Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1075- Mysterious woman and undead

Chapter 1075 – Mysterious woman and undead

After Qiu Lingmei came back, she looked around with everyone to see when that mysterious person X would appear and what it looked like!

Qiu Lingmei took the camera back and said softly in the direction of the statue, “I have placed the ring under the statue, waiting for the mysterious person X to appear. I hope he will take us to see some amazing things!”

Seeing Qiu Lingmei like this, Su Jing knew that this video would probably be posted online!

“There is nothing moving yet, it’s just a gust of wind.”

Qiu Lingmei took the camera and took pictures of the surroundings to deliberately exaggerate the atmosphere. It should be the sea breeze! I have to say that seeing Qiu Lingmei look like this is very cute and interesting!


Su Jing whispered suddenly, and Qiu Lingmei hurriedly turned to look in the direction of the statue.

“Ah, the mysterious man appeared! At first glance, she is an unarmed woman. She…her dress is very strange, but it is still unknown whether she is a Chinese or a foreigner.” Qiu Lingmei said quickly.

Under the statue, a woman in a white dress and high heels walked over, bent over and picked up the ring, then turned and walked away.

“Keep up, keep up!”

Qiu Lingmei hurriedly said something and followed quietly.

The mysterious person X didn’t seem to notice that someone was following, and left the square on his own.

Qiu Lingmei, He Yue, Lan Mengyao have Su Jing following behind.

This woman’s Reiatsu is very special!

“I now decide to start a spy-like tracking, and I will soon be able to reveal her mystery, whether she is a psychic or is she a spirit body. I am in the Netherlands, Chu Lingmei, and continue to report on the spot for everyone!”

The mysterious woman walked forward on her own, and everyone followed.

To be precise, it is with this Qiu Lingmei, because Qiu Lingmei is hiding behind him like a thief, but there is no need at all! Because the mysterious woman has never looked back at all, and it can even be said that she doesn’t squint.

Not to mention this situation, even ordinary people walking on the street will take a look at the sneaky stalking behind, not to mention this mysterious woman is here for the ring! But this woman still doesn’t squint, so there are only two possibilities. One is that this mysterious woman didn’t take them seriously, even if she knew she was being followed, she was confident that she could leave without being discovered. The other is deliberate! Knowing that they were being followed, deliberately leading them to somewhere!

“I followed her through the back alleys one after another. Don’t blink your eyes. I believe that unexpected things will happen soon!” Qiu Lingmei just heard the sound of the camera prompt. “Why did the battery suddenly run out?” She muttered anxiously while looking at the camera that suddenly turned off.

At this moment, the mysterious woman suddenly turned from the front and was out of sight.

Qiu Lingmei didn’t care about studying the camera, and hurried to catch up.

Just about to turn, he was stopped by Su Jing.

“and many more!”

“what’s happenin?”

Qiu Lingmei hurriedly turned her head and asked.(Read more @

Su Jing smiled and said, “Stand behind me!”

With that said, Su Jing walked in first. As soon as I entered, and just passed the corner, I saw a man lying on the ground and biting a woman not far away!

To be precise, it is sucking blood!


He Yue, Qiu Lingmei and Lan Mengyao reacted at once, subconsciously a little scared!

At this time, the zombie also seemed to notice that someone was there, and turned to look here.

It’s a foreign man!

Opening his mouth, showing his fangs, the zombie came to them with a whol.

The three women were startled and backed off subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the zombie open his mouth and bite towards the nearest Su Jing.

“court death!”

Su Jing snorted coldly.

I heard a chuckle.

The body of that zombie was instantly pierced by white light, and immediately began to burn, beginning to turn to ashes.

His eyes widened, as if he hadn’t realized how could he die!

Until the light disappears.

The three girls realized that the zombie had been killed by Su Jing in seconds.

“Oh, that mysterious woman is gone!” Qiu Lingmei suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, that mysterious woman is no longer visible!

In fact, from the time that mysterious woman passed the transfer, Su Jing felt her spiritual pressure disappeared.

“If you don’t see it, you won’t see it, I have already remembered her Reiatsu, it shouldn’t be difficult to find her, anyway…” Su Jing said, turning over, and a ring appeared in his palm. “The ring she took is fake anyway!”


He Yue and Lan Mengyao were a little surprised.

Su Jingjing said: “Yes, of course the real ring is not going to be returned to her, mainly because this ring has another purpose!”

In the beginning, Qiu Lingmei didn’t plan to exchange the real ring back, so when she didn’t call Su Jing and said she was going to the Netherlands, she asked someone to make a fake ring exactly the same in advance! Of course, what I showed to Su Jing last night must be true, but it was just put under the statue and taken away by the mysterious woman, it was fake!

“Let’s first…”

Su Jinggang wanted to say let’s go back to the hotel first, but felt a spiritual pressure nearby!

A familiar Rematsu!

Reiatsu of the undead!

Su Jing encountered this spiritual pressure in Hong Kong before.


Su Jing disappeared instantly to chase the Reiatsu.

However, the person seemed to not need to show up when he got here, so he immediately flashed the person. When Su Jing chased him, he could only feel the rapid change of the other person’s spiritual pressure position, and disappeared after a few seconds!

“It’s really fast!”

Su Jing murmured, since the other party didn’t want to let him find out, then just let it go. Anyway, there is a clue and I can’t find it. What’s more, there are Qiu Lingmei and others, and it is not easy to let them go! Teleported back, Su Jing said towards Qiu Lingmei: “Okay, let’s go back to the hotel first!”

The group returned to the hotel.

He Yue and Lan Mengyao seemed to be in panic.

Lan Mengyao had never seen a zombie, and although He Yue had seen that female zombie with Qiu Lingmei last time, the situation was different!

Qiu Lingmei is charging the camera here, and wants to see what was shot before.

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