Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 111 Zhao Ji fell to death just like that?

First of all, it is high. The top of the tree is almost level with the position of the sun during the day.

The second thing is their appearance. The branches of these trees all stretch upward and there are almost no green leaves.

That's right, Bai Yang had seen similar trees in the giant statue on the first floor of the "Eternal Life Palace" and on the edge of the underworld in the game world.

It's just that this strange tree is extremely tall, so tall that it makes people feel suffocated.

Thirdly, there are many Suzakus perched on the trees, and they make "Clang-Ang" and "Clang-Ang" calls to the sky from time to time. And at the top of all the branches, there is a person.

These people may be described as withered or with twisted limbs. They stand or sit on the narrow platform at the top of the branches, with expressionless faces and dull eyes.

The clothes on many people were rotten, as if they had been here for a long time.

Soon, Bai and Lu were brought to the vicinity of the strange tree by Suzaku.

A branch of the strange tree suddenly stretched out two side branches. Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao were accurately "dropped" by Suzaku to the top of the two new side branches. Then the Suzaku flew away with a clang and a clang.

Bai Tianyang looked around and found that the area of ​​the platform he was on was about 2 square meters, which was equivalent to the size of a bed.

But it's at least 800 meters above the ground.

In other words, he was trapped here.

Lu Zhihao wasn't much better either. The platform at the top of the branch he was on was about 20 meters above and to the right of the sun during the day.

"Where is this?" Bai Tianyang shouted.

Lu Zhihao shouted something loudly, but the strong wind roared by here, and Bai Yang couldn't hear his shout at all.

Bai Tianyang suddenly became anxious: Ou Ying was in danger, but he was trapped in this ghost place.

He looked at the ground and thought: How about just jumping down and playing Game Over all over again?

But when he thought about going through the "Ghost Refining Division", "Wind Ghost Tower", "Fighting Demon Forest" and Nanfanbu Village all over again, he felt a strong sense of unwillingness and anxiety - how much time would it take to do it again? And, can we get here again?

"Hey Hey."

At this moment, Bai Tianyang suddenly heard a strange laughter.

He followed the strange laughter and saw that 5 meters away diagonally below his right hand, at the top of another "branches platform", there was a man spinning in circles along the edge of the narrow platform while bursting into strange laughter. Voice.

This man was of medium height, wearing a monk's robe. His gait was shaky, and he seemed to be about to fall from the edge of the platform at any time.

Bai Tianyang was so worried that he squatted down involuntarily, fearing that he would also lose his footing and fall.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The man in Taoist robes raised his head and laughed wildly. Bai Tianyang saw that his face was slightly fat, his complexion was extremely white, he had a short beard, and his eyebrows were full of bookishness.

This man threw his head back and laughed wildly, but his feet kept moving. When he was not careful, he stumbled on the edge of the platform and almost fell out.

Bai Tianyang couldn't help but say "ah".

There were also several exclamations from around.

"Be careful!"

"Zhao Ji, stop laughing and look at your feet!"

Zhao Ji? Song Huizong? This guy is not in the underworld or Nanfanbu Village, so what qualifications does he have to come to Jile Mountain?

Although he seems to be doing very poorly.

But Zhao Ji seemed oblivious to the shouts around him and continued to frantically test the edge of the platform. Finally, his foot slipped and he fell off the platform.

But he seemed to have regained his consciousness at the moment he was about to fall out, grabbed the edge of the platform with all his strength, and roared crazily.

"Help! Help! Help!"

Zhao Ji wanted to pull his body up, but he tried several times without success.

He looked at Bai Tianyang with a look of begging in his eyes.

But Bai Tianyang was helpless and watched helplessly as Zhao Ji's arms holding on to the edge of the platform gradually gave out. He finally let go and his body fell straight to the ground.


Zhao Ji's shrill screams grew closer and farther away, then gradually disappeared. His body quickly turned into a small dot in Bai Tianyang's field of vision, never to be seen again.

Bai Tianyang's eyes widened: Zhao Ji fell to death just like that?

Why is he going crazy?

The most reasonable explanation is that he was driven crazy here in this environment.

what about me?

Bai Tianyang turned his head and looked at Lu Zhihao.

Lu Zhihao also looked at him with wide eyes and said nothing.

"Ah~~" Another scream came, and it seemed that someone fell from the "branch platform" again.

However, the owner of this scream could not be seen during the day.

He lowered himself to the ground, his whole body trembling, and he didn't even dare to raise his head.


After staying up until late at night, Bai Tianyang finally couldn't help it and fell asleep on the small platform.

He was worried that he would fall if he turned over while sleeping, but he couldn't hold on any longer.

In his sleep, Zhao Ji's screams when he fell still seemed to be ringing in his ears.

He seemed to still be able to hear Zhao Ji's shrill, shrill, strange laughter——

Hey hey hey! Hey hey hey! Hahaha! Hahaha!

The laughter made him hairy and woke him up from his dream.

During the day, Yang felt his heart beating wildly, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Hey hey hey! Hahaha!

Damn it! Why can I still hear Zhao Ji’s laughter?

Bai Tianyang thought he was still in a dream at first, but soon he realized——


It was really Zhao Ji who was laughing.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and found another person standing on the platform where Zhao Ji lived during the day, walking and laughing——

Hey hey hey! Hahaha!

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Zhao Ji?

Bai Tianyang's eyes widened, wishing he could slap himself twice to wake him up from his dream.

He...why is he there again?

"Isn't that strange?" A man's voice startled Tian Yang.

The voice was thick and vigorous, coming from above Bai Tianyang's head.

Bai Tianyang raised his head and was still looking for it. A black shadow suddenly jumped out from behind a huge branch above and landed on the platform where Bai Tianyang was.

"Emperor Daozong was a master of painting and calligraphy, and left countless artistic treasures to future generations, so he was able to live in Mount Jile. It's a pity that the status of the emperor and generals in Mount Jile was the lowest. Emperor Daozong also liked to stage music, and finally offended him. I offended someone who shouldn't be offended, so I was caught by Suzaku and suffered here."

Bai Tianyang said: "He reappeared after jumping off the building and died. Is this set by the system?"

The other party said calmly: "How about it? Do you want to be like him, or follow the little old man and escape from this ghost place?"

The words "land of ghosts and beasts" made Bai Tianyang's heart tremble: sometimes death means death. Suffering the same pain over and over again with no hope of relief is even worse than killing him.

He began to look at the man in front of him - he was dressed in black, with wrinkles on his face and a lot of white in his beard and hair. He looked quite young, but he had a strong build, eyes like lightning, and was very energetic.

In particular, he carried two swords crossed on his back, and the two red tassels on the top of the sword hilts fluttered in the breeze, which made this man even more awe-inspiring and murderous.

"Who are you? Why should I trust you?"

"Pei Min."

"never heard of that."

"Well, the so-called 'Three Wonders of the Tang Dynasty' in later generations are Li Bai's poems, Zhang Xu's cursive script and Pei Min's sword dance..."

"never heard of that."

"...I taught Li Bai swordsmanship."

"Oh, I understand, your martial arts are very strong."

"What about that? Do you want to go with the old man and escape together?"

"I also have a friend. You have to save him together, otherwise forget it."

"...Where are the others?"

"Not far, right over there." Bai Tianyang stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction of Lu Zhihao.

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