Dear Comrade

Chapter 158

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 158

It was the opinion of Hyun Young-sook, the head of the propaganda and agitation department, but Jeong-hwan shook his head again this time.

“In general, as the current director said, delivering a diplomatic protest to the United States is the most reasonable and standard way, but I have other ideas.”

“If you have any other thoughts… … ?”

“Think about it, South Korean President Park Yi-sam is no fool. Do you think that the U.S. publicly announced the resumption of training in such a large scale without receiving any level of rebuke from the U.S.?”

At Jeonghwan’s words, a shadow was cast on the faces of the committee members who gathered in the secretary’s office to discuss countermeasures.

In fact, if you change your position, of course, if you say something like that and then get an answer from the US side like ‘I can’t participate in the training’, Park Yi-sam’s face really doesn’t make sense.

In other words, if you think about it backwards, doesn’t it mean that a certain level of agreement has already been reached with the United States to confidently announce the resumption of Team Spirit through a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense?

“You are saying that we have already been talking to the United States. U.S. imperialists, are you saying that South Korea, our friend for 40 years, is more important than our republic, which has established diplomatic ties in less than 10 years? After all, I didn’t believe in that ungrateful Yankee Bush… … .”

“It’s too early to make a decision yet, so I’ll have to check it out first. It’s really important to find out to what extent that training is being accepted in the White House and where President Bush is standing.”

‘More than anything else, there is something that points out who might be behind this duke.’

As he could already feel the insidious touch of His Excellency the Vice President of the United States, Jeonghwan thought to himself as he lifted the phone.

As a believer in Pax Americana, which is represented by overseas military intervention, he thought he would not be very pleased with the recent withdrawal of US troops from the Middle East, but he may have taken his anger outrageously.

Unfortunately, after an hour on the phone with Margaret Thatcher, director of the Northeast Asian Balanced Security Foundation in the US, the answer he heard was, ‘It is very likely.’

– General Secretary, I’m sorry… … From what I’ve seen here and there, unless there is some groundbreaking opportunity, this training is highly likely to proceed.

“… … Even if Americans would never know what this team spirit means to our republic?”

– General Secretary. In my opinion, what does it mean to say ‘no’. This is my hunch, but I’ve heard that the General Secretary has had a tantrum with someone who is now a loud voice in the US Cabinet and Republican Party, is that true?


Jeonghwan felt that his ominous premonition was coming true, and answered Thatcher over the phone line.

“… … It is true that the director heard it correctly. Dick Cheney, the incumbent Vice President at the time, as Secretary of Defense at the time, proposed having US troops stationed in our republic. Of course I refused.”

– Well, that’s for sure. This is retaliation for what happened then.

“Anyway, Dick Cheney is the ‘deputy’ president. not the president. The fact that the Vice President can dictate such a decision directly related to the foreign and security of the United States under President Bush and no one else… … .”

– I think the general secretary knows, but… … Now, President George Herbert Walker Bush is slowly entering a lame duck. Re-election has already passed and his term of office is less than half, so it’s only natural.

In addition, if you look at it further, this incident is partly due to the backlash in the Senate against President Bush’s policy of non-interference with the outside world… … Have you ever heard of the Pentagon talking about the US military presence in Korea recently?

After a few minutes of explanation, Jung-hwan found out the reason for Park Yi-sam’s sudden move.

This June is the first local government election in Korea’s history, so Park Yi-sam, a former Conservative party member, must have needed a chance to make up for the drop in approval ratings that had recently plummeted due to the collapse of the Seongsu Bridge.

There, the neocons, including Dick Cheney, who had been killed by President Bush, a moderate Republican in the Republican Party, who had just begun to have a lame duck, protested (at least it seems) the policy of reducing American influence.

In other words, North Korea became a target because the interests of politicians on both sides of the South and the United States were intertwined.

– So, the push to resume training this time is not the will of President Bush, but the will of the hardliners of the Republican Party, including Vice President Dick Cheney. Park Yi-sam got a spoon there.

We already said that the Middle East is going out of business, so before Northeast Asia becomes the same, let’s nail it with the team spirit. The president of a friendly country even requested the resumption of training directly, so there is not much reason to refuse even as President Bush.

“Hmm… … .”

Of course, Jeong-hwan did not think that Dick Cheney would just die after he rejected the last US military offer in North Korea.

