Soviet leaders had taken care of almost half of these engineers you do, they might still be there. North Korea is a very blessed country that has met a leader like you.”

When the problem of rotting his hair for months was finally resolved, Antonov, who seldom spoke a word, praised whether he was feeling better.

However, Jung-hwan, the target, was thinking the wrong thing in his heart.

‘Actually, I am not a North Korean. My surname is actually Mr. Lee, not Mr. Kim. I’m back in time 20 years from now… … .’

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