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Most of them had low social status. When they heard that they could come to the palace to work and have a title of a non-ranking official, they almost broke their scalps to get in, even if there was no salary.

This is an official! Even if it is not a rank, it is an official that ordinary people can't reach. Once you become an official, your status will go up, and what's more, it's still your favorite craftsman career.

Therefore, everyone present had a hint of pride and pride on their faces, and they were proud to be able to enter the Datang Science and Technology Research Institute!

"Everyone, I'm afraid you haven't met me yet. I'm the founder of the Datang Research Institute and the dean here, Xu Chen."

Xu Chen sat on the armchair, looked around, and introduced himself in a relatively kind tone.

"Meet the Godly Marquis (Dean)!"

All the craftsmen bowed deeply. The reputation of the Godly Marquis Xu Chen has spread throughout Chang'an City in the past two days. Who doesn't know him? Let's not talk about anything else. Just the legend of leading 40,000 soldiers and horses, beating Jie Li Khan to beg for mercy, taking Tuli Khan's head in the midst of thousands of troops, and killing 200,000 Turkic troops is enough to make the people grateful and worship him as the God of War!

Not to mention the hybrid rice and wool processing machines that will be launched one after another. Once these two things are put into the entire market, the sensation they will cause will definitely be shocking! By then, it is no exaggeration to worship the name"Xu Chen" as a god and build a temple for him.

They are fortunate to be participants in the manufacture of wool processing machines. For Xu Chen, they naturally admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Please don't be polite. Here, I prefer you to call me the dean, even though I am a hands-off boss who doesn't care about anything."

Xu Chen waved his hand and joked. Everyone laughed and the atmosphere became much more relaxed. The reserved craftsmen also relaxed a little.

Such a high-ranking official was not as harsh as they imagined!

In fact, Xu Chen was willing to get closer to these simple craftsmen. He would not put on airs when dealing with anyone.

It is said that he is proud of his superiors but not bullying his subordinates. This is a bit similar to the character of Guan Erye.

"Today, I came here to hold our first meeting. I mainly want to say something from the bottom of my heart. I know that everyone present here is a skilled craftsman. The work in your hands is very fine and detailed. Sometimes the things you make can really benefit the people! But why is the status of craftsmen ranked second to last among the four classes of scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans? The exquisite things we make are called strange and ingenious skills?"

Xu Chen took in everyone's expressions and said in a deep voice,

"To put it bluntly, we craftsmen and people are not valued!

Why can people who are well-educated pass the imperial examinations and become officials? But our craftsmen can't do that.

No matter how good they are, they can only be said by the officials - well, it's beautiful!

In my opinion, this is unfair!

Industry is the foundation of a country.

Only when the industrial level is improved can the people's lives be prosperous and they can live and work in peace and contentment!

You, are you right?"

Xu Chen's words made all the craftsmen's faces change, because what he said hit the heart! They showed helplessness and bitterness on their faces.

Yes, a skilled craftsman, who has worked all his life, can only make a living on that meager hard-earned money no matter how exquisitely you make things or how beautifully you build a house. The key is that no one looks down on you!

People who are good at medical skills can at least become imperial doctors, and those who cook fragrant dishes can become imperial chefs, but it has never been said that those who are good at ironwork and house repair can become imperial craftsmen.

More often, in order to build beautiful houses and magnificent palaces, the lives of craftsmen are needed to fill them!

To put it bluntly, craftsmen have a low status and their lives are cheap and worthless! But what can we do about it?

Xu Chen's words were deafening to them, but when they thought about it carefully, they still felt helpless and sad. In comparison, they are considered to be doing well in the craftsman industry, and being able to enter the Datang Research Institute is also a kind of comfort.

"I saw sadness and helplessness in your expressions. I know you are suffering, so I came here. The purpose of my request to His Majesty to open the Tang Dynasty Research Institute is to improve the status of craftsmen! Every time we research something that can benefit the people and facilitate the people, we can announce it to the world, and I will take the lead and put it into production."

Xu Chen's expression was serious and earnest, and he said in a sonorous and powerful voice,

"The status of craftsmen needs to be improved! And I, Xu Chen, am your spokesperson. As long as you study the skills carefully and develop more practical tools to improve the industrial level of our Tang Dynasty, I can even ask His Majesty to set up a craftsman department specifically for you. Unlike the Ministry of Industry, this craftsman department is set up for skilled craftsmen. The more inventions you make, the higher your official position will be, and you will be able to enjoy more!"

These extremely tempting words shocked all the craftsmen present, including the children of the Mohist and Gongshu families. They fought hard just to get a position!

Now that the Divine Marquis Xu Chen has made such a promise, how can they not be excited? They all knelt on the ground and shouted with gratitude:

"Dean Xie, please vindicate our craftsmen!"

If it is really as Xu Chen said, even if they died of exhaustion on the way to the work, they would die without regrets!

"Haha, okay, everyone, get up. The future development of Datang still needs your help. I have made my promise, but whether it can develop well depends on you."

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction, told everyone to get up, and then said,

"Next, I would like to propose the motto of our college, which is"craftsmanship’!"

"After I said this, some people may ask, what is the spirit of craftsmanship? What kind of spirit does a craftsman need? Well, I will tell you now, listen carefully, it is eight words, dedication, lean, focus, innovation!"

"I hope you will think carefully about this eight-character motto, and it would be best if you can clearly plan your future research direction based on these eight characters. That's all for today, the meeting is adjourned!" After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, stood up and left, leaving only the craftsmen, who were reluctant to leave, and kept muttering:

"Craftsman spirit? Dedication, leanness, focus, innovation……"

Today is undoubtedly a day for the Tang Dynasty craftsmen to be spiritually sublimated! _Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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