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"Go! After hearing what you said, how can I still have an appetite? Even if it's dragon liver and phoenix marrow, I don't want to pick up my chopsticks."

Li Shimin waved his hands, rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

He usually likes mutton and some strong spices the most. Now that Xu Chen said this, he can't eat them anymore. He has to avoid them?

That's too painful!

"That's best, I'll eat it by myself."

Xu Chen chuckled and took back the whole bowl of sweet and sour pork ribs, eating it with such relish.

Speaking of which, it was he who taught Xue Rengui how to cook this dish. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Xue Rengui's cooking skills improved so quickly. It seems that it is not unreasonable to arrange him as a"fireman" in the drama.

This kid really has some talent for cooking!

"Eat, eat, eat, you are just busy eating! As a minister, you don't care about the emperor's health, it's really treasonous!"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen's smug look and was furious, but he was not really angry, he just complained,

"Aren't you better than Dr. Sun? Why can't you think of a way to solve this"high blood pressure"? I am also suffering from this pain. For the sake of the country and society of the Tang Dynasty, there are so many things to worry about every day. These days are getting harder and harder.……"

Unconsciously, Li Shimin started to complain, and he didn't even realize that he mistook Xu Chen for Empress Changsun.

However, it's okay for a father to complain to his son.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough. I'll be frank. Your disease cannot be cured. It can only be controlled. However, it is very difficult to develop such drugs, and it requires a lot of money. The Tang Dynasty does not have the capital to develop such drugs at present."

Xu Chen waved his hand speechlessly and said concisely.

Hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, even in the future, have no cure. They can only be controlled by taking medicine, and the research and development funds for antihypertensive drugs are tens of billions of US dollars.

Even if Xu Chen has a system now, he can directly obtain the preparation process of antihypertensive drugs, but the various sterile environments and mechanical operations in the preparation process are impossible in the agricultural era.

Only when the entire Tang Dynasty completes the first industrial revolution, he will have the foundation to build a pharmaceutical factory. The wool processing machine is just the first step.

Besides, where is the money? Don't think about doing things without money!

"Then, how long do I need to wait? If it takes twenty years, I may not be able to wait any longer.……"

Li Shimin heard the dawn of hope from Xu Chen's words and asked repeatedly.

He estimated himself very accurately, because the entire Zhenguan Reign was only a year, and he was already seriously ill when he was eighteen or nineteen years old.

"That depends on whether you, Mr. Li, can give strong support. To do these things, a large amount of capital investment is needed. It is best not to take this money from the national treasury, as it will also squeeze the people's blood and sweat.……"

Xu Chen ate all the meat on the ribs and said slowly.

Li Shimin heard this and his eyes suddenly flashed. He nodded thoughtfully. He probably understood what Xu Chen meant, and that was exactly what he wanted to do.

"I said, I only want to work in the positions you gave me for five years, that is to say, within five years, I will improve the industrial level of the entire Tang Dynasty, and by then, I will give the medicine you need to Sun Simiao to develop."

Xu Chen said calmly, as if he was talking about something insignificant, but in fact, this is definitely an epoch-making event!

He wants to launch the first industrial revolution of the Tang Dynasty by himself!

"Five years? Really?……"

Li Shimin murmured. He chose to believe Xu Chen's words, and then said,

"Good! I will give you the greatest support. The treasury is empty, so I can't give you too much. For the rest, just tell me!" After communicating with Xu Chen more, he could vaguely understand"Industry"、"What does"research and development" mean? He was naturally a little excited.

He felt as if he was witnessing the advent of a new era!

"Other things? I don't think there is anything needed. The most important thing for industrialization is money, but don't worry, I will find a way to get the money myself."

Xu Chen ate the rice in the bowl and said lightly.

For him who traveled through time, it was easy to extort money from the gentry!

"That's true. I believe in your ability. You can train 38,000 miscellaneous troops into an invincible and fearless Wild Wolf Army in just a few hours. Even Li Jing and I can't do it!" Li Shimin stared at Xu Chen's face, suddenly laughed, shook his head and praised,

"And the"Sword Spirit" you mentioned, my blood is boiling when I hear it! I have decided to use this Sword Spirit as the military training of my Tang Dynasty, so that this spirit will live forever in the Tang Dynasty army!"

From this moment on, the"Sword Spirit" became the eternal belief of the Tang army. No matter how powerful the enemy is or how difficult the situation is, this spirit will always be in the hearts of the Tang people, allowing them to remain invincible!

And Xu Chen was also honored as the God of War in later generations, and he deserved to be honored in the Temple of Martial Arts! Of course, he will have many more honorific titles in the future, and this is just one of them.

The two chatted casually for a while, just like a father and son chatting about family matters, which made Li Shimin's closeness to Xu Chen continue to grow. He liked this kid more and more, and even had an absurd idea...

If this kid was my son, how good would it be? If my Tang Dynasty was handed over to Xu Chen, wouldn't it be a prosperous country and a strong country?

However, this idea only flashed in his mind for a moment, and was extinguished by him, but a seed was planted in his heart. He wanted to take Xu Chen as his adopted son and help his descendants manage the government. That seemed to be good.

"Well, it's getting late. I originally thought that you couldn't control those soldiers, so I brought Li Jing and others to help you. Now it seems that you are able to do it with ease and effortless. I was overthinking it, haha!"

Li Shimin was full and stood up, smiling at Xu Chen.

"The other old guys have gone back without worry. It's time for me to return to the palace. Lord Shen, please don't let me down.……"

"No need to send me off."

After saying that, he left the military tent and returned to the palace, leaving the military camp entirely to Xu Chen.

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