Chapter 169 The Sannomiya Projection Event is Over!

The crows were silent in the vine barrier, and there was a faint gust of wind outside, which set off a heavy rain of thunder, crackling the ground, and passed into this silent vine barrier.

The vine screen is filled with sweet and inviting chocolate air, and every air particle is exuding a rich chocolate aroma.

Zatara and the Raven were stunned again.

Never seen such a weird talent magic.

Turn objects into chocolate? ? ?

Zatara has seen many people turning others into sheep, pigs, and dogs, and even some Zatara who have been transformed into chairs, scrolls, flowers, and trees. He had also seen the sort of a cloaked soul that turned into an inexplicable spiritual existence in the void.

But no matter what, all the changes mentioned above require magic to maintain the framework, otherwise it will be restored to the original state if the magic is not continuously provided.

Obviously, what shocked him with the chocolate that Bati had changed was that it had completely distorted the atomic arrangement of matter and turned it towards his natural magic.

In other words, this chocolate rock is real chocolate, from the subtle atomic level, it is the arrangement of chocolate.

This is terrifying.

The Raven’s focus is obviously different from that of Zatara.

The strong fragrance made her nose full of itchy sensations. She pressed her nose with her slender fingers. After adjusting to the fragrance, she stared at her and approached the chocolate rock.

The sweeter scent radiated from the chocolate rock and penetrated into the tip of her nose.

“This… is real chocolate!”

Raven stared in surprise, her slender hand stretched out from the cloak to the chocolate rock water chestnut.

Her fingers touched the chocolate rock. It was a softness. With the temperature of her hand, it was melting slowly. Her fingers pressed hard and immediately broke off a piece of chocolate. The chocolate was because of the warmth of her hand. It was gradually melting, touching her hand.

Raven put the chocolate on her hand close to the tip of her nose, sniffed the tip of the nose, and the strong and rich aroma conducted into the nose, almost making her want to sneeze, the aroma of chocolate was too strong.

From her dark purple lips, she stretched out her delicate pink tongue and licked it. The tongue smoothly slid over the chocolate in her hand, scraping a layer of chocolate-stained black and pink tongue, and retracted into her mouth.

A smooth and sweet feeling suddenly broke out in her mouth, as if washing her mouth, sweeping all her feelings, this sweet smell rushed to the brain, and in an instant, she felt a sense of… happiness, let People are intoxicated.

At the same time, another trace of magical energy entered his body, restoring a trace of magical power.

Raven was surprised, opened her teeth, and took a bite of the chocolate that began to melt in her hand. A stronger sense of joy and happiness impacted her spirit. As the chocolate melted into her body, the magic power in her body increased slightly.

This chocolate!

It can restore magic power and make consumers feel happy.

“Badi! This chocolate is so powerful, it can restore magic power and make the eater feel the spiritual impact of happiness!”

The raven turned his head in surprise and said to Badi.

This shocked her too!

This is a unique and super delicious chocolate in the world. It is so magical. She feels happy and has the effect of replenishing magic.

Of course, this effect of replenishing magic power is only effective for Raven and Badi, because the two magical bloodlines are connected, and Zatara caught a piece of chocolate to eat with the sound of the raven, but there is no effect of replenishing magical power. , Only when you feel the spiritual pleasure and the impact of happiness, make people feel cheerful.

I have to say, this is a magical chocolate! !

However, Badi’s face began to twitch, and he couldn’t believe that his talent magic turned into chocolate, and he used a lot of magic power, so he took an adult’s embrace of a rock and changed it into chocolate.

In an instant, he looked at the surprised face of the raven, darkened, staring at the raven darkly, so that the raven’s surprise disappeared immediately, and quickly retracted his hand into the cloak, closed the cloak, and tightly folded his legs inside. , The knees rubbed, and my heart started to feel awkward.

“Why! My talent magic will become like this!!”

Badi’s face twitched faintly, and his eyes staring at the raven began to be bad.

Obviously, the change of chocolate is too funny for Bardi.

He simply couldn’t imagine that when dealing with Joe Al, Joe Al used his hot sight and yelled: “Eat my hot sight!!”

But Badi could only respond with a cold snort: “Chocolate Ray Impact!!”

