The next morning, the eunuchs from the palace arrived at Qinglong Village early and knocked on Xu Chen's door.

"His Majesty has ordered Xu Chen to come to the palace for an audience. I am here to congratulate the Marquis."

A big eunuch brought a group of young eunuchs and brought the Marquis's proper dress, pearls, seals, etc., and a waist badge for entering the palace. Several young eunuchs helped Xu Chen put on the dress. When he put on this official uniform, Xu Chen's natural noble aura came directly to him, and the leading eunuch Zhang was stunned.

In a trance, he actually saw the scene of His Majesty changing clothes!

"Thank you, eunuch. Rengui, go and get my snacks so that the eunuchs can have a rest and have some snacks."

Xu Chen was also quite satisfied with his clothes and greeted them with a smile.

Xue Rengui followed the instructions and brought a bunch of snacks from the room, which were all milk-flavored candies, sugar-roasted chestnuts, etc. Just smelling the smell made several eunuchs drool secretly.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Hou."

Eunuch Zhang took the snack, put it in his mouth and ate a piece. Suddenly his eyes lit up and his attitude became more friendly. He bowed and said

"The court meeting is about to begin, and we have to go back to the palace. If the clothes fit you, take them off and put them away. It will be in accordance with etiquette after His Majesty officially conferred the title."

After saying that, he looked at Xu Chen carefully and nodded secretly. He really has the bearing of a marquis!

"OK, I understand. I'll go right away."

Xu Chen nodded and ordered,

"Rengui, escort the eunuchs out of the village."

Eunuch Zhang nodded, and walked out of Qinglong Village accompanied by Xue Rengui. As he left the village, he stopped and solemnly instructed the eunuchs behind him:

"Listen to me, no matter what, you are not allowed to offend Lord Xu, understand?!"

A few eunuchs were secretly eating snacks. When they heard this warning, they were frightened and nodded repeatedly. One of them was a little bolder and asked:

"Eunuch Zhang, why is this happening?"

Eating Xu Chen's snacks and thinking about Xu Chen's expression just now, this should be a master who is easy to talk to.

"Humph! When have you ever seen a marquis being given a formal dress and seal before he was conferred the title? I have served His Majesty for so many years, and I have never seen such a favor from His Majesty!"Eunuch

Zhang snorted, took a piece of cake, and said,

"The title that His Majesty bestowed on this Marquis almost made me piss my pants! I remind you again, if anyone dares to neglect this Marquis in the future, hehe……"

Several eunuchs returned to the palace, and Xu Chen, wearing a formal dress, washed up and left Qinglong Village.


Outside the imperial city, people were coming and going. Officials in official uniforms filed in one after another, divided into two groups, the left was civil and the right was military, in an orderly manner.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin was still very diligent. He basically attended court every day. In the 13th year of Zhenguan, he changed the rule to once every three days. Officials above the fifth rank in Beijing had to clock in every day.

Xu Chen walked to the door and was about to enter, but was stopped by the guards.

""Stop! Who are you? Tell me your name!"

The guard shouted with a bit of ferocity.

Every day, there are countless people like Xu Chen who want to fish in troubled waters and get away with it, but they cannot escape his eyes!

"Uh... I'm here to attend court."

Xu Chen was a little puzzled, looking at those officials who could enter the palace unimpeded, and pointed,

"They can all go in, why can't I go in?"

This is discrimination, this is unfair treatment!

"Ha! You are all wearing official uniforms, and I know you all, so you can pass through. But you are dressed in plain clothes, and I don’t know you, so how can I let you in?"

The guard's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he sneered,

"So, you must not be here to attend the court. If you want to hide it from me, huh, go and practice for a few more years!"

"If you refuse to leave, I will beat you out with a stick!"

His voice was slightly raised, and some officials stopped and looked over, all with a look of amusement.

There were many such people every day, some had grievances and wanted to see the emperor, some came to make suggestions, or simply had nothing to do after eating and simply wanted to be beaten, which was also a kind of fun.

Xu Chen didn't care about those looks, and was about to take out his badge from his pocket, but was suddenly grabbed by a hand and pulled aside.

"Xu Chen! Why are you making trouble in the imperial city? This is not the place you should be now!"

Wu Shigui was furious and scolded.

"Go back quickly! The imperial examination has already started today. If you don't go to take part in the provincial examination, but hang around here and make trouble, be careful or I will tell Xiao Wu not to come to see you!"As soon as he arrived at the palace, he saw Xu Chen making trouble here. How could he not be anxious and angry! This future son-in-law is really a worry!

"My father-in-law, I……"

Xu Chen was slightly stunned and was about to explain, but when Wu Shigui heard this, his face turned even redder and he shouted in a low voice:

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who is your father-in-law? You haven't even started yet. Go back and take the exam!"

At this moment, he wanted to kick Xu Chen in the ass. What is he yelling about? If other officials heard this, how could he put his face?

He glanced at his colleagues and saw their smiling faces. His heart suddenly sank.

It's over. It seems that others have heard it.……

"I'll deal with you later!"

Wu Shigui gave Xu Chen a vicious look, then hurried into the palace to explain his lie with his colleagues.

I'm afraid today's incident will become a joke in the circle!

"What's wrong with this old Wu? Didn't he take his medicine?"

Xu Chen was confused by what Wu Shigui said. He scratched his head, took out the token from his arms, and handed it to the guard. He said,

"This is my token."

The guard originally had a look of joking, but when he saw the golden dragon-patterned waist badge, his face suddenly changed, and he knelt on one knee and said respectfully:

"I was blind and didn't know that it was the Marquis who came. I have offended you with my words. Please forgive me, Marquis!"

The owners of this token were all registered in advance in various places in the palace. As guards, they already knew the identity of Marquis Xu Chen in advance, and they knew that he was the protagonist today, so they naturally did not dare to neglect him.

To be honest, he almost regretted it in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't say anything too outrageous just now, otherwise it would be miserable!

"Ignorance is not a crime. Can I go in now?"

Xu Chen smiled. He was always generous and would not embarrass a small gatekeeper like him.

""My Lord, please."

The guard said respectfully, and he immediately let him go, and Xu Chen also entered the palace in a dignified manner.

This scene was only seen by a few officials at the back, and their eyes looking at Xu Chen suddenly changed.

I didn't expect that this was a big shot!

There are two chapters in the early morning of Monday, and the next chapter will be tomorrow morning. By the way, please vote for the evaluation

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