"Old man, how is the pumpkin harvest in your acre?"

In the field, the old farmer who was happily holding the pumpkin bent down and put the pumpkin on the row cart.

"Haha, this pumpkin is twenty or thirty pounds long, don't hide from you, my acre of land will reach three or four thousand catties!" The

old farmer straightened his waist, and pointed forward with a smile:

"My wife and son and I have planted a total of five acres of land, and it is much easier to have a curved plow!"

The old farmer said that he was about to pick a watermelon, but the moment he turned back, he was suddenly stunned!


"You are the emperor!" The

old farmer continued to excitedly:

"I am Uncle Wang, you were here when you planted pumpkins!" Li

Zhiyun nodded with a smile and bent down to help him lift the pumpkin.

And the old peasant's few "emperors" made all the surrounding people react immediately

! They all happily hugged corn, carried pumpkins, and carried cut watermelons, happily approaching this side!

Suddenly, the next moment.


! Plop!

.... Everyone knelt down and said reverently


"I'll wait for the grass people to see the

emperor!" "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor!" Li

Zhiyun's expression tightened:

"Didn't you say, can you not kneel after seeing me?"

Thank you to the emperor for giving us these divine objects

!" "Thank you to the emperor for letting us eat our stomachs and live a good life!" "Thank you to the emperor for

making our peasants straighten up and live more and more dignified!"

Everyone had excited expressions and happy smiles on their faces.

Li Zhiyun also lifted them up with a smile, and warmed them up with a kind smile.

After a simple conversation, Li Zhiyun got on his horse again and headed towards Shuofang King City.

He wanted to see the little girl Wu Jie eagerly.

Along the way.

All you see is the harvest scene and the happy smiles on people's faces.

Everywhere they went, everyone knelt down reverently, full of gratitude to Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun knew that all the effort was rewarded.

Their happy smiles are the most beautiful picture in

the world! How good would it be if this were the case all over the world?

But at present, there are still many forces divided by various parties, and the outside country is eyeing the Huaxia tiger, and the internal and external troubles

must be ended as soon as possible!

He saw a familiar figure.

"Uncle Zhao, you have a total of two thousand catties of watermelon. Tang

Jian unhurriedly took out two taels of gold and handed it to Uncle Zhao.

This is equivalent to more than 20,000 yuan in the previous life

! If you calculate it this way, watermelon is ten yuan a pound!

Is this price a bit high?

Li Zhiyun patted Tang Jian's shoulder and said,

"Hey, can you sell it at this price?"

Tang Jian did not turn around, and said directly:

"Our melons sell very well, and the Da Tang, Da Liang, next to it, "

Oh, how can you be lucky so far?"

"Are you stupid, the Yellow River next to you is idle..." When

Tang Jian could not even say "what", the whole person was already stupid there!


Chu!" "Your Royal Highness King Chu, you are back!" Tang

Jian "poofed" and knelt on the ground, excitedly pulling Li Zhiyun's trousers, almost stripping Li Zhiyun naked.

"Lord Tang has worked hard, and his face is dark, but how can you do these subtle things?" asked

Li Zhiyun as he opened Tang Jian's chubby little hand.

"Weichen is not worried, but also occasionally come to see, His Royal Highness King Chu has also lost a lot of weight!" Li

Zhiyun pulled up Tang Jian, and patted the dirt on his pants by the way.

Tang Jian suddenly felt a warm current in his heart, this is a prince of a country

! He actually patted dust for himself! He

treated people so sincerely and kindly.

"Okay, you get busy first, I'm going to see my little girl!"

Li Zhiyun happily got on the horse, and when he was about to leave, Tang Jian hurriedly said loudly:

"His Royal Highness King Chu, who do you think that person is?" Li

Zhiyun looked in the direction of Tang Jian's finger, and the whole person was stunned!

I saw a little girl wearing cyan pants, a ponytail, and at first glance quite modern and fashionable, squatting in a watermelon field.

Eating watermelon with one hand and drawing circles with branches in the other.


Li Zhiyun tiptoed over and suddenly patted Wu Jiao's shoulder from behind.

I thought that Wu Jiao would jump up in shock, but I never thought that she didn't react at all, and she was still eating watermelon there.

Li Zhiyun gently patted it again, and Wu Jiao instantly pouted, and said angrily:

"Go aside! Didn't you see my sister eating watermelon?"

Can you give me a piece?"

"If you can't pick it yourself...?"


Wu Jiao stood up, took the watermelon's hand, and stopped in midair.

There seemed to be crystalline teardrops flashing in his eyes.

It glided gently down his cheek.

Wu Jiao wiped his teardrops with his small hand, and did not turn around, but said softly

: "There are so many watermelons here, why do you only want

to eat this piece in my hand?" Li Zhiyun gently hugged Wu Jiao from behind, and a gentle voice sounded in his ears:

"I don't have to eat this piece of watermelon, but the person who has to hold this piece of watermelon..."

"Mountains without edges, heaven and earth are united, only then do you dare to be with Jun Jue!"

Wu Jiao instantly turned around and buried his head in Li Zhiyun's arms:

"Brother Yun, we will never be separated again in the future, okay?"

Li Zhiyun lovingly brushed away the teardrops on Wu Jiao's cheeks and nodded solemnly.

A couple of lovers walked hand in hand in the field, the afterglow of the setting sun spilled on their faces, and the middle of their eyes facing each other formed a halo of love.

This sweet scene attracted everyone's attention.

They blessed, happy, and rejoiced in their hearts.

In the evening, the two returned to the palace.

Her mother Wan Xuanyu and many family members brought from Chang'an were already waiting at the gate of the palace early.

After receiving the news sent by Tang Jian, Wan Xuanyu personally cooked, prepared a large table of dishes, and waited for Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun instantly knelt down in front of Wan Xuanyu and asked for warmth.

"Good, good, son has worked hard all the way, hurry up!" The

black red

war horse let out a long groan, smiling at the dozens of mares that smelled around it.

Li Zhiyun patted the horse's butt, and Wuchi War Horse immediately excitedly integrated into the "Concubine Group".

He was followed by a group of adorable horse children.

Wan Xuanyu immediately took Li Zhiyun with one hand and Wu Jiao with the other, and came to the dining table.

Before he could sit down, he heard more footsteps outside, and then a group of people walked in.

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