Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 102 Desert Spider, Military Training Package

Chapter 102 - Desert Spider, Military Training Package

Sunday is feeling very uncomfortable now, he feels like he is suppressed by his rank.

He wants to last hit, but he is consumed.

He wants to trade blood, but he can't.

Sometimes he brushes the flaws well and is determined to get back, but he is almost always predicted.

Or he retreats to brush the flaws and avoids the possible ganks of the jungler.

Otherwise, he uses his familiarity with Fiora and Crocodile to suppress Fiora by micro-manipulation.

The extreme distance control of skills is wonderful to the peak and reaches the realm of perfection!

Sunday just feels like a master who has entered the door of the world's first martial arts conference, but he is pressed to the ground by someone who knows all his flaws.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Score, who returned to the city to replenish equipment after brushing the jungle, looked at the top lane and couldn't help asking.

On the top lane, Crocodile occupied the best offensive position, in a perfect state, with rage in hand.

And Fiora was only half blood, and she didn't dare to move forward at all, so she could only use the Q skill to rub the minions.

"The line of soldiers is controlled, I can't push in."

Sunday did not hide anything.

In fact, his current situation is much more difficult than what Score saw.

The superficial pressure does not mean anything, the psychological pressure is the most important.

"Wait for him to push the line of soldiers over, it's hard for me to catch this position."

Score commanded.

He is actually the captain of KT, responsible for the early command.

"Brother, it's okay if you can't beat him, many people can't beat him, we can win if we drag it to the middle and late stages, their lineup is not good."

Arrow comforted.

IG's playing style, they have studied it many times.

IG is best at using the hard power of the top lane to eat the opponent, force the situation to open up, and then snowball.

This version of the world championship can be said to be very suitable for IG.

But once the game is dragged to the late stage, their own top lane can keep defending the tower without being killed alone, they can use the advantage of the double C to open up the situation.

On the top lane, the line of soldiers is slowly out of control.

Yuan Shen did not hesitate and directly chose to push the line quickly.

Kakao can't come to the top lane in a short time, he doesn't need to stay too long to give the opponent a chance to gank.

Seeing that the crocodile was about to leave, Sunday was a little anxious.

QW directly hit the crocodile in the face, and W was also used at the same time.

Whether the crocodile counterattacked or avoided the battle, one of the counterattack and slowdown effects of W would always be effective.

However, almost at the same time as he shot, the crocodile left without looking back.

He didn't even kill the last three minions.

"Xiba! He is so steady that it makes people sick!"

Score couldn't help but curse.

He wasted nearly half a minute on this wave of ganking. Being exposed in the field of vision, Spider must definitely control the little dragon.

"Is there really no flaw and it can't be targeted?"

Sunday was a little confused.

Steady and fierce, these two completely different advantages can appear in one person at the same time.

It's incredible.

In fact, it's just a matter of judgment.

Yuan Shen always has a scale in his heart. If there is profit and operation, he will naturally play.

There is no need to take risks in a game that is bound to lose.

If their bottom lane can be stronger, he may feel relieved and bold to operate and show himself as much as possible.

But not now.

He didn't want to risk his own showmanship and cause irreversible consequences.

The S5 World Championship was his best chance to perform.

After the Barrel left the field of vision, Yuan Shen resumed the line suppression.

For junglers, ganking is actually the same as investing.

If you fail, time, economy, and experience will all be lost.

The time that the Barrel wasted in the top lane was enough for Kakao to do many things.

The first little dragon was controlled, and Yuan Shen started to shake people directly.

"Jack, you guys should be steady, Kakao can come to the top lane!"


Kakao went back to the city to make up for the state and went straight to the top lane.

It just happened to miss the time to gank with the Barrel.

In the top lane, although Score had left, Sunday had not adjusted his mentality in time, and wanted to create a false impression that there was someone behind him, and continued to show off his strength and play very aggressively.

And Yuan Shen also pretended to be cautious, and had no intention of fighting at all.

However, just when Fiora habitually used the gap between Crocodile's last-hit to Q up and prepare to consume a wave, Crocodile suddenly attacked.

Press the S key to stop the normal attack, and use Red Rage W to bite Fiora!

In order to give Fiora no time to react, Yuan Shen didn't even take the damage of the basic attack, but directly used W!

Red Rage W, a full 1.5 seconds of control time!

Spider walked out of the bushes, and the E skill cocoon seamlessly connected the control. The two of them killed Fiora, who was half-blood, on the spot with a set of skills.

From beginning to end, Fiora had no chance to use W.

"Xiba!! How could Spider be here??"

Sunday is going to break the defense.

They also called the jungler to gank, why couldn't they kill the crocodile, but Spider could kill him? ?

In the LCK live broadcast room, many viewers also cursed.

"Can only call people??"

"Kakao has become the dog of this Chinese man, and he has no thoughts of his own now!"

"Is the road originally a two-person road??"

"Axi! Cunning Chinese!"

Yuan Shen doesn't care what the LCK audience thinks.

He only knows one thing.

When you gain an advantage, you must give feedback.

Desert Spider's military training combination, it's not his style not to teach Sword Queen a lesson.

It just so happens that there are no dragons left in the lower half. As long as Jack is not overturned, he and Kakao can do a lot of things on the top lane!

“Kakao’s timing for this wave of gank is very good!”

"Yes, IG's top jungler is the strongest top jungler in the LPL. Many people say that IG's jungler is always helping, so Yuan is great."

Xiaoxiao shrugged and continued: "But one thing that everyone may have overlooked is that this style of play is actually used by many teams, but only IG has formed a system and achieved dominance.

"E-sports is fair. The routines are there and anyone can use them. You rely on hard power to suppress health, experience, last hit, vision, and even use the summoner skills of the opponent's top laner to gank in the jungle. It will also be more comfortable and the success rate will be higher. ”

"Yes, everyone who plays jungle knows how lucky they are to meet such a top laner."

Miller laughed.

"This wave of crocodiles should be able to come back...ah? Isn't it? Is there another wave coming??"

Before the baby could finish his words, his eyes widened instantly.

On the field, after pushing the troops into the defense tower, the spider bypassed the triangle grass and came to the grass opposite the red ashlar beetle to ambush.

Crocodile, on the other hand, returned to the city to replenish Tiamat and teleported directly online.

Sword Girl has teleported to the ground and is clearing the line of soldiers under the tower.

He even bought a real eye on Sunday and planned to put it in the triangular grass later to prevent spiders from catching him.

However, what he didn't know was that Kakao had been waiting behind him for nearly twenty seconds.


Kakao always tries its best to meet Yuan Shen's requirements.

He believed that Yuan Shen would not let him lose money.

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