Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 92 Sprinting Noxus, single-handedly kills sister-in-law

Chapter 92 - Sprinting Nuoshou, killing sister-in-law alone

"You must be right. IG is still laughing. It seems that there is a new understanding."

"Believe Yuan, this kid can come up with something new every time. It's time for foreigners to see the understanding of our top laner in the LPL!"

"Lulu brought teleportation, so there shouldn't be much of a problem if we hold the line in the later stages."

PDD smiled, and at this moment, the game was loaded and the game officially started!

"Charge! Grab and change the line!"

The enthusiasm of the five members of IG for catching and changing lines is really too high.

Yuan Shen had no objection to this.

Regardless of whether the line is changed or not, he can actually accept it.

Unless the lineup selection puts the treasure on him alone.

Quickly buy equipment and supplies, and everyone in IG will directly invade as a group.

Since being defeated several times by EDG during the summer regular season, IG has made adjustments in its lineup selection.

The current IG is more inclined to choose a lineup with strong first-level team capabilities.

Because only in this way can we unscrupulously invade in groups to prevent line changes.

With the presence of Noshou and Thresh, OG had almost no idea of ​​taking over the team. After leaving a few eye positions, they directly chose to retreat.

As for IG, there are four eye positions left in the lower half.

Except for Yuan Shen's jewelry eye, everyone else had their eye slots given away.

Unless the first two waves of troops in the bottom lane are completely abandoned, OG's branching situation will inevitably be discovered by IG.

Soon, skateboard shoes and Annie appeared in the lower half of the field of vision.

Both sides line up normally.

Yuan Shen arrived in the grass on the road early and blocked the crocodile's position on the line.

Although the current Nuoshou has been weakened a bit, its strength is still strong.

The first-level combat power can absolutely crush the crocodile.

At least before the crocodile reaches level three, he has no qualifications to compete with Nuoshou.

AWA, who was stuck in the grass, took action, and the third level of blood rage was instantly activated.

However, the crocodile also reacted very quickly with a backhand WA to exchange blood, and cooperated with his own soldiers to knock out some of Nuoshou's health.

In the first-level exchange of blood, Nuoshou did not have an advantage.

However, the troop line was pushed back...

Seeing the red soldiers on our side taking the lead in gathering fire, my sister-in-law's face turned dark.

Insidious and cunning Easterners! !

To do such a small trick! !

However, precisely because of this, the Crocodiles were able to survive the weak period in the first three levels.

The third wave of soldiers was about to arrive. Yuan Shen walked up and hit the crocodile, and then was stopped in place by the backhand AW, taking a round of minion damage in vain.

Three minutes into the match, Nuo Shou's blood bottle was taken out first.

The European and American audiences at the scene couldn't help but booed.

The number one top laner in the LPL, the number one top laner in the world announced by Riot Games, is this it? ?

10% off water bottles?

The first three levels of my sister-in-law's crocodile pushed me directly into the tower, and I lost money twice in blood exchanges.

This means that Nuoshou has the blessing of the version and can still mess around.

If it had been someone like Jace Rambo, he would have exploded!

"This wave of blood transfusion is a big loss..."

Wawa was also sweating. He felt that Yuan Shen seemed a little out of shape today.

When Nuoshou fights crocodiles, he has an advantage in the first three levels. Even in the passerby game, he won't play like this.

"Hmm...I may be able to guess some of his thoughts. Look at the military lines."

After PDD finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room looked at the big screen.

After Crocodile AW immobilized Nuoshou, the soldier's hatred was attracted by Nuoshou, and he chased Nuoshou directly into the defense tower.

Nearly half of the melee soldiers passed over the red soldiers and entered the defense tower.

In conjunction with the attack from the defense tower, Nuoshou quickly cleared the line of troops.

When he was about to reach the third level, he suddenly broke out and launched an attack!

When sprinting is activated, the basic attack will be followed by WA instantly. Take a step back and press Q to kill everyone in an instant!

The cooldown time of Crocodile's level 1 W is 13 seconds.

Yuan Shen remembers this data very clearly!

When the Q skill hit the crocodile, it also killed three long-range minions.

While recovering some blood volume, use the advantage of movement speed to press forward directly.

Flat A shot!

Five layers of blood rage, instantly available!

Darius's eyes instantly turned scarlet.

The movement speed blessing of sprinting continues!

My sister-in-law's reaction was not slow either, she turned around and used E.

Two E plus flashes across the wall, he can distance himself.

Nuoshou's blood rage can increase the attack power by 40 points at the first level, which is equivalent to a storm sword and costs a full 1,500 yuan!

Such data can no longer be described as simply abnormal.

However, as soon as the E skill was released, Nuoshou handed over the ruthless iron hand almost simultaneously!

Rampage, was interrupted immediately!

I'm sweating profusely!

The E skill was interrupted, and the crocodile was unable to use either of its two movements.

He flashed to distance himself, but it was still of no use.

Because the troop line is close to the red square tower, and the top line is really too long!

Nuoshou, who has the advantage of movement speed, strides forward.

Ping A takes action, and the bleeding effect continues.

What else can a level three crocodile do when faced with the blood-wrathed Nuoshou?

At three minutes and twenty seconds, a kill prompt came from the top laner.

"IG-Yuan (Hand of Noxus) killed OG-Soaz (Desert Butcher)!!!"

First Blood! !

first drop of blood! !

In less than three and a half minutes, the top laner was killed directly.

At this time, the junglers of both sides had just finished clearing their respective jungles and were ready to start ganking.

At the game site, the European and American audiences were silent.

Instead, the Chinese students and the audience cheered and ridiculed wildly!

"You just praised your sister-in-law's Crocodile for being so powerful?? Why is she silent now!!"

"Take me in as a disciple!!"

"That's it? I won't be killed by a single player at level 3 even if I go up!!"

"Noxus has sprint, is his ability to chase and kill so strong??"

"As expected of the Noxus being the No. 1 top laner in LPL, I really understand!!"


Noxus, as one of the most classic representatives of heavy armored warriors, has high stats, strong mechanisms, strong output, and high tankiness, all of which are advantages.

But he also has the biggest disadvantage of heavy armored warriors, that is, his short legs make him easy to be kited.

But Yuan Shen chose sprint, which directly gave Noxus the flexibility and ability to chase and kill that were not inferior to Fiora and Riven when he was on the line!

Until then, people realized how important the summoner skill of Sprint was to Noxus!

"You can't push the line anymore. Noxus can chase you to death with Sprint."

Amazing comforted.

My sister-in-law is also an old top laner. She has been killed by a single person more than once or twice. They are used to it.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect him to hook my E skill."

Soaz was helpless.

He can also play Noxus, and his proficiency is not low.

However, he didn't expect Noxus to have such strong combat power and chasing ability with Sprint.

He didn't expect Yuan Shen's Noxus to be so proficient that he almost hit five layers of blood fury in the shortest time.

However, he didn't think that he couldn't fight after dying once.

After resurrection, teleport to the line.

At this time, Noxus's disadvantage of not bringing teleport was reflected.

Even if he got the money for the first blood, Noxus couldn't go home to replenish equipment at this time.

Therefore, even if he got the first blood, Noxus now did not convert the economic advantage into equipment advantage.

Even because of the loss of blood exchange before, he is only half blood now.

Please read it!

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