The blue Susanoo appeared, stretched out his big hand and grabbed the robot's arm, turned around and fell over the shoulder, throwing the robot tens of meters tall to the ground!

The roar resounded throughout the island!

"Hahaha! Boy, I like you more and more!

Barrett maneuvered the robot to climb up, and the cannon muzzles on either side of his shoulder poured cannon fire towards the blue Susano!

Then he rushed towards Susa, raised his fist to cover the armed color, and smashed towards Susa fiercely!

The next moment the iron fist smashed into the air!

The white feather controlled the blue Susa, and the wings of Susa behind him flew directly!

"Sorry, I'll fly!"

Haku controlled Susa and flew out of the robot's attack range!

Immediately, Susa's hand was raised forward, and a thousand blades made of blue magic blades appeared!

"Susa - Senkaku - Thunder Thorn!"


Bai Yu's huge Susa fell straight down like a thunder and smashed on the head of that big robot!


Half of the huge robot's body was smashed into the ground!

"It's useless, you can't hurt me!"

The Catapult robot jumped up from the pit and grabbed the blue Susa!

But Susano's wing shook and distanced himself from Barrett's catapult robot again!

Pull and play!

Learn from Uncle Borusalino!

You can't touch me, but I can you!

"Thousand Blade Judgment - Swift Wind!"

"Thousand-Blade Storm—Flame!"

"Thousand Blade Rush—Heavy Rock!"

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Barrett, who was pulled and beaten by Bai Yu, and was also smashed by Bai Yu's control of tens of meters of giant rocks, was angry!

"Boy, you really think I can't take you! I'm the strongest! "


With Barrett's roar!

That huge catapult robot actually stepped on the moon step into the air!

"I step on a horse!"

Barrett this guy is so fierce!

It can actually control that huge catapult robot with moon steps!


Barrett manipulated the catapult robot to merge its fists, slammed into the top of Susa's head, and slammed down!

Susa was directly smashed to the ground by this blow, and then Barrett controlled the catapult, without giving White Feather the opportunity to control Susa to the sky, using ground skills, and forced Susa to stick and pull him on the ground to fight!

"Damn it!"

The blue Susa instantly dissipated, and the figure of the white feather disappeared!

A stone appeared in Bai Yu's position just now, and was immediately punched into powder by the catapult robot!

Avatar Technique!

Immediately after that, the blue Susa reappeared, stretching out his arm from behind the catapult robot and directly strangling it!

Bai Yu doesn't have Captain America's tumultuous operation that wants to stun the robot, Bai Yu just wants to control it!

Buy time!

Fight for help!

Flying Thunder God, Avatar Technique, these are the core skills of pulling and fighting!

The free control of Susa appears, and the timely use of the Flying Thunder God and the Avatar Technique are enough to contain Barrett!

"Festa !!"

Yahn roared, and the long knife in his hand slashed forward!

That slash directly formed a small tornado and blew forward!

The pirates of the celebration pirate group who blocked the front were directly blown away!

Festa who limped in front and ran away for several hours, was directly pressed to the ground by Yahn, who had been shaved!

"Finally caught you!"

It took a lot of time to defeat the pirates under Festa, and it took a lot of effort to find Festa who was hiding, but he finally caught up and held Festa down!

"Abominable navy, let me go!"

Festa struggled to get up, but Jahn pressed his head desperately!

"Hand over the key to the signal shielding device, where are you hiding!" Say it!

"Dreaming! I won't tell you!

Festa lay on the ground panting!

"You will all die! No one can save you! "

Yahn learned the location of the signal jammer from the other pirates, but the door was closed by the pirates who were hiding, and the key was here in Fita!

Can't get in without a key!


Yahn raised his hand to be two big bibi pockets, and then signaled his subordinates to search directly!

Finally, under the desperate gaze of Festa, the key was found from the pocket of Festa panties!

Yahn took the key and rushed towards the control center!

Opening the gate, more than a dozen pirates inside still wanted to resist, and Yahn raised his hand and cut them all to the ground!

Then find the signal jammer, jump up and slash it in half with a knife!

The signal is restored!

Yahn took out the phone bug directly from his arms!

"Request for support! Request Support! The Inquisitor encounters the Devil's descendant, Douglas Barrett, on an unknown island!

"Request support from the headquarters!" Brigadier General Hakuba is fighting Barrett! Please quickly locate our location and send support immediately! "

Navy headquarters, Marin Fandor!

After receiving the call for help, the navy in the duty room pressed the alarm as soon as possible!

The siren sounded throughout Marin Fandor, and the navy heard the siren and quickly assembled urgently!

"Report to Marshal Sakaski!"

At the meeting, King Branny rushed into the marshal's office!

"Brigadier General Shiraba on a mission encountered Douglas Barrett! Request for support, the location of the island has been decided!

"Douglas Barrett!"

Sakaski stood up abruptly and said, "Inform Borusalino to lead the team to set off immediately, and let the nearby naval branch quickly send support!" Also, recruit the seven martial arts to act together! "

Marin Fandor Military Port, one by one, the prepared headquarters warships set off, and Borusalino was the commander, and set off towards the island!

Orochimaru also set off with a team of pacifists as deputies!

G3 branch, base commander Virgo, after receiving the report, passed the support task directly to Major General Smogg, who was patrolling outside!

And the nearest few Qiwu Hai also received the news!

Dressrosa, Doflamingo directly lost the letter after seeing it!

"Tell the navy that I'm ready and ready to go!"

"Dover, are you really going to save that guy?"

"Hmph, hahaha!"

Doflamingo, who was lying on the recliner, took a sip of wine and said, "I said I would go, but I didn't say when it would arrive!" Hahaha! Devil descendant, Douglas Barrett! Different pupil white feather, will you survive! He's not the dying guy like the Golden Lion! Hahaha!

"What! I want Uncle Ben to support that white feather with different pupils!

Bucky's eyes widened as he looked at the letter, and the bubbles of snot came out of the frightened snot!

"Barrett that madman, how could I be involved with him, that guy is a guy who is almost as strong as Deputy Captain Reilly, that white feather with different eyes is dead!"

The third brother whispered, "So we can't go in the end!"

"What are you going to do! Send to death! Uncle Ben hasn't lived enough yet!

Yarlita frowned, "However, if we don't go, we will lose our seat in the Seven Martial Sea!"

"Abominable! Since that's the case, there's no way! I can only go first, and then it will depend on the situation!

Bucky waved his hand, "Little ones, let's go!" "


"Full speed ahead!"

"Captain Baki took the first battle of the Seven Wu Sea, I didn't expect it to be the legendary guy!"

"You bastards, who wants you to go full speed!"

Bucky looked at his group of excited little fans and burst into tears!

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