Li Shimin didn't say anything, and the dukes were also silent, with countless thoughts in their minds.

In the first second, they all thought of the same thing, Xu Chen was Li Shimin's illegitimate son! But the next second, they immediately rejected it.

Your Majesty is only 29 years old this year, and Xu Chen looks like he is fourteen or fifteen years old. Could it be that Your Majesty gave birth before he was 16?

Even if there is, he should have known that such a person exists. Now looking at his expression, it doesn't seem like he knew it in advance!

Besides, although Xu Chen's appearance is somewhat similar to Li Shimin, his temperament is completely different. If he is really a prince, he should have that kind of innate nobility. They didn't feel it in Xu Chen, but felt that this person was eccentric and cynical. With this reasoning, it seems to be just a coincidence. Of course, what they don't know is that Li Shimin is secretly looking for the eldest prince among the people!

Even Changsun Wuji knew very little about what happened back then. It was a secret between Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Only Yuchi Gong stared at Xu Chen with his eyes wide open, unable to speak for a long time.

At this time, Xue Rengui also brought a few porcelain bowls from the kitchen and poured a bowl of tea for several guests including Xu Chen. His tea art was very good, and everyone was dazzled.

""Everyone, please have some tea."

Xue Rengui didn't care about the atmosphere and spoke first, breaking the stagnant atmosphere in the room.

After pouring the tea, he stood beside Xu Chen, like a bodyguard, without saying a word.

"Old Li, long time no see."

Xu Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

On the day of the Xuanwu Gate Incident, the light was too dim and it was night. Li Shimin was wearing armor, so he didn't look at him carefully.

Now he looked really heroic and extraordinary, like a wise ruler! In terms of appearance, he was on par with him!

The call of"Old Li" made all the dukes tremble.

Xu Chen was the first person in the world who dared to call Li Shimin"Old Li"! They all admired his courage.

This was like touching a tiger's beard!

However, what was unexpected was that Li Shimin was not angry at all. Instead, he stared at Xu Chen for a long time, suddenly laughed heartily, stood up and saluted:

"Hahaha, it turns out that Mr. Xu Chen is the Golden Armored General, and the Golden Armored General is Mr. Xu Chen!"

"I was confused! Mr. Xu Chen saved my life, I should thank him!"

When he spoke, he no longer called him"I". This was a kind of etiquette of the emperor, a very noble etiquette! It was similar to the"demotion ceremony" that Emperor Wu of Han gave to Wei Qing.

"This, this, this, this……"

Changsun Wuji was stunned and stuttered.

He had never seen Li Shimin salute anyone! Even when he was the Prince of Qin, he only bowed to Li Yuan at most. How could he salute this kid today?!

He felt like his brain was shutting down.……

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you can’t do this!"

Fang Xuanling shouted repeatedly, his face full of panic.

The emperor can only worship the heavens, the earth, and his parents, how can he worship a mortal?! Who can bear this emperor’s worship?

All the dukes tried to dissuade him, only Yuchi Gong, with a pale face, leaned against the table and slowly walked to Xu Chen, knelt on the ground with a plop, and panted:

"Mr. Xu Chen… You have saved my life many times, just like my parents. Your Majesty has saluted you, so I, Yuchi Gong, should kowtow to you!"

As he said this, he really knelt down and kowtowed to Xu Chen!

"General Yuchi, this is unacceptable!"

Xu Chen was shocked when he saw this. He quickly stood up and helped Yuchi Gong up. He calmed him down and said silently in his heart:

"System, check Yuchi Gong's current physical condition."

This old man is so weak, but he still came to thank me in person. Xu Chen was really touched.

"Scanning, please wait……"

"Scan completed! Yuchi Gong's body functions are no different from the last physical examination. The toxins in the body have been cleared. Although the organs show signs of premature aging, they are still functioning normally. As long as the required energy is replenished in time, they will be fine! The system can make an exception and give him the RE001 type nutritional pill to help him recover in advance."

As the system's voice came, a green sugar pill appeared in Xu Chen's pocket, which looked similar to rainbow candy.

The system is usually very stingy with these strengthening potions and nutritional pills. Even if Xu Chen wants them, he has to apply for them. It is indeed an exception to give one to an outsider.

"Old General, I have a sugar pill here. You will feel much better after taking it."

Xu Chen gave the RE001 nutrient pill to Yuchi Gong, and then told Xue Rengui,

"Rengui, get some boiled water for the old man to take medicine."

Xue Rengui nodded immediately after hearing this, took a bowl of boiled water from the kitchen, and gave the green sugar pill to Yuchi Gong.

Strangely enough, Yuchi Gong took the sugar pill for only a breath, and his face flushed. After the flush, it turned back to a light red color, and became a normal person's face!

All the nutrients and energy needed by Yuchi Gong's body were greatly replenished at this moment, which was equivalent to three months of recuperation!

Now, he seemed to have directly recovered to the state before the Xuanwu Gate Incident. The whole person's spirit and energy were all back. With a glance of his tiger eyes, he was the first fierce general of the Tang Dynasty again!

He even felt that he was several years younger.……


Cheng Yaojin and others praised. Yuchi Gong's body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, which made people sigh at the magic of Xu Chen's medical skills!

Now, they all felt a little itchy in their hearts and wanted the green pill too.

"Thank you Mr. Xu Chen for the medicine!"

Yuchi Gong clasped his fists and bowed respectfully to Xu Chen, feeling excited.

The feeling of being so weak that he couldn't get out of bed was too uncomfortable for him. It was better to feel full of strength!

"Well, I only have one pill of this medicine left. It is too difficult to refine. It was passed down by my master, so you must cherish it."

Xu Chen glanced at everyone and smiled and warned.

The implication was: Don't try to get this thing now that it's gone!

"Yuchi Jingde must take a rest and recuperate, and dare not go against Mr. Xu Chen's wishes."

Yuchi Gong was moved and respected Xu Chen even more, but his lively personality also recovered as his body got better. He said proudly,

"Everyone, let me introduce my savior. This is the young man in golden armor that your majesty has been looking for for a long time in the world!"

When these words came out, the dukes were shocked again. They didn't know how many times they had been shocked today, but this time was definitely the biggest one.

On the day of the Xuanwu Gate Incident, the golden-armored general who turned the tide and saved the building from collapse, the god of war who could fight against 5,000 imperial guards alone, was the young man in front of them?!

They were dizzy, they were dizzy...

Thank you all for the school beauty and evaluation votes...

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