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It was Xu Chen who turned the tide and saved the collapsing building!

Therefore, when he announced his name, everyone was shocked. Whether it was the jailer or the other prisoners, they all looked at Xu Chen with surprise in their eyes.

It turned out that the person in front of him was the famous legendary Marquis Xu Chen!

"Yes, yes, it is rumored that the Divine Marquis is a teenager, only fourteen or fifteen years old, and looks exactly like you... and you."

Old Yu murmured, and the frequency of his blinking began to increase, which showed that his heart had been greatly shaken!

Various thoughts were intertwined in his mind, and suddenly he knelt down on the ground, crying loudly, begging:

"I beg Lord Shen Hou to avenge Yu Jian! I am willing to do everything for Lord Shen Hou, even if it means going through fire and water!"

He was like a drowning man who grabbed the last straw. Since there was a glimmer of hope, he would try his best to fight for it.

Anyway, he had already put life and death aside. The only thing he wanted to do was to take revenge on the Cui family, or even destroy the Cui family!

Originally, this was an impossible thing to do, so he also planned to die and never have any troubles again, but he didn't expect that Xu Chen would show up halfway, which made everything seem to have a turn for the better!

"Get up. I chose to help you not only because your situation is pitiful, but also because I appreciate your ability."

Xu Chen ordered the jailer to open the door of the cell and release Lao Yu, then asked,

"Just now I heard them say, you studied medicine? Tell me, what was your idea when you dismembered the body? I want to hear it."

Xu Chen is not a pushover. He planned to help Lao Yu after hearing his tragic story. There are two reasons why he wanted to help him.

First of all, the aristocratic families are the targets of the royal family. There is a confrontation between the two sides. The royal family also wants to get rid of the Guanlong Group and the Five Surnames and Seven Families as soon as possible to consolidate their power. Therefore, taking action against the Cui family can be regarded as a common interest. Even if there is no Lao Yu, Xu Chen will have to remove these unstable obstacles in the future.

Secondly, he was attracted by Lao Yu's character and ability. He studied medicine and did things like dismembering corpses. He also had experience ahead of others in anatomy. At the same time, the most important point is that he is very calm and has a stable and strong heart.

This is the quality of a mature surgical doctor!

If he can be subdued, it can be regarded as introducing a rare talent to the anatomy specialty of Datang Medicine. Now is a time when there is a lack of talents. Xu Chen is thirsty for talents!

This is why he chose to release Lao Yu.

"Uh... the idea of dismembering the body?"

Old Yu was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Xu Chen to ask about this matter, but he didn't hesitate. He just thought about the details at that time and then spoke.

"I was thinking, why was Cook Ding able to butcher an ox? That was because he had figured out the bone patterns of an ox and could follow the patterns to butcher an ox. It would be very easy to butcher an ox. So, is it the same for humans?"

"Later I found that there are indeed similarities. Skin, flesh, tendons, bones, membranes, internal organs and other objects can actually be perfectly separated without having to chop and cut them hard to make a bloody mess. At that time, I was thinking, if a person's bones are broken, and a similar artificial bone is made to press on him, can he regain mobility?"

While talking, Lao Yu smiled embarrassedly and explained:

"After all, I had been a barefoot doctor for several years, and I thought about curing illnesses and saving lives, but I didn't realize that I was doing something cruel and horrible at the time."

As the saying goes, a doctor's heart is kind. If it weren't for the huge stimulation caused by his wife's humiliation, he would never have done such a thing with his character.

"Haha, you said it very well! As of now, you can be ranked in the top three in the entire Tang Dynasty who can think like this!"

Xu Chen laughed and patted Lao Yu's shoulder happily, saying,

"You are a good candidate for being a surgeon! I hope you can join my Datang Research Institute and become a member of the Medical Museum. The current director is my senior brother Sun Simiao. If you go, I will arrange for you to be the deputy director!"

It is rare to have a talent in anatomy, so we can't waste his talent. Anyway, we can appoint as many deputy directors as we want. Honor is greater than power, so he can appoint them at will.

"Sun Simiao... Dr. Sun? He, he is actually the director of your medical center? He is the god in my heart!"

After hearing what Xu Chen said, Old Yu's expression suddenly thawed, and he bowed repeatedly,

"I dare not, I dare not, Doctor Sun is the director of the medical center. What qualifications do I have to be his deputy? I only need to ask the Lord of God to grant me the status of a medical staff. I dare not ask for anything else!"

In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao is the idol of all medical practitioners! His reputation spread throughout the Tang Dynasty, and is known to everyone, even more famous than Xu Chen now.

This is the reputation that can only be accumulated after practicing medicine for fifty or sixty years! And he himself has indeed devoted himself to medical research. He is not ashamed to ask questions from others, and is even willing to worship Xu Chen, who was still unknown at the time, as his teacher to learn surgical skills.

This spirit of learning and progress deserves respect from everyone. Xu Chen is not surprised at all by Old Yu's appearance.

"What? Don't you want to accept my appointment?"

Xu Chen looked at Lao Yu with interest and said with a deliberately stern face.

Lao Yu was frightened when he heard this and bowed repeatedly:

"I dare not, Yu Jian dare not go against the Marquis's wishes, but……"

""Okay! No need to just say that. Since I appointed you, I have my reasons. What does it have to do with you?"

Xu Chen interrupted the nonsense he was about to say and waved his hand.

"Cui He raped your wife, and you killed him, but according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, this crime is not punishable by death! I guess there must be Cui family members behind this, right? This marquis hereby orders that from now on, you are free! Take the remaining money you have, find a hotel to stay in, and I will send someone to find you in a few days!"

Not to mention according to ancient laws, even according to the laws of the 21st century, this kind of situation is not punishable by death. At most, you will be sentenced to ten or eight years, and the most serious is life imprisonment!

In ancient times when ethics and morality were valued, this crime could be punished even more leniently. It was the dismemberment that had a bad impact, but Xu Chen felt that it was excusable.

Let him go, and the Cui family can come and make trouble for him if they have the guts!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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