The fire in the yard was warm. Xu Chen tore off a shiny, golden and plump lamb leg from the grill and put it in his mouth to chew it, his mouth full of oil.

After eating the heavy-flavored roasted whole lamb, he took out a few pieces of mutton from the clear soup pot. The tastes of the two alternated and collided back and forth in the mouth.

Although there were no rich sauces in the 21st century, just adding some salt and some ordinary spices, the taste of these two lambs was absolutely delicious!

After eating two lamb legs and a few pieces of mutton, and finally taking some mutton offal into the soup, Xu Chen's stomach was already round and round. He could only drink a bowl of mutton soup at most. His stomach could no longer hold anything. On the other hand, Xue Rengui was still feasting there, with a lamb leg in his left hand and a piece of mutton in his right hand. He didn't even have time to wipe the oil off his mouth, and he was chewing there.

Not only did he eat a lot, he also ate fast! In just half an hour, he had already gnawed the whole roasted lamb until only the bones were left!

After a burp, he shifted his attention to the mutton in the pot, then looked at Xu Chen who was resting on the haystack, and then looked at the mutton again, his eyes were extremely tangled...

Although he was a little full, to be honest, he hadn't eaten enough.

"I can't eat anymore, don't waste it, eat as much as you can."

Xu Chen stretched, burped comfortably, and ordered.

For him, eating mutton is just for the sake of novelty and to satisfy his appetite.

After tasting it, he lost interest. After all, he had never felt hungry in his past life or this life.

But Xue Rengui is different. He is used to being hungry and afraid of being hungry! After eating this meal, he doesn't know where the next meal will come from! Eat as much as you can, this is his truest thought in his heart.

"Thank you Mr. Xu……"

Xue Rengui was moved when he heard this. He sat down beside the pot without saying anything and took out all the mutton. As he ate, tears came out of his eyes. He cried while eating, and ate while crying. He had swallowed all the mutton, and took out all the mutton offal, and drank a big mouthful of soup!

Now, his stomach was finally bloated and he couldn't eat anymore. At the same time, he couldn't stop crying and burst into tears.

"Poor baby.……"

Xu Chen shook his head and sighed.

Even in the Tang Dynasty, which was later called a prosperous era, the vast majority of people could not eat enough. Although it was much better than the war-torn era, it was definitely not happy.

How can you be happy if you can't eat enough and wear warm clothes?

It seems that if you want to make the people of the Tang Dynasty happy, you have to develop productivity, and technology is the primary productivity!

Since he has the system and such a noble bloodline, he should not stand idly by. What he should do is to vigorously develop the technology of the Tang Dynasty. Just as Xu Chen was thinking, Xue Rengui suddenly knelt in front of Xu Chen with a plop. He kowtowed three times in a row before he stood up, wiped his tears, and said excitedly:

"Mr. Xu, thank you for letting Rengui have a full meal. I will never forget your kindness! If you have any dirty or tiring work to do, just let Rengui do it. Let alone these, even if I have to go through fire and water, I will never blink an eye!"

A drop of water should be repaid with a spring! What's more, the gift of a sheep? Here with Xu Chen, he felt a warmth he had never felt before. Xu Chen treated him like a father treats his son, which moved him deeply.

"Oh? Really?"

Xu Chen stood up and looked at Xue Rengui who was kneeling on the ground, and asked with a smile.

This was exactly what he wanted! This kid was really kind-hearted. If you invited him to have a good meal, he would go through fire and water for you. Such a hero is really rare. If you see one, you should cultivate one.

"As long as Mr. Xu doesn't despise me, Rengui is willing to follow me till death!"

Xue Rengui knelt on the ground, his eyes looking directly at Xu Chen, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice.

His intuition told him that Mr. Xu Chen in front of him was definitely a person worthy of loyalty. Good birds choose trees to inhabit, and Xu Chen was his choice!

"Good! In that case, I will accept you as my apprentice and teach you the unique martial arts and military tactics. In the future, you must serve the country and defend the Tang Dynasty, understand?"

Xu Chen ordered with a serious expression.

He originally wanted to accept Xue Rengui as a family general, but that would show too much distinction between the superior and the inferior. It would be closer to accept him as a disciple.

This is his first apprentice, and he must make him into a peerless jade!

"Master, please accept my greetings!"

Xue Rengui's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard the words"peerless martial arts and military tactics". Without the slightest hesitation, he bowed down and kowtowed three times and nine times, just like a pilgrim.

"Well, there is no complicated etiquette in our sect, this is enough. Now we have the status of master and apprentice. If anyone bullies you in the future, just tell me and the master will definitely stand up for you!"

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction and said casually,

"Go, clean up the yard, stay here for today, if you need anything, tell the master."


Xue Rengui said nothing and started to get busy in the yard. He first cleaned the barbecue grill and the big pot and put them away, threw the sheep bones on the ground to feed the neighbor's dog, and then cleaned the yard. After sorting the wool, he also cleaned the house.

The whole yard was brand new!

The more Xu Chen looked, the more satisfied he was. With Xue Rengui, a free laborer, he could finally get rid of the complicated housework. It was great!

That night, a bed and a quilt were arranged in the house, so Xue Rengui could sleep there.

After a while, in the dark, Xue Rengui suddenly sat up and said:

"Master, what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Let's go to bed first."

He said"oh", and after a while, he spoke again:

"Master, the sheep is gone, what are we going to eat tomorrow?"

"Let's see tomorrow, go to bed quickly!"

Xue Rengui said"oh" again, and after a while, he spoke again! He only heard him weakly ask:

"Then Master, tomorrow...can I have enough food?"

Xu Chen:"……!!!"

"Go to sleep! If you don’t go to sleep, I won’t give you food tomorrow!!!"

With Xu Chen’s roar, the world finally became quiet, and the two of them soon fell into a deep sleep.

Xue Rengui slept, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a hint of smile, as if he had a good dream...

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