Or in the future, facing Darkside one day, Darkside shouts in the void of the universe: “Omega rays!!!”

But Badi’s eyes were dazzling, and he responded with two chocolate rays: “I want to turn you into chocolate!!!”

The beauty of this picture is as if he is a funny Buu.

Following the weird work of fat Buu and thin Buu, will he become a strong Buu?

This made him get goose bumps, and his heart cramped and he was unwilling to accept it.

He asked himself to be a serious and serious person, such a funny scene made his face twitching, it was simply unacceptable.

“Um…this…should…probably…this is the case…”

The raven hid his head in the Kabuto cap, hesitating and shrank his neck, not even showing his chin.

She had done too many stupid things during the seventy years, and once there was any change in Badi’s face, she immediately felt Badi’s depressed and angry mood.

This is actually a bit of speculation.

When the raven uses the blood energy of the Sannomiya to build a magic circle to maintain his body.

Obviously his soul itself also played a tenacious role, maintaining the main gene of Krypton, and constructing the magical real body gene in addition.

Badi’s external body shape showed such violent and mighty, becoming a muscular man is indispensable to Badi’s inner desire for strength.

Having this muscular and violent body is a manifestation of Ba Di’s desire for strength.

And the black cloak that appeared on its own was his mysterious perception of magicians, thinking that magicians should be like this, so the genes were finally combined.

But unfortunately, this is after all the blood of a raven, and the raven has also entered his heart, and it has also blended the desire in the raven’s heart, hoping that Bati can be happy.

And the so-called sense of happiness is that when she met Bardi, Bardi once gave her a piece of chocolate. Obviously, that kind of beautiful feeling made the raven deeply remember it, so he liked to eat chocolate, inadvertently, Inwardly, it affected the talent magic that ultimately formed the real body of magic, and gave birth to the strange talent of chocolate ray.

In the end, the result of two people working together to achieve the appearance of this magical real body, the chocolate ray of talent magic, is the reason for this.

Bati’s eyelids jumped, obviously suffocated with anger, and his face was so ugly, his heavy footsteps rushed to the raven’s side, his knife was held on the raven’s head, and the raven’s legs were shrunk in the cloak. The arms were tightened, pressed against the Jiao body.

He couldn’t help but his anger soared, and he really wanted to kill Joe-El, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Poseidon, Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Seaman, Wonder Girl with a hand knife. , Kuaishou, Beast Boy, Kong, Starfire, Arrow, Black Canary, Huntress, Manhattan, Sannomiya, Yuca Khan, Zeus, Odin, Ghost, Lu Cifer, Giant Beast, God… etc. All kinds of ghosts and zombies! Then he caught their legs and beat them violently to the ground. After the beat, they turned them into chocolates, and the ravens would eat them all up! !

For the raven, this woman who loves herself, of course, can’t do anything. He gently touched the top of the raven’s Kabuto hat with the back of his hand, scared the raven’s body trembling, and said with a cold face: “Take the chocolate rock away. , Eat slowly later.”

Raven froze for a moment, and looked up at Badi’s cold face, his dark purple lips curled up, and his heart was warm.

As in the past seventy years, no matter how many stupid things he did, Badi would still be like this, angry, but loving her.

Seeing the raven curled up his mouth and laughed, Badi glared at her fiercely, sternly, let the raven converge on the sketched smile, and quickly took the chocolate rock into his own space. Save it to taste slowly later.

It is a pity in Bati’s heart that this talented magic cannot be used to hedge against other energies. It is only suitable for changing the arrangement of matter atoms and turning it into chocolate.

Maybe you can add chaos to others in the battle, but you can’t directly attack, or after the battle, turn others into chocolate or something.

Thinking of Badi feels a pity.

If you gave the raven a hot sight in the car, then maybe the hot sight of the magic version, through its own control, is enough to casually create nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, and it is a nuclear explosion site at hand, even using strong nuclear effects. Power, burst out of unparalleled tremendous power.

It’s just that if he did this at the beginning, I’m afraid Raven would not enter his own spiritual world to save himself, nor would he face her in the third house.

The various causal changes are hard to explain.

Badi smiled lightly, he felt very satisfied with this, but the talent magic made his face twitch a little.

The matter of the Sannomiya projection is over here, next.

Joe Al!

Your death date is here!

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