Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 96 Heroes, fans all over the world

Chapter 96 - Heroes, gaining fans all over the world!

(To be released tomorrow, updated at midnight, 25 chapters will be updated at 12 noon! Please be the first to order!)

After taking down the big dragon, IG directly pushed the middle.

Noxus didn't teleport, so it was easy to have problems with the front if they split the front.

The two middle towers were demolished one after another, and IG's team economy lead has reached 3,000!

In the highland team battle, Clockwork and Nunu were completely scraping, and Skateboard Shoes finally attacked for a long time, and Noxus was full of spears. But with Lulu's ultimate and Bloodthirsty Shield triggered, Noxus's outer circle Q hit three people, and his health was directly restored to nearly full state!

Although OG tried their best to replace Lulu and Lulu, this Noxus, no one could stop him.

The axe fell, and the crocodile was chopped to death again.

Accurate damage calculation, it is almost impossible for Yuan Shen to miscalculate the damage and fail to kill people, causing the ultimate to enter cooldown early.

Killing all around!

Just like the name of the Q skill, with the equipment crushing and the hero mechanism, Noxus is now the walking god of death and the giant wave that dominates the world!

If Noxus's flash was not turned well this time, allowing Annie to escape into the fountain, I'm afraid she would have won another pentakill.

At 27 minutes in the game, IG pushed down OG's crystal main base.

The first victory of the world championship was won, and Noxus's record was fixed at an ultra-luxury data of 11-0-3.

"Congratulations to IG for winning the first victory in the world championship!!!"

PDD shouted happily.

He recommended Yuan Shen to IG, and he was also proud of Yuan Shen's performance at this moment!

"This is the strength of our LPL!! Three wins, who else can beat us!"

"The first team in the first division is so strong!"

"LGD and EDG are going to have a headache again now. Whoever loses the game first will be criticized by the Chinese team!"

"It's too easy to win if the top laner gets fat. I think all teams should consider this issue now. The gap between the top laners is too big. Even if the bottom lane plays perfectly, it's hard to win the game."

"Yeah, the skateboarder just developed very well, but Bloodfury Noxus used his Q flash EAWR and killed him instantly."

Xiaoxiao and Wawa kept communicating and also gave advice to EDG and LGD who were watching the game.

Today EDG's opponent is H2K, and LGD's opponent is C9.

None of them are strong, but they should not be underestimated.


All three LPL teams won the first game, and Chinese netizens were very happy.

It is an eternal law in the e-sports circle to brag when they win and to criticize when they lose.

After a hearty victory, netizens suddenly changed from keyboard warriors to silly netizens, so cute and brainless.

"Pentakill Noxus!! So cool!"

"It feels like the big brother last year. Pentakill in the first world game is super god. Some people said that IG was not good in foreign wars before, but now they are shouting!"

"Sprinting Noxus, I played it, it's really fierce!"

"Sprinting is the most suitable summoner skill for Noxus, teleport, it's all cowardly!"

"Don't say it, I haven't played Noxus for five consecutive games, I feel like ants are crawling all over my body!"

The live broadcast room was full of discussions, and the audience on the scene was also discussing it.

It's the first time to get a pentakill in the first world game! !

Although Yuan Shen was rated as the world's No. 1 top laner by Riot before the game, it was basically because Fiora and Gangplank in the playoffs were too eye-catching.

Not only domestic audiences are watching, the hit rate of these two videos on YouTube is also very high.

Originally, European and American audiences extremely admire individual heroism. Yuan Shen's performance of turning the tide with his own strength perfectly fits the image of heroes in their minds! !

And to perform such operations, not only strength is needed, but also luck! !

Version, team cooperation, and hero mechanism are all indispensable!

The hero Noxus is a killer in the endgame. Once he enters the blood rage, he is really suitable for harvesting!

As long as the problems of flexibility and being kited can be solved, the eighteen-level Noxus can increase 200 points of attack power when entering the blood rage state!

What is the concept?

Five storm swords!

After triggering the blood rage, the six-piece Noxus completely turns into a numerical monster. The true damage of the ultimate move ignores armor and magic resistance. The full-blooded ADC can be directly killed by the blood rage.

This is the S5 world championship version.

After the game, after shaking hands with the OG team, the IG team collectively bowed forward.

This time, no one threw mineral water bottles at them, but cheers and shouts instead.

Whether it is Kakao or Rookie, or Jack, Shekeke, they have gained a lot of fans.

And the one who attracts the most fans is Yuan Shen.

There is no way.

Good data, strong strength, and handsome.

Although he is not the type of muscular man or the type of pretty boy, he can be called a gentleman and gentle as jade in terms of temperament and appearance.

Noxus's devastating pentakill is like the violent aesthetics of Hollywood blockbusters, which makes many people feel happy physically and mentally!

The next game is EDG vs. H2K.

Ten people from both sides have come on stage to debug the machine, but the audience's eyes are still focused on the center of the stage.

MVP interview!

With a translator, Yuan Shen stood on the stage.

The person who interviewed him was Sjokz, a very famous host in Europe and the United States.

There are differences in aesthetics between the East and the West, but sometimes the judgment of beauty is surprisingly consistent.

Sjokz is one of the representatives.

She not only has the high nose bridge, big eyes, and concave and convex figure unique to European and American women, but she also has an intellectual temperament that is particularly valued in Eastern aesthetics.

This is Yuan Shen's first foreign interview, and the audience at the scene is also carefully looking at the player Yuan Shen.

"Welcome the MVP of this game! IG's top laner Yuan, please say hello to everyone!"

Sjokz smiled sweetly and looked at Yuan Shen.

"Hello everyone, I am IG's top laner Yuan."

Yuan Shen first said something in Chinese, and then greeted everyone in English.

His English is actually not particularly professional, it feels like Chinese English.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as European and American audiences can understand it.

The most important thing is to talk freely and have a generous temperament.

Audiences in Europe and the United States care more about these, rather than being obsessed with Yuan Shen's language problems and fearing embarrassment in front of foreigners like some old scholars in China.

In fact, from Yuan Shen's point of view, he was already giving them face by being able to speak it in English, and he was still required to be strict and make no mistakes?

I really couldn't stand up after kneeling for a long time.



The audience in Paris applauded enthusiastically, but behind Yuan Shen, the translator who had not yet spoken was a little embarrassed.

"Wow! Player Yuan is very handsome, and we are glad that you can accept our interview!"

Sjokz frankly praised that European and American people are still more straightforward when speaking, a little less subtle, and a little less yin and yang.

"First question, today is your debut in the World Championship, and you have achieved five kills and a superb record. Among all professional players, your debut is the most amazing. Your operation makes Every audience member cheered and screamed. How do you feel about achieving such an achievement?"

Sjokz asked with a smile.

"I'm very excited. The biggest reason why I can achieve such an achievement is that my teammates are very supportive and trust me. Whether it is the early defensive line change or the laning period, they have given me a lot of help and given me a good Developmental environment.”

Yuan Shen thought for a while and told the truth.

"Actually, the hero Darius is not very difficult to operate. The important thing is the timing of entry and damage calculation. I think this is the simplest thing, because no matter what hero you play, you have to consider these two points."

"In short, as long as you have hands."

After Yuan Shen finished speaking, he put down the phone.

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