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"Such a detailed blueprint, such a wonderful design, my God... Could it be that you, Lord Shen, are the reincarnation of your ancestor?"

Gongshu Yu was completely excited. The more he looked at the design, the more excited he became. He looked at Xu Chen with not only admiration, but also deep worship!

In his heart, Xu Chen's attainments have reached the same level as his ancestor Lu Ban!

"Nonsense! The design of Shen Hou's bicycle obviously uses more mechanisms. These gears and bearings are what my Mo family is good at. Even if it is a reincarnation, it must be the reincarnation of Mozi!"

After hearing what Gongshu Yu said, Mo Qu was immediately unhappy and said repeatedly.

The two argued endlessly, neither of them gave in, and they even quarreled over the childish question of"Is Xu Chen the reincarnation of Lu Ban or Mozi?", which made the people present speechless.

How can you be so eager to recognize your ancestor?……

"Ahem... Okay, okay, you don't have to be too surprised. I'm not the reincarnation of someone. I already had the design of this bicycle in my mind. Now I just presented it. It's not improvisation. What are you arguing about?"

Xu Chen coughed twice, rolled up the design in his hand, and then smiled.

"I will provide the materials needed for this bicycle. Which of your two families has the confidence to make it within seven days? Whoever has this confidence will get this precious manuscript."

Hearing this, Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu's eyes turned red!

That is the most precious manuscript, which can be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom! How could they not be tempted by this reward? They scrambled for it:

"Me! Please let me do it, Lord Shen. Even if I don't eat or sleep for seven days and seven nights, I will definitely make this bicycle for you!"

"Shen Hou, five days, I, Gong Shuyu, only need five days! After five days, this bicycle will definitely appear in front of you, I dare to guarantee it with my head!"

"Get out! I only need three days!"

"What are you bragging about? If you can do it in three days, I can do it in one day!"


The two of them were fighting over the priority manufacturing right, and Xu Chen was a little helpless, so he had to say:

"Well, well, it seems that no matter which company makes this drawing, the other company will be dissatisfied. I will not be partial. This design drawing is placed in this yard. You can make it here or here. The two companies will work together. Whoever does it faster and better will get the manuscript. How about it?"

Let them work together. This is obviously right. The two stopped fighting and said respectfully in unison:

"Good! Thank you, Lord Shen!"

In any case, with just this amazing bicycle manuscript, Xu Chen was enough to make these two arrogant people bow their heads in respect.

Until later generations, the Mo family and the Gongshu family became the top craftsman families in the Tang Dynasty. The open and secret struggles between them would never stop. They were always fighting for who was the number one craftsman family in the Tang Dynasty. But when it comes to who is the number one craftsman in the Tang Dynasty, everyone will only say that person is Lord Shen Xu Chen!

"Okay, I will give you the materials later. In addition to the necessary iron, I will also give you rubber for tires. The materials are limited. I will only give you two at most. If you fail, you will automatically quit."

Xu Chen nodded and instructed,

"In a few days, I will distribute some rubber tree seeds to plant outside Chang'an City. If bicycles and other means of transportation are mass-produced in the future, rubber will be a must. Various lacquer trees are also indispensable. How about leaving this matter to Brother Chunfeng?"

Many raw materials, whether available or not in the Tang Dynasty, need to be planted, otherwise there will be insufficient production capacity. Fortunately, there are a lot of wastelands outside the city now, and Li Shimin has given the research institute a lot of power. It can reclaim wasteland and cultivate raw materials at will, and even the iron smelting plant has been specially allocated to the research institute.

"Yes, I will start preparing immediately. You can give me a list of the raw materials you need. The imperial edict has just come from the Ministry of Personnel, allowing us to reclaim wasteland and smelt iron."

Li Chunfeng restrained his smile, bowed to Xu Chen, and said seriously.

When it comes to discussing work details, he is more serious than anyone else. As the most powerful mathematician in the Tang Dynasty, rigor and thoroughness are his characteristics. With him, even if Xu Chen didn't mention something, he would handle it properly.

Otherwise, as the deputy director of the research institute, is he just eating dry rice?

"Very good, with you here, I really save a lot of trouble! Come, everyone, sit down and have a cup of tea."

Xu Chen asked everyone to sit down, took a sip of tea casually, and said with a smile,

"After defeating the Turks, His Majesty has sent troops to collect wool. The first batch of wool will be delivered soon. Our wool processing technology has matured. In my opinion, we can expand our production capacity. This wool processing machine is our first batch of industrial products. We can't make mistakes. Moqu and Gongshuyu, while you two are researching bicycles, you must not forget this key task."

We have wool, but the processing machines are still pitifully few, far from meeting the current demand.

"Yes, Lord Shen, the descendants of our family will work day and night to produce wool processing machines!"

Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu said seriously.

Compared with the wool processing machine, which is a national treasure, the weight of a bicycle does not seem that heavy. They are still clear about this.

"Well, His Majesty has also arranged positions for me and Brother Yuan in the Garment Department. Based on the quantity of the first batch of wool, we need at least a hundred processing machines to barely support the operation. The manpower and material resources required for this will probably cost a lot of money.……"

Li Chunfeng nodded solemnly, frowning.

What he is worried about now is money!

It costs money to transport wool, right? The raw materials for the wool processing machine cost money, right? Even if the children of the Mohist and Gongshu families don't want wages, they still have to eat, right?

Operating the wool processing machine and turning wool into wool yarn is even more difficult. At least several thousand people are needed to carry out the washing and processing, and the finished or semi-finished sweaters. Before they are put into the market for profit, the cost is really terrifying!

Although Li Shimin allocated 300,000 taels of silver, the money had to be used in various places, because the wool processing industry was to cover the entire Tang Dynasty! They couldn't embezzle, and they dared not embezzle.

What to do? How to make money?! Li Chunfeng thought about this problem for the first time in his life..._

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