Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 19 Li Shimin: I don’t want to wait any longer

The Ganlu Hall is always lit after nightfall, and this has been going on for several years.

Empress Changsun held a plate in her hand, which contained lotus seed soup cooked by her ancestral craftsmanship.

Seeing the bright lights in the side hall, Empress Changsun sighed in her heart. His Majesty has more white hair on his head recently.

"Your Majesty has not eaten yet. It's so tiring, it makes people feel distressed."

After sighing, Empress Changsun was about to enter the door when she saw a figure hurriedly passing through the square in front of Ganlu Hall and heading straight to Ganlu Hall.

In Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin had the afternoon meal in front of him. Although it was warm, he didn't want to eat it at all.

When it was time for dinner, the shapes of Mapo Tofu and Dongpo Pork were all in his mind. Everything looked like Dongpo Pork and Mapo Tofu.

"Take them all away, I'm not hungry."

"Liu Renyuan, if you're hungry, eat." ✸

Liu Renyuan, who had just come in from outside, heard this and bowed repeatedly: "Your Majesty, Liu Renyuan has devoted himself to the Tang Dynasty, I'm not hungry!"

Li Shimin nodded: "Not bad, very energetic! Tell me, what did you see today."

Liu Renyuan took a deep breath and said slowly: "Your Majesty, according to your instructions, I inspected the West Market in the morning. Later, the princess disguised herself as a man and secretly left the palace. She went to the Tang Dynasty Restaurant and left after eating."

Li Shimin nodded: "Sure enough, Changle is a child, I love her too much, I know she can't suppress her curiosity."

Liu Renyuan suddenly remembered something at this time: "Your Majesty, I heard something."

"Oh? What is it?"

"General Cheng seems to want to make delicious pork. Maybe he found some Taoist classics and boiled it at home. The smell is overwhelming."

Li Shimin laughed while stroking his beard when he heard it: "Cheng Zhijie is a person, Always able to give me some surprises. "

"Since he dares to find methods from Taoist classics, the food he makes must not be delicious, or even bolder and inedible. Liu Renyuan, his neighbors are Niu Jinda and Yuchi Gong, didn't they make trouble?"

Liu Renyuan grinned: "Your Majesty is a prophet, it's really amazing. General Niu took a horse spear and General Yuchi weighed a stone and went to Cheng's house with a bad look. "

Li Shimin stood up and looked at Liu Renyuan with a serious face. Then he came over and suddenly asked with a smile: "What happened later? Did they fight?"

Liu Renyuan shook his head: "No, but after a while, a fast horse galloped out of Cheng's house. After a stick of incense, a carriage came from outside. The person who got off was Dr. Sun. "

"Why don't you climb over the wall to see what happened?" Li Shimin's gossip fire burned fiercely.

Liu Renyuan looked at Li Shimin with grievance: "Your Majesty, I also want to hide, mainly because the Duke's mansion is heavily guarded and it is not easy to hide..."

"But I heard that many people ate the pork cooked by General Cheng, and they all seemed to be... poisoned."

"I heard that the disciples of Dr. Sun also came later, saying that Dr. Sun was exhausted from treating the poisoned people..."

Li Shimin laughed: "Let's go, let's change clothes and leave the palace now."

"These three people usually brag about their iron skin and bones and immunity to all poisons. When they fought in the past, they were more boastful than each other. I finally caught them in the act. I have to rely on this joke to survive for the rest of my life."

Liu Renyuan stood where he was, without moving.

"Liu Renyuan, didn't you hear what I said?"

Liu Renyuan lowered his head: "Your Majesty, I have one more thing to do. You asked me to observe the young shopkeeper Liu Xuan of the Datang Restaurant. I saw that the young shopkeeper Liu Xuan went out with a pot, and when he came back, he seemed to have an iron bucket. Later..."

"Later, there was a fragrant smell in the kitchen, and I heard that little girl and the waiter named Dazhuang playing around, talking about vegetable boxes and meat boxes..."

When Liu Renyuan spoke, his voice became more and more unclear, and his mouth was full of saliva.

In an instant, Li Shimin said righteously: "Liu Renyuan, it's just food!"

"You are the Lieutenant General of the Jinwu Guards of the Tang Dynasty, my personal guard, and the role model of countless Tang men. How can a mere desire for food make you lose your composure like this?"

"Hmph, I overestimate you."

Liu Renyuan was also aggrieved. He had been monitoring for a whole day, squatting on the wall, and his butt was cold from the wind. The key point was that the guy named Dazhuang was very alert, as if he had eyes on his back, and he would look into the corner where he was hiding when he had nothing to do.

That alone would be fine. Liu Xuan's cooking was so delicious that even if Liu Renyuan was a monk, he couldn't stand it at this moment.

At this time, even ordinary Hu pancakes, even cold ones, he felt they were delicious, not to mention the food made by the god-like cooking skills...

"Your Majesty, I know I was wrong."

Li Shimin nodded: "It is a great virtue to correct mistakes as soon as you know them."

Suddenly, Li Shimin lowered his voice and came over seriously: "Did you see the meat box and vegetable box you mentioned?"


In the Datang Restaurant, it was not yet curfew time. Dazhuang and Yaya were full and were competing in reciting the Analects in the main hall. Today, Liu Xuan corrected their misunderstanding of Confucius and severely criticized Dazhuang's misinterpretation of the saint. Then he repeatedly emphasized the correct meaning and returned to the house with satisfaction.

In the house, Liu Xuan put the charcoal fire under the stove where the ash came out. The charcoal fire was strong and it had been baking slowly for nearly an hour. If it was left to dry naturally, it would take an unknown amount of time.

Looking at the yellow mud slowly solidifying inside, Liu Xuan stretched out his hand. It was good that it was impervious to water and fire. It felt warm to the touch, and the yellow mud slowly hardened.

After tinkering for a long time, the warmth in the room floated out. When the lid on the stove was closed, there was no smell of smoke in the room. There was only the rustling sound of charcoal in the fire and the crackling sound of dry wood.

"It would be great if there was coal."

Unfortunately, the system does not sell coal.

There were hurried footsteps outside the door.

"Aye, the uncle who gets drunk after drinking one cup is here again."

There are so many people who get drunk after drinking one cup of Erguotou. Many people only drink one cup of Erguotou.

When he went out and looked, he saw Li Shimin sitting in the lobby, looking at Da Zhuang who was lying on the table counting wood grain, and occasionally giving him some pointers.

"Guest, we meet again."

Li Shimin heard Liu Xuan's voice and asked with a smile: "Little shopkeeper, what delicious food do you have today?"

"I have been busy all day and haven't eaten yet. I am waiting for your cooking skills."

Liu Xuan smiled faintly: "The Tang Dynasty Restaurant launches two new dishes every seven days. There are still a few days."

"Today is still Mapo Tofu and Dongpo Pork."

Li Shimin was not unhappy, but he was a little disappointed.

"Seven days, I will be greedy to death."

"I don't want to wait for a moment..."

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