Judging from his actions in the original history, he is a human being who can do even worse things than this.

However, there were still many things that were not explained.

– General Secretary. I’m not in a position to tell anyone else, but first world politicians hate third world dictators they have no control over. Especially if the dictator even has oil. Remember Saddam Hussein’s words?

“Nevertheless, it is objectively irrational to slap my head in this way when the dictator is playing a role in keeping the larger common enemy China and Russia in check. Our republic once fought bloody on the same battlefield as the Americans.”

-It was the same in Korea during the Vietnam War. Listen, General Secretary. As someone who was once the prime minister of one of the world’s largest colonial powers, Dick Cheney’s move is an extension of a sort of ‘Divide & Rule’ strategy. Didn’t you say that you turned down the offer for US Forces in North Korea earlier?

“It was an inevitable choice for maintaining diplomatic relations with China and Russia.”

-I fully understand that, but it’s because Dick Cheney isn’t that kind of considerate of other countries. friend or foe. Either join hands with the United States, or hostile to the United States, or both. However, the general secretary rejected the offer of US Forces in North Korea, so Dick Cheney must have been suspicious. So, wouldn’t you want to test out which one is the real America’s true ally? Among ‘Two Koreas’?

A Valuable Alliance, South Korea, US Forces in North Korea, Two Koreas and Divide and Rule.

Hearing this far, Junghwan’s head became clearer and clearer.

It is starting to understand why Republican neo-cons, including Dick Cheney, were trying to positively accept Park Yi-sam’s request to resume team spirit training.

“… … It means that they are trying to compete with South Korea. In a way that empowers the other if one side doesn’t listen. This team spirit is to tame us.”

-North Korea and South Korea are both pro-American countries that desperately need US military and economic cooperation. However, not only are the systems diametrically opposed to each other, but they are in a position to compete militarily and now economically by bordering on the old sentiments of the two sides. Isn’t it a very convenient picture for an American unilateralist like Dick Cheney?

Besides, the official purpose of Team Spirit was ‘a military contingency that might break out on the Korean Peninsula’, I think. In a word, if the republic fails to properly serve as the US forward base to check China and Russia, or tries to reject that role… … .

-… … He must be trying to send a message to the general secretary that there is a substitute for Korea at any time. I suspect that Dick Cheney was probably the one who provoked the information by leaking information about the USFK reduction plan to the South Korean president.

There’s no way we’re going to reduce the number of U.S. forces in Korea that keep China and Russia in check so easily. Maybe I don’t know, but if the next South Korean president takes an anti-American stance, then he will try to get closer to the general secretary.

It’s really divide and rule.

“Ha ha ha ha ha… … This is so… … .”

For a moment, Junghwan was taken aback and a smirk leaked out.

Have you ever seen such bastards like beggars in the world?

How on earth can they have such an arrogant idea because they firmly believe that the world revolves around them?

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No matter how much the South and North Korea are far behind the United States in national power and the United States desperately need military and economic cooperation, they will compete with the two countries that are friendly names to choose the one that is more loyal.

This idea was more than arrogant for the United States itself, not to mention the two Koreas, and it was a risky idea.

It wasn’t because Junghwan was angry again about how international diplomacy was in a jungle where there was no blood or tears, but when we analyzed it objectively.

-If that guess is true, I wonder if the judgment of Dick Cheney and his gang is really normal. South Korea aside, I don’t know what to think if I’m outraged by this kind of deception and the pro-Americans will put an end to it and stick with China or Russia.

-Perhaps they are rationalizing that there is little chance of that happening. For them, the United States is the leading nation of mankind chosen by God, and that has been proven in practice as the Soviet Union collapsed and the world was unified with dollars a few years ago. In this situation, wouldn’t a country like North Korea think that it would be impossible for a country like North Korea to go back to the Second World?

Thatcher, who had said this up to this point, took a deep breath as if he was tired of it.

-As a conservative, I have similar tendencies to the Republican Party, but I can’t quite agree with the words and actions of Dick Cheney and the neocon gang. Even when the British Empire played Divide and Rule, to some extent, the locals’ sentiments were taken into account… … This ignorant unilateralism is a shortcut to massive enemy numbers in the long run. One day America will pay a huge national price for them.

As a woman of iron once, Thatcher almost showed an insight into the future, but now Junghwan’s attention was focused on other things.

“Can’t the director come forward and turn public opinion in the White House and Washington DC?”

