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"Brother Chen, the roses and lavender you asked Xiao Wu to take care of have been growing very well recently. It’s just that the weather has turned cooler now, so the lavender is a little bit withered, but the roses are still blooming well.

Xiao Wu picked a rose and handed it to Xu Chen, saying with a smile:

""Hmm, it smells so good~"

Xu Chen smelled the rose scent intoxicatedly and smiled.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

"Really? Then I will plant more in the future.……"

"Hehe, although this flower is beautiful, it is still not as tempting as perfume. If you make this rose and lavender into perfume, just spray it on your body, and you will have lingering perfume all day long, and every step you take, you will be filled with the fragrance of flowers."

Xu Chen described with a smile.

As for perfume, he actually had an idea a long time ago. Which woman in this world doesn't like to smell good? The moment perfume came out, it was destined that no woman could resist its temptation!

Especially women in ancient times, because they couldn't take a bath every day, they would have some body odor, which was the most unbearable for women who loved cleanliness and beauty.

For example, Xiao Wu, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, would take a bath as soon as she had body odor even if she caught a cold. No one could stop her. Fortunately, she was a noble daughter and there were servants who would help her boil hot water. But even so, she would still have a smell when she sweated. This problem has troubled Xiao Wu for a long time.

So when she heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said:

"Perfume? Can these rose petals really be made into a fragrant perfume? Brother Chen, I want it!"

She must be the first to get such a good thing!

"Oh, don't worry, when have I ever treated my Xiao Wu badly? Once this perfume is made, you can have as many bottles as you want!"

Xu Chen said with a smile,

"Tomorrow there should be a group of female workers coming to the mansion. Then we will design some different styles of wool sweaters, and then make this perfume. Oh, and soap and bath water, these are all things we need to make."

If this batch of things can be made, it doesn't need to be a lot, just a few dozen of each, it will be enough for the noble ladies in the capital to fight for it, and earn 10,000 taels of silver, which is a very easy and pleasant thing!

"Hmm? Xiao Wu seems to have heard these words that Brother Chen said. Are these things for girls?"

Xiao Wu was a little dizzy and asked in confusion.

"What is Brother Chen going to do with this thing? Is he going to sell it?"

Even though Xiao Wu is very smart, he is still a little confused at this moment. He can't figure out what Xu Chen's intention is.

"Correct answer!"

Xu Chen snapped his fingers and said,

"We make these wool sweaters, perfumes, soaps and so on, and our target users are the noble ladies in Chang'an City! Their money should be the easiest to make in the world. When the time comes, please invite Empress Changsun to hold a banquet, and then you will host it, and we will sell it directly from the manufacturer!"

Xu Chen has already figured it out in his mind. Those duchesses, marquises, princesses and so on are all his invitations. These people are in charge of the economic power of the wealthy families. Spending a few taels of gold to buy perfume is simply a piece of cake for them.

If we organize a charity auction, the price of a bottle of perfume may reach dozens or even hundreds of taels of gold!

But don't underestimate the terrifying competitive spirit of these noble ladies!

"Let me host it? Brother Chen, aren't you afraid that Xiao Wu will mess up your party?"

Xiao Wu pointed at herself and said with a little bit of uncertainty.

After all, she was only a little girl in her teens at this time, and she had been living a happy life since she was born. After meeting Xu Chen, her life became more comfortable, so the Queen's ability had not been awakened. For Xiao Wu in this life, that kind of shrewdness and strength should not have room to play.

So, when she heard that Xu Chen was going to let her host such a large-scale banquet, she was a little embarrassed for a while, but she was not afraid in her heart. After all, that confidence came from her bones. She was fully confident that she could handle anything.

"Of course I am not afraid. I believe that our Xiao Wu has outstanding abilities. Besides, this woman's matter must be handled by you. It would be a shame for a grown man like me to get involved. By then, the whole city of Chang'an will know that the Divine Marquis Xu Chen is a sissy~"

Xu Chen touched his nose and said embarrassedly.

In fact, he was not good at dealing with those chattering women. It would be best if he could push this matter to others.


Xiao Wu couldn't stop laughing when she heard this, and a sweet feeling welled up in her heart. Many men don't let women get involved in things, believing in the idea that"women are virtuous if they have no talent". How could they want to be like her brother Chen and give her such important things to do?

Just this trust is enough to make her feel so happy.

"Well, then Xiao Wu will not embarrass Brother Chen, do the job beautifully, and make a lot of money for our family!"

Xiao Wu promised.

She doesn't care what purpose Xu Chen has for making money, and she doesn't want to ask. As long as it is something Xu Chen tells her to do, she will do it well, whether it is to make money or something else._Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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