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Chen was quite confident about his speech, because if he were a death row inmate, he would probably agree to donate his body. He was guilty of a heinous crime while alive, but he could make amends after death, which could be regarded as a perfect ending to his life.

Indeed, his words were very contagious, and the discussion of dozens of death row inmates gradually sounded, and they all said:

"Dedicating oneself to medicine... Doesn't this mean that one will be disemboweled after death? It seems a bit scary."

"Yes, this is more terrible than whipping a corpse! I don't want to do that. I have to keep my body intact and not let them cut it up at will!"

"Well, that's not the case. I also have to think about my wife and children at home... If it's really like what this gentleman said, and it can benefit my descendants, wife and children, then I'm still willing to do it. It can be regarded as some compensation for them."

"Well, I am willing too. I have committed many sins in my life and have done many things that I shouldn't have done. It is not too much for me to be whipped. Let them take me for research. In this way, I will die without regrets."

Their opinions were divided into two groups. About ten people expressed opposition and were unwilling to be dissected, while another ten or so expressed their willingness to do so. Some people remained silent and did not speak. After all, the matter of donating one's body was a serious matter and it was not so easy to decide.

"I could have proposed to His Majesty that after the execution of the death row prisoners, the bodies of you should be handed over to me for disposal. After all, you have committed heinous crimes, and it is reasonable to use your bodies for medical research. No one can say anything. Little do they know that the people are willing to eat your flesh alive!"

After listening to their discussion, Xu Chen had an idea in his mind and said seriously,

"However, the Tang Dynasty is a benevolent and righteous country, and this marquis has to respect your opinions. After all, although the death row prisoner deserves to die, his human rights cannot be deprived! This is why I am here to discuss this with you. If you don't agree, that's fine. I won't force it."

This is originally a matter of one willing to fight and the other willing to be beaten. If you force others, he will also have a psychological burden. The key is not to set this precedent.

In later generations, when anatomy was just emerging in Europe, the price of fresh corpses was hyped up very high. There were even people who specialized in killing people and selling corpses. A complete corpse could be sold for hundreds of pounds!

This is obviously immoral and unethical! If anatomy needs this to make progress, Xu Chen would rather not study it!

He is now setting his own moral benchmark for this discipline. All donations of bodies must be agreed to by the parties involved, and a consent form must be signed, and preferential treatment must be given. In this way, it is reasonable and legal.

"I do."

When no one expressed their opinion, Lao Yu suddenly raised his hand and said with a faint smile,

"It's just a shell. How can I benefit the country if I keep it? Then you can take it! I don't need any of the three conditions you mentioned. Leave it to someone else."

He had no psychological pressure. Secondly, he was a widower with no descendants. Thirdly, he didn't seek fame or wealth. This was pure dedication!

"Lao Yu, are you really willing? This is about your own body, don't you need to think about it for a while?"

Xu Chen looked at him, and somehow, he always felt a little pity in his heart. His intuition told him that this Lao Yu was definitely a talent.

However, he killed and dismembered the body, which was indeed a bit serious. Moreover, he had already confessed his crime, which meant that he had no injustice. In this way, even Xu Chen would find it difficult to say anything.

"Yes, I don't need to think about it anymore. If you need me to sign, then bring me paper and pen."

Old Yu shrugged and said casually, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

However, he was doing something that would go down in history... the first person in the entire Tang Dynasty to donate his life for medical research!

After he made this statement, the other people who wanted to donate could no longer sit still and raised their hands and said:

"I am also willing to donate! I just want my family to live a better life……"

"Count me in, I’ve done something that will be remembered forever!"

"I will donate as well, just to make up for my sins.……"


Under the leadership of Lao Yu, more than ten people stood up and were willing to sacrifice their lives. Some people were watching and thinking, and seemed to have such intentions. This surprised Xu Chen.

Unexpectedly, these death row prisoners had such high ideological awareness. He originally thought that if they were unwilling, he would pay out of his own pocket and give them some benefits. Now it seems that there is no need for this. These three conditions are good enough!

""Okay, okay, you guys go register your names with the jailer later, and I'll send you a confirmation letter. During this period, if you want to regret it, that's fine, but once you sign the confirmation letter, even if you regret it later, there's nothing you can do. I will strictly enforce the contract, so you'd better think about it in the next two days."

Xu Chen counted the heads, there were about fifteen of them, nodded with satisfaction, and said,

"The basic construction of Tang Dynasty anatomy depends on you all!"

With these people's donations, plus the anatomy books and theories given by the system, it is enough to solve some basic surgical difficulties. Today, it is really worth the trip!

"Thank you, sir, for giving us this opportunity."

More than a dozen people bowed deeply to Xu Chen, and said sincerely, maybe for others, this is still something they are reluctant to do, but for them, it is a great thing, solving a problem that they may not be able to solve until they die!

This alone is enough to make them grateful to Xu Chen.

"You're welcome. I also want to thank you for your sacrifice. Even if you have done something wrong before, this glorious sacrifice is a great achievement. Mistakes will not be covered by merits, but merits will not be erased by mistakes. I hope you can understand what I mean."

Xu Chen nodded, bowed to these people, and turned to the others who did not express their opinions.

"As for you, I also hope that you will think about it carefully. This is indeed a major matter that deserves careful consideration. I hope that after a calm analysis, you can make the decision that you think is the most correct."

"Okay, everyone go back. I called you all here today, and I'm sorry to bother you all to listen. I'll pay for your extra meal later."

Treat these people as well as possible, and you may get unexpected surprises.

After all, every signed confirmation is a source of motivation for the advancement of anatomy!_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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