-If this is what the owner of the Balanced Security Foundation is giving orders, I will do my best as a lobbyist without saying anything… … I have to say that success is going to be difficult. In addition, if they try now and fail, it is highly likely that the long-term impact of this foundation will be greatly hindered.

“… … .”

Junghwan had to admit that Thatcher’s advice was correct.

The Northeast Asian Balanced Security Foundation is a new think tank that is only entering its fifth year of existence.

Of course, it is rapidly expanding its voice by recruiting a giant named Thatcher and relentless financial support from North Korea, but it is still true that it lacks political influence compared to a historical and traditional think tank such as the Heritage Foundation.

In addition, as the general is Margaret Thatcher, it was started as a think tank that advocates pro-Republicanism and conservatism. If you oppose the joint military exercise requested by a democracy ally in the first place like Team Spirit for no apparent reason, let alone forming public opinion, there is a high probability of being ridiculed. .

If there is a epoch-making change, it is unknown, but there is very little that can be done at the moment.

Whether Thatcher himself knew it, he added a few more words of advice to Junghwan.

– General Secretary, based on my experience, if you want to overcome this situation… … You have to appeal directly to the American public. After all, it’s all because of next year’s presidential election and the votes to be collected in that election.

“How do you mean? Eighty percent of Americans don’t even know where the two Koreas are on the planet.”

-All I can say is that Dick Cheney and the Republican idiots have to make their own public opinion feel burdened with military training near North Korea.

For Dick Cheney, he would like to conduct this exercise without the knowledge of local voters as much as possible.

Democrats in the United States are only looking for an opportunity to accuse Republicans of being anachronistic war-maniacs. The presidential election is at the end of next year, so you don’t want to give the Democratic Party a chance to lose power if you make a mistake.

“… … .”

-And if I have to add one more piece of advice, you must take a completely non-military and non-political gesture. I will be in charge of coaxing Washington, so the general secretary just needs to create an atmosphere where I can work easily.

Junghwan thought that Thatcher was right.

If you say that you are provoking South Korea by force in this team spirit training, it’s because Dick Cheney does what he wants.

Given that there is already a certain force within South Korea that gains political gain from North Korea’s provocation, the basic position that the Republic should take toward South Korea is still ‘strategic disregard’.

At least, that should be the case until three years later, when North Korea can negotiate from the most advantageous position.

‘The collapse of the Sampoong Department Store is a few months later. Are you going to use that to get Park Yi-sam out of Korea?’

But the time was too tight for that.

The scheduled training date is two weeks before the local election day. Considering that the Sampoong Department Store collapse occurred two days after the local elections in the original history, there has been no event that could cause a major political blow to Park Yi-sam.

Besides, in any case, he was only spit on in the original history, because he didn’t get hit hard by the resignation of the president.

‘If there is no event, we have no choice but to create it.’

The message must be sent to both the US and South Korea, not in a military, non-political way, and not as a hostile gesture in the eyes of the international community.

The purpose is to stop Team Spirit training, not to destroy the relationship between Korea and the United States.

Too much South Korean and American capital had already flowed into North Korea for that purpose.

“… … Who should bring Dennis Rodman from the NBA?”

“yes? Comrade general secretary?”

“… … No, there is someone better.”

Surprised by Jeonghwan muttering about things in the distant future (which will not happen), the other committee members questioned him, but Junghwan was distracted by other thoughts.

Although he has nothing to do with military or politics, he can send an indirect critical message to the US Republican Party, and is familiar and famous even among Koreans.

Come to think of it, this person had a bit of a relationship with Yoo Min-jung, the leader of the Korean opposition party.

Obviously, Minjoong Yoo will be critical of Team Spirit… … .

Junghwan made up his mind and picked up the phone.

“Current manager. Leave the ground empty as soon as possible. Because there are people who need to publicize the fact that they were cast.”

“Who are you?”

“The King.”

“… … yes?”

Hyun Young-sook tilted her head in surprise at Jeong-hwan’s sudden remark.

It’s not a ‘leader’ or a ‘leader’, but what kind of king?

Fortunately, Jeonghwan immediately explained it to her so that she could understand.

“The king of pop music. You’re probably getting tired of America by now. At least in our republic there are no paparazzi. The time has come for the people of the republic to break free from ‘a good harvest has come to the bee’ for music living standards. Don’t turn the phone.”

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